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  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the tenth and final book in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 10.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #10 by CLAPPING.If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!CLAP FOR 5!CLAP FOR 6!CLAP FOR 7!CLAP FOR 8!CLAP FOR 9!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the ninth in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 9.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #9 by CLAPPING.If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!CLAP FOR 5!CLAP FOR 6!CLAP FOR 7!CLAP FOR 8!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the eighth in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 8.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #8 by CLAPPING.If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!CLAP FOR 5!CLAP FOR 6!CLAP FOR 7!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the seventh in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 7.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #7 by CLAPPING.If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!CLAP FOR 5!CLAP FOR 6!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the sixth in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 6.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #6 by CLAPPING.If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the fifth in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 5.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #5 by CLAPPING.More books in this series coming soon!If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the fourth in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 4.In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #4 by CLAPPING.More in this series to come!If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is the third in a series of books dedicated to numbers and in this case is about 3..In it we explore different things which are distinguished by or associated with a specific number.In this book, we explore and celebrate #3 by CLAPPING.More in this series to come!If you are interested in other children's books by this author you can check out:Jump Series:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Look For a Clue!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.

  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.

    Poor little kitten is lost and all aloneWill she be able to find her happy home?Rosie was rescued and adopted, but she never meowed. But we soon discovered she could say HELLO.This is a true story about our family pet Rosie.At the end, you'll get to meet our Rosie Posie!If you enjoyed this book, you might also like my JUMP SERIES.Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSLEARN TO DRAW WITH SYMMETRY.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.

    Amazing rides, food and plenty to do...Who knew I'd see an aardvark at the amusement park too!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying there's an aardvark in the amusement park!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!JUMP AND CHEER HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S AN EWWW IN MY STEW!JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE!JUMP AND SAY DA DO DO DO!JUMP AND ASK IS IT YOU OR EWE?JUMP AND SAY THERE'S A MOO-MOO IN A TUTU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S A HARE IN MY HAIR!JUMP AND SAY MY AUNT ATE AN ANT!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.


  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.

    This is a book about trusting an older brotherWhen he tells you there's a hare in your hair!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying there's a hare in your hair!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!JUMP AND CHEER HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S AN EWWW IN MY STEW!JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE!JUMP AND SAY DA DO DO DO!JUMP AND ASK IS IT EWE?JUMP AND SAY THERE'S A MOO-MOO IN A TUTU!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSLEARN TO DRAW WITH SYMMETRYTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    152,95 kr.

    This is a book about ballet...but who knew...I'd see a MOO-MOO in a TUTU!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying there's a moo-moo in a tutu!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!JUMP AND CHEER HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S AN EWWW IN MY STEW!JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE!JUMP AND SAY DA DO DO DO!JUMP AND ASK IS IT EWE?Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    197,95 kr.

    From the Preface:"This collection of Short Stories includes six of my readers' favourites, and seven new short stories which I wrote during the pandemic.They say 'out with the old and in with the new' but I say let's look at the entire view." Author Cathy McGough

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    It's Easter time and there's so much to doDon't forget to hunt for eggs as you read through!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping, hopping and saying Happy Easter to you!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!JUMP AND CHEER HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S A MOO MOO IN A TUTU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S AN EWWW IN MY STEW!JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE!JUMP AND SAY DA DO DO DO!JUMP AND ASK IS IT YOU OR EWE?JUMP AND SAY THERE'S A HARE IN MY HAIR!JUMP AND SAY MY AUNT ATE AN ANT!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    127,95 kr.

    They say out with the old and in with the newA New Year is Coming - so Happy New Year To You!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping, cheering and saying Happy New Year to You!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!JUMP AND SAY THERE'S AN EWWW IN MY STEW!JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE!JUMP AND SAY DA DO DO DO!JUMP AND ASK IS IT YOU OR EWE?Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    Trying new foods is the right thing to do...But not when you find an EWWW IN YOUR STEW!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying there's an EWWW in their stew!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP AND SAY VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR KIDS TOOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    167,95 kr.

