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Bøger af Clive Cussler

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  • - Oregon Files #7
    af Clive Cussler & Jack Du Brul
    118,95 kr.

    The Silent Sea is the gripping seventh novel in Clive Cusslers Oregon Files series. December, 1941. Four brothers investigate the secrets of a treasure pit on a small island in the Pacific. But a sudden death and the coming war allow its secrets to lie forgotten. . . Present day. Juan Cabrillo and the Oregon team have been sent to locate the remains of a crashed NASA satellite in the Argentine jungle. Coming under attack, they make a mysterious discovery which sends them to a small Pacific island. There, they will discover the deadly secrets of an ancient Chinese expedition - by the lost ship The Silent Sea. Now Cabrillo and his team are in a race against time to find the remains of The Silent Sea. Because there will be terrible consequences if someone else finds it first . . . The Silent Sea is a gripping, white- knuckle ride of a novel, and is Clive Cussler at his brilliant best. The Silent Sea is a gripping, white- knuckle ride of a novel, and is Clive Cussler at his brilliant best. The number-one bestselling author of the thrilling Dirk Pitt novels Treasure of Khan and Trojan Odyssey, and co-author Jack Du Brul have hero Juan Cabrillo and his team race to discover the location of a lost Chinese ship and the secrets she hides in the seventh novel of the Oregon Files adventure series, The Silent Sea. Praise for Clive Cussler: Cussler is hard to beat Daily Mail The guy I read Tom Clancy

  • - FARGO Adventures #1
    af Clive Cussler & Grant Blackwood
    138,95 kr.

    Clive Cussler introduces Sam and Remi Fargo in Spartan Gold. An ancient treasure stolen by Xerxes the Great . . . Discovered by Napoleon Bonaparte . . . The clues to its hidden location lost until now . . . Adventurers and treasure hunters Sam and Remi Fargo are on a wild-goose chase. Up to their waists in the Great Pocomoke Swamp in Maryland, theyre hunting for lost gold. What they find instead is a small Second World War German U-boat. Inside the submarine they find a body - and a puzzling, incredibly rare bottle of wine. This bottle was one of twelve taken from Napoleons lost cellar. But it is also a clue to a fabulous, ancient treasure. One that Hadeon Bondaruk - a half-Russian, half-Persian millionaire - will do anything to get his hands on. For he claims descent from treasures one-time owner. It will be his, no matter who stands in his way . . . Clive Cussler, author of the celebrated Dirk Pitt novels Arctic Drift and Crescent Dawn, presents his newest series, following the adventures of treasure hunters Sam and Remi Fargo - beginning withSpartan Gold. Praise for Clive Cussler: The guy I read Tom Clancy

  • af Clive Cussler
    153,95 kr.

    A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Cussler is hard to beat' Daily MailThe superb third Dirk Pitt classic from multi-million-copy king of the adventure novel, Clive Cussler.The towering iceberg drifting in the North Atlantic was a floating tomb. Embedded in the great gleaming mass was a ship - sealed in so solidly that not even its mast protruded.Here was a sea mystery to rank alongside the Bermuda Triangle and the Marie Celeste. But for Major Dirk Pitt, top troubleshooter for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, it was also the first link in a fantastic chain of events that would lead him too close - and too often - to violent death. And to the discovery of the most sinister and bizarre conspiracy of the century . . . ICEBERG.'Clive Cussler is the guy I read' Tom Clancy'The Adventure King' Daily Express

  • af Clive Cussler
    153,95 kr.

    A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Cussler is hard to beat' Daily MailThe amazing second Dirk Pitt classic from multi-million-copy king of the adventure novel, Clive Cussler.----------------------------------------Major Dirk Pitt picked up the frantic distress call as he cruised his lumbering amphibious plane over the islands of the Aegean. Brady Air Force base was under fire, its entire force of jets destroyed on the ground . . . by just one First World War bi-plane!A psychotic ex-Nazi, a bloodthirsty Greek strongman and a beautiful double agent set Pitt on the trail of the warped mastermind behind a devastating sabotage plot. And on that trail, danger and death are never far behind . . .**********'Clive Cussler is the guy I read' Tom Clancy'The Adventure King' Daily Express

  • af Clive Cussler
    139,95 kr.

