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  • af Boris Zalesskij
    500,95 kr.

    Dlq Belarusi strany Azii qwlqütsq wazhnymi partnerami w razwitii sotrudnichestwa w torgowo-äkonomicheskoj, promyshlenno-kooperacionnoj, nauchno-tehnicheskoj, obrazowatel'no-kul'turnoj oblastqh. V chastnosti, tradicionno klüchewym naprawleniem wneshnej politiki belorusskogo gosudarstwa na dannom kontinente qwlqetsq Kitajskaq Narodnaq Respublika. V marte 2023 goda lidery Belarusi i Kitaq prinqli sowmestnoe zaqwlenie ob osnownyh principah razwitiq obrazcowyh otnoshenij wsepogodnogo i wsestoronnego strategicheskogo partnerstwa dwuh stran w nowuü äpohu. Razwiwaütsq wzaimowygodnye otnosheniq s Iranom. V oktqbre 2023 goda w Tegerane storony soglasowali plan dal'nejshego sotrudnichestwa po perspektiwnym naprawleniqm partnerskih swqzej. Nalazheno regulqrnoe wzaimodejstwie na razlichnyh urownqh s V'etnamom, Pakistanom, Turciej. V qnware 2024 goda w Minske sostoqlos' 7-e zasedanie sowmestnoj belorussko-mongol'skoj mezhprawitel'stwennoj komissii po torgowo-äkonomicheskogo sotrudnichestwu, gde obsuzhdalis' sostoqnie i perspektiwy wzaimodejstwiq w oblasti promyshlennosti, sel'skogo hozqjstwa, transporta i logistiki, finansow. O tom, kak Belarus' razwiwaet partnerskie swqzi s ätim stranami, rech' idet w dannoj rabote.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    366,95 kr.

    Usbekistan ist der wichtigste Partner von Belarus in Zentralasien. Die beiden ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken feierten 2023 das 30-jährige Bestehen ihrer diplomatischen Beziehungen. Und heute kann man anhand zahlreicher Fakten behaupten, dass die Interaktion zwischen Minsk und Taschkent eine besondere Blütezeit erlebt, die ein qualitativ neues Niveau erreicht und danach strebt, neue gemeinsame Formen der Zusammenarbeit zu finden und auszubauen, um die Ziele der strategischen Kooperation zu verwirklichen. Im Dezember 2023 fand in Samarkand die 10. Sitzung der gemeinsamen belarussisch-usbekischen Regierungskommission für bilaterale Zusammenarbeit statt, auf der beide Seiten den Stand und die Perspektiven der Handels- und Wirtschaftsinteraktion erörterten und dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Bereiche Industrie, Landwirtschaft und Gesundheitswesen legten, um die wirtschaftliche Komponente der Partnerschaft zwischen Belarus und Usbekistan mit neuen praktischen Inhalten zu füllen und die rechtzeitige Umsetzung von Investitionsprojekten und Handelsverträgen zu gewährleisten. Schließlich verfügen beide Seiten noch über ein erhebliches Potenzial zur Vervielfachung des Handelsvolumens durch die Ausweitung der Lieferungen von Produkten, die auf den Märkten beider Länder nachgefragt werden. Dies ist das Thema der vorliegenden Studie.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    365,95 kr.

    O Uzbequistão é o principal parceiro da Bielorrússia na Ásia Central. As duas antigas repúblicas soviéticas celebraram o 30.º aniversário das relações diplomáticas em 2023. E hoje, com base em numerosos factos, pode-se argumentar que a interação entre Minsk e Tashkent está a viver um período de um florescimento peculiar, que está a atingir um nível qualitativamente novo e a procurar encontrar e expandir novas formas conjuntas de cooperação para realizar os objectivos da cooperação estratégica. Em dezembro de 2023, Samarkand acolheu a 10ª reunião da Comissão Intergovernamental Conjunta Bielorrusso-Usbeque sobre cooperação bilateral, durante a qual as duas partes discutiram o estado e as perspectivas da interação comercial e económica, prestando especial atenção às esferas da indústria, agricultura e cuidados de saúde, a fim de preencher a componente económica da parceria entre a Bielorrússia e o Usbequistão com novos conteúdos práticos, assegurar a implementação atempada de projectos de investimento e contratos comerciais. Afinal de contas, as duas partes ainda têm um potencial considerável para multiplicar os volumes comerciais através do aumento da oferta de produtos procurados nos mercados dos dois países. É este o objeto do presente estudo.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    448,95 kr.

