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  • - Book 2
    af Chris Davis
    112,95 kr.

    Learn more about the new adventures of Merrick as he continues to take on and face his worst enemy, Vahar, who is responsible for marauding and attacking local villages and monasteries including Merrick's home that caused his family to separate. Merrick created a support system to protect and defend area seaports and villages with the help of many friends and family members as he established a strong system of new coastal defenses. He is known for sailing along the seas in his now famous longboat called The Merica while having the most unique adventures accompanied by his young pet dragon named Drakkar. This includes chasing and getting chased by evil pirates, landing on a very strange island with a very large worldly tree, and now Merrick has shown the most unique abilities that has made him a legend. Come along the journey as The Adventures of Merrick the Viking continues...

  • - Say "No" to the faux!
    af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Are you wondering why you are here on the planet? Do you wonder if you were an accident? Are you happy and fulfilled? I have good news for you, God loves you and has a plan for your life. That plan is a good one that will make you happy. You came from God and He has unique talents and abilities that are within you, waiting to be discovered. The call, plan, purpose and abilities are what I am calling your kingdom identity. It is to this issue of identity that the book, Walking in Your Kingdom Identity, speaks. If you don't have revelation of who God has created you to be, you may be manifesting a false or faux identity. This faux identity comes from pressures in life, disappointments, trials, tribulations, negative family and friends who may be dream killers and the devil. The Bible has extensive examples of those who found out what their kingdom identity was and stayed true to it. Others in the Bible, decided to walk in a faux identity that did not fulfill Divine Destiny and suffered the consequences. There are also testimonies of people who discovered their kingdom identity and decided to walk in it, saying, "No", to the faux.

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    The Bible says that without a vision the people perish. I like to say that this vision, goal, destiny, directive from the Father or dream is absolutely necessary for your happiness and to fulfill the will of God for your life. What is your dream, your vision, or your passion? Have you ever thought about that? Sometimes people have been so "put into a box" that it is difficult for them to answer those questions. I believe God has imprinted our DNA with creativity, inspiration, the "spark of the divine" and uniqueness.

  • - Building Upon God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
    af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    This volume sets the initial block of the spiritual foundation for life. You will dig deep to understand who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are and why it is so essential to understand them and relate to them personally to begin building a solid spiritual life. Corresponding workbooks for parents and other adults are available for use individually or in partnership with the youth version.

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    The topic of the tithe can be a "hot button" in the Church. Some believe that if you do not give one-tenth of your income to the Church, God will curse you. We believed this erroneous teaching until Jesus set us free. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. We are to be led by the Holy Spirit in our giving. God wants us to give cheerfully of our time, talent, and treasure as He directs us. It is time to have fresh revelation come to the body of Christ and set people free from the "tithe".

  • af Chris Davis
    177,95 kr.

    Sweet baby Schnauzer, Bug has a Magic Blanket... Do you want to know what makes this blanket so magic? Find out what Mommy's love has to do with it, and how you can have your OWN magic blanket...

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Have you wondered if it was appropriate for women to be in the ministry? Have you wondered if it is appropriate for women to minister to men? This book is a study of the Bible that brings out examples of women ministering in the Old Testament and the New Testament. This book will deal with some tough questions and look in-depth at some controversial passages that the Apostle Paul wrote. It is my belief after studying this topic that God has indeed anointed women to minister and that the Scriptures give many, many examples of women ministering to men. It is my belief that the Bible interprets the Bible and that we should always look at verses in context to have a proper exegesis of the passage.

  • - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the Evidence of Speaking in Tongues
    af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Isaiah 28:11-13 For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to His people, to whom He said, "This is the rest with which you may cause the weary to rest." And "This is the refreshing"; yet they would not hear. But the word of the Lord was to them, "Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little," that they might go and fall backward, and be broken and snared and caught. This rest and refreshing and fire is for you today if you will receive it. This teaching will give you insight into God's heart on this important topic and guide you into receiving the promise of Jesus to be endowed with power from on high. This power gives you the ability to be witnesses for Jesus and fulfill the destiny of God for your life.

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    The Bible says that without a vision the people perish. I like to say that this vision, goal, destiny, directive from the Father or dream is absolutely necessary for your happiness and to fulfill the will of God for your life.

  • af Chris Davis
    112,95 kr.

    A young teenage Viking boy named Merrick must escape his Scandinavian homeland and ends up on a historic journey of discovering new lands while becoming a great sailor along the way he falls in love to a young Irish girl and has to defend her and her village along the sea.

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    God loves you to infinity and beyond! God is love. The Bible says that love never fails. This book will bring a fresh emphasis on God's love for you. He wants love to flow out of you to Him and to the world. Jesus gave a warning in the book of Revelation to walk in that first love for Him. It is one of the Holy Spirits jobs to place the agape love of God on your heart. God loves you just as much as He loves Jesus! As you read this book you will have a greater revelation of what real love is and what God expects of you.

