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  • af Dakota Willink
    166,95 kr.

    Tout perdre sera-t-il leur ultime salut, ou bien est-ce que cela les brisera à tout jamais ? AlexanderKrystina m'avait offert son c¿ur, et en retour, je lui avais donné le mien sans la moindre réserve.Elle était l'ange qui m'avait conduit à la rédemption, éclairant toutes les zones obscures qui étaient restées en moi pendant très longtemps.Notre connexion était indéniable.Mais à présent, c'était elle qui avait sombré dans l'obscurité.Si je pouvais contrôler beaucoup de choses, je ne pouvais pas la libérer de cet abîme noir.En dépit de tous mes efforts, sauver Krystina me semblait hors de portée. KrystinaMon mari était aussi beau qu'il était possessif. J'avais besoin de lui comme de l'air que je respirais.Alors, pourquoi avais-je l'impression d'étouffer ?Malheureusement, chaque lune de miel a une fin, et c'était comme si Alexander et moi avions atteint le terme de notre bonheur.Et là, je me retrouvais dans la solitude, accompagnée d'un frisson glacial d'incertitude.Alors, lorsque le destin a pris une tournure des plus inattendues, je me suis surprise à oser espérer à nouveau.Cependant, mon unique problème persistait : Alexander ne partageait pas ma vision des choses.Il était indifférent à mon désir ardent, et je devais me libérer des liens qui m'enchaînaient.Dans cette situation, seules deux options se dessinaient : Alexander serait soit mon allié, soit mon adversaire.

  • af Dakota Willink
    152,95 kr.

    Il pouvait lui donner tout ce qu'elle désirait, sauf une chose. AlexanderJe refusais d'être à nouveau piégé en enfer.Mais pourtant, même les démons caressent des rêves. Si j'avais eu un souhait à formuler pour Noël, ce serait celui d'offrir à Krystina ce qu'elle désirait plus que tout : un enfant.J'aurais tout fait pour satisfaire ses désirs, mais c'était avant que le monde ne sombre dans le chaos. Trop de choses avaient changé et la crainte de la folie qui nous entourait était dévorante.Je devais protéger la femme que j'aime par-dessus tout, même si cela signifiait la maintenir enfermée dans une cage dorée.KrystinaAlexander m'avait promis de m'aimer pour l'éternité, mais comme dans chaque grande histoire d'amour, nous avions eu notre lot de difficultés.Mon mari était provocateur et autoritaire, mais nous avions trouvé notre équilibre.Notre connexion était féroce, d'une attirance sans fin. Il n'y avait plus de mensonges, ni aucuns secrets entre nous.Du moins, c'était ce que je me disais.Pourtant, certains secrets sont faits pour rester cachés, même juste pour un temps.Après tout, les plus beaux cadeaux ne se trouvent pas toujours sous le sapin. La Pierre de souhait est la suite de la Trilogie de Pierre de Dakota Willink, qui a connu un franc succès dans le classement de USA Today. Ce quatrième livre est un roman de Noël qui prépare le terrain de la conclusion épique de l'histoire d'amour d'Alexander et Krystina.

  • af Dakota Willink
    207,95 kr.

    Liés par le besoin. Reliés par des secrets...KrystinaJ'ai eu des rêves et des aspirations, mais rien de tout cela ne prévoyait qu'un homme soit à mes côtés.Je suis allée un peu partout, j'ai fait tout un tas de choses.Puis j'ai oublié mon téléphone portable, et tous mes plans soigneusement élaborés sont tombés à l'eau d'un coup.Il n'était pas censé être là quand je suis tombée.Je n'étais pas censée me perdre dans une mer bleu saphir quand il m'a aidée à me relever.Et lui, il n'était pas censé être Alexander Stone, le magnat de l'immobilier milliardaire de New York.Quand il m'a regardée, je vis de sombres promesses au fond de ses yeux.Mais les ombres de mon passé me hantaient toujours, me faisant craindre d'explorer des possibilités que je n'aurais jamais pu envisager auparavant.AlexanderJ'ai toujours eu ce que je voulais.J'ai compris la valeur de la finesse et de la patience pour obtenir quelque chose.Mais une rencontre fortuite avec Krystina Cole a tout de suite bouleversé mon univers.Elle était forte, déterminée, d'une beauté dévastatrice et d'une ténacité à toute épreuve.Sa vivacité d'esprit et son attitude explosive étaient tout le contraire de ce que je voulais chez une femme.Mais je voulais quand même la revendiquer.L'apprivoiser.Qu'elle ne soit rien qu'à moi.Et j'obtiens toujours ce que je veux.

  • af Dakota Willink
    197,95 kr.

    Deux déclarations d'amour. Et un passé qui ne les lâchera jamais. Alexander J'avais mes règles, et Krystina les a enfreintes.Et pourtant, rien ne devait changer.Mais ça ne signifiait pas que je ne voulais pas qu'elle devienne ma femme.Elle était l'exemple même du triskelion, le symbole de mon passé, de mon présent et de mon futur.Parce que sans Krystina, je ne suis plus rien.C'est alors que mon passé ressurgit pour éclater dans toute sa splendeur.Mais je n'étais pas le seul à avoir un secret.Tout ce en quoi je croyais n'était qu'un mensonge.L'emprise étouffante du chaos se resserra sur moi jusqu'à ce que je ne puisse plus respirer.Je ne sais plus qui je suis.La seule chose que je peux faire, c'est redevenir l'homme que j'étais autrefois - au moment où c'est moi qui avais le contrôle.Krystina Alexander est celui qui a su recoller mon âme brisée.Cette période-là aurait dû être la plus heureuse de ma vie, mais l'obscurité planait toujours.Je pensais connaître l'homme avec lequel je m'étais engagée, mais le doute persistait.Je ne sais pas si Alexander est bien celui qu'il prétend être.Tout est arrivé si vite.Toutes les choses pour lesquelles nous nous étions battus ont menacé de s'effondrer en une fraction de seconde.Et maintenant, je suis confrontée à prendre une terrible décision : aller contre Alexander pour le sauver ou bien rester assise et regarder son monde se briser autour de lui. Et ma décision, quelle qu'elle soit, pourrait détruire l'unique chose dans laquelle notre relation est construite : la confiance.