    Uzbekistan is Belarus's key partner in Central Asia. The two former Soviet republics celebrated the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2023. And today, based on numerous facts, one can assert that the interaction between Minsk and Tashkent is experiencing a period of a peculiar flourishing, which is reaching a qualitatively new level and seeking to find and expand new joint forms of cooperation to realize the objectives of strategic cooperation. In December 2023, Samarkand hosted the 10th meeting of the joint Belarusian-Uzbek intergovernmental commission on bilateral cooperation, during which the parties discussed the state and prospects of trade and economic interaction, paying special attention to the spheres of industry, agriculture and healthcare, in order to fill the economic component of the partnership between Belarus and Uzbekistan with new practical content, to ensure timely implementation of investment projects and trade contracts. After all, the parties still have a significant potential to multiply trade volumes by expanding supplies of products in demand in the markets of the two countries. This is the subject of this study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    365,95 kr.

    L'Uzbekistan è il partner chiave della Bielorussia in Asia centrale. Le due ex repubbliche sovietiche hanno celebrato il 30° anniversario delle relazioni diplomatiche nel 2023. Oggi, sulla base di numerosi fatti, si può affermare che l'interazione tra Minsk e Tashkent sta vivendo un periodo di particolare fioritura, che sta raggiungendo un livello qualitativamente nuovo e cerca di trovare ed espandere nuove forme di cooperazione congiunte per realizzare gli obiettivi della cooperazione strategica. Nel dicembre 2023, Samarcanda ha ospitato la decima riunione della commissione intergovernativa congiunta bielorusso-uzbeka sulla cooperazione bilaterale, durante la quale le due parti hanno discusso lo stato e le prospettive dell'interazione commerciale ed economica, prestando particolare attenzione alle sfere dell'industria, dell'agricoltura e della sanità, al fine di riempire la componente economica del partenariato tra Bielorussia e Uzbekistan di nuovi contenuti pratici, garantire la tempestiva attuazione di progetti di investimento e contratti commerciali. Dopotutto, le due parti hanno ancora un notevole potenziale per moltiplicare i volumi degli scambi commerciali espandendo le forniture di prodotti richiesti nei mercati dei due Paesi. Questo è l'oggetto del presente studio.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    366,95 kr.

    L'Ouzbékistan est le principal partenaire du Belarus en Asie centrale. Les deux anciennes républiques soviétiques ont célébré le 30e anniversaire de leurs relations diplomatiques en 2023. Aujourd'hui, sur la base de nombreux faits, on peut affirmer que l'interaction entre Minsk et Tachkent connaît une période d'épanouissement particulière, qui atteint un niveau qualitativement nouveau et cherche à trouver et à étendre de nouvelles formes conjointes de coopération pour réaliser les objectifs de la coopération stratégique. En décembre 2023, Samarkand a accueilli la 10e réunion de la commission intergouvernementale mixte biélorusse-ouzbèke sur la coopération bilatérale, au cours de laquelle les deux parties ont discuté de l'état et des perspectives de l'interaction commerciale et économique, en accordant une attention particulière aux domaines de l'industrie, de l'agriculture et de la santé afin de doter la composante économique du partenariat entre la Biélorussie et l'Ouzbékistan d'un nouveau contenu pratique, d'assurer la mise en ¿uvre en temps voulu des projets d'investissement et des contrats commerciaux. Après tout, les deux parties disposent encore d'un potentiel considérable pour multiplier les volumes d'échanges en augmentant l'offre de produits demandés sur les marchés des deux pays. C'est l'objet de cette étude.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    365,95 kr.

