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  • af Cecil Murphey
    82,95 kr.

    Losing weight is a struggle. We may feel all alone in our quest to shed those pounds. Devotions for Dieters reminds us that support is never far away and that Jesus cherishes each of us no matter what the number on the scale. The author has maintained his weight loss for decades. He credits God's help with his success and wants to show us, too, how that assistance can give us the boost we need to reach all our goals. Devotions for Dieters demonstrates the parallels between maintaining weight loss and maintaining Christian ideals. Could your life be enlightened through new eating habits, healthier outlooks, and heightened spirituality?

  • af Cecil Murphey
    82,95 kr.

    You've begun running and it's a wonderful form of exercise. It may even be your preferred method of relaxation. But did you know you could also build your Christian muscles as you tone your body? In the years since the author began running, he has discovered that his commitment to the sport as well as such setbacks as "hitting the wall" all share correlations with his own Christ-centered life. And in Devotions for Running he wants to share those revelations with you. This six-week devotional will translate the runner's vocabulary into Christian terms that will resonate with both the dedicated runner and recreational jogger. And if you are a Christian who is "thinking about" running, this may just help make up your mind to get out there and strengthen both your body and soul.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    82,95 kr.

    Falling in love seems to be so easy. But staying in love-isn't that our ultimate goal? Don't you want to be with someone as long as you both shall live? In Devotions for Couples the author uses his own marriage of over five decades to demonstrate how keeping love alive is possible, maintainable and so enriching-with God's help. In this six-week devotional you'll discover how to emulate Christ's example of unconditional love in your own relationship. Find out how to tell if you are fighting fair and making allowances for one another's differences. Learn how spiritual straight talk can help you express loyalty and love while enriching your life to the fullest. Using the powerful words of Christ, you will soon be on your way to making your relationship last a lifetime.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    147,95 kr.

    Do you desire a better understanding of God? Do you want a glimpse into His personality? Are you ready for a more intimate relationship with Him and a richer prayer life? In Revitalize Your Prayer Life, veteran author Cecil Murphey invites you on a quest to discover the nature, character, and attributes of God and offers thought-provoking lessons and insights that will draw you nearer to Him. With honesty and transparency, Murphey allows you an insider's view of his struggles with prayer and shows how he discovered the invigorating joy of praying anywhere, anytime. Let the pages written by this seasoned Christian stir up your spirit and help change your focus. Not only will you experience a refreshing difference in your communication with God, but you'll put an end to devotional boredom as well.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    342,95 kr.

    Torn from an idyllic life with a loving, extended family in 1960\u2019s Alabama, young Johnny Turnipseed found himself in Minneapolis, Minnesota with a father he no longer recognized and empty cupboards. A.C. Turnipseed\u2019s alcoholism and womanizing started a chain reaction of poverty, violence, addiction and despair that nearly destroyed three generations.From lost and frightened little boy to gang leader, drug dealer and pimp to one of the nation\u2019s most respected pioneers of community restoration, John Turnipseed\u2019s story of transformation and restoration is told with unflinching honesty and contagious hope.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    142,95 kr.

    En¿Pueden nuestros seres queridos vernos desde el más allá?- Cecil Murphey y Twila Belk dan respuesta a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre el cielo.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    212,95 kr.

    El querido autor Cecil Murphey permite a los lectores descubrir lo bueno de cada situación y mejorar la vida debido a las adversidades. Cuando surge el caos, cada persona tiene una opción que hacer: decidir si es el peor momento de la vida, encontrar la comodidad en que solían ser las cosas, seguir adelante porque el cambio es forzado (y luego reenviar todo lo que sucede). o decir: "Este puede ser el mejor momento de mi vida. Puedo probar las cosas que quería hacer pero que nunca hice." En "Encuentre el sentido cuando la vida no lo tenga," las historias convincentes de Cecil Murphey, las ideas llenas de esperanza y el aliento suave mueven a los lectores con vidas desordenadas a la sorprendente realización de que la vida nunca será perfecta, pero puede ser buena. . . incluso emocionante. Beloved author Cecil Murphey empowers readers to discover the good in every situation and to make life better because of adversities. Sometimes life gets messy. It's cluttered with too many demands. Companies downsize. Love relationships end. Trauma hits. When chaos erupts, every person has a choice to make -- to decide whether it's the worst time of life, to find comfort in the way things used to be, to move on because change is forced (and then resent everything that happens), or to say, "This can be the best time of my life. I can try the things I wanted to do but never did." In Making Sense . . . When Life Doesn't, Cecil Murphey's compelling stories, hope-filled insights, and gentle encouragement move readers with messy lives to the stunning realization that life won't ever be perfect, but it can be good . . . even exciting.

