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Bøger af Bryan Cassiday

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  • af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    America has been devastated by both plague and the nuclear weapons used to kill off the infected flesh-eating creatures that roamed across the land preying on human beings. National Clandestine Service black ops agent Chad Halverson and dress designer Victoria Brady take refuge in a blast shelter in the Nevada desert when an A-bomb is dropped on Lass Vegas at the behest of the president of the United States. Halverson and Victoria are forced to leave the safety of their cement shelter when they run low on water. They join up with a band of four fellow refugees, who aren't what they seem, and head east toward the nation's capitol to find out what remains of the government. However, another band of refugees intercepts them, kidnaps the lot of them, and spirits them away to a massive bunker complex in top secret Area 51, where SS-Oberfuhrer Oswald Gutman's son, Hector Guzman, is conducting mysterious experiments. The billionaire drug dealer Guzman made his fortune in Mexico after growing up in Argentina in seclusion with his father, an unrepentant member of the Order of the Death's Head who escaped Germany via a ratline to Buenos Aires after the fall of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Halverson stumbles onto a conspiracy so diabolical it defies belief, a conspiracy so vast that it already extends into the highest reaches of the US government. Outnumbered and outgunned, as well as besieged by hordes of zombies that survived the nuclear holocaust, he must somehow defeat the cabal before it can achieve world domination.

  • - Tales of Horror
    af Bryan Cassiday
    157,95 kr.

    Evildoers run riot across the sun-drenched Southern California landscape in "Helter Skelter." Zombies, vampires, and other wicked creatures wreak mayhem and carnage in these shocking horror short stories by Bryan Cassiday. Not all of these tales feature supernatural creatures. Some of the evil creatures are human--perhaps the most terrifying creature of all. These stories defy logic, yet they obey their own inexorable logic of fear.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    197,95 kr.

    A California senator is brutally slain. But that is only the beginning of the increasingly macabre murders of members of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The CIA hire their termination specialist, Tyrone Quade, an ex-Weathermen infiltrator and current jailbird, to find the killer. Quade has to be pardoned from federal prison in Los Angeles, where he is doing time for blowing up a passenger jet--a charge he denies. In his search for the killer, he becomes a target for Mafia henchmen and a Colombian cocaine cartel, among others, and starts to doubt his own innocence and even his sanity as his investigation keeps spiraling him back to his alleged bombing of the jet. To his consternation, Quade discovers a covert trail that leads him to the upper echelons of the United States government, where an unholy alliance will do anything to prevent him from uncovering the truth.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    217,95 kr.

    Did the S&M just go too far or was it murder? Guilt-ridden PI Ethan Carr is hired by Constance Barnes, a troubled history professor at USC who claims she is being stalked by someone who is sending her cut-up photos of herself. When fellow professor Melanie Kowalski, who also received cut-up photos of herself, is murdered in brutal fashion suggesting S&M, Carr suspects Barnes is being stalked by a serial killer. However, Barnes has psychological issues and is being treated by a psychiatrist who says she could be imagining persecution due to paranoia. Nothing is ever as it seems in this taut psychological thriller as Carr peels away layer after layer of deceit until the final horror.

  • - Thrillers and Tales of Terror
    af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    "Blood Moon" is a collection of short thrillers and tales of terror, horror, mystery, suspense, and noir written by Bryan Cassiday, the author of the 2007 CIA thriller "Fete of Death." "Blood Moon" features the vampire thriller "I Kill for Your Blood," in which the CIA suspect one of their agents is a vampire. Other stories involve contract killers, CIA hit men, an out-of-work model, a serial-killer senator, a batty bag lady, bank robbers, and a town gone mad.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    162,95 kr.

