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Bøger af Carlos Castaneda

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  • - A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
    af Carlos Castaneda
    106,95 kr.

    First book in the "Don Juan" series. The author meets Don Juan and is introduced to his magical world and philosophy by means of hallucinogenic plants and special exercises.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    168,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    96,95 kr.

    Carlos Castaneda was one of the most influential spiritual teachers of the 20th century. In this stunning new jacket edition of his bestselling book, he takes the reader on an amazing journey of the soul via the teachings of the great sorcerer don Juan and reveals that there are worlds existing within our own that can be visited through dreams.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

    I andet bind af Carlos Castanedas fascinerende beretning om Don Juan og hans lære fortsætter vi med at komme længere ind i den spirituelle rejse mod en anden virkelighed. Handlingen er centreret om de forskellige faser og øvelser lærlingen må igennem for at lære ”at se”. Det indebærer en forstærket bevidsthed om planternes kraft, men også den koncentrerede brug af vores mentale kræfter.Castenedas bøger er klassikere inden for deres genre og har inspireret mange til at give sig i kast med åndelige og spirituelle praksisser. De detaljerede beskrivelser af shamanens systematiske arbejde og metoder inspirerer nu igen i dag til en fornyet opmærksomhed på vores planet og forhold til naturen.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

    Nu er den peruvianske antropologs klassiker om shamanisme, heling og brugen af hallucinogener igen ude på dansk i Niels Brunses oversættelse. I bogen berettes om de begivenheder, der fandt sted mellem shamanen og læremesteren Don Juan og hans lærling under et spirituelt forløb i årene fra 1960 til 1965. De forskellige stadier i lærlingens spirituelle udvikling præsenteres med stor indlevelse og lader læseren får et kig ind i læren om naturens og planternes dybe kræfter og den psykedeliske erfarings muligheder.“Ekstraordinærialle ordetsbetydninger” – The New York Times

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

    Don Juan Matus definio el ensueno manifestando que era el acto de utilizar los suenos normales como puerta de entrada que conduce a la conciencia humana hacia otros ambitos de la percepcion. Esta definicion implicaba, para el, que los suenos comunes podian ser usados como una escotilla que guiaba la percepcion hacia otras regiones de energia, diferente de la del mundo de la vida cotidiana y, sin embargo, sumamente similar a esta en su nucleo basico. El resultado implicaba la percepcion de mundos verdaderos en los que se podia vivir o morir, mundos increiblemente distintos del nuestro y, al mismo tiempo, sumamente similares.El ensueno unicamente puede ser experimentado."

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

    WORLD-RENOWNED BESTSELLING AUTHOR CARLOS CASTANEDA'S SELECTION OF HIS WRITINGS ON THE SHAMANS OF ANCIENT MEXICONear the end of his life, Carlos Castaneda gathered together and reviewed his seminal works on his training as a shaman initiate, recorded in a literary career that spans over thirty years. The result is this groundbreaking collection of quotations -- the essence of Carlos Castaneda, drawn from his landmark volumes including The Teachings of Don Juan, Journey to Ixtlan, A Separate Reality, and Tales of Power. Enhanced with an introduction and original commentary by the author, this powerful work illuminates the shaman's life as never before. Castaneda's words explore how the ancient shamans could literally touch and direct the wheel of time -- a profound yet pragmatic tradition that can be felt even in our day.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    123,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    176,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    173,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    173,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    198,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    163,95 kr.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    178,95 kr.

    A classic cornerstone of dream interpretation, The Art of Dreaming allows people to look within themselves for the answers that ultimately lead to a life filled with serenity. Containing detailed descriptions of different dream techniques, Carlos Castanedas’ groundbreaking approaches are geared to show, as well as guide, a dremaer through ”the four Gates of dreaming”.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    159,95 kr.

    In this book, written immideately before his death, anthropologist and shaman Carlos Castaneda gives us his most autobiographical and intimately revealing work ever: the fruit of a lifetime of experiences and perhaps the most moving volume in his ouvre. This book is essential reading for anyone who has enjoyed Castaneda’s previous work and makes an ideal introduction for the first time reader. ”Carlos castaneda was one of the most profound and influential thinkers of this century. His insights paved the way for the future evolution of human conciousness. We are all deeply indebted to him” – Deepak Chopra

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    166,95 kr.

    Carlos Castaneda learned that for us to perceive any of the worlds that exist beside our own, we must not only covet them, but find sufficient energy to seize them. Magical Passes offers readers the key to this energetic conditioning for the first time. Castaneda reveals a series of body positions and physical movements that have enabled various shamans and their apprentices to navigate their own sorceric journeys. Achieve new levels of physical and mental mentality and travel to some of these other realms, which are as real, unique, absolute and engulfing as our own world.

  • - A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
    af Carlos Castaneda
    165,95 - 374,95 kr.

    In 1968 University of California Press published an unusual manuscript by an anthropology student named Carlos Castaneda. The Teachings of Don Juan enthralled a generation of seekers dissatisfied with the limitations of the Western worldview. This is a story of a journey that has left an impression on the life of more than a million readers.

  • af Carlos Castaneda
    153,95 kr.

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