  • af Cecil Murphey
    97,95 kr.

    Addiction. It's a trial we're never ready to encounter. We can't believe that a loved one would make such a life-altering mistake by entering into the dark world of drug or alcohol addiction.

  • - The Ben Carson Story
    af Cecil Murphey & M.D. Carson
    167,95 kr.

    The story of Ben Carson, M.D. will inspire readers as they watch an inner-city youngster rise to become director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

  • - Courageous Meditations for Men Hurting from Childhood Abuse
    af Cecil Murphey
    172,95 kr.

    Many survivors of childhood abuse think of themselves as defective, flawed, and worthless. Cecil Murphey knows this too well. A survivor himself, he's familiar with the shame and brokenness that can come from abuse. But he also knows there is hope, not only for surviving, but for flourishing. More Than Surviving is more than just personal accounts or clinical data; it's a series of short meditations for readers to delve into whenever they have the time or need a quick burst of encouragement in a difficult day. Vulnerable, honest, and incredibly courageous, each ends with a brief prayer to help men face their pain and to grow from the experience--and past it. Murphey's transparency affirms his readers and assures them that they are not alone: many men have gone through the same painful experiences and are now strong survivors. Here, more men will discover guidance, encouragement, and practical advice on how to live victoriously.

  • - A Woman's Guide to Helping Him
    af Cecil Murphey
    197,95 kr.

    The numbers of males abused in childhood are sometimes listed as low as 5 percent or as high as 33 percent. Though statistics are controversial, no one disputes the fact that childhood abuse is a continuing problem-or that such abuse can have devastating effects on future relationships. For all women who know and love a survivor of sexual assault, best-selling author Cecil Murphey has penned an honest and forthright book about surviving-and thriving-despite past abuses.Both informative and highly practical, Murphey helps women understand the continuing problems that abuse survivors may encounter, including hurtful memories, issues of self worth, and the need to feel in control. With sensitivity and encouragement, Murphey then explains what women can do to help bring about healing and forgiveness. Written with the empathy that only a true survivor can convey, "When a Man You Love Was Abused" is a timely piece of advice and encouragement.Find out more at the book trailer in the video library -

  • - Who Is Going to Be There Because of You?
    af Don Piper & Cecil Murphey
    180,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Picking up where the bestselling 90 Minutes in Heaven left off, author Don Piper reveals for the first time the sacred, intimate details of the people who met him at the gates of heaven and the profound impact they had on his faith on earth.

  • - Historias reales de la Biblia, la historia y hoy
    af Cecil Murphey
    242,95 kr.

    Historias verdaderas de los que han experimentado el lugar mas maravilloso que nadie jamas podria imaginar.En estos tiempos dificiles, cuando la vida en la tierra es dificil para muchas personas, hay un anhelo por el cielo, no como un escape de nuestra "e;tribulacion momentanea"e; (2 Corintios 4:17), sino como una promesa de que es un Hogar eterno esperando a aquellos que ponen su confianza en Dios. En Creo en el cielo, Cecil Murphey y Twila Belk han reunido y nos cuentan algunas de las historias mas dramaticas de la historia acerca del cielo y de las personas que han tenido la experiencia de este glorioso lugar. Se incluyen historias de la Biblia, las historias de nuestro pasado y de hoy en dia, muchas de ellas presentadas por primera vez.True stories of those who have experienced the most wondrous place anyone could ever imagine.In these challenging times, when life on earth is difficult for many people, there is a longing for heaven, not as an escape from our "e;momentary troubles"e; (2 Corinthians 4:17), but as a promise that there is an eternal home waiting for those who put their trust in God.Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk have assembled and re-told some of history's most dramatic stories about heaven and the people who have had a taste of this glorious place. Included are stories from the Bible, stories from history and present- day accounts, many presented for the very first time.

  • - Real Stories from the Bible, History and Today
    af Cecil Murphey & Twila Belk
    197,95 kr.

    What is heaven like?When I die, will I go immediately to heaven?Will I see my loved ones there?Have you ever asked these questions? Maybe you can only imagine the answers, but now you can better know what to expect. I Believe in Heaven contains inspirational, true stories from the Bible, history and today that will give you hope, comfort and assurance about the place that awaits you. You'll read . . .• Firsthand accounts of people who died and returned to tell their stories• Biblical and historical evidence of life beyond this life• Consistent reports of overwhelming peace, love and joy in another realm• Insights into what happens in our final days and hours here on earth• Trustworthy answers to questions people have about the after-life

  • - The True Story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor
    af Cecil Murphey & Katariina Phd Rosenblatt
    152,95 kr.

