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  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    670,95 kr.

    Doing Anthropological Research is a book that provides a practical tool for conducting research. This is done through the processes of research chapter by chapter, from the planning and proposal stage to methodologies, secondary research, ethnographic fieldwork, ethical concerns and writing strategies. Case study examples are provided throughout to illustrate particular problems and dilemmas. It can happen. This practical guide will be invaluable to graduate and undergraduate students studying or intending to use anthropological methods in their research.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    557,95 kr.

    Urban problems and their resolution have been one of the major challenges for planners and decision-makers over the last few decades. The increase in the number and size of cities and the deterioration of many urban environments have led architects, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, geographers and urban planners to turn their attention to the study of the city. This book sets out to make a major contribution to the field, presenting an interdisciplinary approach to the capitalist world. It focuses on the various contemporary socio-economic and environmental causes of the proliferation of shanty towns in Bangui. These causes are due to a low level of investment in rural areas and the inadequacy of urban planning and infrastructure, an imbalance in the land and social housing markets, the non-application of an urban planning master plan and the non-existence of a genuine property development system, the non-application of the cadastral plan, and the multiple failures of attempts to improve the housing problem, with these negative impacts on the way of life of the inhabitants in urban areas.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    692,95 kr.

    Os problemas urbanos e a sua resolução têm sido um dos maiores desafios para os planeadores e decisores nas últimas décadas. O aumento do número e da dimensão das cidades e a degradação de muitos ambientes urbanos levaram arquitectos, sociólogos, antropólogos, economistas, geógrafos e urbanistas a voltarem a sua atenção para o estudo da cidade. Este livro pretende dar um contributo importante para este domínio, apresentando uma abordagem interdisciplinar do mundo capitalista. Centra-se nas diferentes causas socioeconómicas e ambientais contemporâneas da proliferação de bairros de lata em Bangui. Estas causas são devidas a um baixo nível de investimento nas zonas rurais e à insuficiência do planeamento e das infra-estruturas urbanas, ao desequilíbrio dos mercados fundiários e de habitação social, à não aplicação de um plano diretor de planeamento urbano e à inexistência de um verdadeiro sistema de ordenamento da propriedade, à não aplicação do plano cadastral, bem como aos múltiplos fracassos das tentativas de melhorar o problema da habitação, com estes impactos negativos no modo de vida dos habitantes das zonas urbanas.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    692,95 kr.

    Städtische Probleme und ihre Lösung stellen seit einigen Jahrzehnten eine der größten Herausforderungen für Planer und Entscheidungsträger dar. Die wachsende Zahl und Größe der Städte und die Verschlechterung vieler städtischer Lebensräume haben dazu geführt, dass sich Architekten, Soziologen, Anthropologen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Geographen und Stadtplaner mit dem Thema Stadt befassen. Dieses Buch soll einen wichtigen Beitrag zu diesem Bereich leisten, indem es einen interdisziplinären Ansatz für die kapitalistische Welt vorstellt. Es behandelt vor allem die verschiedenen sozioökonomischen und ökologischen Ursachen für die Ausbreitung der Slums in Bangui. Diese Ursachen sind auf ein niedriges Investitionsniveau in den ländlichen Gebieten und die Unzulänglichkeit der Stadtplanung und Infrastruktur zurückzuführen, auf ein Ungleichgewicht der Märkte für Grundbesitz und Sozialwohnungen, auf die Nichtumsetzung eines städtebaulichen Masterplans und die Nichtexistenz eines echten Immobilienförderungssystems, auf die Nichtumsetzung des Katasterplans sowie auf die zahlreichen gescheiterten Versuche, das Wohnungsproblem zu verbessern, was sich negativ auf den Lebensstil der Bewohner in den städtischen Gebieten auswirkt.

  • af Christian Amandin Zinga
    422,95 kr.

    This book has two parts. The first part is ¿The expression of the power through buildings in urban space¿. And the second part is a book review about ¿The Lele of The Kasai¿. The first part is an analysis of the role of colonial buildings, architectures, city in some Africa states. Generally, people in city areas see the power only through the human being while ignoring the power of the materials or edifice, which is a structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one place, such as a house or factory. This book produces some elements of knowledge on the colonial urban fabric. It examines through cognitive approach different types of architecture, including religious and colonial structures not only the architectural achievements and styles, but also the materials and construction techniques of the colonial period. The second part of this book is an anthropological study made by Mary Douglas in Democratic Republic of Congo, in 1963. It argues about the Lele¿s social structure (organization, kinship), economy, tradition, modern. The review carried out the research methodology and theories, the significance of her research to anthropology study.

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