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  • af Cezar Giosan
    228,95 kr.

    Dupa succesul romanului de debut "Sapte Ani de America," Cezar Giosan revine cu un exercitiu literar de exceptie. "Americanul," un roman epic cu un happy-end trans-generational, este povestea adevarata a unui imigrant roman in America la inceputul secolului trecut. Mitu Popescu, un cioban din Novaci, Oltenia, emigreaza in Lumea Noua cu acte false in 1913, iar destinul i se desfasoara apoi ca un vifor. Dragoste si ura, binecuvantare si disperare, suisuri si coborasuri, sunt prezente intr-o naratiune ce are o doza perfecta de tensiune cinematografica, indemnandu-l pe cititor sa intoarca mereu pagina pentru a vedea ce urmeaza. Textul este amplu si intens, in stil rebreano-predist, si acopera, prin viata remarcabila a protagonistului, jumatate de secol de evenimente istorice de importanta profunda: Marele Razboi, crahul de pe Wall Street din toamna lui 1929, Marea Depresie, prohibitia si contrabanda cu alcool, Garda de Fier, Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, foametea din Moldova din '46, instaurarea regimurilor comuniste in Europa de Est, suferinta si tortura indescriptibila din inchisorile comuniste romanesti de dupa razboi. Printre randuri, cititorul poate simti cum povestea decurge intr-o maniera "anti Great Man" in ciuda eforturilor lui Mitu, care se afla intr-o cautare continua a fericirii si sacrifica multe pentru a atinge Visul American, circumstantele in care se gaseste sunt extraordinar de puternice, conducandu-i destinul in directii tragice. Textul este o scriitura de substanta si o realizare literara remarcabila, iar relevanta actuala este imediata: depresia economica, visele naruite, dificultatile financiare ale omului de rand. _________________________________________ "Americanul Cezar Giosan este dincolo de toate asertiunile posibile un romancier veritabil. Povestea de viata a lui Mitu Popescu sta ascunsa intr-o constructie romanesca de 500 de pagini... si spun (scriu) "ascuns," pentru ca incercarea donquijotesca a romanului de la inceputul secolului trecut de a-si schimba destinul romanesc dincolo de ocean pare o descindere in subteranele memoriei noastre mai adanci sau mai recente. De aceea, cred in sansa acestei carti de a deschide subtil o granita intre fictiunea literara si fictiunea istoriei." CRISTIAN TUDOR POPESCU, Jurnalist. "Am citit manuscrisul "Americanului" si trebuie sa marturisesc ca am avut lacrimi in ochi. Este povestea multora dintre strabunicii nostri, mai ales a acelora care au venit in America din Ardeal." DR. ILEANA ORLICH, profesoara de studii romanesti si literatura comparata la Arizona State University. "Pentru mine, intalnirea cu lumea copilariei pe care am trait-o la inceputul secolului trecut este o mare bucurie. Am avut sansa, gratie acestui roman, de a reintra in dialog cu acei oameni, de a-i cunoaste, de a le reintelege faptuirile si rostirile. Este privilegiul celor care vor citi cartea tanarului scriitor Cezar Giosan sa intre si ei in dialog cu sperantele, dramele, realitatile unei alte epoci." MIHAI SORA, om de cultura.

  • af Cezar Giosan
    228,95 kr.

    "The American" is an epic trans-generational happy-end tale, which tells the true and ultimately tragic story of a Romanian shepherd who immigrated to the US at the beginning of last century. Love and hatred, highs and lows, bliss and despair, are gelled into an exciting narration with a perfect dose of cinematographic tension, enticing the reader to turn the page to see what comes next. The book has ample breadth and covers, through the remarkable life of the protagonist, half a century of events of profound historical importance: The Great War, the 1929 market crash, The Great Depression, the prohibition and bootlegging, The Second World War, the fearsome Romanian anti-Semitic Iron Guard, the installation of the communist regime in Eastern Europe, the indescribable brainwashing, torture and suffering in the Romanian communist prisons during the Stalin era. Between the lines one can sense how the story unfolds in an "anti Great Man" manner: despite the agency, assertiveness, and big struggles of the main character, who is in a continuous pursuit of the American Dream and sacrifices much to achieve it, the circumstances in which he often finds himself are immensely powerful, leading his destiny to tragic directions. The relevance to the present times is apparent: The market crash, the economic slump, the joblessness, the homelessness, the ruined dreams, the endless pursuit of happiness, the financial difficulties of the "commoners." This is a story about many of our great-grandparents, who left everything behind to try their luck in the New World. Books about immigrants to the US have been written aplenty. But books about immigrants who came to the Promised Land and then went back to their country of origin to start anew - and to forever regret the step - are few. This is one of them. "The American" is a substantive reading and a notable literary achievement.

  • - Therapy Manual
    af Cezar Giosan
    584,95 kr.

    Evolutionary psychology has recently made inroads in clinical psychology, bringing the understanding that, in some cases, mental symptoms are not manifestations of brain disorders, but rather evolved mechanisms that might function in overdrive or signal fitness problems.

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