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Bøger af Bob O'Connor

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  • - Fight with Facts
    af Bob O'Connor
    288,95 kr.

    THE HOT--SNOWBALL EFFECT¬More people in our overpopulated world use more fossil fuels and produce more greenhouse gases¬These gases warm the air and increase water vapor¬This heats the air even more since water vapor is a greenhouse gas-Less arable land-More famines-More forest fires-More violent storms as upper air cools-releasing the water vapor as rain and snow-Oceans warm and become more acidic-reducing shellfish-Permafrost thaws releasing more methane-Ground-level heat and air pollution sicken and kill millions¬Air and ocean warm more-glaciers and Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets melt-Sea levels rise-- less living area and less farmland for a growing population-Under-sea reservoirs of CO2 and methane are released-River transportation of goods severely reduced due to reduction of glacier volume-Less fresh water due to glacier melting (higher costs for desalinization)-Water wars-migration wars¬Severely reduced population survives in the far north and far south of the hemispheresBUT WHY WORRY? SOME HOMO SAPIENS MAY SURVIVE!

  • - Black and White edition
    af Bob O'Connor
    78,95 kr.

    Intelligent people know that global warming causes climate change.Intelligent people know that people are the major reason.Intelligent people know that greenhouse gases cause it.Intelligent people know that people are already sick and dying from it.Intelligent people know that we may be too late to save our home.What they may not know is that there are many greenhouse gases.What they may not know is exactly how greenhouse gases work.What they may not know is that there are many more contributors to warming than fossil fuels.What they may not know is that overpopulation is the major cause, as more people use more fossil fuels and eat more methane producing animals and fruits and vegetables that used N2O producing fertilizers. They move to cities built on fertile soil and move into and work in concrete buildings that emitted a great deal of CO2 in their production.What they may not have thought about is that fossil fuel producing and using industries have the backing of the governments that their finances and lobbying have put into office.They may not know how much their senators and representatives have collected from the fossil fuel industries.Reducing overpopulation will be fought by some powerful religions and by reactionary forces in society that back the long-held traditions.And there is so much more they should know.But the essential changes can be made through the democratic process-however they will be major inconveniences for all-citizens, legislators and businesses.

  • - After Trump, Brexit and Bush
    af Bob O'Connor
    170,95 kr.

    This book examines issues that have created problems for the U.S. and the UK this century. Campaigning has often avoided the issues or has lied to the voters. Brexit and the Trump Presidency have clearly disrupted their countries--and have created international weaknesses. The electorate must understand how they have been, and still are being, manipulated. The book is enhanced with videos that show how a few big loudmouths have made many believe that down is up, that bad is good, and that dumb is smart. Beginning with showing how many were fooled with logical fallacies and appeals that bypassed our intellects then aroused our sub-conscious minds, we examine some issues we must answer if we are to think our way to a more effective government, then we look at our education systems to find a better way to educate us. We must decide what kind of a society we want--and how we can achieve it. Changing one's society must confront and conquer traditions that have locked us into accepting an economy that is corrupt and which runs counter to the good of the general society. We must think critically, then develop a society that allows for equality of opportunity through a free and effective education.

  • - Time to Pull Our Own Strings
    af Bob O'Connor
    78,95 kr.

    We are continually being inundated by propaganda from capitalists and their captive legislators. Some propaganda is true, but the majority is lies, fake news, and rationalizations. We need to be able to see through the falsity, and find the truth!

  • af Bob O'Connor
    108,95 kr.

    Abortion makes sense in every area--unless you believe that God made alot of souls 6000 years ago when he created the world-- or if you have faith that we all have souls and they are put in us at conception. There is no evidence for either-- except that a few men said they were true, so their followers believe them. They are certainly unprovable ideas.Donald Trump and some southern states, like Alabama, think the Bible forbids it. It does not--in fact it is required in certain situation.Climate change is a major concern of intelligent people. They seek to limit carbon dioxide emissions--they don't acknowledge that it is the people, far too many people, who are emitting these gases. More liberal abortion rules will do more to reduce global warming than driving electric cars!

