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Bøger af Chris Gore

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  • - Recuperando lo que nos fue robado
    af Chris Gore
    182,95 kr.

    ¿Te sientes a menudo como si estuvieras caminando en la banda sin fín de la vida, agotado, cansado, exhausto, "actuando" para Dios y sintiéndote hueco por dentro? Bueno, es tiempo de que nos liberemos y entremos al proceso de nuestra verdadera identidad. Es tiempo de retomarla, ya que nos ha sido robada por la vida, por la religión y por el enemigo. Es el tiempo para la libertad, y es el tiempo de que aprehendamos nuestra verdadera identidad. Es mi anhelo ver a los creyentes caminar en libertad, verlos tener éxito, sin importar la etapa en la que se encuentren. Tal vez te preguntes, ¿y libertad de qué? Pues libertad del pecado, de la enfermedad, de la esclavitud, de la culpa, de la condenación, de la vergüenza, de la religiosidad, de las adicciones y del cristianismo actuado. La respuesta es más simple de lo que nos imaginaríamos.Como ministro del evangelio por más de 20 años he tenido oportunidad de ver, observar y aprender muchas cosas. Estoy realmente agradecido por cada etapa en este proceso que me ha formado y me ha ayudado a convertirme en todo eso que Dios tenía preparado para mí. Quizás para mucha gente lo que estás por leer sea algo nuevo; pero para otros, tal vez les ayudará a ir un poco más profundo en esta libertad a la que Cristo nos destinó.Este libro nos sumerge en el corazón del Padre, junto con Cristo, desde una nueva perspectiva para poder comprender qué es la justicia y la obra que se consumó en la Cruz. Liberémonos, pues, y caminemos en el poder de Dios, y convirtámonos en agentes transformadores del cielo.Vayamos, entonces, y aprehendamos a nuestra identidad.

  • - Taking Back What Was Stolen
    af Chris Gore
    197,95 kr.

    Do you often feel like you are on the treadmill of life, worn out, tired, burnt out, and performing for God? Well, it's time that we get set free and enter into the journey of our true identity; it's time to take back the identity that has been stolen from us, stolen by life, stolen by religion, stolen by the enemy. It's time for freedom, and it's time to apprehend our true identity. It's a longing of mine to see believers walk in freedom and see them thrive, regardless of the season they find themselves in. Freedom from what, you may ask? Freedom from sin, sickness, bondage, guilt, condemnation, shame, religion, addictions, and Christian "performance." The answer is more simple than we could ever think.As a minister of the gospel now for over 20 years, a lot has been seen, observed, and learned in this journey. I'm truly grateful for every part of life's journey, as it's formed and helped create me into all that God planned for me. I realize that what you are about to read may be new to many people, and for others, perhaps it will just help take you a little deeper into the freedom that Christ destined us to live in. This book jumps into the heart of the Father, union with Christ, a fresh look at understanding righteousness and the finished work of the Cross. Let's get free and walk in the power of God and be heaven's transformational agents.

  • af Chris Gore
    257,95 kr.

    Be Equipped to Carry the Miraculous!Have you ever thought, I believe in healing. But the healing ministry is for-someone on a platform? Someone who is super spiritual? Someone who has got their act together?In this manual, ideal for small groups and classes, you will be effectively trained, equipped, and released into a lifestyle of walking in healing and miracles. It is available to everyone!By going through these sessions, you will learn how to: Build a foundation for healing by knowing God's character-He is good Overcome doubts and offense-Roadblocks to walking in healing power Place Your faith in the only One good at the job of healing-Jesus Be encouraged reading testimonies of God's power at work-In everyday life Rely on God's grace to accomplish the supernatural-It's Him, not youGet ready to take your place as Jesus' hands and feet to bring God's supernatural healing power to a broken world.

  • af Chris Gore
    176,95 kr.

    This collection covers a range of topics in 20th century cinema, from the Auteur Theory to the commercial cinema from Orson Welles to Kenneth Anger.

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