    Uzbekistan qwlqetsq klüchewym partnerom Belarusi w Central'noj Azii. Dwe bywshie sowetskie respubliki w 2023 godu otmetili 30-letie diplomaticheskih otnoshenij. I segodnq, opiraqs' na mnogochislennye fakty, mozhno utwerzhdat', chto wzaimodejstwie Minska i Tashkenta perezhiwaet period swoeobraznogo rascweta, kotoroe wyhodit na kachestwenno nowyj urowen' i stremitsq k poisku i rasshireniü nowyh sowmestnyh form kooperacii dlq realizacii zadach strategicheskogo sotrudnichestwa. V dekabre 2023 goda w Samarkande sostoqlos' 10-e zasedanie sowmestnoj belorussko-uzbexkoj mezhprawitel'stwennoj komissii po dwustoronnemu sotrudnichestwu, w ramkah kotorogo storony obsudili sostoqnie i perspektiwy torgowo-äkonomicheskogo wzaimodejstwiq, udeliw osoboe wnimanie sferam promyshlennosti, sel'skogo hozqjstwa i zdrawoohraneniq, chtoby napolnit' äkonomicheskuü sostawlqüschuü partnerstwa Belarusi i Uzbekistana nowym prakticheskim soderzhaniem, obespechit' swoewremennuü realizaciü inwesticionnyh proektow i torgowyh kontraktow. Ved' u storon imeetsq esche znachitel'nyj potencial dlq kratnogo uwelicheniq ob#emow torgowli za schet rasshireniq postawok produkcii, wostrebowannoj na rynkah dwuh stran. Rech' ob ätom idet w dannom issledowanii.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

    In July 2023, the fifth meeting of the Belarus-China Intergovernmental Committee on Cooperation was held, which formed a new model of strategic partnership between the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China and created unique opportunities and mechanisms for deepening practical cooperation across the entire range of areas. The participants of the meeting agreed that the common goal should be a new point of growth in trade turnover of at least 120 percent by 2022. In this regard, several key issues should be emphasized. These are: building up and diversifying trade, systematic accreditation of Belarusian food producers. This is deepening investment cooperation, joint industrial development, technological cooperation in licensed automobile manufacturing, assembly of electric cars, machine tool manufacturing, joint production of medical equipment, development of bio- and digital technologies. According to the results of 2022, Belarus and China reached a record volume of goods turnover - almost six billion dollars. What steps are being taken by the parties to develop these points of growth in 2023? This is the subject of the proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

    Import substitution is one of the main areas of work of the Belarusian economy, which is now dynamically developing both at different levels and in a full cycle. It should be recalled that in late December 2022 at the meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus it was noted that in 2023 import substitution will become an even more effective driver of Belarusian industrial production, where special attention will be paid to increasing localization. For reference, we note that two years ago the amount of these products in Belarus amounted to about $27 billion, and already in 2023 the volume of import-substituting products will amount to about $29 billion. This suggests that the import substitution program is going very well. And there are already quite a large number of enterprises in the whole country - in sectors and regions, which are involved in the implementation of import-substitution programs in all areas, from trucks and buses to TV sets, furniture and the simplest consumer goods. What steps are being taken in Belarus in this direction of development of the Belarusian economy? What is relevant in this regard? This is the subject of this proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    558,95 kr.

    Les commissions mixtes intergouvernementales pour la coopération entre la République du Belarus et d'autres pays sont l'un des instruments les plus importants pour la mise en ¿uvre de projets de nature économique mutuellement bénéfiques, visant à intensifier et à élargir les échanges commerciaux et l'interaction économique, à mieux exploiter le potentiel disponible dans les relations bilatérales, ce qui permettrait d'augmenter et de diversifier le chiffre d'affaires des échanges mutuels de biens et de services. Ces commissions sont créées pour assurer une interaction efficace entre la communauté des affaires et l'État au niveau international. L'objectif principal de ces commissions est de créer des conditions favorables au développement des relations économiques extérieures du Belarus et d'aider les hommes d'affaires et les entrepreneurs à coopérer avec des partenaires étrangers. Lors de ces réunions, les parties examinent des propositions et des questions d'actualité concernant l'amélioration des relations économiques extérieures avec les pays partenaires et trouvent des moyens de les résoudre. La coopération avec les commissions intergouvernementales permet aux exportateurs de se positionner sur le marché étranger comme un partenaire fiable et attractif. Le présent document examine le fonctionnement de ces structures dans les conditions actuelles.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    366,95 kr.

