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Bøger af Christine Honders

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  • af Christine Honders
    397,95 kr.

    Civilizations have long used canals to move water, ships, cargo, and people from one location to another. The first canals were often trenches dug to bring water to crops. Some were dug to connect rivers or other bodies of water. Over the centuries, the techniques, technology, resources, and science used to construct canals has changed greatly. Today, canals all over the world help keep business booming and people moving! Readers will learn how engineers and scientists use STEM skills to bring canal systems to life--and how they make our lives easier. Diagrams, photographs, and primary sources help link this volume to both science and social studies curricula.

  • af Christine Honders
    137,95 kr.

    Not all drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and meth are illegal and dangerous substances that have the potential to ruin lives. This book explains the different types of illegal drugs, their effects, and the damage they can do to people who use them. Manageable text, full-color photographs, and real-life examples help readers make meaningful connections about the dangers of illegal drugs and learn how to avoid peer pressure related to them.

  • af Christine Honders
    287,95 kr.

    Ticks have been long known to transmit Lyme disease. However, there are more than 800 species of tick, and only two of these carry disease to humans at all! That doesn't stop tick bites from being a great annoyance, especially considering they're caused by a tick sucking your blood! Often grouped with another real-life vampire, the flea, ticks use this blood to complete their life cycle while fleas use it for food. Surprising facts about the life cycle, habitat, and feeding habits of these bugs engage readers while full-color photographs bring these tiny creatures into clear view.

  • af Christine Honders
    287,95 kr.

    The long tradition of vampire myths can be scary to a lot of people. But for birds that evolved on the harsh Galapagos Islands, drinking blood is necessary. That doesn't make vampire finches and hood mockingbirds any less creepy! Readers learn about the healthy treat blood can be for some kinds of birds as well as how they came to use it as a source of nutrition. Full-color photographs introduce these bloodthirsty birds, and fact boxes provide additional science information to enhance the main content.

  • af Christine Honders
    357,95 kr.

    We use machines every day, but most of us don't understand how they work. When they break down, most of us have no idea how to fix them. Mechanics are the masters of machines. Readers learn that mechanics work on vehicles, including cars, boats, and buses. They use special tools to take them apart and fix what's wrong, and they use their experience and technology to diagnose problems. They often work long hours, sometimes in bad weather, to get us where we need to go. Your readers will see that mechanics keep our world moving and growing.

  • af Christine Honders
    357,95 kr.

    If you've ever tried to cut your own hair, you probably found out quickly that it's much more difficult than it looks. Barbers are professionals trained to cut and style hair. They've spent thousands of hours learning how to do their job. Readers learn that a good barber makes their clients comfortable while they do their work and tries to make sure everyone leaves happy. For some people, going to the barber is an opportunity to socialize with other customers while getting their hair cut. Everyone should leave the barber shop feeling good about themselves, as your readers certainly will.

  • - How to Catch a Murderer
    af Christine Honders
    400,95 kr.

    Tracking serial killers is a difficult job, but the men and women who do it help put brutal murderers in jail. As readers explore gripping main text, detailed photographs, and informative fact boxes and sidebars, they discover how the methods used to track serial killers have changed throughout history. They also discover the importance of science and technology in this line of work. Readers interested in pursuing a career in this kind of crime scene investigation are presented with valuable information to help them begin preparing now for such a challenging career path.

  • af Christine Honders
    337,95 kr.

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