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  • af C B Jackson
    82,95 kr.

    With fewer than 4,000 graduates over 92 years, Western Military Academy in Alton, Illinois educated more than ten general officers, a governor of Illinois, Thomas Hart Benton the artist, William Paley founder of CBS, Butch O'Hare World War II's first Navy Ace and Medal of Honor winner for whom Chicago's international airport is named and General Paul Tibbets who led the first B-17 bombing missions over German occupied Europe and as pilot of the B-29 Enola Gay dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan to help end World War II . This book is more than about bricks and mortar or the success of Western Military Academy graduates. It is a story of how private military school education developed in America and the character of the men (and today, women) that education can develop. For those wanting an insight into what it is like to go to a military school like Western Military Academy and what character it produces in its graduates, this book will give a look into that world.

  • af C B Jackson
    217,95 kr.

    Grief is not an easy subject. Most people would prefer to avoid it. Grief can reduce us all into the childlike state of being lost and alone. Not everything in this world is seen with our eyes. Seeing with our hearts can open realms that we completely miss or disregard as real. But it is in these unseen worlds that hold the promise of so much unclaimed love. If I help one person pierce through this wall of grief and find this love, then I have fulfilled my quest.

  • af C B Jackson
    177,95 kr.

    The year is 1291. The Holy Land city of Acre, and stronghold of the Knights Templar, is preparing for an attack from the Sultan Kahlil and his Egyptian Mamluks streaming up from Egypt. Rumor speculates another Arab army is traveling down from the Damascus in the North, catching the city in a coordinated attack between the two armies. Their intent: kill the Christians residing in their country and reclaim their cities.Domino, Dowager Countess of Exter and her lover, Templar knight, Brother Etienne desBarres must part for Domino is pregnant with Etienne's child. To ensure their survival she must evade the approaching armies from the south and north and escape to the safety of England and the estate of her deceased husband, Sir Charles Paget, Earl of Exter. The child she carries, passed off as Charles' child, will assume that title upon its birth, providing it is a son. Domino is escorted by her family and her friend and companion, Alya, along with Charles' previous lover, and self-appointed guardian, Raoul Langston. Brother Etienne desBarres and his younger brother, Brother Philip, will remain in Acre and perform their duties as members of the Knights Templar. They are saved from the full force of the deadly siege by a twist of fate accompanied by the manipulations of the Templar monk, Brother Ambrose, and the death of Grand Master William deBeaujeu. To prevent the Templar treasure of Acre from falling into the hands of the Sultan Kahlil they concealed the funds, along with Templar treasurer, Tibald deGaudin, aboard ship and fled to the safety of Castle on the Sea. Their reprieve, unfortunately, proved to be short lived.In the meantime Domino safely arrived in the English port of Southampton. Raised in the warmth and sun of the Holy Land, the English climate was a bit of an unpleasant surprise, along with their sanitation habits or rather the lack thereof. Finally arriving in Exter which she had been led to believe was a prosperous village she was devastated to learn the truth of the situation. Charles, before his death and realizing the estate had fallen into disrepair under his late brother, had sent money to the estate chamberlain, James of Rowland. Unfortunately Rowland had died and the monies stolen by one of the two knights supervising the estate. Domino is faced with desperate poverty and hunger in her people and devastating conditions on the estate. Once again she is called upon to gather her remarkable strength and courage to meet the momentous challenge of the estate's renovation and preservation for the sake of the child she carries.Brother Etienne and Brother Philip are also called upon to face a momentous challenge above and beyond the terms of their Templar duties. Enrolled as "temporary Templars" for a period of seven years, their time grows short. Both men are anticipating the end of their term; Philip to assume control of their Father's vineyard in France and Etienne to return to England as chamberlain for the Exter estate in order to watch over the child he and Domino have created. But Fate and Brother Ambrose share other ideas for already the rumors of nefarious deeds, sodomy, devil worshipping and general misconduct are circulating through the courts of Europe regarding the Knights Templars. These vile speculations, created by King Philip IV of France and fed by the Templar's enemies would come to a head on Friday, October the 13th, 1307 leading to the downfall of one of the world's most original organizations.Our five players are called upon by the powers of the universe, and Brother Ambrose, to perform daring feats of rescue of the accused and tortured Templars using the Templar funds removed from Acre, Castel on the Sea and Bordeaux and hidden in France, Switzerland and England. Only then will Fate allow them to sleep with a clear conscience and their souls live in peace.

  • af C B Jackson
    187,95 kr.

    "Deception, my son, slithers among us daily concealed behind the mask we present to the world. Occasionally deception is converted into an art form.......Domino, Dowager Countess of Exter. The year is 1287. In the Holy Land the winds of change are slowly eroding the foundation of Christian influence. In the royal court of France, the winds of treachery are encouraging an undercurrent of disgust and distrust directed toward the legendary Knights Templar. Into the vortex of change and chance five people struggle to fulfill their destinies. In a world that valued small women Domino deCourtney was an oddity. Tall, elegant and red haired, she drew stares like a bee to honey in the Christian city of Acre in the Holy Land. A chance remark in the marketplace between Domino and her sisters' hurdles Domino into an unexpected and disastrous marriage, beginning with her wedding night. Instead of dissolving into a cowering mass of humanity, Domino discovers her indomitable spirit and courage.Sir Charles Paget, Domino's future husband, is selfish, manipulative and dangerous, even on a good day. Charles learns his nephew in England has died thereby insuring Charles will inherit the title of Earl of Exter on his brothers' death. He realizes his responsibility to produce an heir of his Paget blood to continue their family line. However, his choices among the European aristocracy in Acre were limited due to his somewhat tarnished reputation of keeping a male lover. Hearing the taunt between the sisters in the marketplace, he realizes Domino may be the solution to his dilemma.Sir Etienne desBarres, the eldest son of Charles' sister. The handsome Templar knight arrives in the Holy Land along with his younger brother, Philip. The first meeting between Etienne and Domino, even though she is expecting Charles' child, ignites a buried yearning as ancient as time itself. A jealous Sir Charles observes their reactions and initiates steps to ensure Etienne's removal from Acre, praying Etienne will not survive the ordeal. Philip desBarres, Etienne's younger brother, recruited as a spy by master manipulator, Templar monk Brother Ambrose. He is placed as Secretary to the Grand Master of the Knights Templar in Acre. Quiet, intelligent and observant, he retains his secrets as he guides and protects his older brother. Alya, the miniature woman rescued from the slavers by Domino, is possessed with the "sight" along with other mystical powers. She is to guide and support Domino and Etienne during this life. Raoul Langston, long-time lover and secretary of Sir Charles. Charles' man of under-handed dealings, Raoul has for years arranged whatever unscrupulous activities Charles did not wish associated with his name. Driven by jealousy and insecurity by Charles' marriage he performs a feat which almost kills Domino. But even Raoul has his limits. From the sands and ancient mystery of the Holy Land to the court of King Philip IV of France, the winds of change our players, whirling them to their fates. Domino and Etienne strive to overcome multiple adversities and conventions to fulfill their destinies. Though separated by the fall of Acre in 1291, they reunite in England for the continuation of their story in The Paradox of Intrigues.

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