    FINALIST, BestThrillers Book Awards in Horror 2023 Phoebe is running for her life after discovering a dark secret about the police. She saw them murder individuals suspected of being infected with the lethal Novamors virus, including her father, who wasn't infected. Not only are the cops after her, but a sociopathic hit man hired by her vindictive wealthy father-in-law is hot on her trail. Meanwhile, infected maniacs are overrunning the city and cannibalizing citizens. The governor has locked down the city and ordered all comms with the outside world jammed while police are blocking the only road leading out of town in order to prevent the spread of the Novamors virus. Fires are raging out of control and blood is being spilled as townsfolk riot and wreak havoc in a besieged city gone mad.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    The end of America is near. A plague that kills its victims and resurrects them as flesh-eating ghouls has decimated the American population, forcing what's left of the government to take shelter underground in the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center in Virginia. On the West Coast, CIA black ops agent Chad Halverson and a ragtag band of survivors decide to head to Washington, DC, to find out if anyone is still in charge, even though Halverson knows that someone in the upper echelons of the government is trying to drone him. Halverson suspects the assassin is a high-level CIA employee. Whoever he is, he has tried to drone Halverson before and will try again. Of that much Halverson is sure. Halverson and fellow refugees Victoria Brady, Backfoot Chogan, and Emma Lawson become trapped in Las Vegas by General Quantrill, a militia commandant who runs the strip with an iron hand and has a terrifying secret. Meanwhile, in the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, President Cole must decide whether to start nuking his own country in order to save it from the virus that has a hundred percent kill ratio. Whether America survives or not, it will never be the same.

  • - A Thriller
    af Bryan Cassiday
    227,95 kr.

    United States Senator John Stockwall of Texas is kidnaped on the doorstep of his house in McLean, Virginia. That's just the beginning of a conspiracy that will shake America to its very foundations. The trail of the kidnapers leads Nick McQueen, who is a CIA hit man and a fugitive from the authorities, to a brutal murder on the casino-lined, neon playgrounds of Las Vegas. The al-Qaeda kidnapers plan to broadcast live on national TV a show stage-managed to humiliate and terrorize the American public. Publicized on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media on the Internet, the kidnapers' final horrific act performed for their "Theater of Terrorism" aims to wreak havoc, kill thousands of Americans, and precipitate economic collapse in the United States.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    227,95 kr.

    Struggling horror novelist Bart Dillinger doesn't accept the official police report that says his girlfriend actress Jackie Merced committed suicide by shooting herself while driving off a cliff. He hires PI Ethan Carr to find out how she really died. Carr discovers secrets Dillinger didn't know about her which reveal she was more complicated than even he knew. Carr also discovers she belonged to a clandestine club of masked members in Hollywood who like to play games. These members include politicians and other movers and shakers. And the games they like to play are deadly.

  • - A Zombie Thriller
    af Bryan Cassiday
    197,95 kr.

    Black ops agent Chad Halverson of the CIA's National Clandestine Service escapes plague- and zombie-ravaged Santa Monica with dress designer Victoria Brady and sets sail northward up the smoldering California coast. Along the way, Halverson and Brady rescue the idealistic Dr. Parnell, the UCSB coed Brittany Pine who is in a state of shock induced by the loss of her boyfriend to the walking dead, and the cynical reporter Blake Reno. Seeking sanctuary from the walking dead in Alcatraz prison, Halverson and his band of refugees discover that all is not as it seems on the island haven at the Rock. In fact, they may have more to fear than the walking dead in the person of Alcatraz's reigning "Chosen One," the charismatic proponent of law and order Jefferson Bascomb, who believes zombies have the right to a fair trial.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    227,95 kr.

