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  • af Cruz García Lirios
    619,95 kr.

    Dans le contexte de la société de l'information et des réseaux socionumériques, la gestion de l'État et le développement humain, l'inclusion numérique des secteurs vulnérables, marginalisés ou exclus, et la cyberintimidation constituent un obstacle à l'inclusion et au comblement du fossé, de sorte qu'il semble contradictoire que les compétences et les connaissances liées aux appareils électroniques et aux protocoles numériques servent le développement humain. Cependant, les différences sociales entre les utilisateurs d'Internet ne sont pas seulement transférées aux réseaux électroniques, mais aussi exacerbées par le fait que la langue prédominante est l'anglais, ou que les mises à jour nécessitent de meilleurs appareils électroniques que seuls ceux qui ont des ressources économiques et une reconnaissance sociale peuvent avoir, bien qu'il existe des réseaux de lignes de métro qui réduisent ces différences pour créer leurs propres protocoles, les différences peuvent être insensibles..

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    618,95 kr.

    Come parte della società dell'informazione e delle reti sociodigitali, della gestione dello Stato e dello sviluppo umano, è l'inclusione digitale dei settori vulnerabili, emarginati o esclusi e il cyberbullismo implica una barriera all'inclusione e al superamento del divario, quindi sembra contraddittorio che le competenze e le conoscenze relative ai dispositivi elettronici e ai protocolli digitali servano allo sviluppo umano. Tuttavia, le differenze sociali tra gli utenti di Internet non sono solo trasferite alle reti elettroniche, ma anche esacerbate in quanto la lingua predominante è l'inglese, o gli aggiornamenti richiedono dispositivi elettronici migliori che solo coloro che hanno le risorse economiche e il riconoscimento sociale potrebbero avere, anche se ci sono reti Linee metropolitane che riducono queste differenze per creare i propri protocolli, le differenze possono essere insensibili.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    632,95 kr.

    If what happens in each indicator happens in the systemic structure, then its formulation will be very close to a mathematical formalisation. If each living being performs meaningful acts, if each meaningful act is related in its vital equilibrium, then there will be non-significant acts related to imbalances that lead to the collapse of the information system. The Developmental Ecology Theory (DET) states that if we analyse the acts of people rather than their speeches, we will find the indicator of each subsystem.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    927,95 kr.

    Nella pratica professionale della psicologia sociale, il campo della salute pubblica assume una rilevanza particolare perché sono gli assistenti sociali, attraverso i servizi sociali di salute pubblica, a determinare la prevenzione delle malattie, la promozione della salute pubblica, l'adesione alle cure, il follow-up e la canalizzazione della popolazione vulnerabile, esclusa o emarginata che guida il numero di morti per malattie legate alla povertà e alla disoccupazione. Nella nostra esperienza, la diagnosi sociale e gli studi socio-economici sono gli strumenti per eccellenza per la creazione di reti di prevenzione e promozione della salute pubblica.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    927,95 kr.

    Dans la pratique professionnelle de la psychologie sociale, le domaine de la santé publique revêt une importance particulière car ce sont les travailleurs sociaux, par le biais des services sociaux de santé publique, qui détermineront la prévention des maladies, la promotion de la santé publique, l'adhésion au traitement, le suivi et la canalisation de la population vulnérable, exclue ou marginalisée qui est à l'origine du nombre de décès dus à des maladies liées à la pauvreté et au chômage. D'après notre expérience, le diagnostic social et les études socio-économiques sont des outils par excellence pour la mise en place de réseaux de prévention et de promotion de la santé publique.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    882,95 kr.

    In the professional practice of Social Psychology, the field of Public Health takes on special relevance because it is the social workers, through the social services of Public Health, who will determine the prevention of diseases, the promotion of Public Health, adherence to treatment, follow-up and channelling of the vulnerable, excluded or marginalised population that leads the number of deaths due to diseases related to poverty and unemployment. In our experience, social diagnosis and socio-economic studies are tools par excellence for the establishment of preventive and public health promotion networks.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    667,95 kr.

