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Bøger af Bob Hoffman

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  • - Keep Fit, Stay Trim
    af Bob Hoffman
    152,95 kr.

    The York Abdominal Course is the classic exercise course originally written by Bob Hoffman, the founder of the York Barbell Company. In contains vintage photos of Bob Hoffman, as well as Golden Age iron game weightlifters and bodybuilders, such as John Grimek and Eugene Sandow. There are 2 complete abdominal courses laid out in detail, including the original illustrations from the rare wall chart that came with the original printing (now included as an exclusive final page). This time-honored manual includes 24 exercises, both bodyweight type and advanced exercises with weights. Includes the namaskur, commonly called the "Hindu Push-up" today. This edition has been adapted by Roger LaPointe, President of Atomic Athletic and the former Olympic Weightlifting Advisor of the York Barbell Company.

  • - For adults, kids, boys and girls. 30 beautiful illustrations of Dogs to color ( huskies, pitbulls, pugs, golden retrievers, Chihuahuas... and more)
    af Bob Hoffman
    96,95 kr.

    30 Beautiful and well designed Dog pages for young and adults to color and have fun ★ the coloring pages provide many hours of coloring and fun.★ Each day you can pick a different dog of your chosen and color it.★Each Dog is different, no duplicates.★ the pages are single sided, so you don't have to worry about unwanted results when using an ink pen.★this book makes a great gift for young and adults, boys and girls.

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    142,95 kr.

    "Being a gallery of pictures and biographies of old time strong men." - Bob Hoffman Visit our website and see our many books at

  • af Bob Hoffman
    529,95 kr.

    ""You Can Live Longer"" by Bob Hoffman is a comprehensive guide to living a healthier and longer life. The book draws from scientific research and practical experience to provide readers with actionable tips and advice on how to improve their physical and mental well-being. It covers a range of topics, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep. The author also emphasizes the importance of social connections and having a sense of purpose in life. Throughout the book, Hoffman provides real-life examples and success stories to illustrate the effectiveness of his recommendations. Whether you're looking to make small changes to your lifestyle or overhaul your entire approach to health, ""You Can Live Longer"" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in living a longer, healthier life.Ten-Twenty-Thirty Years Longer.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    172,95 kr.

    "Broad shoulders are the most outstanding characteristic of a real man. Throughout the ages, broad, well muscled shoulders have constantly been admired. Proof of this is the fact that all men wear coats with padded shoulders. The advice and instruction this book offers will assure for you a broad, manly pair of shoulders, if you exercise as instructed. This is by far the most complete book ever written on the development of the shoulders. It will provide the answer to those thousands of body builders who seek the ultimate in strength and development. If you already have good shoulders, the instruction in this book will aid you to obtain still more impressive ones, and if you are a beginner, it will help you build a pair of broad, wide sweeping shoulders which will make your appearance more impressive, make you stronger, more forceful, more capable and confident." -Bob Hoffman This is a 6" by 9" original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Bob Hoffman's 1946 classic. The text remains exactly as written. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • - 50 pages de dessins uniques en grand format. livre de coloriage pour adultes et enfants, les filles et les garçons. cahier de coloriage des Chiens
    af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

    50 pages de dessins uniques en grand format

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    157,95 kr.

    "Few men grow to manhood without at some time during their early life passing through a period when their greatest desire is to be a strong man. They may know some man who is especially strong and wish to be like him. They may have visited the circus or the theatre and seen a powerful man who is their ideal. For at least a period they are filled with a desire to emulate the deeds of their temporary hero. There is no subject quite as fascinating to most young men as the subject of strength and development. The principal source of their conversation may be the deeds of their favorite athletic hero: a baseball player such as Babe Ruth or Joe DiMaggio; a football player like Biggie Goldberg, the great Pittsburgh halfback, or Ernie Nevers, the Pacific Coast fullback star of a few years ago; it may be George O'Brien of the movies, or one of the series of movie Tar- zans-Buster Crabbe, Johnny Weismuller, or Glen Morris. But the strength of the man is what they really admire, for it was strength and development more than any other physical or mental characteristic which made these men stars of the playing field or the movies. If you wish to prove my assertion that strength is more admired or talked about than any other subject among young fellows, start a discussion among your friends about strong men. Just tell your friends that a relative of yours, or some other friend or acquaintance, is certainly the strongest fellow in town, and then listen to the outbursts of rhetoric ..." -Bob Hoffman This is a 6" by 9" original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Bob Hoffman's 1940 classic. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • - And How To Develop Them, (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    152,95 kr.