    As comissões mistas intergovernamentais para a cooperação entre a República da Bielorrússia e outros países são um dos instrumentos mais importantes para a implementação de projectos mutuamente benéficos de natureza económica, destinados a intensificar e expandir ainda mais o comércio e a interação económica, realizando mais plenamente o potencial disponível nas relações bilaterais, o que permitiria aumentar e diversificar o volume de negócios do comércio mútuo de bens e serviços. Estas comissões são criadas para uma interação eficaz entre a comunidade empresarial e o Estado a nível internacional. O principal objetivo destas comissões é criar condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento das relações económicas externas da Bielorrússia e prestar assistência aos empresários e empreendedores na cooperação com parceiros estrangeiros. Nestas reuniões, as partes analisam propostas e questões actuais sobre a melhoria das relações económicas externas com os países parceiros e encontram formas de as resolver. A cooperação com as comissões intergovernamentais constitui uma oportunidade para posicionar os exportadores no mercado externo como um parceiro fiável e atrativo. O modo como estas estruturas funcionam nas condições actuais é analisado no presente documento.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    366,95 kr.

    Le commissioni intergovernative congiunte per la cooperazione tra la Repubblica di Bielorussia e altri Paesi sono uno degli strumenti più importanti per l'attuazione di progetti di natura economica reciprocamente vantaggiosi, volti a intensificare e ampliare ulteriormente gli scambi commerciali e l'interazione economica, realizzando più pienamente il potenziale disponibile nelle relazioni bilaterali, che consentirebbe di aumentare e diversificare il fatturato commerciale reciproco di beni e servizi. Queste commissioni sono create per un'efficace interazione tra la comunità imprenditoriale e lo Stato a livello internazionale. L'obiettivo principale di queste commissioni è creare condizioni favorevoli allo sviluppo delle relazioni economiche estere della Bielorussia e assistere gli uomini d'affari e gli imprenditori nella cooperazione con i partner stranieri. Nel corso di questi incontri, le parti esaminano proposte e questioni di attualità sul miglioramento delle relazioni economiche estere con i Paesi partner e trovano anche il modo di risolverle. La cooperazione con le commissioni intergovernative offre l'opportunità di posizionare gli esportatori sul mercato estero come un partner affidabile e attraente. Il presente documento analizza il funzionamento di queste strutture nelle condizioni attuali.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    367,95 kr.

    Zwischenstaatliche gemischte Kommissionen für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Republik Belarus und anderen Ländern sind eines der wichtigsten Instrumente für die Umsetzung von für beide Seiten vorteilhaften Projekten wirtschaftlicher Art, die darauf abzielen, den Handel und die wirtschaftliche Interaktion zu intensivieren und weiter auszubauen, das in den bilateralen Beziehungen vorhandene Potenzial besser auszuschöpfen, was eine Steigerung und Diversifizierung des gegenseitigen Handelsumsatzes von Waren und Dienstleistungen ermöglichen würde. Diese Kommissionen werden für eine effektive Interaktion zwischen der Wirtschaft und dem Staat auf internationaler Ebene geschaffen. Das Hauptziel dieser Kommissionen ist es, günstige Bedingungen für die Entwicklung der Außenwirtschaftsbeziehungen von Belarus zu schaffen und Geschäftsleute und Unternehmer bei der Zusammenarbeit mit ausländischen Partnern zu unterstützen. Bei diesen Treffen werden aktuelle Vorschläge und Fragen zur Verbesserung der außenwirtschaftlichen Beziehungen mit den Partnerländern erörtert und Lösungsmöglichkeiten gefunden. Die Zusammenarbeit mit zwischenstaatlichen Kommissionen bietet die Möglichkeit, Exporteure auf dem ausländischen Markt als zuverlässigen und attraktiven Partner zu positionieren. Wie diese Strukturen unter den heutigen Bedingungen funktionieren, wird in diesem Beitrag diskutiert.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    443,95 kr.