    For 9000 år siden ramte en enorm komet jorden med 200.000 kilometer i timen og forårsagede ufattelige ødelæggelser. Hele kontinenter blev forrykket, og de fleste menneskeskabte civilisationer forsvandt.Også Amenesernes strålende civilisation gik under. Ameneserne var drevne søfarere, og før katastrofen havde de efterladt vidnesbyrd om sig selv rundt om i verden.Den fabelagtigt rige Wolf-klan består af efterkommere af ledende nazister og mener selv, at deres familier nedstammer fra det amenesiske folk. De har en plan om at skabe en frygtelig katastrofe og derefter herske over verden.Da Dirk Pitt kommer på sporet af Wolf-klanens djævelske plan, er han allerede håbløst bagud ...Clive Cussler (1931-2020) var en amerikansk forfatter, der især var kendt for sine spændings- og actionromaner. Han var derudover også marinearkæolog og skattejæger, og den fiktive karakter Dirk Pitt, der er hovedperson i en lang række af Cusslers bøger, er i høj grad inspireret af Cussler selv.

  • af Clive Cussler
    139,95 kr.

    Juli måned 2003. På sin jomfrurejse bryder luksuslineren "Emerald Dolphin" pludselig i brand og synker. Hvad er grunden? Hvorfor udløstes ingen alarm forud for katastrofen? Har ulykken forbindelse med de nye ekstremt kraftige motorer i skibet?Dirk Pitt begynder sin undersøgelse af den mystiske hændelse. I løbet af de næste par uger bliver Pitt konfronteret med såvel maskinelle som menneskelige monstre, uhyrligheder fra fortiden og fremtiden - og ved vejs ende har de voldsomme hændelser ændret Dick Pitts liv og de amerikanske efterretningsvæseners selvopfattelse for altid.Clive Cussler (1931-2020) var en amerikansk forfatter, der især var kendt for sine spændings- og actionromaner. Han var derudover også marinearkæolog og skattejæger, og den fiktive karakter Dirk Pitt, der er hovedperson i en lang række af Cusslers bøger, er i høj grad inspireret af Cussler selv.

  • af Clive Cussler & Dirk Cussler
    139,95 kr.

    I de sidste dage af 2. Verdenskrig, og kun kendt af en håndfuld mennesker, prøvede japanerne at gøre et sidste desperat forsøg på at vinde krigen. To ubåde blev sendt af sted til USA´s vestkyst lastet med en dødsensfarlig virus. Deres mission var at bringe helvede til fjendens hjemland. Ingen af ubådene nåede deres mål, men det var ikke ensbetydende med, at de var gået tabt for altid.Der er nogen, der kender til ubådene og deres last. De ved også nogenlunde, hvor ubådene befinder sig, og de lægger en uhyggelig plan for at få fat i lasten. En plan, der kan forandre Amerika og verden, som vi kender den. I vejen står blot tre mennesker: En marinebiolog ved navn Summer, en marineingeniør ved navn Dirk ... og deres far, Dirk Pitt, den nyudnævnte direktør for NUMA.Pitt har tidligere haft med magtfulde fjender at gøre, og han har også tidligere haft sine børn til at hjælpe sig. Men han har ikke stiftet bekendtskab med rendyrket ondskab – før nu.Clive Cussler (1931-2020) var en amerikansk forfatter, der især var kendt for sine spændings- og actionromaner. Han var derudover også marinearkæolog og skattejæger, og den fiktive karakter Dirk Pitt, der er hovedperson i en lang række af Cusslers bøger, er i høj grad inspireret af Cussler selv.

  • af Clive Cussler
    124,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    124,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    124,95 kr.

    Clive Cussler, author of the bestselling Dirk Pitt series, and his co-author, Graham Brown, send hero Kurt Austin into the heart of the storm in the action-packed NUMA Files series.When Kurt Austin is injured while rescuing the passengers and crew of a sinking yacht, he wakes up with conflicting memories of what he saw. Did he witness an old friend and her children drown, or was the yacht abandoned when he came aboard?For reasons he cannot explain - yet - Kurt doesn't trust either version of his recollection.Determined to seek out the truth, he soon descends into a shadowy world of state-sponsored cybercrime, where he uncovers a pattern of suspicious accidents, vanishing scientists and a web of human trafficking.Now, he must take on the sinister organization behind this conspiracy, facing off against them from Morocco to North Korea to the rugged coasts of Madagascar. But where this highly dangerous quest will ultimately take him, even he could not begin to guess...Praise for Clive Cussler'Cussler is hard to beat'Daily Mail'Clive Cussler is the guy I read'Tom Clancy'The Adventure King'Daily Express

  • af Clive Cussler
    139,95 kr.