    "I remember another day I was standing among a crowd of people on the streets of York as a circus parade was passing. Several men called out from the circus wagons, 'Hey, guy, you with the muscles, or you with the big arms! What are you, a wrestler? Come out to the circus and see us. We want to talk to you.' Out of a crowd of some thousands of people they saw the Grimek arms, and it didn't take such sharp eyes to see them either, for they are most conspicuous. Hundreds of similar experiences have proven that people -the body builders and the uninitiated alike - like, crave for and admire big arms. In my opinion the arms are not nearly as important as other muscle groups of the body - not more than one-tenth as strong as the legs or the back; but people always have and always will prefer big arms. Might as well try to transform night into day as change the opinion that the strength of a man is denoted by the size and development of the arms. Everyone wants big arms. And this book is my Answer to that desire. It is the most complete arm development book ever offered to the strength and development-seeking public. It contains more good, tried and proven, result- producing exercises, and a great many others which are completely new or little known, than have ever been included in a single volume." - Bob Hoffman

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    162,95 kr.

    "The man with a big chest almost without exception is superhealthy, usually healthy in proportion to the size of his chest. There are exceptions to all rules, but the man with the biggest chest should be, and most often is, healthiest because of the size of his chest; while the man with just big arms or broad shoulders is not necessarily healthy on account of them, but usually is healthy because the exercises which made possible his development have built a big chest and unusual internal strength too. As we will consider farther on in the chapters on anatomy, the upper chest contains a large part, a highly important part, of the vital organs-the heart and the lungs, in particular; and in the lower part of the chest, the stomach, liver, kidneys and spleen, as well as many important glands. When a man possesses a large, roomy chest box, there is plenty of space for these organs to develop, to increase in size, with a simultaneous increase in internal .strength and vigor." - Bob Hoffman

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    132,95 kr.

    "Bob Hoffman had an ordinary beginning physically, he proved his interest in and knowledge of athletics in winning well over 500 athletic trophies, he has proved his knowledge of body building by reaching the top of the physical training world, he's the world's leading physical director, the author of a dozen popular books, editor of "Strength and Health" magazine, the world's leading physical training magazine. When you follow one of his courses you can be sure that you follow the best instruction which can be had. Bob is your instructor, your counsellor. With your effort, using York barbells and following his instruction, he guarantees your success." - Bob Hoffman The text remains exactly as written. This is a must have booklet for your physical culture library. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    152,95 kr.

    "I am a weight lifter. I like weight lifting and weight lifters. Training with and the lifting of weights, which to me was at first a pleasurable form of exercise, an outlet for the competitive instinct all real men possess, a means of keeping fit in the shortest possible time, has become my life's work. Once it was said, "All that I am and all that I hope to be, I owe to my mother." I revere my mother more with each passing year, as my appreciation grows for the physical normalcy with which she endowed me. I have reached a point in my life where my age is nearly 41, but I feel younger than I did at twenty. I have such pep and energy, such boundless endurance, that life is really a pleasure. No wonder I feel that I owe what I am today to weight lifting. I echo the appreciation of many thousands of men and women who have built their bodies from physical in- feriority to perfection, or near perfection, through weight training, who say, "The physical superiority I enjoy to the fullest measure today I owe to weight training." -Bob Hoffman This is an original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Hoffman's 1939 classic. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • af Bob Hoffman
    413,95 kr.

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    142,95 kr.

    "If all you want is to keep fit in the easiest possible way you can do this with the simplified course contained in this group of courses in a few minutes a day, three or four times a week, lifting only moderate poundages. Most of the other types of barbell men enumerated, will obtain all they desire in a physical way from the Four Famous York Courses which have developed more champions of strength and development, more lifting champions, more physique champions, than all other courses combined. Those who desire athletic improvement will succeed best by following the exercises of the Four York Courses, with particular emphasis on the weight lifting courses. Although this course can be used by any man who is not a complete beginner at weight training, it is primarily designed for the man who desires the limit in muscle, in strength and de- velopment. For the man who wants big, strong muscles in the right places so that he will have perfect proportions, the man who may wish to enter physique contests and win great honors and then go on to teaching others by running a gymnasium of his own." - Bob Hoffman This is an original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Bob Hoffman's 1951 classic. The text remains exactly as written. This book has many pages with old photographs and illustrations. This is a must have book for your physical culture library. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • - für Erwachsene, Kinder, Mädchen und Jungen zur Entspannung. 50 Wunderschöne Hunde Ausmalbilder.
    af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

    Details zum Malbuch: ★50 professionelle Illustrationen, die Ihre Kreativität anregen, Stress abbauen und Ihre künstlerischen Ambitionen erfüllen.★Einseitig bedruckte Bögen zur Vermeidung von Durchschlägen, geeignet für Filzstifte, Gelstifte, Fine-Liner, Farbstifte und perfekt zum Einrahmen Ihrer fertigen Werke.★Eine Vielzahl von Illustrationsstilen, um jeder Vorliebe und jedem Kenntnisstand gerecht zu werden★Unzählige Stunden voller Spaß und Entspannung★Großformat♥Kaufen Sie es jetzt und beginnen Sie noch heute mit diesem Malabenteuer!♥

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    207,95 kr.