    Sex trafficking is currently a hot news topic, but it is not a new problem or just a problem in "other" countries. Every year, an estimated 300,000 American children are at risk of being lured into the sex trade, some as young as eight years old. It is thought that up to 90 percent of victims are never rescued.Stolen is the true story of one survivor who escaped--more than once. First recruited while staying with her family at a hotel in Miami Beach, Katariina Rosenblatt was already a lonely and abused young girl who was yearning to be loved. She fell into the hands of a confident young woman who pretended friendship but slowly lured her into a child prostitution ring. For years afterward, a cycle of false friendship, threats, drugs, and violence kept her trapped. As Kat shares her harrowing experiences, readers will quickly realize the frightening truth that these terrible things could have happened to any child--a neighbor, a niece, a friend, a sister, a daughter. But beyond that, they will see that there is real hope for the victims of sex trafficking. Stolen is more than a warning. It is a celebration of survival that will inspire.

  • - Una historia real de Vida y Muerte
    af Don Piper & Cecil Murphey
    152,95 kr.

    Ahora disponible en español. 90 minutos en el Cielo es el éxito de librería que relata la experiencia de un hombre ante la muerte y la vida. Cuando el ministro bautista Don Piper conducía de regreso a casa luego de una conferencia, su auto chocó con un camión que se cruzó de carril. Lo declararon muerto en la escena del accidente. Durante los siguientes 90 minutos Piper vivió las glorias del cielo, donde vinieron a saludarle quienes habían influido en su vida espiritual, y allí experimentó la verdadera paz. Debajo, en la tierra, un ministro que pasaba y que también había asistido a la conferencia, se sintió guiado a orar por la víctima aunque le dijeron que Don estaba muerto. Milagrosamente Piper volvió a la vida y el placer del cielo fue reemplazado por una recuperación larga y dolorosa.Durante años Don Piper guardó el secreto de su experiencia en el cielo. Finalmente, amigos y familiares le convencieron para que compartiera su historia. Un relato inspirador y alentador, 90 minutos en el Cielo seguirá llegando y consolando a cientos de miles de personas del mundo, ofreciendo un vistazo de la inexpresable dicha celestial.

  • - A True Story of Death & Life
    af Don Piper & Cecil Murphey
    137,95 kr.

    As he is driving home from a minister's conference, Baptist minister Don Piper collides with a semi-truck that crosses into his lane. He is pronounced dead at the scene. For the next 90 minutes, Piper experiences heaven where he is greeted by those who had influenced him spiritually. He hears beautiful music and feels true peace.Back on earth, a passing minister who had also been at the conference is led to pray for Don even though he knows the man is dead. Piper miraculously comes back to life and the bliss of heaven is replaced by a long and painful recovery.For years Piper kept his heavenly experience to himself. Finally, however, friends and family convinced him to share his remarkable story.

  • - How to Make Simple Adjustments to Your Lifstyle That Can Help You..
    af Cecil Murphey & Jan Kuzma
    152,95 kr.

    The 'live longer lifestyle,' based on Kuzma's years of research in longevity, present practical suggestions for reducing heart disease and cancer, losing weight, increasing vitality, enjoying life, and faithfully caring for the body that God has given each of us.

  • af Cecil Murphey & Judy Rogers
    167,95 kr.

    Filled with detailed information on the sights, sounds, facts, and history of this magnificent state, A Touch of Georgia is an insightful and essential guide.

  • - Spiritual Help for Caregivers
    af Cecil Murphey
    317,95 kr.

    Cecil Murphey provides reflections from his counseling experience to illuminate the challenges facing those who respond to the physical and emotional needs of both young children and aging parents. Each devotional begins with a description of a difficult or trying moment common to caregivers and ends with a prayer and a biblical...

  • - Modern Wisdom from the Ancient Book of Proverbs
    af Cecil Murphey
    257,95 kr.

    The book of Proverbs deals with the human search for meaning. Through reason, experience, common sense, and observation, the sages sought to discover God in the details of daily life. In Simply Living, Cecil Murphey reacquaints us with dozens of proverbs--some familiar and some forgotten--and helps us apply these ancient insights to the...

  • - Spiritual Help When Someone You Love Is Mentally Ill
    af Cecil Murphey
    242,95 kr.

    This compassionate book is the third that well-known author Cecil Murphey has written to provide spiritual guidance to those who face some of the special problems prevalent in today's society. Here the problem is mental illness--previously he has written about Alzheimer's Disease and drug addition. This book features meditations and prayers to...

  • af Cecil Murphey
    132,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Cecil Murphey provides comfort, advice, stories, and prayers for those who journey alongside a loved one whose memory is fading. Tranquil paintings by popular artist Michal Sparks create a sanctuary for readers as they embrace Murphey's guidance and draw strength from those who have walked a similar path.

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