    Learning to draw with Symmetry is fun!On the left side, is half of the object you are drawing. There are various levels of difficulty, so beginners can start with something simple like a sun, or a flower.Drawings increase in difficulty, as the child's confidence and experience develops and grows.Once completed, the child can colour the object either to match the other side, or the entire object depending on what is required.You might also like Cathy's JUMP SERIES and her CLAP SERIES.Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about music and singingWhether with an instrument, solo-ing or in a choir.In this rhyming picture book, children will be JUMPING AND SINGING DA-DO-DO-DO!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP AND SAY VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR KIDS TOOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUEJUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SQUAWK LIKE A COCKATOOOther children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES..All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about Christmas...And making this year better than best!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying Merry Christmas to You!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.JUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOMore books coming soon!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about sheep About rams, lambs and the ewe!In this rhyming picture book, children will be JUMP[ING and asking Is It Ewe?Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP AND SAY VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR KIDS TOOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUEJUMP AND SAY COCK-A-DOODLE-DOJUMP AND SQUAWK LIKE A COCKATOOMore books coming soon!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    192,95 kr.

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about cockatoosAnd the unique things they do!In this rhyming picture book, children will be JUMPING and SQUAWKING like a Cockatoo!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP AND SAY VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR KIDS TOOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.More books coming soon!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about hens, baby chicks - And roosters who say COCK-A-DOODLE-DO!In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and saying COCK-A-DOODLE-DO!Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:JUMP LIKE A CARIBOUJUMP LIKE A KANGAROOJUMP AND SAY VALENTINE'S DAY IS FOR KIDS TOOJUMP FOR EVERYTHING BLUEJUMP AND SAY WHO WHOJUMP AND SAY P.U.JUMP AT THE ZOOJUMP AND SAY BOOJUMP AND SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.JUMP AND LOOK FOR A CLUE.More books coming soon!Other children's books available:BILLY SHAKESPEAREBILLIE SHAKESPEARETHE THREE BOULDERSTHE CAT WHO SAID HELLO& CLAP SERIES.All of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!

  • af Cathy McGough
    197,95 kr.

    ¿After reading the first book in this series, you'll know that E-Z Dickens and his wheelchair have special powers. And that he has supportive family and friends (and two wannabe angels Hadz and Reiki) to help him along the way.In this second book, E-Z wields his way to The Netherlands (not of his own volition), where he meets a girl named Lia who has amazing abilities of her own and their help each other and become friends.And on his way back home again, E-Z is formally introduced to Alfred (who is a trumpeter swan) and who made a brief appearance in the second book.Together they become The Three and must go head to head with the ghastly Eriel who is out for revenge.In the fourth and final book in this series, E-Z and his team fight the final battle. Will they win, or will the horrible Furies conquer the world?

  • af Cathy McGough
    197,95 kr.

    E-Z's leadership in The Three has been tested already, but the ultimate test is yet to come.The Archangels need his help, and they are getting desperate and giving E-Z more hints and he's finally figured it out.Now, E-Z's best friends PJ and Arden are comatose and no one knows how they got that way.Thanks to Rosalie, help is on the way!

  • af Cathy McGough
    137,95 kr.

    This is a book about looking for clues!I'd love to a be a Private Delective - What about you?In this rhyming picture book, children will be jumping and look for clues to solve the mystery.Also available in the JUMP Series are the following titles:Jump Like a Caribou!Jump Like a Kangaroo!Jump at the Zoo!Jump and Say P.U.!Jump and Say Boo!Jump and Say Valentine's Day IsFor Kids Too!Jump and Say Happy Birthday to You!Jump For Everything Blue!Jump, Hop and Say Happy Easter To You!Jump and Say Cock-A-Doodle-Do!Jump and Sing Da-Do-Do-Do!Jump and Ask Who? Who?Jump and Squawk Like a Cockatoo!Jump and Ask Is It You or Ewe?Jump and Say There's an Ewww in My Stew!Jump and Say Merry Christmas To You!Jump and Cheer Happy New Year!Jump and Say There's a Moo-Moo in a Tutu!Jump and Say There's a Hare in My Hair!Jump and Say My Aunt Ate An Ant!Jump and Say There's An Aardvark In The Amusement Park!CLAP FOR SERIESCLAP FOR 1!CLAP FOR 2!CLAP FOR 3!CLAP FOR 4!CLAP FOR 5!CLAP FOR 6!CLAP FOR 7!CLAP FOR 8!CLAP FOR 9!Other Children's Books:The Cat Who Said HelloThe Three BouldersBilly ShakespeareBillie ShakespeareLearn To Draw With SymmetryAll of Cathy's chlldren's books are powered by the wonderful art in Canva Pro. If you haven't tried it yet, then give it a go!Non-Fiction103 Fundraising Ideas For Parent Volunteers With Schools and Teams

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