    Intergovernmental joint commissions for cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and other countries are one of the most important instruments for the implementation of mutually beneficial projects of an economic nature aimed at intensifying and further expanding trade and economic interaction, more fully realizing the potential available in bilateral relations, which would make it possible to increase and diversify the mutual trade turnover of goods and services. These commissions are created for effective interaction between the business community and the state at the international level. The main goal of these commissions is to create favorable conditions for the development of foreign economic relations of Belarus, to assist businessmen and entrepreneurs in cooperation with foreign partners. At these meetings, the parties consider topical proposals and issues on improving foreign economic relations with partner countries and also find ways to resolve them. Cooperation with intergovernmental commissions gives an opportunity to position exporters in the foreign market as a reliable and attractive partner. How these structures operate in today's conditions is discussed in this paper.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    564,95 kr.

    Nel 2023, la Repubblica di Bielorussia ha aumentato costantemente il volume delle esportazioni di beni e servizi. In nove mesi, l'economia bielorussa ha ricevuto il record di 31 miliardi di dollari di esportazioni negli ultimi dieci anni. A titolo di riferimento, va ricordato che nel 2022 i prodotti bielorussi sono stati forniti a 161 Paesi per quasi 47 miliardi di dollari. I risultati attuali sono stati possibili grazie a molti fattori e meccanismi operativi simultanei. Si tratta degli strumenti di sostegno finanziario e non finanziario dello Stato. È inoltre prioritaria l'attenzione a nuovi meccanismi e strumenti per lo sviluppo dell'attività economica estera, anche per aumentare le esportazioni di beni e servizi verso i Paesi dell'arco lontano, in modo che nel 2024 la crescita delle esportazioni bielorusse aumenti di quasi quattro miliardi di dollari. Tra le misure che affronteranno questo compito c'è l'organizzazione di mostre ed esposizioni Made in Belarus in un'ampia varietà di Paesi del Medio Oriente, dell'Asia, dell'Africa, dell'America Latina e della Comunità degli Stati Indipendenti. Quali sono le misure adottate dagli esportatori bielorussi a questo proposito a livello multivettoriale? In questo studio affronteremo questi temi.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    688,95 kr.

    In 2023, the Republic of Belarus has been consistently increasing the volume of exports of goods and services. In nine months, the Belarusian economy received a record export revenue for the last ten years - $31 billion. For reference, it should be noted that in 2022, products from Belarus were supplied to 161 countries for almost $47 billion. The current results have become possible due to many factors and simultaneously operating mechanisms. These are the instruments of state financial and non-financial support. This is also a priority attention to new mechanisms and tools for the development of foreign economic activity, including for increasing exports of goods and services to the countries of the far arc, so that in 2024 the growth of Belarusian exports will increase by almost four billion dollars. Among the measures that will address this task is the organization of exhibitions and expositions Made in Belarus in a wide variety of countries in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Commonwealth of Independent States. What measures in this regard are implemented by Belarusian exporters at the multi-vector level? This is the subject of this study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    565,95 kr.