    "Part of the success of my work, I believe, has been the result of my willingness to make of myself a human guinea pig, in order to prove on my own body the practicability and truth of the training system and methods of living I advocate. On several occasions in the past I have trained intensively for a period, to prove one of my theories. My special twenty weeks' training which took place in my thirty-fifth year, culminating in the winning of the professional heavyweight lifting championship of America, with an improvement in strength and physique which represented a world's record for physical gains, was convincing proof to many. Throughout my entire amateur and professional career I have always practised what I preached and have obtained splendid results with the methods I offer to others. Most men who are interested in physical betterment only wish to feel well and to look well. Many thousands of this class have obtained their physical desires with the training system I offer. They and the men who desired and have obtained a symmetrical physique or great strength, have told others. They in turn have told still others until I have become, by a very great margin, the world's leading physical director." -Bob Hoffman This is a 6" by 9" original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Bob Hoffman's 1938 classic. The text remains exactly as written. This book has many pages with old photographs and illustrations. This is a must have book for your physical culture library. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • - (Original Version, Restored)
    af Bob Hoffman
    167,95 kr.

    "I was phenomenally lucky, so I will tell our story, will try to tell you something of what happened over there. There have been war books written by other men who were better writers than I-more fitted to place what they saw upon the printed page. But I don't believe a book about America's participation in the war has been written by a man who spent days, weeks and months in intensive fighting at or in front of the front, as my comrades and I did. There is nothing beautiful or particularly glorious about this story. I have told it as well as I could, but have been able to give you only a faint idea of the conditions we encountered during the five worst days any unit of the American army experienced in France-the five days of our battle of Fismette. You could fully appreciate its horrors only if you were there. Never was a group of men harder pressed by superior forces of the enemy, or more ill equipped to fight off those attacks than were we. No artillery support during most of the fighting, no trench mortars, no hand or rifle grenades, just a moderate amount of pistol, rifle and machine gun ammunition. No food, proper medical attention, or the opportunity to bury the dead. Our men in that battle, the handful who held the front of the front lines, covered themselves with undying glory. The telling of this story will give a better idea of what we did in France than have other war books I have seen. It tells the unvarnished truth about how we lived, slept, hiked, fought and died over there. There is another generation of men since those distant days of 1918. If this book does its part in showing them the folly, the uselessness, the tragedy of war, I'll feel well repaid for the time I spent in writing it." -Bob Hoffman This is a 6" by 9" original version, restored and re-formatted edition of Bob Hoffman's 1940 classic. The text remains exactly as written. Visit our website and see our many books at

  • af Bob Hoffman
    132,95 kr.

  • af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

    A frightening and highly entertaining look into the hidden, corrupt, and dangerous world of online advertising where billions of dollars are being stolen; personal information about us is being collected and sold 24-hours a day; and important principles of a free society are being undermined.

  • af Bob Hoffman
    217,95 kr.

    Each day people are faced with situations that require them to make choices and take action. When they take action with a successful mindset, they enhance their abilities to succeed and achieve goals and dreams.

  • af Bob Hoffman
    167,95 kr.

    Hoffman explains how he developed the right mindset for weight loss. Only then was he able to change his eating and exercise habits and keep the weight off--all 73 pounds. 134 pp.

  • - 50 Pages de coloriage. Cahier de coloriage pour les enfants, Fille & Garcon I A partir de 3 ans.
    af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

  • - coloring book for kids, toddlers, boys, girls. ABC for children with animals to color and have fun.
    af Bob Hoffman
    107,95 kr.

  • - Madchen Malbuch. 50 schoensten Motive zum Ausmalen. Geschenkbuch fur Madchen
    af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

  • - Pour les fiiles. 50 mignonne illustrations pour girls a colorier et amuser. cahier de coloriage pour les filles a partire de 3 ans.
    af Bob Hoffman
    97,95 kr.

  • - Chemie fur Kinder
    af Bob Hoffman
    178,95 kr.

  • - How to Create a Better Life by Rebalancing Your Brain
    af Bob Hoffman, Patrick Kelly Porter & Jason Gould
    207,95 kr.

    Our society is in the midst of many epidemics-obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, cancer, and addiction-to name a few. But in reality, there is only one epidemic-and it threatens our entire way of life. It's the root cause and driving force behind every other epidemic our nation faces. This neurological epidemic is an unforeseen consequence of our 21st Century high-tech, stressed-out lifestyles that has our nervous systems reeling as daily stress forces our bodies to pump out stress hormones in near-lethal amounts, causing anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight gain, and susceptibility to disease. It's a national crisis of epic proportions.

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