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  • af C Matthew McMahon
    181,95 kr.

    In "Biblical Sincerity Discovered," Nicholas Lockyer and C. Matthew McMahon offer a timeless exploration of the weighty significance of Christian sincerity in the life of a believer. This work masterfully unveils the enduring principles that underpin an authentic Christian faith. Lockyer's treatise revolves around four essential propositions: Proposition 1: Sincerity in faith is not optional but fundamental. It is the cornerstone upon which a true Christian life is built.Proposition 2: Sincere faith is marked by genuine love and devotion to God, reflecting one's inner convictions through outward actions.Proposition 3: Christian sincerity brings tangible benefits, fostering trust, credibility, and deepening the relationship with God.>His work shows the eternal ramifications of Christian sincerity in a world (and church) filled with skepticism and hypocrisy. By exploring the core principles of sincere faith, Lockyer encourages readers to embody their beliefs authentically, becoming credible witnesses to the Gospel. This book is a masterful exploration of Christian integrity, offering insights that remain exceedingly relevant for believers today who are seeking to live out their faith genuinely and impact their home, church and community for King Jesus. Lockyer's wisdom is a light in an age where sincerity is often overshadowed by pretense, reminding us that the authenticity of our faith is a powerful testimony to God's regenerating power of the Spirit in the covenant of Christ's grace.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    190,95 kr.

    In this book Smith argues that Christianity is the only true religion. This particular book was one of Smith's most popular works, and went through dozens of editions and reprints during his lifetime (his sermons in general had gone through eighty-five editions by 1620). "God's Arrow" focuses on utterly destroying paganism (the atheism of the natural man), Islam (the religion of carnality) and Roman Catholicism (the religion of the deceived, apostate and Antichristian establishment posing as God's authority in the world), with an exhortation to unite Christ's church in the truth rather than divide it. Smith's arguments are lucid and biblically powerful, and a sanctifying treat to the Christian's mind and soul. He quickly demonstrates the absurdity of that which is "not the true religion" of Jesus Christ and concretely sets down the right religion contained in Holy Scripture. This is a classic work that should not be missed!

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    209,95 kr.

    Josiah Shute's meticulous exploration of God's intricate dance between divine justice and benevolence in the second plague of frogs upon the Egyptians is masterful. As a prominent Reformed theologian and preacher, Shute's insights into Exodus 8:1-10 span nine compelling sermons, presenting a riveting examination of God's interactions with his people, and their enemies. In this work, Shute reaffirms God's righteousness, emphasizing that His judgments, while sometimes perceived as severe, always have a greater purpose. Exploring the very nature of afflictions, Shute unveils them not only as divine punishments, but instruments of God's will, designed to address inherent pride, even within the righteous. But Shute's discourse doesn't end at self-reflection. He drives home the rewards of facing afflictions with a God-centered heart, echoing sentiments of biblical figures like David, emphasizing that true reconciliation and a deeper walk with God arise from rightly received trials. Josiah Shute's "Judgment and Mercy" on Exodus 8:1-10 invites readers to a deeper understanding of God's sovereign intentions, challenging them to see beyond the immediate pain of afflictions and embrace the divine wisdom embedded within. A theological masterpiece that promises to enrich the soul and sharpen the believer's perspective on God's unerring ways.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    237,95 kr.

    Self-deception is inherent in everyone, even born-again Christians, those who have much biblical light and knowledge. And whatever degree of holiness they are currently at, they are satisfied with where they are. In this satisfaction, they often flatter themselves, believing that God is as pleased with them as they are of themselves. Many people in the church flatter themselves, believing they have discovered an easier path in the Christian walk, and in the eternal salvation which brings them to heaven, than Paul was aware of. They assume they will achieve victory and receive the crown not by battling and mortifying their own sins, but by deluding themselves into thinking they are something rather than nothing and engaging in cleverly crafted self-talk full of gracious words and empty persuasiveness. This only serves to disguise their own hypocrisy and unfaithfulness to Christ's covenant, leading to the deception and ruin of themselves, and even other people they infect. The Christian church is filled with people like this. Are you one of them? Self-flattery is a sin against the ninth commandment which must be unmasked. In this work, McMahon seeks to uncover this very pervasive sin, showing what self-flattery is, how one comes to flatter themselves in their daily walk, and the motives to shun self-flattery in order to mortify it by the power of the Spirit. People often like to hear from the preacher, just tell me Jesus loves me and leave it at that. This delusion is the cornerstone of a self-flattering person. People always say, "I'm a Christian!" The question revolves around whether they act like it as well; do they have a life answerable to the profession they make when they say it? Or are they hiding behind the mask of smooth words they tell themselves about their spiritual condition?

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    207,95 kr.