    Dirk Pitt fra den amerikanske miljøorganisation NUMA opdager, at et magtfuldt diamantdynasti sætter millioner af menneskers og dyrs liv på spil ved at bruge ultralyd i sin udvinding af diamanterne, hvilket breder sig som en pest blandt alle levende væsener. I et desperat kapløb med tiden skal der gribes ind for at forhindre en ufattelig tragedie, der vil tilintetgøre alt liv i Stillehavet, og marinearkæologen Dirk Pitt er som altid den eneste, der kan afværge katastrofen.Clive Cussler (1931-2020) var en amerikansk forfatter, der især var kendt for sine spændings- og actionromaner. Han var derudover også marinearkæolog og skattejæger, og den fiktive karakter Dirk Pitt, der er hovedperson i en lang række af Cusslers bøger, er i høj grad inspireret af Cussler selv.

  • af Clive Cussler
    140,95 kr.

    Sam y Remi Fargo son los mejores en su trabajo: descubrir tesoros ocultos y extraordinarios alrededor del mundo. Pero en esta ocasión la misión a la que se enfrentan es muy diferente. Esta vez tienen que encontrar a dos personas desaparecidas. Así se lo ha explicado su nuevo cliente, un poderoso magnate de Texas que desconoce el paradero de la persona a la que contrató para que diera con su padre. Los dos han desaparecido de la faz de la tierra sin dejar rastro. Incapaces de rechazar el reto, el audaz matrimonio se embarcará en una trepidante investigación que les llevará hasta el antiguo reino tibetano de Mustang pasando por Nepal, Bulgaria, la India y China. En el peligroso recorrido habrán de lidiar con traficantes de fósiles, un vetusto y misterioso cofre, un dirigible centenario... un esqueleto que podría cambiar para siempre las teorías sobre la evolución de la humanidad. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION On a journey that will take them to Tibet, Nepal, China, Italy, and Siberia, the Fargos find themselves embroiled with black-market fossils, an ancient Tibetan kingdom, a lost landmass in the North Sea, Stone Age ostrich egg shards inscribed in a cryptic language, a pair of battles separated by thousands of miles and hundreds of years and a skeleton that could just turn the history of human evolution on its head.

  • af Clive Cussler
    98,95 kr.

    When a high-profile Russian prisoner warns of a deadly weapon designed by one of America's greatest inventors, Juan Cabrillo and the Oregon crew must race to uncover the truth in this adventure in the #1 New York Times-bestselling series. In October 1943, a U.S. destroyer sailed out of Philadelphia and supposedly vanished, the result of a Navy experiment with electromagnetic radiation. The story was considered a hoax--but now Juan Cabrillo and his Oregon colleagues aren't so sure. There is talk of a new weapon soon to be auctioned, something very dangerous to America's interests, and the rumors link it to the great inventor Nikola Tesla, who was working with the Navy when he died in 1943. Was he responsible for the experiment? Are his notes in the hands of enemies? As Cabrillo races to find the truth, he discovers there is even more at stake than he could have imagined--but by the time he realizes it, he may already be too late.

  • af Clive Cussler
    83,95 kr.

    En "Serpiente," Clive Cussler creo un heroe para el nuevo milenio con Kurt Austin, cabeza del equipo de misiones especiales de la NUMA. En el corazon de la antigua Union Sovietica, un magnate cuya fortuna proviene d ela explotacion minera se cree el nuevo zar de Rusia. Dice ser descendiente de los Romanov, y con su inmensa riqueza esta empenado en derrocar el debil gobierno ruso y alzarse con el poder. Para neutralizar la oposicion d elos Estados Unidos planea provocar una serie de explosiones submarinas en las costas estadounidenses, que Austin, con la ayuda de su companero Joe Zavala, debera evitar."

  • af Clive Cussler
    84,95 kr.

