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Bøger af Chad Veach

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  • af Chad Veach
    182,95 kr.

    ¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando piensas en la oración? ¿Se siente como algo para las personas santas, pero no para ti? ¿O como una experiencia mística que nunca podrías esperar lograr en la vida real? O tal vez solo un deber aburrido con poca recompensa. En este libro, el autor y pastor Chad Veach desmitifica el concepto de oración al explicar en términos prácticos cómo es la oración en nuestra vida cotidiana. ¡Resulta que no es difícil! Este enfoque apasionado y personal de la oración elimina la presión de "orar correctamente" y la reemplaza con la tranquila seguridad de que Dios quiere escucharnos y respondernos con amor. Además de desarrollar un caso sobre la importancia de la oración, Chad utiliza historias y percepciones convincentes de la Biblia para brindar consejos prácticos sobre cómo hacer que sus oraciones sean más efectivas. Destaca dónde podemos y debemos orar, y ofrece estrategias tangibles para implementar un estilo de vida de oración dentro del ajetreo de la vida moderna. ¡La oración funciona! Aquí le mostramos cómo conectarse con Dios como Él siempre ha querido. ----- >In this book, author and pastor Chad Veach demystifies the concept of prayer by explaining in practical terms what prayer looks like in our day-to-day lives. It turns out, it's not hard! This passionate, personal approach to prayer removes the pressure to "pray right" and replaces it with the calm assurance that God wants to hear from us and respond to us in love. Along with building a case for the importance of prayer, Chad uses stories and compelling insights from the Bible to give practical advice on how to make your prayers more effective. He highlights where we can and should pray and offers tangible strategies to implement a praying lifestyle within the busyness of modern life. Prayer works! Here's how to connect with God just like He's always wanted.

  • - How to Live with Peace and Purpose Instead of Stress and Burnout
    af Chad Veach
    172,95 kr.

    We all want more peace in our lives, but how do we get there? Mindfulness, and positive thinking only get us so far. In this refreshing book, Chad Veach explores a passionate, personal approach to prayer that removes the pressure to "pray right" and replaces it with the calm assurance that God always hears us--no matter when, where, why, or how we pray.

  • af Chad Veach
    129,95 kr.

    We all want more peace in our lives, but how do we get there? Mindfulness, and positive thinking only get us so far. In this refreshing book, Chad Veach explores a passionate, personal approach to prayer that removes the pressure to "pray right" and replaces it with the calm assurance that God always hears us--no matter when, where, why, or how we pray.

  • - Getting Good at Influence, Leadership, and People Skills
    af Chad Veach
    161,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Becoming a great leader is more about prioritizing self-awareness and people skills than innovative ideas and high levels of productivity. With his transparent and relatable storytelling, Chad Veach addresses three phases of becoming a quality leader, and urges you to lean into your leadership potential regardless of your level of influence or experience.

  • - Moving Past Your Disappointments, Delays, and Destructive Thinking
    af Chad Veach
    197,95 kr.

    Popular pastor Chad Veach casts a vision for a future beyond what most dare to imagine and guides us all toward the abundant plans God has for his children.

  • - Finding Faith in the God Who Brings Purpose to Your Pain
    af Chad Veach
    152,95 kr.

    Popular pastor and rising evangelical star Chad Veach comes alongside readers facing pain, loss, or crushed dreams to take them on a journey toward a deeper understanding of God and irrepressible hope.

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