    Im Jahr 2023 hat die Republik Weißrussland das Volumen der Ausfuhren von Waren und Dienstleistungen kontinuierlich gesteigert. In neun Monaten hat die belarussische Wirtschaft in den letzten zehn Jahren Exporterlöse in Rekordhöhe von 31 Milliarden Dollar erzielt. Zum Vergleich: Im Jahr 2022 wurden Produkte aus Weißrussland für fast 47 Milliarden Dollar in 161 Länder geliefert. Die aktuellen Ergebnisse sind durch viele Faktoren und gleichzeitig wirkende Mechanismen möglich geworden. Das sind die Instrumente der staatlichen finanziellen und nicht-finanziellen Unterstützung. Es ist auch eine vorrangige Aufmerksamkeit auf neue Mechanismen und Instrumente für die Entwicklung der außenwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit, einschließlich für die Erhöhung der Exporte von Waren und Dienstleistungen in die Länder des fernen Bogens, so dass im Jahr 2024 das Wachstum der belarussischen Exporte wird um fast vier Milliarden Dollar zu erhöhen. Zu den Maßnahmen, die diese Aufgabe angehen werden, gehört die Durchführung von Ausstellungen und Expositionen Made in Belarus in einer Vielzahl von Ländern des Nahen Ostens, Asiens, Afrikas, Lateinamerikas und der Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (GUS). Welche Maßnahmen ergreifen die belarussischen Exporteure in dieser Hinsicht auf multisektoraler Ebene? Diese Fragen werden wir in dieser Studie erörtern.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    565,95 kr.

    En 2023, la République du Belarus n'a cessé d'augmenter le volume de ses exportations de biens et de services. En neuf mois, l'économie biélorusse a reçu un montant record de 31 milliards de dollars de recettes d'exportation sur les dix dernières années. À titre de référence, nous notons qu'en 2022, les produits du Belarus ont été fournis à 161 pays pour près de 47 milliards de dollars. Les résultats actuels ont pu être obtenus grâce à de nombreux facteurs et à des mécanismes fonctionnant simultanément. Il s'agit des instruments de soutien financier et non financier de l'État. Il s'agit également d'accorder une attention prioritaire aux nouveaux mécanismes et outils de développement de l'activité économique extérieure, notamment pour accroître les exportations de biens et de services vers les pays de l'arc lointain, de sorte qu'en 2024, la croissance des exportations bélarussiennes augmentera de près de quatre milliards de dollars. Parmi les mesures qui permettront d'atteindre cet objectif figure l'organisation d'expositions Made in Belarus dans un grand nombre de pays du Moyen-Orient, d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Amérique latine et de la Communauté des États indépendants. Quelles sont les mesures mises en ¿uvre par les exportateurs bélarussiens au niveau multisectoriel à cet égard ? Nous aborderons ces questions dans cette étude.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    564,95 kr.

    Em 2023, a República da Bielorrússia tem vindo a aumentar consistentemente o volume das exportações de bens e serviços. Em nove meses, a economia bielorrussa recebeu um recorde de 31 mil milhões de dólares em receitas de exportação nos últimos dez anos. Para referência, é de notar que em 2022, os produtos da Bielorrússia foram fornecidos a 161 países por quase 47 mil milhões de dólares. Os resultados actuais tornaram-se possíveis devido a muitos factores e mecanismos de funcionamento simultâneo. Estes são os instrumentos de apoio financeiro e não financeiro do Estado. É também uma atenção prioritária a novos mecanismos e ferramentas para o desenvolvimento da atividade económica externa, incluindo o aumento das exportações de bens e serviços para os países do arco distante, de modo a que em 2024 o crescimento das exportações bielorrussas aumente em quase quatro mil milhões de dólares. Entre as medidas que irão abordar esta tarefa está a realização de exposições e mostras Made in Belarus numa grande variedade de países do Médio Oriente, Ásia, África, América Latina e da Comunidade de Estados Independentes. Que medidas são tomadas pelos exportadores bielorussos a este respeito a nível multi-vetorial? Estas questões serão discutidas no presente estudo.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    458,95 kr.

