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  • af Carol Kline & PH.D. Gay Hendricks
    145,95 kr.

    Change Your Luck and Live a Charmed Life!What if you could create your own luck? What if living a charmed life-being lucky in love, lucky in money, lucky in your chosen work-was within your control? The good news is that it's all entirely possible...when you know how!In Conscious Luck, New York Times bestselling authors Gay Hendricks and Carol Kline share eight Secrets that will allow you to intentionally change your fortune. Instead of hoping and wishing that luck will come your way, let Conscious Luck show you how to seize control of your destiny and create the dazzling life of your dreams. This powerful step-by-step program, which includes practical techniques, inspiring true stories, and the authors' personal journeys, will lead you to greater freedom and abundance. The Secrets-four core shifts and four daily practices-teach you how to:· plant the seeds of luck in your own psyche· remove unlucky programming (including lifting "curses")· move at your Essence Pace· practice Radical Gratitude, and much more. Based on decades of the authors' trailblazing work, this unique and highly effective toolkit offers a surefire way to transform your life.

  • - Brug positiv psykologi i dit liv
    af Marci Shimoff & Carol Kline
    43,94 kr.

    En bog, der ligeud og med varme og lethed forklarer, hvordan vi kan blive mere lykkelige. Bogen er baseret på videnskabelig research og interviews med 100 virkelig lykkelige mennesker. Marci Shimoff samler alle tråde fra positiv psykologi, den nyeste lykkeforskning, samt meditations- og mindfulness-teknikker på en overskuelig, enkel og brugbar måde. Hun kommer vidt omkring, og der er teknikker for enhver, der ønsker at udvide lykken og livsglæden her og nu, og vi har alle et lykkepunkt, som vi kan udvikle.Lykkelig uden grund er logisk opbygget i 7 trin til mere livsglæde, og pointerne i hver enkelt indfaldsvinkel til lykken bliver underbygget med casestories, praktiske teknikker, illustrationer og spørgeskemaer, som læseren kan lade sig inspirere af.Bogen udkom i dansk oversættelse i 2009 - året efter den engelsk-amerikanske Happy for no reason.

  • - A Nursing Career Ends With One Left Turn. A Story Of Determination, Inspiration and Hope Begins.
    af Carol Kline
    182,95 kr.

    The basis for this story is two-fold. First, it is imperative to bring to light a desperate need for rehabilitation facilities that will more efficiently serve today's men and women veterans who are wounded and/or disabled. Second, an example of precisely why such a need has become imperative is based on a true story of an Air Force nurse who, if she could speak, would likely tell you in great detail why proper housing and more individualized care for today's veterans is sorely needed. People ask every day, by phone or in person, by text or email, how our daughter is doing. With every inquiry, I have to take a moment to reflect before giving an answer. There is always that small voice, that pause, the lump in my throat: how is she doing... really? Knowing each day will quite possibly see her make very small steps of increased productivity in learning to speak or to walk, to brush her teeth, to pick out the clothes for that day then work as hard as she can to get an arm in a sleeve, to learn to eat so that one day she won't be fed through a tube, and to be helped from the bed to her wheelchair. I swallow that insistent lump and realize she has made tremendous strides moment by moment, day by day. I thank God with every part of my being, every single minute of every single day that she is here at all. And then I thank Him that her mind is fully restored cognitively. To hear her speak again would be nothing short of a miracle. When I hear her laugh at a funny story or during a comedy film, to feel her hugs and the little pat on my back that says, "I love you" so fills my heart with infinite joy! And, so, when people ask, I reflect. Knowing what she has been through - the depths of pain and suffering, the horror of not being able to defend herself when left alone, not even so much as to make a call for help - I reflect. The dream of being a wife and mother again is almost non-existent now, but it is still her hope. That crisp Air Force uniform she wore with such pride still gives her joy and so boosts her self-esteem when we dress her in it to attend an appropriate function. Happiness lights up her face! Her pride is clearly evident. In that instant when people ask, I reflect because I know where she has come from and all that she has endured, I realize that in all the tomorrows she must continue to push on day by day by day, and it simply tears the heart out of me. Watching her smile and hearing her laugh gives us the greatest hope of all, even as we know that light at the end of the tunnel is still very far away. When people ask "how is your daughter doing," I reflect, and then I smile and say, "She is awesome!"

  • af Jack Canfield, Carol Kline, Amy D. Shojai, mfl.
    165,95 kr.

    Cats first purred their way into human hearts thousands of years ago, and have been our treasured companions and soul mates ever since. From the impishness of kittens to the regal mystery of adult cats, our feline companions never cease to captivate our hearts and imaginations. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul celebrates our feline friends, and the people who love them, in all their varied splendour: their independence, their mystique, their playfulness and, yes, even their disdain. So, smile at their many 'cattitudes' and feed your feline passion with wonderful stories such as these:- A heroic tabby saves the family he loves from a lethal gas leak in their home - A fish-loving shorthair nearly loses his head while scavenging in the rubbish- A three-legged kitten befriends a lonely young girl, transforming her world From playful and hilarious accounts of life with cats to heart-warming tales of cat courage, healing and learning, each touching story in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul celebrates the special bond we share with our cats.

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