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  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    147,95 kr.

    Yoga Science is an ancient Indian discipline that traces its roots back five thousand years to the Vedas, a collection of texts authored by Vedvyas during the Treta Yuga. The essence of Yoga is elucidated within these sacred scriptures, which form part of the Sanatana Dharma and encompass the 4 Vedas, 18 Puranas, and 108 Upanishads. Within the Vedic teachings, the definition of Yoga is expounded. Furthermore, the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali, known as Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, outline the principles of leading a righteous life. These sutras encompass eight limbs enables the awakening of mudras, bandhas, and chakras within the physical body, leading to various health benefits.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    884,95 kr.

    Yoga Science is an ancient Indian discipline that traces its roots back five thousand years to the Vedas, a collection of texts authored by Vedvyas during the Treta Yuga. The essence of Yoga is elucidated within these sacred scriptures, which form part of the Sanatana Dharma and encompass the 4 Vedas, 18 Puranas, and 108 Upanishads. Within the Vedic teachings, the definition of Yoga is expounded. Furthermore, the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali, known as Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, outline the principles of leading a righteous life. These sutras encompass eight limbs, namely: (i) Yama, (ii) Niyama, (iii) Asana, (iv) Pranayama, (v) Pratyahara, (vi) Dharana, (vii) Meditation, and (viii) Samadhi. The practice of these eight limbs enables the awakening of mudras, bandhas, and chakras within the physical body, leading to various health benefits. The book explains in a simplified manner how one can cultivate virtuous living by channeling vital energy through the use of mudras, bandhas, and chakras from the Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    894,95 kr.

    Yoga Science is an ancient Indian discipline that traces its roots back five thousand years to the Vedas, a collection of texts authored by Vedvyas during the Treta Yuga. The essence of Yoga is elucidated within these sacred scriptures, which form part of the Sanatana Dharma and encompass the 4 Vedas, 18 Puranas, and 108 Upanishads. Within the Vedic teachings, the definition of Yoga is expounded. Furthermore, the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali, known as Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, outline the principles of leading a righteous life. These sutras encompass eight limbs, namely: (i) Yama, (ii) Niyama, (iii) Asana, (iv) Pranayama, (v) Pratyahara, (vi) Dharana, (vii) Meditation, and (viii) Samadhi. The practice of these eight limbs enables the awakening of mudras, bandhas, and chakras within the physical body, leading to various health benefits. The book explains in a simplified manner how one can cultivate virtuous living by channeling vital energy through the use of mudras, bandhas, and chakras from the Muladhara Chakra to the Sahasrara Chakra.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    172,95 kr.

    योग दर्शन मुख्यतः दो अस्तित्वो के समन्वय का शाब्दिक अर्थ है और योग शब्द के भी दो अर्थ हैं पहला संयुक्त और दूसरा समाधि। इसकी उद्भूति ईसा पूर्व दूसरी शताब्दी में महर्षि पतंजलि के योगसूत्र से हुयी एवं उत्पत्ति संस्कृत के मूल शब्द युज (YUJA) से हुयी है। युज का अर्थ है - एक दूसरे को मिलाना या एकजुट करना । महर्षि पतं]जलि के योग को राजयोग या अष्टांग योग कहा जाता है। उक्त आठ अंगों (1)यम (2)नियम (3)आसन (4)प्राणायाम (5)प्रत्याहार (6)धारणा (7)ध्यान (8) समाधि में ही सभी तरह के योग का समावेश हो जाता है । मानव भौतिक अनुप्रयोग और यौगिक ध्यान के तकनीकों का उपयोग करके मुक्ति प्राप्त कर सकता है, और इस प्रकार मनुष्य प्रकृति से अलग हो जाता है । परन्तु जब तक आप अपने को खुद से नहीं जोड़ेंगे, समाधि तक पहुंचना मुश्किल होगा। प्राचीन योग, हमें ज्ञान को जानना और प्रयोग करना, सरल अपितु गहन योग सिद्धांतों (यम और नियम) के बारे में बताता है, जो हमारे लिए एक खुशहाल एवं स्वस्थ जीवन का सार बन सकता है। 'संतोष' सिद्धांत (नियम) जीवन में तृप्त रहने के तथा 'अपरिग्रह' सिद्धांत लालच एवं आसक्ति भावना से होने वाली चिंता, व्याकुलता एवं तनाव से मुक्त करने में मदद करता है। 'शौच' सिद्धांत मानसिक एवं शारीरिक शुद्धि के बारे में बताता है। यह नियम विशेष रूप से आपकी तब सहायता करता है जब आपको संक्रामक रोगों से पीड़ित हो जाने के डर से व्याकुलता हो ।

  • af Bharat Raj Singh, Satish Kumar Singh & Dharmenndra Singh
    498,95 kr.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    137,95 kr.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh & Satish Kumar Singh
    382,95 - 469,95 kr.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    389,95 kr.

