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  • af Carol Marín
    112,95 kr.

    Synopsis: Dorie is a flamingo. She is sweet but shy. She has two older sisters, Maddie and Destiny. She loves her sisters but her favorite person is Molly, her very best friend in the whole wide world. And, as best friends do, they spend every free moment together. Dorie's Day at the Beach is a story about Dorie and her best friend Molly. Dorie and Molly love the beach, picnics, music, and looking for seashells. On one particular afternoon at the beach, Molly and Dorie meet someone new, whom becomes a special friend. Whom do they meet? What is so special about the new friend? Read Dorie's Day at the Beach! You will be surprised!Autobiography: Carol Marin, Author, is married, mother of two adult children, and a retired speech therapist. The author also has a beagle named Molly and a kitten named Ariella. Her family, best friend, and pets provided inspiration for her books, as did her tenure as a speech therapist. During her 30 year career, she provided speech and language therapies for children, preschool through high school, diagnosed with speech and language delays, including deaf, hearing impaired, and children with autism.

  • af Carol Marín
    112,95 kr.

    Book Synopsis: Dorie, Maddie, and Destiny represent the different sides of our Inner Child. Dorie the shy, sweet child; Maddie the social butterfly; and, Destiny the princess "want to be". They are flamingos, but sisters as well. As sisters will do, they get along with each other one day, and annoyed at each other the next day. Dorie's New Hat shows a glimpse of their lives together. In this story Dorie needs a new hat for a special occasion, but finds it frustrating to find the perfect hat. Will her sisters come to her rescue or will Dorie never find the hat of her dreams? Read this story and find out for yourself!Autobiography: Carol Marin, Author, is married, mother of two adult children, and a retired speech therapist. During her 30 year career, she provided speech and language therapies for children, preschool through high school, diagnosed with speech and language delays, including deaf, hearing impaired, and children with autism.Children's literature was an integral part of the speech and language therapies provided during the author's tenure as a speech therapist. All children love books. The pictures and language supported the development of speech sounds, grammar, vocabulary, reading, spelling, intonation, social interaction, and visual support for the story. The books also provided enjoyment for all involved in the lessons.Writing this book was fun and fulfilling for the author. She hopes you will enjoy reading about Dorie, Maddie, and Destiny as much as she did while writing Dorie's New Hat.

  • af Carol Marín
    137,95 kr.

    El relato de la depresión contado en primera persona por una psicólogaLa simbología del tatuaje del punto y coma busca representar a la persona que, pudiendo haber finalizado una frase a tiempo, decidió no hacerlo. Eso mismo le pasó a Alejandra, una psicóloga que tenía un proyecto de vida, unas ilusiones y unos objetivos, hasta que dejó de tenerlos. No atendió a las señales que su cuerpo le daba, hizo caso omiso de ellas. Y, para cuando detectó que algo le pasaba, ya tenía encima la enfermedad del siglo XXI, la depresión.En este libro se describe el caso de una psicóloga que padece un trastorno depresivo. La exposición de los síntomas, las señales de alerta y la transición a través de una desgarradora historia de superación, no exenta de un sufrimiento extremo, arroja luz sobre las posibilidades de salida a esta enfermedad. En cada capítulo, la psicóloga Carol Marín ofrece pautas para afrontar este trastorno, incidiendo especialmente en la manera correcta de acompañar a un familar que padece este mal endémico.Punto y coma arroja luz sobre un trastorno mental que cada año no solamente se lleva por delante a muchas personas, sino que deja tras de sí familias rotas por la desesperación de no saber ayudar a su ser querido a superar este duro camino, de una oscuridad absoluta. El libro que tienes entre manos pretende ser un auxilio para ambos.

  • af Carol Marín
    162,95 kr.

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