    Nicholas Chewney (1610-1685) was a puritan divine who was a powerful Reformed Gospel preacher and theologian. This treatise was originally penned by Nicholas Chewney in response to a Socinian tract written by Samuel Richardson which denied hell. Chewney takes up the biblical and Reformed position on hell as Jesus Christ taught it in Scripture. The treatise is divided into four sections: he shows that there is such a place as hell, what this place is, and where it is. He concludes with a final section on application. He does not refute Richardson as a Christian polemic would point by point. Chewney confesses that a polemic was his first line of thinking. However, he wrote this tract to simply allow Scripture to teach the church the biblical doctrine of hell. As a result, his purpose in writing this treatise on hell was for the glory of God, both in his mercy and justice, for the comfort of all poor, believing souls, and for the terror of all wicked and ungodly wretches. This work is not a scan or facsimile and has been made easy to read with an active table of contents for electronic versions.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    262,95 kr.

    The nature of covenant renewal permeates all of the bible. It is the centerpiece of Jesus Christ and the substance of his covenant with the Father. In Shute's work, this central theme of renewal and reformation revolves around the power of God's Word, as exemplified in the book of Ezra, specifically chapters 9-10. The narrative commences with Ezra 9:4, where individuals gathered to deeply respect the words of the God of Israel, resulting in a significant spiritual awakening and a commitment to a lasting reformation. Shute underscores the significance of approaching God's Word with reverence and humility. The assembly during Ezra's time serves as evidence of the spiritual power that emerges from respect for the divine Word, leading to collective acknowledgment of sins and a pathway to redemption. He confronts atheistic skepticism regarding Scripture's directives, showing that it embodies the divine will and possesses the authority to penetrate even the most obstinate hearts if the Spirit is working. Shute explores two facets of reverence for God's Word: initial contrition and action imbued with the Spirit towards reform. Christians are encouraged and directed to ground themselves in the teachings of Scripture to remain steadfast in the face of moral decay and sin, akin to Ezra's assembly, who revered God's Word after being show their impiety against God's directives. In a fallen world marked by moral depravity, Shute's message serves as a symbol of Christian hope in Jesus Christ. Embracing and deeply respecting Christ's Word will create personal and public change, advancing reformation in individuals, families, churches, communities and in the broader world. In this He calls upon readers to set an example for others, highlighting the lasting impact of faithfulness and its role in bringing about true and lasting reformation to the glory of God.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    217,95 kr.

    This volume is a compilation of six of Preston's smaller treatises and sermons.His first treatise concerns the doctrine of irresistible grace as a cornerstone to Christian assurance. All the letters of TULIP stand or fall together, regardless of how inconsistent some might be in understanding those five points of the doctrine of grace. In this treatise, John Preston takes to task the false teachings of the heretic James Arminius, and demonstrates the error that people can hold themselves in God's grace, or they can work to an end of salvation in their own strength. Biblical grace is irresistible.In his sermon on The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, from 1 Timothy 3:15, he shows the role of the church as the truth, and its stance as a pillar by the grace of God. The Church is described as God's flock and the pillar of truth, requiring diligent care by ministers and adherence to God's laws and His prescriptions by members.In his sermon on Isaiah 64:4, A Sensible Demonstration of the Deity, he tackles the wonderful doctrine of God's existence, coupled with eyeing creation and providence correctly. Preston emphasizes the importance of relying on the Creator, and having foresight and discernment in recognizing and addressing impending dangers surrounding life's circumstances, knowing full well that God governs all things.In his sermon on Ephesians 5:15, Exact Walking, "Take heed that you walk therefore circumspectly (or exactly) not as fools, but as wise," Preston emphasizes the importance of walking with God with exactness as a manifestation of true biblical wisdom.In Preston's sermon on 1 Sam. 12:20-22, Samuel's Support for Sorrowful Sinners, he emphasizes the importance of immediate repentance and returning to God after committing sin. He argues that delaying repentance allows sin to harden the heart further and exposes individuals to more sins.In his sermon on The New Life, Preston explains 1 John 5:12, where the essence of life in Jesus Christ is explored in contrast to spiritual death. He emphasizes that the quality of one's life is determined by their desires and actions in Christ, drawing parallels between a life of sin and one of grace; those in Christ, and those outside of Christ.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    227,95 kr.

