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  • af Chelsea Manning
    262,95 kr.

    An intimate, revealing memoir from one of the most important activists of our time. While working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq for the United States Army in 2010, Chelsea Manning disclosed more than seven hundred thousand classified military and diplomatic records that she had smuggled out of the country on the memory card of her digital camera. In 2011, she was charged with twenty-two counts related to the unauthorized possession and distribution of classified military records, and in 2013, she was sentenced to thirty-five years in military prison.The day after her conviction, Manning declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition, seeking hormones through the federal court system. In 2017, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was released from prison.In README.txt, Manning recounts how her pleas for increased institutional transparency and government accountability took place alongside a fight to defend her rights as a trans woman. Manning details the challenges of her childhood and adolescence as a naive, computer-savvy kid, what drew her to the military, and the fierce pride she has about the work she does. This powerful, observant memoir will stand as one of the definitive testaments of our digital, information-driven age.

  • af Chelsea Manning
    117,95 kr.

    In America at present, 69% of everyone over the age of 20 is overweight to some degree. Worse than that, over half of this number are clinically obese. In fact, there are more clinically obese and overweight people in the United States, than there are people in Mexico and Canada. This being the case, books and diet regimens regularly hit the headlines, which attempt to explain the reason behind America's ever increasing girth. Ones which in recent years have bent over backwards to try and inform us that our weight is all wheat's fault. The problem however, isn't America's consumption of breads and cereals. Neither in fact, is America's couch potato culture entirely to blame for the ever broadening of two hundred and fifteen million of our respective waist lines. In fact, all blaming wheat for America's health and diet woes does, is blinker us from what is really wrong with many of our diets and lifestyles. 'It's Not The Freaking Wheat America!' will therefore attempt to clarify why we have really got as big and unhealthy as we have recently, and what you can do to fix this. That said I'm no nutritionist or dietary expert. I have however, been on something of a personal dietary adventure over the past six years, and in the first three of those years I learnt enough to loose the extra hundred pounds I'd been collecting since I left college. Real weight loss however, isn't possible in just one weekend, therefore please don't purchase this book if you're looking for a quick way to reel in your waistline. Rather, real sustainable weight loss only starts to happen, when we start to educate ourselves in regard to what is really in a lot of the food that we eat every day.

  • af Chelsea Manning
    132,95 kr.

    An extraordinarily brave and moving memoir from one of the world's most famous transparency activists and trans women.In 2010, Chelsea Manning was working as an intelligence analyst for the US Army in Iraq. She disclosed 720,000 classified military documents that she had smuggled out via the memory card of her digital camera. By far the largest leak in history, these documents revealed a huge number of diplomatic cables and footage of atrocities. She was sentenced to 35 years in military prison.The day after her conviction, Chelsea declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition. She was sent to a male prison, spent much of that time in appalling conditions in solitary confinement and attempted suicide multiple times. In 2017, after a lengthy legal challenge and an outpouring of support, President Obama commuted her sentence.README.txt is a story of personal revolt, resilience and survival. Chelsea details the challenges of her childhood and adolescence in Oklahoma and in her mother's native Wales. She writes revealingly and movingly about a period of homelessness in Chicago, living under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' in the US Army, and the experience of coming to terms with her gender identity and undergoing hormone therapy in prison. We witness her Kafkaesque trial and heroic quest for release.This powerful, courageous and observant memoir sheds light on the big themes of today - identity, authenticity, technology, the authoritarian state - and will stand as one of the definitive testaments of our digital, information-driven age.'Chelsea Manning is the biggest hero that ever lived' Vivienne Westwood'Searing ... uplifting ... redemptive' The New York Times'Electrifying ... an insider confessional turned inside out for the 21st century' Washington Post

  • af Chelsea Manning
    176,95 kr.

    An intimate, revealing memoir from one of the most important activists of our time. While working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq for the United States Army in 2010, Chelsea Manning disclosed more than seven hundred thousand classified military and diplomatic records that she had smuggled out of the country on the memory card of her digital camera. In 2011, she was charged with twenty-two counts related to the unauthorized possession and distribution of classified military records, and in 2013, she was sentenced to thirty-five years in military prison.The day after her conviction, Manning declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition, seeking hormones through the federal court system. In 2017, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was released from prison.In README.txt, Manning recounts how her pleas for increased institutional transparency and government accountability took place alongside a fight to defend her rights as a trans woman. Manning details the challenges of her childhood and adolescence as a naive, computer-savvy kid, what drew her to the military, and the fierce pride she has about the work she does. This powerful, observant memoir will stand as one of the definitive testaments of our digital, information-driven age.

  • af Chelsea Manning
    227,95 kr.