    Wallowing in guilt for shooting an innocent boy with a ricocheting bullet when he used to work as an LAPD cop, PI Ethan Carr is hired by a distraught amnesiac who wants to find out who he is.An assailant firebombs Carr's Mini Cooper, and in the trunk cops discover a corpse--which is a dead ringer for the amnesiac.Several hours later the amnesiac is gunned down, and, to Carr's shock, another amnesiac, who is also a dead ringer, steps into Carr's office and wants to hire him to find out who he is.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    Is this the end? Police investigate the murders of thirteen-year-old Lucinda Pugh's parents who died in their beds after somebody soaked them in gasoline and set their house on fire in their hometown of Santa Loma, California. All evidence points to Lucinda as the emotionally ill culprit, despite lack of motivation on her part. When an exorcist attempts to exorcise her, Lucinda reveals that an alien invasion of Earth is imminent and her parents' murders are just the beginning of a full-fledged assault. As if on cue, a second moon, this one bloodred, appears in the sky, ushering in a tsunami and other untoward weather to Santa Loma, followed by a series of unspeakable murders that rock the town--murders committed by children. Jake Caulfield, a local reporter desperate for a story that will launch his career, must find out if this is the end, and on the way he finds out somebody else's life is more important than his own.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    197,95 kr.

    The world has turned. In this sequel to Bryan Cassiday's "Zombie Maelstrom," plague-infected, flesh-eating zombies now infest the earth. Black ops agent Chad Halverson of the CIA's top secret National Clandestine Service and a motley band of survivors must do everything they can to stay alive one more day, even as they try to find out what caused the pandemic. Fending off the zombies at every turn, Halverson and his group make a mad dash through the plague-ravaged, smoldering ruins of Los Angeles and Santa Monica to evade the clutches of the zombie hordes and reach the sea. A cop with a drinking problem, a politician with a scandalous past, a couturiere who can't find her daughter, a CIA agent searching for his brother . . . characters alienated from society all caught up in the zombie apocalypse. When Halverson finds out the truth about the origin of the plague, he is targeted for extermination by surviving remnants of the government that are hiding underground and will do anything it takes to retain their fragile hold on power. This is a terrifying new world where the living dead rule the land, killer drones rule the sky, and death lurks around the next corner.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    217,95 kr.

    Haunted by self-loathing, Ethan Carr leaves the Los Angeles Police Department after he accidentally shoots to death an innocent boy on one of his assignments. Years later, he sets up shop as a private investigator and is hired by Richard Herbert to protect him from being assassinated for twenty-four hours until he meets his son. Herbert is on the lam from his employer US Cyber Command at the National Security Agency campus in Fort Meade, Maryland.He tells Carr he wants to reveal top secret intel to the media about a computer program Cybercom has invented that can infect and disable permanently any computer in the world. He is convinced the Equation Group, a shadowy arm of the NSA, is going to have him killed before he can reveal his intel to the media.Carr is reluctant to take on Herbert as a client, believing the US government might consider Herbert a traitor for publicizing top secret national security information. Carr decides to take the case because he doesn't believe the government has the right to assassinate its own citizens on American soil, which Herbert claims that they are about to do to him and that they have done to others.Carr's battle to keep himself and Herbert alive in a web of lies, cabals, and assassination plots that emanate from the highest seats of power becomes a battle for his tortured conscience, which is not only consumed with guilt from his erstwhile job but racked by qualms about his decision to protect Herbert, who could be a traitor to his country.

  • - A Thriller
    af Bryan Cassiday
    227,95 kr.

    The feuding McQueen brothers must bury the hatchet long enough to thwart a conspiracy to assassinate a world leader in seventy-two hours. But which leader? Nick McQueen is a down-at-the-heels journalist in Los Angeles who seeks the truth and has trouble getting along with his bosses. His brother Barry is a CIA hit man plagued by personal demons who cares only about national security. Barry dupes Nick into joining the CIA and helping him prevent the Basque hit man from carrying out the contract at a summit in Pike National Forest in Colorado.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    157,95 kr.

    Virulent pockets of plague, first reported in China, break out worldwide and spread with mind-boggling speed. CIA black ops agent Chad Halverson flies to Los Angeles to visit his brother after receiving a call that his brother has been hospitalized after a car accident. Halverson's Boeing 737 crash-lands in an eerie Los Angeles shrouded with an impenetrable haze of smog. But that is only the tip of the iceberg of Halverson's nightmare. Lurking in this mist are legions of plague-infected living dead who are driven by an all-consuming lust for human flesh. Halverson's reunion with his brother must take second place to his own struggle to stay alive.As civilization crumbles into chaos, it will take all the skills and wits Halverson and his fellow passengers possess for their hunted party to survive in a world overrun with hordes of flesh-craving zombies. Which will pose a bigger threat to Halverson and his ever-dwindling band--their own bickering as they try to organize and defend themselves, their enemies the living dead, or the new "civilization" of men that is superseding the old?