    At the outset, it is agreed that within the framework of Sustainable Development, Social Work has established areas and fields of intervention around which social services have been developed, mainly those related to water care with respect to quality of life and subjective wellbeing, determinants of the evaluation of public policies, environmental programmes and strategies of attention to migrant communities. In this scheme, Environmental Social Work acts as a mediator of supply policies and civil demands, considering the limitations of space, time and infrastructure, but the generality of its dimensions, categories and variables inhibit the analysis of the subjectivity inherent in the objective indicators of sustainability. It is therefore necessary to delve deeper into the psychological, cognitive and behavioural dimension in order to establish individual or community needs, expectations, demands and capacities in the face of environmental crises and water shortages.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    497,95 kr.

    The principle of maximin (rational choice of a political system of lower costs versus higher benefits through a social contract) assumed that freedom and equality as principles of justice, at an institutional level, were criteria that guided citizens' decisions. The principles of equality were counterbalanced by the principles of differences. Such social, political and economic inequalities benefited the less advantaged. Consequently, equity (open opportunities in the pursuit of occupations) emerged.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    682,95 kr.

    The text introduces us to various intertwined themes; on the one hand, resorting to important theoretical approaches in social psychology and, on the other, to the analysis of the strong economic dependence of countries with emerging economies. Thus, the problems of the migration of Mexicans from the huasteca potosina, the social and environmental conditions that expel them from their communities of origin, the adaptive adjustments to the receiving culture on their journey to the United States, and the use of the economic resources generated are amalgamated to present a very valuable approach to the reality addressed.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    682,95 kr.

    Migrant labour identity theory argues that there are four processes through which dependency relationships are established between eight dimensions addressed by the state of knowledge and four psychosocial theories of conflict and change. From the socio-historical perspective, the psychology of migration studies the dimensions of belonging, categorisation, representation and identity circumscribed to migrant reference groups.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    497,95 kr.

    The Mexican education system, being linked to the national political system, has developed a teaching axis that goes from conservatism to liberalism by establishing similar protocols for inter-institutional relations. This is an isomorphism that educational institutions adopted as part of the political corporatism that distinguished them from the Mexican political system. Some indicators of isomorphism can be found in the establishment of corporate networks and strategic alliances between national and international institutions, such as those that bring together conservative and liberal thought.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    682,95 kr.

    In the framework of coercive political systems, public security subsystems are distinguished by the establishment of agendas focused on crime prevention, justice delivery and social rehabilitation. However, the relationship between rulers and ruled has been disrupted as security sub-systems have turned to private security strategies such as video surveillance and the hiring of bodyguards. In another sense, public security has led to the self-defence of communities oriented towards self-management and self-governance of relations between civil society and those who govern.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    422,95 kr.

    The concept of consensual stewardship derives from the governance or capacity of a political system to guide the allocation of resources to solve a problem of scarcity or scarcity that affects the daily lives of current generations or the capacities of other generations in the future. Consensual stewardship is a dialogical, decision-oriented system for managing resources in a way that reduces the ecological footprint without compromising the capabilities of future generations. Consensual management has four dimensions: economic, political, social and environmental, and they are indicated by their degree of efficiency, equity, fairness and balance. Consensual management favours a relationship between the four dimensions rather than the predominance of one over another.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    817,95 kr.

    Das Problem der Sicherheit wird anhand von acht verschiedenen Dimensionen meta-analysiert: 1) demokratisch, 2) privat, 3) regional, 4) städtisch, 5) national, 6) sozial, 7) öffentlich und 8) Bürger mit dem Ziel, die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens von Gewalt bei Personen, die einer Politik der frontalen Verbrechensbekämpfung ausgesetzt sind, und bei potenziellen Opfern in Szenarien der Verbrechensprävention zu ermitteln.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    767,95 kr.