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    God is the author of the blessing. He chose to bless all the patriarchs in the Bible and they in turn blessed their descendants. He instructed the Priest to speak a blessing on the Israelites. He said He would see His name on them and bless them. This revelation of blessing will set people free to experience all the goodness that God has for them. This teaching will help to heal those who have been wounded. They may have released forgiveness, but are still feeling a "high octane ping" when they see the person that hurt them. Now, they can experience real freedom from the hurt. Our schools, families, marriages, finances, businesses, cities and nation will all flourish when we begin to speak God's blessing upon them. Over a hundred scripture blessings are included to help you on your way to experience the truth that blessings do bring change.

  • af Chris Davis
    177,95 kr.

    I woke up one morning earlier this year to these words, "Tell us another story". It was a clear message to me from the Lord. I know God has planted many books within me, but I had been praying that the Lord would show me what He wanted me to write about next. Why, you may ask, am I putting the testimonies as stories? It is because Jesus used stories to illustrate the points He was trying to make. He had come to establish a new and better Covenant with the world and it was through story telling, also called parables, that He chose to demonstrate God's kingdom. Stories are easy to understand, especially when the people have them tailored to their own culture. Stories are also testimonies that edify others, give glory to God and empower us to overcome the devil. Notice in this next verse that it says Jesus was never without a story when He spoke. I pray that as you read of some of the stories of God in my life, you too will be inspired to get out of the boat and walk on the water for kingdom glory.

  • - Understanding Sin, Salvation, and Your Faith
    af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Building upon the block of the Trinity, this volume speaks directly to each of us in regards to our spiritual status in our relationship with God. Understanding who we are and who we are not is critical to how we relate to God in a Biblical way, beginning now and into eternity. Corresponding workbooks for parents and other adults are available for use individually or in partnership with the youth versions.

  • - Building Upon God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
    af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    This volume sets the initial block of the spiritual foundation for life. You will dig deep to understand who God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are and why it is so essential to understand them and relate to them personally to begin building a solid spiritual life. Corresponding workbooks are also available for youth to use individually or in partnership with the adult versions.

  • af Chris Davis
    152,95 kr.

    Jesus' words in John 17:20-24 are a strong reminder for all Christians of what He was concerned about as Jesus looked to the future of His Church. He prayed for us to be one. Yet in our world today, we see a Church divided and a people who often spend more time tearing each other down than living as one body. The argument posed within the pages of this book is that our current divided state is not what Jesus originally intended. That to truly become the Church Jesus prayed for, we must find ways to become more united in Christ. Our enemy loves to keep us divided because he knows we are stronger together. The hope contained in the pages of this book is that you will become inspired to seek ways to bring churches and believers together and that each of us will look for opportunities to reconcile with one another and that churches will seek cooperation instead of competition. This book is the result of a 30-year passion to see the Church become more united. It comes from the perspective of a man who did not grow up in the church, who came to Christ later in life, who served as a pastor, and is a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel whose own prayer, as was Christ's, is for the church to be As One!

  • af Chris Davis
    117,95 kr.

    Should you go to college?Definitely maybe. For me I don't think there was ever a time when I considered not going to college. Once I started working in higher education, I discovered that college is not the same experience for everyone. Different colleges offer different experiences for students. Students are not all fresh out of high school like I was. Most students today are over 25 years old often with full-time jobs and families. Even for students coming out of high school, increasingly they are the first in their families to go to college. Only about 60% of students who start college finish within 6 years. That rate varies by institution, but I think part of the problem are students who start college when they shouldn't or without a clear understanding of the purpose of college. No one plans to fail. In the last few years, there has been an explosion of books about why people should not go to college. Mostly written by people who did go to college, they claim that college is no longer worth the cost and that today anyone can learn anything worth learning online for free. Respectfully, I don't think that these writers have a full understanding of what college is and what it is not. I agree that for some people, learning online or through other non-college programs is the better path, but how do you know?College is expensive in terms of money but even more in terms of time and energy. My goal in writing this book is to help people make a more informed decision about whether they should go to college, and if so, how to decide where to go and what to study. This book draws on my experience as a professor and administrator at a variety of colleges and universities. I have consulted and talked to students, faculty, and staff at faith-based religious colleges, community colleges, state universities, and research universities. Based on the conversations I have had over the years, I answer the following questions in the book: Should I go to college?Where should I go?What should I study?How do I pay for college?How do I increase my chances of success?Should I go to grad school?What are the alternatives to going to college?If you are looking for a book that will tell you which Ivy league college is best or how to get into one, this book is not for you. If you are a non-traditional student over the age of 25, and/or the first in your family to consider going to college, and/or you have concerns about whether a college degree is worth the time and money, then this book will help you answer those questions. My goal is to help people make an informed decision about whether college is the right choice for them right now, and how to make smart choices if they do go to college. The choice to go to college, where to go, and what to study is a personal decision. There are no universal answers or advice that is true for everyone. What I do is give you enough information to make informed decisions for yourself

  • af Chris Davis
    357,95 kr.