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    147,95 kr.

    Mind-blowing science-fiction tales that will scare you to your very core. Included are stories about alien invasions, time travel, zombie apocalypses, and more. The human race is always under assault in these stories, and somehow we must survive. An Antarctic ice station comes under attack by a virus from outer space during a subzero blizzard . . . Venusians subject an earthling to the torture of having to live over and over agains his murder trial for the killing of his friend . . . An exorcist suspects a child is possessed, but who is doing it and why? Is it a demon or something even more terrifying? . . . A Special Forces soldier with a death wish can't figure out why the government has saved him from his spaceship's crash-landing. When he does, it's too late. These are but a few of Bryan Cassiday's apocalyptic stories that take you beyond the realm of reality into the undiscovered country of the horror of the imagination and its territory that knows no bounds. Destination fear.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    167,95 kr.

    Comes a Chopper is a collection of Bryan Cassiday's new spine-tingling tales from the dark side. A gambler who can't sleep finds he has blood-curdling supernatural powers . . . A woman is kidnaped. As if that's not enough, now the kidnapers want her sister . . . A mortician can't forget the horrifying mistake he once made . . . An actor who fears a homicidal maniac is stalking him finds a terrifying impostor instead . . . A cell phone doesn't take calls. It gives orders to kill . . . A hit man seeks a way out of his profession only to descend into a satanic nightmare . . . A salesman is hypnotized before he turns into a zombie--with mortifying results. These are but a few of the heart-stopping stories in Comes a Chopper.

  • - Thrillers and Tales of Terror
    af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    "Blood Moon" by Bryan Cassiday is a collection of his short stories from the dark side; including, thriller, mystery, suspense, horror, and noir tales. "Blood Moon" features the vampire thriller "I Kill for Your Blood" about the director of the CIA who suspects one of his field agents is a vampire. Bryan Cassiday is the author of the CIA action thriller "Fete of Death" (2007).

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    182,95 kr.

    Phoebe follows her husband the mayor one night to see if he is cheating on her and steps into an apocalyptic nightmare. The nightmare of the quarantine of a virus that triggers cannibalistic madness in its victims begins without fanfare in the small Southern California town of Costaguana. Phoebe suspects her husband Jason of cheating on her with a prostitute, which is all the more shocking because Jason has the reputation of being an incorruptible mayor. Trailing him Phoebe watches him pick up a hooker in the red-light district on the Strip. She later goes to the hooker's motel room to confront her and hears bloodcurdling screams and loud noises as she stands outside the hooker's door. Phoebe flees in terror. She enlists the aid of her best friend Meredith, a misanthropic veterinarian who prefers animals to people, to accompany her to the hooker's motel room the next day. While they are on the Strip, a helicopter appears in the sky and starts shooting people on the street without any explanation. The quarantine has begun.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    147,95 kr.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    177,95 kr.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    212,95 kr.

    A distressed young woman falls under the spell of a homicidal maniac and becomes his partner in murder in this disturbing psychological thriller.Pondering suicide sitting on a Malibu dock one night after running away from home, doe-eyed young Mina Deerling meets smooth-talking Gage Catton, who is trying to load his wife's body wrapped in a blanket onto his boat. When Catton finds out to his shock that his wife is still alive in the blanket, he talks the distraught Mina into helping him finish her off with his knife. Together they put out to sea and, miles from shore, toss his wife's body overboard with an anchor bound to it.Mina learns that Catton faked his death a year ago and was trying to collect his half of the life insurance payout from his wife when he discovered she had double-crossed him and absconded with all of the money for herself.Now Catton wants that money, and he'll do anything to get it, including using Mina to help him achieve his goal in a psychopathic relationship that forces Mina to confront the horrors that lurk in the darkest corners of her mind in a nerve-racking voyage of self-discovery.Bryan Cassiday writes thrillers and horror fiction. His story "Boxed" was published in Shadows and Teeth Volume Two, which won both the International Book Award for adult horror fiction anthology 2017 and the Florida Association of Publishers and Authors President's Award gold medal for adult horror fiction anthology 2017.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    172,95 kr.