    The vibration of Heat Exchange Tubes due to hydrodynamic fluid coupling is an international problem for Nuclear fuel assemblies etc. on account of frequent failure of Heat exchanger tube, which causes not only expensive repair but a great loss to the plant. Thus, several studies in this field have been made so far. But here, a study of three circular cylindrical tubes in a liquid is done on the analytical approach. The author also describes the various parameters for maximum efficiency of heat transmission from Heat Exchanger¿s, which is defined as; nH=F (G/R, V) = Heat transmission efficiency of the heat exchanger, where G=gap between two adjoining tubes, R= Radius of cylindrical tubes (if considered of same diameters) and V= fluid flow velocity and geometry of tubes. The relations amongst the above parameters are yet to derive to solve this problem.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    157,95 kr.

    From the mythological period till today, the practice of worshiping God with dedication and conscience, along with the use of herbs to remove any ill-health or incurable diseases, is going on as a general activities in the Indian Public domain. Have we tried to know carefully on this- whether it gives only satisfaction to the mind or does it have any scientific basis? In this connection, i). what are the benefits of the transfer of energy in the physical body and the energy generated from it (aura), ii). what remains effective in some area, other than the body, iv).what is called pranic energy and v). what are its benefits, has been mentioned in the book.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh, Satish Kumar Singh & Sunil Ji Garg
    102,95 kr.

  • - How to Sharpen the Memory ?
    af Bharat Raj Singh & Satish Kumar Singh
    142,95 kr.

  • - Realities, Impacts Over Ice Cap, Sea Level and Risks
    af Bharat Raj Singh
    2.027,95 kr.

    The Earth is the only planet in our solar system that supports life. The complex process of evolution occurred on Earth only because of some unique environmental conditions that were present: water, an oxygen-rich atmosphere, and a suitable surface temperature. Climate change refers to a statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period (typically decades or longer). Thus, it requires field of attention towards reduction in the rise in atmospheric temperature, by controlling emitted greenhouse gases into the atmosphere in order to preserve natural resources and by introducing new technologies on alternative fuels.This book presents the fundamental effect on the origin of climate change, impacts over ice cap, melting of Arctic ice, rise in sea level and related technologies that can be implemented to cultivate our land for agriculture, growing forestation to reduce the impact of temperature rise and disaster on human being as well as on other livelihood. This also need to strive for novel policies that world leader should adopt.

  • - Causes, Impacts and Remedies
    af Bharat Raj Singh
    1.512,95 kr.

    Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. It is becoming clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. Whatever the uncertainties of climate models are, mankind has to strive very fast toward reduction in the huge amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in order to preserve natural resources and living organisms by introducing new advances on alternative fuels and other related technologies. This book presents the state-of-the-science fundamentals on the origin of Global Warming. The aim of the book is to create awareness among the energy engineers, academicians, researchers, industry personnel and society as a whole to help to stop the impact of climate change. In this book, chapters received from various authors are placed in three sub- sections - Causes of Global Warming, Impacts / Threats / Consequences of Global Warming and Remedies to the Global Warming.

  • - Impacts and Future Perspective
    af Bharat Raj Singh
    1.767,95 kr.

    Global Warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue being faced by world leaders. Thus, it requires field of attention for many modern societies, power and energy engineers, academicians, researchers and stakeholders. The so-called consensus in the past century anthropogenically induced Global Warming, has recently been disputed by rising number of climate change panelists. Whatever the uncertainties of climate models are, mankind has to strive towards reduction in the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere in order to preserve natural resources and living organisms by introducing new advances on alternative fuels and other related technologies.This book presents the state-of-the-science fundamentals on the origin of Global Warming and other related technologies that can be implemented to reduce human impact as well as to present novel policies that world leader should adopt. In this book, chapters received from various authors are placed in three sub- sections in a sequential and easy manner so as to strive an appropriate balance between breadth and depth of coverage of various topics.

  • af Bharat Raj Singh
    741,95 kr.

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