    "El buda de oro" es el primer libro de una nueva serie de Clive Cussler, escrita con la colaboracion de Craig DirgoTibet, 1959. Los chinos invaden el pais y el Dalai Lama huye con la ayuda de unos americanos. Con el se lleva una estatua de oro de buda de enormes dimensiones.El "Oregon," 2005. Juan Cabrillo es el jefe de una organizacion llamada La Corporacion y el capitan del barco "Oregon." Sus miembros son mercenarios, forman un equipo perfectamente preparado y eficaz para llevar a cabo cualquier operacion que se les encargue, y siempre trabajan a favor del bien y la justicia. Sus conocimientos y capacidades son enormes y sus honorarios, elevados. El "Oregon," desde fuera, parece un barco mal cuidado, viejo, oxidado, pero contiene la tecnologia mas avanzada y la tripulacion mas experta que pueda existir. El gobierno estadounidense ha pedido a La Corporacion que localice y recupere la estatua de oro que fue robada durante la huida del Dalai Lama. Su intencion es devolverla y terminar con su exilio. El gran valor del buda se debe menos al peso del oro que a los planos escondidos en un compartimiento secreto. Son planos de los campos de petroleo del Tibet. Con esta informacion, los americanos podran negociar con los chinos y con los rusos para que autoricen el regreso del Dalai Lama."

  • af Clive Cussler
    82,95 kr.

    En 1991 la ingeniera y profesora Francesca Cabral desaparece en su avion en la Costa de Venezuela, es dada por muerta.En el ano 2001, aparecen una gran cantidad de ballenas muertas en la costa de California donde se esta realizando una regata. Los agentes de la NUMA (Agencia de submarinismo nacional) Kurt Austin y su companero Joe Zabala, evitan un accidente mortal y se ponen a investigar los sucesos, descubriendo que la muerte de las ballenas se debe a una elevacion de la temperatura del agua. Las pistas los conducen a la costa mexicana, donde en el subsuelo de una fabrica de tortitas se esconde una inusual actividad industrial desprende un gran calor. Una repentina explosion esta a punto de costarles la vida. Siguen con sus investigaciones y llegan a saber que la fabrica de tortitas de pende de una gran multinacional que ha comprado las reservas de agua potable de casi todo el mundo y cuya propietaria es una mujer de apariencia vikinga: Brynhild. Se disponen, entre dificultades y aventuras, a encontrarla."

  • af Clive Cussler
    125,95 kr.

  • af Clive Cussler
    118,95 kr.

    1996, Egypt. Searching for a treasure on the Nile, DIRK PITT thwarts the attempted assassination of a beautiful U.N. scientist investigating a disease that is driving thousands of North Africans into madness, cannibalism, and death. The suspected cause of the raging epidemic is vast, unprecedented pollution that threatens to extinguish all life in the world's seas. Racing to save the world from environmental catastrophe, Pitt and his team, equipped with an extraordinary, state-of-the-art yacht, run a gauntlet between a billionaire industrialist and a bloodthirsty West African tyrant. In the scorching desert, Pitt finds a gold mine manned by slaves and uncovers the truth behind two enduring mysteries -- the fate of a Civil War ironclad and its secret connection with Lincoln's assassination, and the last flight of a long-lost female pilot....Now, amidst the blazing, shifting sands of the Sahara, DIRK PITT will make a desperate stand -- in a battle the world cannot afford to lose!

  • af Clive Cussler
    145,95 kr.