    WINNER OF THE INDEPENDENT PRESS AWARD 2022 AND THE AMERICAN FICTION AWARD 2021 FOR BEST HORROR NOVEL What if you were an amnesiac who found yourself in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? How dreadful must your memories be to make you want to forget them? Finding plague victims inside their compound, survivors of the zombie apocalypse suspect that the zombie plague has mutated and is being spread by spores emitted by infected flesh-eating ghouls. People infected by the spores could be asymptomatic carriers. Not only do the survivors have to worry about being bitten by rampaging flesh-eating ghouls but also being infected by inhaling spores emitted by a carrier within their camp. Terrified and suspicious of each other, the victims live in mutual fear as they try to determine who the carriers are. Meanwhile, at the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center President Cole declares a national emergency under section 201 of the National Emergencies Act and proclaims himself president for life as he hunkers down in the bunker with what little remains of the US government. PRAISE FOR BRYAN CASSIDAY ZOMBIE BOOKS "Horde is one of the year's top thrillers and is a must-read for horror fans." "This action-packed novel kept me on the edge of my seat and I was constantly surprised by the turn of events. I sure hope there's another book after this one and I will definitely read the previous ones in this series."--Readers' Favorite Five-Star review "Written with the epic scope of World War Z and infused with the gritty spook works derring-do of a Robert Ludlum spy thriller, Sanctuary in Steel is full of zombie mayhem through and through."--Joe McKinney, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Flesh Eaters "For fans of zombies and horror, Zombie Maelstrom is very much worth considering."--Midwest Book Review"Sanctuary in Steel made me feel like I did the first time I watched Romero. Fresh, exciting and engaging like any outbreak story should be."--Iain McKinnon, Domain of the Dead "Sanctuary in Steel is way up there with the best of the zombie stories in terms of plotting and pacing, propelled by great characters and unique twists."--Readers' Favorite "Cassiday blends thoughtful suspense and pulse-pounding terror to deliver a novel with both bite and creeping dread."--David Dunwoody, Empire

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    162,95 kr.

  • - Tales from the Edge of Fear
    af Bryan Cassiday
    142,95 kr.

  • af Bryan Cassiday
    222,95 kr.

    "A bracing page-turner with an unconventional hero."--Kirkus Reviews"LA Noir meets International Espionage in this high-octane, edge-of-your-seat gem. Highly recommended for Michael Connelly fans."--BestThrillers.comPraise for Bryan Cassiday''s Thrillers"A fast-paced detective novel, enhanced by exceptional characters and a striking ending."-Kirkus Reviews"From the very start, Bryan Cassiday spins what appears to be a typical Southern Californian private investigation novel in Bolt, but quickly takes off in a direction that speaks to our current troubled times.  Well-plotted and crisply written, with great characterization, this is one to look for."-Brendan DuBois, coauthor with James Patterson of the New York Times best seller The Cornwalls Are Gone"A deftly crafted roller coaster of a ride for the reader, Bryan Cassiday''s novel, Bolt, is a truly riveting read from cover to cover."-Midwest Book Review A Los Angeles private detective tracks a missing person to Las Vegas and becomes entangled in an international conspiracy to oust the president of the United States.Brunette bombshell Araceli hires Scott Brody PI to find her missing brother Damian, whose life is endangered in the neon-lit playground of Vegas.  To save Damian, Brody must contend with Mafia leg breakers, feds, a murderous deep state cabal, CIA spooks, and a sicario hit team.  Everybody, it seems, wants a piece of Damian, and they''ll kill anyone who gets in their way.  

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