    Christ is such an inexhaustible fountain that sinners cannot ever out desire His mercies. He is an overflowing fountain of infinite mercy and comfort. All other temporal mercies find their eternal significance in him. Nothing will delight the sincere believer, or be enjoyed, if such believers do not in some way partake of His comfort, and His tenderness. They must tap into Christ's virtue. How will they do this? Durant's discourse explores the sweetness of Christ's relationship with weak believers, addressing various aspects of this theme. He shows the fallacy of Satan to keep souls from Christ; and the sweetness of Christ to those in His service. His work is taken from Isaiah 40:11, "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." The structure of the discourse includes the dependence of the words, their division, and the doctrines derived from them. His main doctrine, is that central teaching presented, emphasizes Christ's sweetness in His dealings with weak members. Most Christians will not admit they are weak. And the idea of the word "weak" seems to be negative. But Durant's work reaches to all Christians. He shows that Christ's carriage, and the sweetness of that carriage, is demonstrated in not casting off weak believers, but that He preserves their weak graces, strengthens them, bears with their infirmities, not burdening them with tasks they can't handle, and accepts their efforts despite failings. These reasons are drawn from God the Father's commission to Christ, the truth of the inherent weakness in believers, and Christ's intention to build them up as his lambs. The discourse concludes with applications for information, lamentation, reproof, comfort, encouragement, imitation, and exhortation.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    277,95 kr.

    This first volume of Greenham's writings illuminate the biblical path every Christian should take to honor the Lord in their daily life. Whether seeking blessings, understanding the scriptures, embracing the marks of a righteous individual, or averting the pitfalls of hypocrisy and anger, his treatises (long or short) offer Scriptural insight. Greenham exemplified the essence of a practical puritan, always guiding believers towards a more sincere connection with the Lord Jesus Christ, emphasizing a life aligned with God's Spirit. While Greenham was no doubt scholarly in laying the foundation for his theological insights, what resonates in his works is the palpable pastoral spirit and his heartfelt practical testament. Living in a tumultuous era, (even faced with the looming threat of the plague and mortality's shadow), his unyielding commitment to Christ stands out blatantly in his works. He is a light and example for those seeking refuge and purpose in a fallen world, emphasizing the unwavering adherence Christians must have to God's holy principles. Greenham's works beckons all earnest souls towards Christ. Like a refreshing balm, his biblical insights provide comfort to those wrestling with their Christian walk and the myriad of challenges they face day by day as they walk with God. As readers immerse themselves in this first volume, they will be transported to high thoughts of God, realizing the fleeting nature of earthly existence and the timeless eternity of God's truth. Greenham's words bolster our resolve, ensuring that when grounded in a holy resolve, our bond with Jesus Christ only strengthens, and draws us closer to the Savior.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    237,95 kr.

    How hard is it to reform the Christian church? It is very hard, and there are great difficulties to overcoming in seeing God bless such a work. This is obviously the work of God's Spirit. But how hard is it to take the people of God towards a progression of biblical Reformation? The answer is that there are many difficulties to hurdle, but there are encouragements to doing this for the glory of Jesus Christ. This is the substance of this very important work of reforming the church. McMahon first sets up this work by explaining the ideas of Theological Traditionalism, subscriptionism, confessionalism, reformation and the counter "me and my bible" movement. He shows how the illumination of the Spirit works, dealing with 1 John 2:26-27, and in conjunction with Theological Traditionalism. He shows how these are wed to confessionalism towards reformation, and how it completely overthrows contrary claims, including demonstrating how one ought to properly subscribe to the truth. Then, he links these together to form a progression towards godly reformation and holiness. After this, Anthony Burgess, a master exegete, teaches from Mark 1:2-3, "As it is written in the Prophets, Behold I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make thy paths straight." He answers questions like, are we reformed enough? Is God content for us to be sanctified just enough? What can church members and pastors do to promote true biblical reform in their congregations? What difficulties will we see, and what encouragements can we find along the way if we are holding to the truth?

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    172,95 kr.

    Christopher Love (1618-1651) was a fiery and practical Puritan preacher. His works consist of some of the best written and preached biblical expositions in the English language.This volume is a spiritual treat, in that, it has never been published since the time Love's executors distributed it in 1653. To have this particular volume in print is exciting in that it houses the very last of Christopher Love's available works for publication. The Christian has a number of duties to follow at Christ's command living in such evil days. The matter of these works is wholesome, seasonable, with a great savor of Love's gracious spirit. He manifests to the world the workings both of his heart and life, being zealously devoted to the service of Christ, and the Christian soul. He covers: SERMON 1: Christ's Prayer the Saint's Support on John 17:15.SERMON 2: A Divine Balance to Weigh All Doctrines By on 1 Thess. 5:21.SERMON 3: A Christian's Great Enquiry on Acts 16:30-31.SERMON 4: A Description of True Blessedness on Luke 11:28.ANNEXED: Edmund Calamy's sermon, The Saint's Rest, or Their Happy Sleep in Death on Acts 7:60.Endeavor earnestly to make a spiritual improvement of these topics which have been put by divine providence in you your hand. And let the Lord be magnified in your conversation for all that soul-advantage which you may receive. Labor to be well rooted in the truths of the Gospel, in order to bear up courageously against the evil of these deceiving times. And because so many shamefully disgrace their profession, by their carnal self-seeking, and apostasy, therefore, you should rather hold forth the power of godliness in the ways of self-denial, and faith, to the honor of Christ.This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    117,95 kr.

