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Bøger af Colin Boyd

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  • af Colin Boyd
    1.497,95 kr.

    Protocols for authentication and key establishment are the foundation for security of communications. The range and diversity of these protocols is immense, while the properties and vulnerabilities of different protocols can be remarkably subtle. Here is a comprehensive and integrated treatment of protocols for authentication and key establishment. It allows researchers and practitioners to quickly access a protocol for their needs and become aware of existing protocols that have been broken in the literature. As well as a clear and uniform presentation of the protocols, this book includes a description of all the main attack types and classifies most protocols in terms of their properties and resource requirements. It also includes tutorial material suitable for graduate students.

  • af Jennifer Seberry & Rei Safavi-Naini
    583,95 - 1.135,95 kr.

  • - 6th International Conference, ISC 2003, Bristol, UK, October 1-3, 2003, Proceedings
    af Colin Boyd
    592,95 kr.

    The 2003 Information Security Conference was the sixth in a series that started with the InformationSecurity Workshopin 1997.A distinct feature of this series is the wide coverage of topics with the aim of encouraging interaction between researchers in di?erent aspects of information security. This trend continued in the program of this year's conference. There were 133 paper submissions to ISC 2003. From these submissions the 31papersintheseproceedingswereselectedbytheprogramcommittee,covering a wide range of technical areas. These papers are supplemented by two invited papers;athirdinvitedtalkwaspresentedattheconferencebutisnotrepresented by a written paper. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the authors that submitted papers to ISC 2003, and we hope that those whose papers were declined will be able to ?nd an alternative forum for their work. We are also very grateful to the three eminent invited speakers at the conference: Paul van Oorschot (Carleton University, Canada), Ueli Maurer (ETH Zur * ich, Switzerland), and Andy Clark (Inforenz Limited, UK). We were fortunate to have an energetic team of experts who took onthe task of the program committee. Their names may be found overleaf, and we thank them warmly for their considerable e?orts. This team was helped by an even larger number of individuals who reviewed papers in their particular areas of expertise. A list of these names is also provided, which we hope is complete.

  • af Colin Boyd & Anish Mathuria
    1.129,95 kr.

    Protocols for authentication and key establishment are the foundation for security of communications. The range and diversity of these protocols is immense, while the properties and vulnerabilities of different protocols can be remarkably subtle.Here is a comprehensive and integrated treatment of protocols for authentication and key establishment. It allows researchers and practitioners to quickly access a protocol for their needs and become aware of existing protocols that have been broken in the literature.As well as a clear and uniform presentation of the protocols, this book includes a description of all the main attack types and classifies most protocols in terms of their properties and resource requirements. It also includes tutorial material suitable for graduate students.

  • af Colin Boyd, Andrew Clark & Ed Dawson
    592,95 - 605,95 kr.

  • af Colin Boyd
    606,95 kr.

    The origins of the Asiacrypt series of conferences can be traced back to 1990, when the ?rst Auscrypt conference was held, although the name Asiacrypt was ?rst used for the 1991 conference in Japan. Starting with Asiacrypt 2000, the conference is now one of three annual conferences organized by the Inter- tional Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The continuing success of Asiacrypt is in no small part due to the e?orts of the Asiacrypt Steering C- mittee (ASC) and the strong support of the IACR Board of Directors. There were 153 papers submitted to Asiacrypt 2001 and 33 of these were accepted for inclusion in these proceedings. The authors of every paper, whether accepted or not, made a valued contribution to the success of the conference. Sending out rejection noti?cations to so many hard working authors is one of the most unpleasant tasks of the Program Chair. The review process lasted some 10 weeks and consisted of an initial refe- eing phase followed by an extensive discussion period. My heartfelt thanks go to all members of the Program Committee who put in extreme amounts of time to give their expert analysis and opinions on the submissions. All papers were reviewed by at least three committee members; in many cases, particularly for those papers submitted by committee members, additional reviews were obt- ned. Specialist reviews were provided by an army of external reviewers without whom our decisions would have been much more di?cult.

  • af Colin Boyd
    163,95 kr.

  • af Colin Boyd, Anish Mathuria & Douglas Stebila
    1.005,95 kr.

    This book is the most comprehensive and integrated treatment of the protocols required for authentication and key establishment. In a clear, uniform presentation the authors classify most protocols in terms of their properties and resource requirements, and describe all the main attack types, so the reader can quickly evaluate protocols for particular applications.In this edition the authors introduced new chapters and updated the text throughout in response to new developments and updated standards. The first chapter, an introduction to authentication and key establishment, provides the necessary background on cryptography, attack scenarios, and protocol goals. A new chapter, computational security models, describes computational models for key exchange and authentication and will help readers understand what a computational proof provides and how to compare the different computational models in use. In the subsequent chapters the authors explain protocols that use shared key cryptography, authentication and key transport using public key cryptography, key agreement protocols, the Transport Layer Security protocol, identity-based key agreement, password-based protocols, and group key establishment.The book is a suitable graduate-level introduction, and a reference and overview for researchers and practitioners with 225 concrete protocols described. In the appendices the authors list and summarize the relevant standards, linking them to the main book text when appropriate, and they offer a short tutorial on how to build a key establishment protocol. The book also includes a list of protocols, a list of attacks, a summary of the notation used in the book, general and protocol indexes, and an extensive bibliography.

  • af Colin Boyd
    118,95 kr.

    As your bath water drains down the plughole, that slurping sound is the Bath Monster - dirty bath water is his SECOND favourite food. No one wants to find out what his FIRST favourite food is... until Jackson decides he doesn't believe in the Bath Monster any more, and he is never going to have a bath again. Starving, the Bath Monster comes to see Jackson and it turns out his FIRST favourite food is... not little kids, but mud pies!

  • af Colin Boyd
    198,95 kr.

    Under afløbet i gulvet venter et bademonster utålmodigt på at få lov til at drikke det beskidte badevand. Jens kan høre at det gurgler og blopper når monsteret sluger vandet, som tit er rigtig beskidt, efter at Jens har tilbragt dagen i legepladsens sandkasse eller mudderpøl.En dag vil Jens ikke i bad, men hvad skal bademonsteret så have at spise?Tony Ross er som altid underholdende - denne gang i samarbejde med sin søn Colin Boyd.

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