    Latin America is one of the political and economic centers of the emerging multipolar world, home to more than 650 million people. Many countries of this region are aimed at pursuing an independent foreign policy and seek to move away from the historically raw material-based nature of their economies through accelerated innovation development. The Republic of Belarus can provide effective assistance to these countries by developing the most concrete trade and economic interaction. The nomenclature of Belarusian exports to this region includes potash fertilizers, means of land transport, ferrous metal products, chemical and petrochemical products, instruments and optical devices, and dairy products. Belarus also has positive production experience in Latin America. These include participation of Belarusian companies in geological and seismic exploration, mining, and construction projects in a number of countries. It is envisaged to further increase the volume of trade and investment through the implementation of joint cooperation projects to move from simple trade to the creation of joint ventures and assembly plants. This is the subject of this study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    473,95 kr.

    In September 2022, the Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China adopted the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of an All-Weather and Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which contains the Belarusian-Chinese agreements to intensify scientific and technical cooperation, expand practical interaction between research institutes, higher education institutions and enterprises, and encourage the establishment of platforms as joint centers of applied scientific research and laboratories. At the same time, the development of bilateral relations has moved to a new stage, where interaction in the field of innovation has been continuously strengthened. In this regard, three priority components can be identified. The first is in the field of scientific research, where the parties are involved in the implementation of major joint projects. The second is in the field of innovation, where a network of joint innovation centers and scientific laboratories is being formed and developed. The third one is in the field of education, where joint training and mutual internships of specialists, teachers and students take place. What steps are being taken in these areas both in Belarus and China? We will discuss them in this study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    473,95 kr.

    Import substitution is one of the key development priorities of the Republic of Belarus in the near future. Back in December 2021, the Belarusian government defined strategic areas of work and developed specific tasks in this direction. These are the use of opportunities of such integration formations as the Eurasian Economic Union, increase of localization in conjunction with support measures, implementation of sectoral import substitution programs, development of cooperation both within the republic and with friendly countries, use of local raw materials, active involvement of scientific developments in the real sector of the economy. In late December 2022 at the meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus it was noted that in 2023 import substitution will become an even more effective driver of Belarusian industrial production, where special attention will be paid to increasing localization. Interesting experience in this context has already been accumulated in a number of Belarusian regions. In particular, in recent years, enterprises in the Brest, Gomel and Mogilev regions have set up systematic work to master the production of import-substituting products. This is discussed in this proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    653,95 kr.

    Asia is a continent that is a priority for the Republic of Belarus, primarily as a capacious, promising and expanding market for Belarusian goods and services, as a promising donor of investment in the Belarusian economy. Some countries of the region are among the world leaders in terms of direct investments abroad, which can be used by Belarus to develop promising sectors of its national economy. There are mechanisms of interaction and dialogue in trade and economic, industrial and cooperation, scientific and technical, cultural and educational spheres with such countries of the continent as China, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Syria, Iran, Turkey and Mongolia. Belarus has a solid legal framework for cooperation with many Asian countries, which continues to develop, supplemented by new agreements in promising areas of partnership. Moreover, there are objective prerequisites for promoting Belarusian interests in other Asian countries. What steps are being taken in these areas to make Belarus' trade and economic cooperation in Asian markets even stronger and broader? This study is about that.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    483,95 kr.

    In 2023, the Republic of Belarus has set a goal to actively restore the volume of investment in the Belarusian economy with the priority of creating import-substituting industries focused on exports and working on local raw materials. In this vein, another critical goal for the open economy of Belarus is the growth of exports. In March 2023, the Council of Ministers noted that Belarus' trade interests are not only within the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States, but also in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In this context, for instance, Belarus will step up its cooperation with the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which will help Belarus tap the fastest growing and most promising markets. After all, in the current dynamic geopolitical situation, the Republic of Belarus will have to act as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to occupy its niche in these markets and successfully implement its export strategy. So what steps are being taken in these areas, both for Belarus and other countries? What is relevant in this regard? This study is about that.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    483,95 kr.