    Rev. Stephen Egerton (1555-1621) was an early puritan divine, a man of great learning and practical godliness. In this treatise, Egerton demonstrates the Christian's duty in hearing the word of God preached. In the first chapter he shows what it means to "take heed" in hearing the word following what Christ said, "Take heed therefore how ye hear," (Luke 8:18). Then, he gives general duties in chapter 2 in relationship to preparations that ought to be made before coming to hear the sermon. Chapter 3 deals with what the hearer ought to do while hearing the sermon. And chapter 4 deals with the duties of the Christian after the sermon. Egerton takes a simplistic and manageable approach to teaching Christians what is required by Christ in hearing the Word of God preached. He is quite comprehensive to remind the believer of the most important aspects of the truth in his doctrine as it relates to the preached word. Egerton has a vivid, masterful grasp of his matter, and dissects the doctrine of hearing the word preached in a catechistic manner through questions and thorough answers. Since God is speaking to the Christian in the preached word by all true ministers, that the minister's mouth is God's mouth in the act of preaching, one would do quite well to heed Rev. Egerton's application of Christ's exhortations to hear what God is saying to us rightly, biblically, and for the good of our souls.This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    147,95 kr.

    Matthew Mead (Meade) (1630-1699) was an independent puritan divine, and popular reformed preacher and morning lecturer at Stepney Church (London).The title of this work, "Almost a Christian" is drawn from Mead's main text, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian," (Acts 26:28). This statement by Agrippa is the foundation on which the entire treatise revolves. What does it mean to be "almost a Christian?" How far can a man or woman go, how far can a teenager or child go, that they actually fall short of salvation? How far may a man, woman, or child run the race of the Christian, and yet not run as to obtain their end? It is, unfortunately, a sad consequence of so many people throughout history who have entered eternity unaware of their present danger. Mead warns and directs every professing Christian to consider what it means to lay under the scrutiny of a spiritual examination for the good of their souls. The reason? To find out whether that Christian is a true believer, or they have merely deceived themselves being "almost a Christian." What a terrible place to be to delude one's self for decades only to find out upon their last breath, at the judgment seat of God, that Christ "never knew them." Many souls miscarry into eternity on such grounds. Mead has most orderly and precisely laid out a series of biblical propositions and their corollary answers to help the reader discern, and thoroughly examine, their current spiritual state before Jesus Christ. He desires that they be "altogether a Christian," instead of "almost a Christian." This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    172,95 kr.

  • af Henry Newcome & C Matthew McMahon
    152,95 kr.

    Henry Newcome (1627-1695) was known as the Prince of Preachers in Puritan England. He was one of the most famous pastors in his day. In this mighty work concerning the Covenant of Grace, Newcome centers in on God being the, "God of all grace," from his main text in 1 Peter 5:10. He shows that we have a description of what God is in and of himself, he is the God of all grace; and what he has done for us, he, "hath called us unto eternal glory by Christ Jesus." The doctrine he teaches is that it is the great comfort and advantage of a true Christian, in all his addresses to God, to look upon him and go to him as, "the God of all grace." In this work, the Christian will find a deeper understanding of favor with God, and that God bears a special favor to his own people above all others through the Savior Jesus Christ. This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    182,95 kr.

  • af Nathaniel Holmes & C Matthew McMahon
    152,95 kr.

  • af George Gifford & C Matthew McMahon
    192,95 kr.

  • - God's Power in Supporting His People
    af C Matthew McMahon
    162,95 kr.

  • af William Bridge & C Matthew McMahon
    147,95 kr.

  • af Jeremiah Burroughs & C Matthew McMahon
    187,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Mead & C Matthew McMahon
    182,95 kr.

  • af Oliver Bowles & C Matthew McMahon
    197,95 kr.

  • af C Matthew McMahon
    177,95 kr.

    This book follows the historical context of Josiah and his reformation in Israel to aid the Christian in examining the kind of heart that they have. What kind of heart do you have? The Bible requires a Christian's heart to beat after God's Word and God's will. It is not a book solely about "Reformed Theology", but rather, it teaches what it means to be a "reforming, covenanted Christian amidst God's people and world." It asks the question "What is true, biblical reformation?" And it answers it in dealing with each compartment of the Christian life - church, home, work and the like. Personal Reformation is the beginning of church Reformation and then consequently, world Reformation ushering in the Kingdom of Christ. C. Matthew McMahon. Ph.D., Th.D., is an American Calvinist Reformed theologian and adjunct professor at Whitefield Theological Seminary. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan's Mind and the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century.

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