    At age thirty-two, Chris Davis had everything she was told that she wanted: a husband, two children, and a townhouse in the suburbs. The plan had been laid out for her and compliance was expected. A devout Mormon with a stellar reputation in her community, Davis spent a lifetime listening to rhetoric from church leaders that queer people were sinners and needed to repent of their wickedness. She had sworn faithfulness and obedience to God and the church but was faced with an impossible equation. How could she earn blessings from God and eternal life in heaven when she knew she was gay? She decided the only way out was a 17-year plan to raise her children and then take her own life.In Worthy: The Memoir of an Ex-Mormon Lesbian, Davis tells her story of growing up in a Mormon household in Maine. Her nostalgic and sometimes humorous childhood memories of family and friends provide life lessons that influence her during the traumatic experiences she has as a woman and as a closeted queer person in the church. It isn't until one of her children comes out that Davis is forced to choose between religion and family. She chooses love.Davis shares her brave journey from the depths of despair to hope and possibility. She shines a light on the tragedy of exclusion in our churches, in families, and in society, which takes such a toll on youth who struggle with their identities. Her inspiring account shows that it takes courage and fortitude to change one's beliefs and live an authentic life, but the rewards are immense.

  • af Chris Davis
    207,95 kr.

    At age thirty-two, Chris Davis had everything she was told that she wanted: a husband, two children, and a townhouse in the suburbs. The plan had been laid out for her and compliance was expected. A devout Mormon with a stellar reputation in her community, Davis spent a lifetime listening to rhetoric from church leaders that queer people were sinners and needed to repent of their wickedness. She had sworn faithfulness and obedience to God and the church but was faced with an impossible equation. How could she earn blessings from God and eternal life in heaven when she knew she was gay? She decided the only way out was a 17-year plan to raise her children and then take her own life.In Worthy: The Memoir of an Ex-Mormon Lesbian, Davis tells her story of growing up in a Mormon household in Maine. Her nostalgic and sometimes humorous childhood memories of family and friends provide life lessons that influence her during the traumatic experiences she has as a woman and as a closeted queer person in the church. It isn't until one of her children comes out that Davis is forced to choose between religion and family. She chooses love.Davis shares her brave journey from the depths of despair to hope and possibility. She shines a light on the tragedy of exclusion in our churches, in families, and in society, which takes such a toll on youth who struggle with their identities. Her inspiring account shows that it takes courage and fortitude to change one's beliefs and live an authentic life, but the rewards are immense.

  • af Chris Davis
    207,95 kr.

    Hope is fuel. For Jesus' disciples, the hope of seeing their risen Lord again, face to face, powered their endurance through persecution, their patience in discipling new believers, and their courage to renounce injustice and sinful passions.But have we set aside that fuel because the topic of Jesus' return is mired in confusion and controversy? Many Christians have lost or overlooked the importance of the Lord's appearing, resulting in a sluggish, ineffective faith.What if there is a way to recapture spiritual momentum? What if we could tap into the apostles' longing to simply be in the presence of the resurrected Christ without getting entangled in date-setting or disagreements about the Millennium? And what if this fresh hope could drive our daily responses to temptation, affliction, discouragement, and life in a broken world?In Bright Hope for Tomorrow, pastor Chris Davis points the way forward. Exploring the return of Jesus on the terms of the New Testament letters, this book looks at portraits of Jesus' appearing, rhythms necessary to maintain expectancy (including gathering, fasting, and resting), and the practical transformation such anticipation effects. Bright Hope for Tomorrow is not the next new thing. Rather, it is a recovery of what has been lost by end-times studies that have veered into peripheral concerns. Join this return to the gospel center: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

  • af Chris Davis
    367,95 kr.

    Have you ever failed? More than once? Of course! Buying this book will help guide you to better decision making. You will want this for your teenager who's on the right path or for the one who's struggling. You will want this for you to help you find direction. You will need this because if I can accomplish, so can you! It's a perfect gift to give insight and motivate you to choose better.

  • af Chris Davis
    187,95 kr.

    This is the world's first book that describes a quite innovative interpretation of genealogies in the Bible and succeeds in revealing the real genealogical table of Jesus Christ based on the passages in the Bible. If Jesus was actually the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, then the name of his real father was inevitably recorded in the New Testament. And this fact has to be explained by the genealogies recorded in the Old Testament. On the two assumptions above, the author has read the Bible carefully. As a result one hypothesis generated a new hypothesis one after another, which led to the discovery of an astonishing trick in a corner of a genealogical table in the Old Testament. The discovery made it possible to clearly connect the genealogical table of David with that of Jesus for the first time in the history, although the demonstration of that connection has been believed impossible forever. What this book describes may be regarded as heretical from a viewpoint of the traditional Christian Church. However, it doesn't deny Jesus Christ at all, but tries to prove that Jesus Christ was actually the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.

  • af Chris Davis
    217,95 kr.

    You can set your children free to be the individuals God created them to be. But, first, you must rediscover what it means to be-not homeschoolers-but parents. This, "The Best of 15 years of Elijah Company Articles," will help you find that "ancient path."

  • - Understanding Sin, Salvation, and Your Faith
    af Chris Davis
    109,95 kr.

  • - Your Decisions Define You
    af Chris Davis
    242,95 kr.

  • af Chris Davis, Aaron Philipp & David Cowen
    530,95 kr.

    A completely updated bestseller with six brand-new chapters covering the latest computer forensics cases.

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