  • af Bob O'Connor
    78,95 kr.

    What will it take to make America great again? Norway is rated as the best democracy in the world. It is also one of the two happiest countries in the world. But there is much more. Norway has more than a trillion dollars in a pension fund and no national debt, while the U.S. has the greatest dollar national debt in the world-and it has borrowed much of the money from the federal pension funds, like Social Security. Should the U.S. take a look at a fabulously successful and happy country while it stumbles towards greatness?

  • - Countering the Circuses That Cloud Our Minds
    af Bob O'Connor
    184,95 kr.

    Written by a retired professor, whose unique combination of academic studies allows him to dissect political arguments from both its philosophical and the psychological aspects. His academic qualifications include a doctorate is in the areas of ethics and political theory. He is also a licensed mental health therapist in California. He has taught both logic and psychology. Additionally, he has traveled much of the world in the last 50 years and has lived and taught in several countries---living the last twenty years in Norway.This book looks at the way we have been manipulated in the elections of George Bush, Brexit, and Trump. The issues have been downplayed in their campaigns, while our unconscious needs of fear and anger allowed us to be manipulated by some populists. Hope is always held out by politicians-- but that hope should be possible to realize. How do they do it? Why do they do it? Why do we succumb to it? What can we do about it?He then asks us what kind of a government do we really want. The final section deals with the problems in our education system.The following questions illustrate some of the questions and issues addressed.¬If we are going to let our intellects overpower our unconscious drives, we must understand how.¬What do we really want from our society? Happiness or low taxes? No abortion but higher taxes to educate the unwanted children through high school?¬Do we understand that each of us owes about $65,000 on the national debt-- and it increases every year?¬Can we understand how to see through the irrationality of the arguments of politicians?¬How can education be made more vibrant and meaningful for our future citizens?¬Is having food in our mouths and the remote channel changer in our hands-- our only concern? Shall we be content with bread and circuses?If you are concerned about your country, read this book.

  • af Bob O'Connor
    78,95 kr.

    What will it take to make America great again? Norway is rated as the best democracy in the world. It is also one of the two happiest countries in the world. But there is much more. Norway has more than a trillion dollars in a pension fund and no national debt, while the U.S. has the greatest dollar national debt in the world-and it has borrowed much of the money from the federal pension funds, like Social Security.. Should the U.S. take a look at a fabulously successful and happy country while it stumbles towards greatness?

  • - A Guide for Non-Lawyer Mediators
    af Bob O'Connor
    208,95 kr.

    Mediators assisting divorcing parties face many challenges not found in mediations of other types of cases. Never do emotions run higher than when children are involved. Who gets primary custody? How will visitation be determined or divided? How will support amounts be decided? Then there are the marital assets that need to be divided, the tax consequences to be considered, etc. There is a long list of items to be negotiated and then memorialized in a separation agreement. Non-lawyer mediators need to know what they can and cannot do to assist clients with these agreements. This guide will help them be able to assess the risks and to navigate more safely as they practice their craft. The goal is to maximize their effectiveness as practitioners, and by all means, to assist them in avoiding a charge of the unauthorized practice of law. b has given the current state of the art a gift. He takes us on an "Bob has given the current state of the art a gift. He takes us on an important walk through history, shares the current "standards" and makes some wise observations about where we are, where we might go and how to navigate while the field matures. Your understanding, awareness and comfort will definitely increase. Although there will still be uncertainty you will have the basis to make sound assessments about the edges of what is acceptable. If you are a beginner or a full time mediator working in the trenches this book is a must read." - Stewart Levine, Esq. Founder of Author of Getting to Resolution and The Book of Agreement

  • af Bob O'Connor
    143,95 kr.

    We are continually being inundated by propaganda from capitalists and their captive legislators. Some propaganda is true, but the majority is lies, fake news, and rationalizations. We need to be able to see through the falsity, and find the truth!

  • af Bob O'Connor
    97,95 kr.

  • af Bob O'Connor
    308,95 kr.

  • af Bob O'Connor
    93,95 kr.

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