    Ett kometnedslag i Kanada för nio tusen år sedan. En okänd underjordisk kammare med forntida inskriptioner i en gruva i Colorado. Mineralutvinning ur saltvatten vid en välbevakad anläggning i Antarktis. Ett amerikanskt forskningsfartyg som attackeras av en naziubåt från andra världskriget.Radarparet Dirk Pitt och Al Giordino dyker för NUMA:s räkning i Colorado när de kommer ett urgammalt mysterium på spåren. Deras efterforskningar visar att flera till synes fristående händelser på något sätt hänger samman. Spåren leder till en grupp människor som med hjälp av uråldriga hemligheter och modern teknik planerar att skaffa sig världsherravälde. Deras metoder är skrämmande omänskliga och beräknande och det är Dirk Pitt som måste stoppa dem.Fällan är gillrad. Klockan tickar. Och det hänger på en mans mod och uppfinningsrikedom om en världsomfattande katastrof ska kunna avvärjas.Clive Cussler började sin författarbana på 70-talet. Sedan dess har han skrivit fjorton böcker som sålts i 72 länder i nästan 100 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 32 språk.Cussler har många drag gemensamma med sin välkända hjälte Dirk Pitt. Han har letat efter bortglömda guldgruvor i Amerikas öknar, dykt efter försvunna flygplan i Klippiga bergens sjöar och efter mytomspunna, försvunna skepp i världshaven. Dessutom är han en entusiastisk och kunnig samlare av veteranbilar och äger i dag över åttio unika exemplar.Organisationen NUMA (National Underwater & Marine Agency) som bl.a. letar efter förlista fartyg i världshaven är Cusslers skapelse som han fortfarande tar aktiv del i. Hittills har NUMA funnit fler än sextio skepp av historisk betydelse.Han är också med i Explorers Club (som tilldelat honom the Lowell Thomas Award för enastående undervattensutforskning), Royal Geographical Society och American Society of Oceanographers.Clive Cussler är gift med Barbara Knight sedan 40 år, har tre barn och två barnbarn och delar sin tid mellan Colorados berg och Arizonas öken.

  • af Clive Cussler
    158,95 kr.

    When Isaac Bell attempts to decipher the forbidding deaths of nine men, he encounters a secret so powerful it could dictate the fate of the world in this riveting thriller by the #1 New York Times-bestselling author.A century apart, NUMA Director Dirk Pitt and detective Isaac Bell team up to unlock the truth about the most famous maritime disaster of all time.In the present day, Pitt makes a daring rescue from inside an antiquated submersible in the waters off New York City. His reward afterward is a document left behind a century earlier by legendary detective Isaac Bell--a document that reopens a historical mystery...In 1911, in Colorado, Isaac Bell is asked to look into an unexplained tragedy at Little Angel Mine, in which nine people died. His dangerous quest to answer the riddle leads to a larger puzzle centered on byzanium, a rare element with extraordinary powers and of virtually incalculable value. As he discovers that there are people who will do anything to control the substance, Isaac Bell will find out just how far he'll go to stop them.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    133,95 kr.

    The classic Clive Cussler thriller from the master of the adventure novel.

  • af Clive Cussler
    108,95 kr.

    Sam and Remi Fargo search for a legendary lost city in this thrilling adventure from the #1 New York Times-bestselling author. Husband-and-wife treasure-hunting team Sam and Remi Fargo have heard many rumors about the bay off Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. Some say it was the site of the vanished empire of the Solomon king and that great treasure lies beneath the waters. Others say terrible things happened here, atrocities and disappearances at the hands of cannibal giants, and those who venture there do not return. It is cursed. The Fargos can't resist the mystery, but their exploration takes a turn when islanders start disappearing. Soon the pair learn there may be truth behind the fables. Clues and whispers lead them on a hunt from the Solomons to Australia to Japan, and what they find at the end of the trail is both wonderful and monstrous--and like nothing they have ever seen before.

  • af Clive Cussler
    145,95 - 158,95 kr.

    Det sicilianska projektet är århundradets mest välbevarade hemlighet, presidentens eget skötebarn. Om det lyckats kommer Förenta staternas försvar att under en lång tid framåt vara oövervinneligt. Vad är sambandet mellan detta topphemliga försvarsvapen och Titanic, lyxångaren som sjönk på sin jungfrufärd 1912? Varför får en grupp experter order om att bärga Titanic, till vajre pris?Under ledning av mångsysslaren och allvetaren Dirk Pitt sätter bärgningsteamet igång. Deras uppgift är till synes omöjlig och tekniska missöden, ryska spioner och orkanen Amanda förvandlar den snart till en mardröm… Också i verkligheten ägnar sig bestsellerförfattaren Clive Cussler åt äventyr, precis som Dirk Pitt, hjälten i hans böcker. “Jag vill gärna tro att det finns mycket av Dirk Pitt i mig”, säger han. Cussler driver organisationen NUMA, som letar efter förlista fartyg i världshaven. Hittills har man funnit mer än sextio skepp av historisk betydelse.Clive Cussler började sin författarbana på 70-talet. Sedan dess har hans böcker sålts i 72 länder i över 70 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 32 olika språk.

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