    Currently, there are five embassies of the Republic of Belarus operating in Africa, which generally cover key regions of the continent. In West Africa there is Nigeria, which is the economic leader in the region. In East Africa there is Kenya, where there are certain prospects for the Belarusian side to increase trade turnover and the entire range of cooperation. In North Africa, there is Egypt, where the Minsk automotive plant project for the establishment of assembly facilities is under consideration. South Africa is South Africa, where a project to assemble cars from Minsk Tractor Plant, which will be put on the market under the local brand, is already underway in 2021. And another thing: between South Africa and Eastern Africa is Zimbabwe, where the Belarusian embassy appeared in 2022. All these African regions have one important feature: there is a large concentration of minerals and natural resources, including rare-earth metals, which are of interest to large countries and not only. So, for Belarus, its presence on the African continent is of a systemic nature. What is relevant in this regard? We are talking about it in the materials of the proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    968,95 kr.

    Cooperation with the countries of the far arc has become one of the priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage. Belarus, which inherited a powerful and science-intensive economy from the Soviet Union, today actively operates in different parts of our planet in order to sell all its products. Belarus initially builds interaction and relations with the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America on the modern paradigm of the multipolar world. The Belarusian model of working with African, Asian and Latin American partners implies fair, equal, mutually beneficial, mutually respectful relations, training in technologies and recognition of the diversity of ways of development. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus notes that in 2023 a whole series of planned quite significant international events of bilateral nature with the countries of the far arc will be organized. So, the schedule in this area is going to be quite intensive. This series opens with a state visit of the Belarusian delegation to Zimbabwe. What steps in these directions are being taken in the Republic of Belarus and on other countries is discussed in the proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

    The Asian region is an unconditional priority for the Republic of Belarus, primarily as a capacious, promising and rapidly expanding market for Belarusian goods and services. For example, increasing supplies of Belarusian goods to Asian countries is one of the top priorities of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE). According to the results of 10 months of 2022 the export of domestic products through the Belarusian exchange platform to a number of Asian countries has increased significantly. The Chinese segment of electronic exchange trade has considerably increased in 2022, where 103 Chinese companies have already been accredited on the BUCE as of November 1, 2022. There are also big plans with other countries on the Asian continent, including India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Mongolia. In particular, during the three quarters of 2022, 27 Turkish companies were accredited to the exchange. And in January 2023 the first company from Mongolia was accredited to participate in trading on the exchange. This means that the geography of Belarusian exchange trading in Asia has further expanded. How the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange interacts with these and other partners in Asia is discussed in this study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

    In December 2022 at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Bishkek the Main directions of international activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) for 2023 were approved, where in the context of the idea of the Big Eurasian Partnership the EAEU priorities will contribute to the implementation of the export potential of the Union. At the same time, international activities of this association will be focused on solving such urgent tasks of Eurasian economic integration as creation of conditions for joint access of member states' enterprises to third countries' markets. It should be recalled that by the middle of November 2022 the Eurasian Economic Commission had already signed 46 memorandums with international organizations, 27 memorandums with governments, ministries and departments of third countries, 14 memorandums with regional integration and interstate associations, and 7 trade agreements with third countries. In 2023, the EAEU will interact with such organizations as the CIS, the SCO, ASEAN, the African Union, as well as with the BRICS countries and the far arc. What steps in these areas are being taken, including in the Republic of Belarus, is discussed in the proposed study.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

    Under the current difficult conditions, free economic zones (FEZs) continue to be an effective tool for accelerated development of Belarusian regions and effectively address pressing issues of the Belarusian economy. Not to let the efficiency of activities decrease - this is the task that each FEZ faces now. After all, it is in the preferential zones that the investment, innovation, production and export potential of the country gets a concentrated expression in the form of promising business projects, which, in turn, contribute to sustainable and dynamic development of the Belarusian state. Depending on the FEZ residents will generate up to 80 per cent of investments, up to 54 per cent of export of goods and up to 37 per cent of industrial output of Belarusian regions. In addition, 22 new residents with projects in woodworking, chemical industry, logistics, agriculture and metal processing were registered in 2022. The influx of residents is facilitated by the continuous work of the FEZ administrations to find new investors. This study discusses how free economic zones in Belarus effectively solve key problems of the national economy.

  • af Boris Zalesskij
    383,95 kr.

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