    La extraordinaria autobiografía de una de las activistas y mujeres trans más relevantes de nuestro tiempo. > Manning fue acusada de veintidós cargos y condenada a treinta y cinco años de prisión militar. Pero, al día siguiente de conocer su sentencia, declaró su identidad de género como mujer y empezó otra lucha: la del derecho a la transición en una prisión de hombres. En 2017, después de un largo desafío legal y un gran apoyo civil, el presidente Obama conmutó su pena y la dejó en libertad. Hoy Chelsea Manning es una de las mayores activistas globales por la transparencia de la información y por los derechos de las mujeres trans. Léeme.txt está destinado a convertirse en uno de los testimonios definitivos de nuestra era digital. Es una historia impresionante de rebelión personal, resiliencia y supervivencia: desde la adolescencia atormentada de Manning y los motivos que la llevaron a alistarse en el ejército hasta el juicio kafkiano al que fue sometida y su heroica lucha por la libertad. «Chelsea Manning es la mayor heroína que jamás ha existido». -Vivienne Westwood ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An intimate, revealing memoir from one of the most important activists of our time. While working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq for the United States Army in 2010, Chelsea Manning disclosed more than seven hundred thousand classified military and diplomatic records that she had smuggled out of the country on the memory card of her digital camera. In 2011, she was charged with twenty-two counts related to the unauthorized possession and distribution of classified military records, and in 2013, she was sentenced to thirty-five years in military prison. The day after her conviction, Manning declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition, seeking hormones through the federal court system. In 2017, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was released from prison. In README.txt, Manning recounts how her pleas for increased institutional transparency and government accountability took place alongside a fight to defend her rights as a trans woman. Manning details the challenges of her childhood and adolescence as a naive, computer-savvy kid, what drew her to the military, and the fierce pride she has about the work she does. This powerful, observant memoir will stand as one of the definitive testaments of our digital, information-driven age.

  • - erindringer
    af Chelsea Manning
    187,95 kr.

    I 2010 lækkede Chelsea Manning mere end 700.000 hemmeligstemplede militærdokumenter. Manning, der var udsendt som efterretningsanalytiker for den amerikanske hær, havde smuglet dokumenterne ud af Irak via sit kameras hukommelseskort. Hun blev idømt 35 års fængsel. Dagen efter erklærede hun sin identitet som kvinde og påbegyndte sin transition. Efter syv år forkortede præsident Obama Mannings straf, og hun blev løsladt. I denne erindringsbog lægger Chelsea Manning sin historie frem - om en svær barndom, om bevæggrundene for at sende dokumenterne til WikiLeaks og om kampen for at forsvare sine rettigheder som transkvinde. Mannings erindringer er en uomgængelig fortælling om vores digitale tidsalder fra en af tidens vigtigste aktivister.

  • af Chelsea Manning
    257,95 kr.

    I 2010 lækkede Chelsea Manning mere end 700.000 hemmeligstemplede militærdokumenter. Manning, der var udsendt som efterretningsanalytiker for den amerikanske hær, havde smuglet dokumenterne ud af Irak via sit kameras hukommelseskort. Hun blev idømt 35 års fængsel. Dagen efter erklærede hun sin identitet som kvinde og påbegyndte sin transition. Efter syv år forkortede præsident Obama Mannings straf, og hun blev løsladt.I denne erindringsbog lægger Chelsea Manning sin historie frem – om en svær barndom, om bevæggrundene for at sende dokumenterne til WikiLeaks og om kampen for at forsvare sine rettigheder som transkvinde.Mannings erindringer er en uomgængelig fortælling om vores digitale tidsalder fra en af tidens vigtigste aktivister.Chelsea Manning (f. 1987) er amerikansk aktivist, whistleblower og tidligere efterretningsanalytiker i den amerikanske hær. Hun sad i militærfængsel fra 2010 til 2017, hvor præsident Barack Obama forkortede hendes straf, og hun blev løsladt. Siden 2015 har Chelsea Manning skrevet opinionsstof om krig, køn og informationsfrihed for The Guardian.Anmeldelser"Giver et særdeles interessant indblik i et vanskeligt og dramatisk liv." - ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Politiken"En rørende historie ... som man skal være støbt i beton for ikke at lade sig påvirke af." - ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jyllands-Posten"En fængende personlig beretning" - Weekendavisen"Vigtigheden af hendes handling skriver sig ind i samtidshistoriens række af whistleblowere som Edward Snowden og Frances Haugen." - Information"Skærende personlige erindringer... Selvom det er foruroligende læsning, formår bogen at være opløftende." - The New York Times"Opslugende beretninger... sublim." - The Washington Post"Fantastisk læsning, fyldt med oplysninger, der strider imod fortidens antagelser om Manning." - The Guardian"Fængslende erindringer... Chelsea Manning er blevet en ny form for amerikansk heltinde." - The Observer"En af verdens modigste personer." - Yanis Varoufakis"Chelsea Manning er den største helt nogensinde" - Vivienne Westwood

  • af Chelsea Manning
    157,95 - 195,95 kr.

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