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Bøger af Borja Vilaseca

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  • - A tale of personal growth for getting back in touch with what really matters
    af Borja Vilaseca
    133,95 kr.

    The Little Prince puts on his tie is a fable based on real events that tells the story of Pablo Príncipe, a young nonconformist and visionary, who, after returning from an epic trip through Madagascar, becomes the new person responsible for people and values of the SAT consultant, a company marked by conflict, dissatisfaction and suffering. Through his innovative conceptions of self-knowledge and personal growth, he will lead the process of change and transformation of this company, developing the potential, talent and creativity of its employees. In parallel, it will inspire the managers to change its mindset, rediscovering what really matters: that the objective of companies is to create wealth, earning money as a result. The whole world moves away when appears a man who knows where he is going ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY

  • af Borja Vilaseca
    213,95 kr.

    Quince años después de la publicación de Encantado de conocerme, Borja Vilaseca nos brinda el libro definitivo sobre el Eneagrama: la mejor herramienta de autoconocimiento que existe para ser consciente de cómo el ego te mantiene esclavizado. > Su gran aportación es que hace una radiografía del ego y del ser esencial para que seas más consciente de las luces y las sombras que habitan dentro de ti. También explica el proceso de transformación que has de seguir para liberarte de la jaula mental que tanto sufrimiento te provoca. Y está diseñado para que experimentes un orgasmo emocional. Es decir, un momento eureka que significa un punto de inflexión en tu vida. Tan solo existe un requisito para experimentarlo: ser radicalmente honesto contigo mismo mientras te miras en este espejo del alma. «La auténtica libertad es ser consciente de quién verdaderamente eres. Eso es lo único que falta en tu vida». --SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Fifteen years after Nice to Meet Myself was published, Borja Vilaseca brings us the definitive book about the Enneagram--the best self-awareness tool there is to realize how ego keeps you enslaved. The Enneagram has become an efficient staple tool to begin your journey of self-discovery because it goes to the root of emotional and existential conflicts, because it is very easy to put into practice, because it is suitable for skeptics, and above all because it works. It renders beneficial, tangible results right away. This is a quite accurate instructions manual about the human condition. Overall, it describes the nine personality types that determine why we are the way we are. Borja Vilaseca's contribution is that he makes an x-ray of ego and the essential being so you become aware of the shadows and lights inside of you. He also explains the transformative process you must follow to be free of a mental cage that has caused you so much suffering. This book is designed for you to experience an emotional orgasm. That is, an eureka moment representing a turning point in your life. There is only one condition to experience it: to be radically honest with yourself while looking at the mirror of your soul.

  • af Borja Vilaseca
    158,95 kr.

  • af Borja Vilaseca
    133,95 kr.

    Es hora de vencer los miedos que nos impiden seguir a nuestro corazón, y emprender una función profesional útil, creativa y con sentido. Si quieres conocer el mercado laboral que se avecina, léete este libro. >El mundo para el que fuimos educados está dejando de existir. Las reglas del juego económico han cambiado. Somos una generación de transición entre dos eras: la industrial/analógica y la del conocimiento/digital. De ahí que no nos quede más remedio que reinventarnos, cuestionando las viejas creencias y consignas con las que fuimos condicionados. En caso de no hacerlo, pronto quedaremos obsoletos y nos quedaremos fuera del mercado. Lo más difícil consiste en vencer el miedo al cambio. Irónicamente, evitar el riesgo y permanecer en nuestra zona de comodidad es lo más arriesgado que podemos hacer. Ha llegado la hora de saltar al vacío y emprender la travesía por el desierto, descubriendo de qué manera podemos desarrollar una profesión útil, creativa y con sentido que aporte mucho valor añadido. Solo así lograremos gozar de ingresos económicos abundantes y recurrentes en esta nueva era. «Quién quiere encontraráun medio; quién no, una excusa.' PROVERBIO ÁRABE ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Dive into a new era with new rules to play by. It's time to conquer the fears that keep us from following our hearts, and take on a professional role that is useful, creative, and purposeful. This book is an experiment: it attempts to shake up your beliefs about money, work, and consumerism that have largely determined the place you occupy in the labor scene. We have been brought up to be obedient employees, passive contributors, and voracious consumers, thus keeping the economic system running. Borja Vilaseca suggests that in this new environment, it does us no good at all to get angry, act like victims, and blame some external person or entity. Rather, we have to take the reins of our own lives and become responsible for ourselves, emotionally and financially. The only thing that impedes you from becoming the architect of your own life is the fear of freedom. What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid? offers a true map to guide you on that journey toward your personal and professional fulfillment.

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