    The problem of security is meta-analyzed from eight different dimensions: 1) democratic, 2) private, 3) regional, 4) urban, 5) national, 6) social, 7) public and 8) citizen with the purpose of establishing the probabilities of occurrence of violence in subjects exposed to policies of frontal fight against crime and in potential victims in crime prevention scenarios.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    817,95 kr.

    Il problema della sicurezza viene meta-analizzato a partire da otto diverse dimensioni: 1) democratica, 2) privata, 3) regionale, 4) urbana, 5) nazionale, 6) sociale, 7) pubblica e 8) cittadina, con l'obiettivo di stabilire le probabilità di insorgenza della violenza nei soggetti esposti a politiche di lotta frontale contro il crimine e nelle potenziali vittime in scenari di prevenzione del crimine.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    817,95 kr.

    Le problème de la sécurité est méta-analysé à partir de huit dimensions différentes : 1) démocratique, 2) privée, 3) régionale, 4) urbaine, 5) nationale, 6) sociale, 7) publique et 8) citoyenne, dans le but d'établir les probabilités d'occurrence de la violence chez les sujets exposés aux politiques de lutte frontale contre la criminalité et chez les victimes potentielles dans les scénarios de prévention de la criminalité.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    937,95 kr.

    The present work is approached from demographic (austere population density), historical (norms and values of saving or waste), economic (competitions for scarce water resources), political (representativeness of citizen demands), structural (waste capitals), cultural (availability beliefs), cognitive (environmental awareness), media (mediatized opinion) and community (identity and spatial appropriation) domains with the purpose of modeling the determinants of a water services security agenda.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    752,95 kr.

    The reader will note that the security agenda is in theory a social construct, even though studies deal with the influence of the traditional media on civil opinion, but it is the electronic media that sets multiple agendas for discussion of the same issues. This is because social innovation in the production of symbols will also be a reflection of debates that will not begin until the agenda is established as a local emblem.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, José Manuel Gutiérrez Fiallo & Fermín Anguiano Salazar
    647,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    391,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, Oscar Coronado Rincón & Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas
    391,95 - 476,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    517,95 kr.

    In the framework of presidential elections, the system of negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration between actors involved in the management and administration of public resources and services is known as governance. In the case of an early electoral contest, governance is a phenomenon that reflects electoral preferences, perceptions of consensus and intentions to vote for parties, candidates and democratic systems.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    517,95 kr.

    The quality of life has been a process highly studied from a psychological approach. In this sense, the present work was proposed to establish an explanatory model of life satisfaction to discuss the importance of other disciplines in the research of resources that satisfy individuals. Once the relationships between the factors derived from the theoretical framework and literature review were explained, it was conducted a cross - sectional study with a non - probabilistic sample of 245 students. Once established the validity and reliability of the instrument that 6 measured life satisfaction, expected capabilities, expectations of opportunity, trust relationships, perception of justice, environmental assessment, standards context and perceived resources. From a structural model, the perceived availability of resources indirectly determined life satisfaction through standards context. The results were compared with the findings reported in the state of knowledge and brandished discussed from theoretical frameworks.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    382,95 kr.

    The use of the mobile in millennials, for the purposes of this work, refers to an expression system based on emojis or emoticons, in a sense different from other generations, millennials use the mobile considering the skills and knowledge of their contacts and possible or future contacts. Mobile commerce is an indicator of the economic gap and the consequent digital divide between economically developed countries and countries with emerging economies. In this sense, the foundations of a theory are exposed to explain the Intellectual Capital consequences of mobile commerce from the economic, technological, marketing and psychological determinants that lead a person to acquire products through mobile protocols..

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    316,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios
    425,95 kr.

  • af José Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes, Cruz García Lirios & Agustín Méndez Martínez
    297,95 - 542,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, Javier Carreón Guillén & María Luisa Quintero Soto
    597,95 kr.

  • af Cruz García Lirios, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz & Margarita Juárez Nájera
    530,95 kr.

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