  • af Dakota Willink
    197,95 kr.

    Parfois, la seule façon de prendre le contrôle, c'est de se rendre...KrystinaJe ne suis pas parfaite et j'ai mes blessures.Ma capacité d'aimer est limitée, et je suis la seule à pouvoir réparer les morceaux de mon c¿ur brisé.Mais une relation avec Alexander Stone ne fonctionnera jamais.Pourtant, il est partout où je suis. Dans mon esprit. Dans mon c¿ur. Et dans mon âme.Je ne peux pas le renier. Il est mon addiction, et je ne peux pas rester à l'écart.AlexanderC'est Krystina que je veux, et j'ai accepté ma destinée. Si je veux la garder, il me faudra tout supporter et libérer les secrets de mon passé. J'en connais les risques, mais elle en vaut la peine : aucune femme ne m'avait jamais affecté comme ça auparavant.Elle est mon soleil dans l'obscurité.L'éclair de mon orage.Elle est mon ange.

  • - Spring 2019
    af Dakota Willink
    142,95 kr.

    Love & Lace InKorporated is a literary magazine designed with the avid romance reader in mind. Available in a full color print and eBook, this special holiday edition of Love & Lace gives readers an inside look at their favorite authors and audiobook narrators. Inside you'll find in depth author and character interviews, author favorite recipes, holiday traditions, book reviews and recommendations, audiobook news, hot new releases, and so much more!This edition includes: Two-time RITA Award Winner, J. Kenner Spotlight Interview with 1001 Dark Nights Audiobook Narrator, Erin Mallon Special Guests Desiree Adele, Betty Shreffler, Miranda Lynn, Tammera Cooper, Jade Royal, Alexis Abbott, & Alta Hensley Character Interview from CJ Warrant Daily Taste Word Searches Your Romance Fix & Addiction Book signings near you and so much more!

  • - Fall 2019
    af Dakota Willink
    142,95 kr.

    Love & Lace InKorporated is a literary magazine designed with the avid romance reader in mind. Available in a full color print and eBook, this edition of Love & Lace gives readers an inside look at their favorite authors and audiobook narrators. Inside you'll find in depth author and character interviews, author favorite recipes, traditions, book reviews and recommendations, audiobook news, hot new releases, and so much more!This edition includes: CD Reiss, New York Times Bestselling Author Behind the Voice: featuring Aaron Shedlock, Lacy Laurel, Sarah Puckett, and Victoria Mei Special Feature: Leave Me Breathless Special Guests Tarrah Anders & Tabetha Waite Character Interview from J.L. Leslie Daily Taste: Get Ready for Fall Beneath the Surface interview with Mary B Moore Ramblings & Love Libs from Jennifer Woodhull Music in Books from Victoria Vale Also featuring Alta Hensley, K.L. Clare, Betty Shreffler and many more!

  • af Dakota Willink
    142,95 - 152,95 kr.

    Created by author, Dakota Willink, Love & Lace InKorporated is a literary magazine designed with the avid romance reader in mind. Available in a full color eBook and print, Love & Lace gives readers an inside look at their favorite authors and audiobook narrators.In this quarterly publication, you'll find in depth author and character interviews, author favorite recipes, book reviews and recommendations, audiobook news, hot new releases, and so much more!This edition includes: Exclusive interview with New York Times Bestselling Author, Alessandra TorreInterview with narrator & Audie Award winner, Andi ArndtComedy Cafe with HJ Bellus and Roxy SinclairePassionflix Summer PreviewBeneath the Surface with MADD: Interview with Echo HartReviews from The Phantom ParagrapherYou Heard It First: Special Podcast Feature from The AudioFlowAudiobook Corner: What's New in Audio? Music in Books: Cora KenbornDaily Taste: Author Favorite Recipes Special Guests: Dylan Allen, DD Sparxx, J.L. Baldwin, Shannon Nemechek, Heather Guimond...and many more!Print Bonus Content (only available in the print version of Love & Lace): Coloring PagesWord Search

  • - Summer 2019
    af Dakota Willink
    142,95 kr.

    Love & Lace InKorporated is a literary magazine designed with the avid romance reader in mind. Available in a full color print and eBook, this edition of Love & Lace gives readers an inside look at their favorite authors and audiobook narrators. Inside you'll find in depth author and character interviews, author favorite recipes, traditions, book reviews and recommendations, audiobook news, hot new releases, and so much more!This edition includes: Kennedy Ryan, RITA Award NomineeRomancing Duet with narrators Wen Ross & Kai KennicottSpotlight Feature: Celebrating Diversity In RomanceSpecial Guests Lizzie Lee & Kelly MooreExclusive: The Evolving Role of Women in Romance by Lydia MichaelsBeneath the Surface interview with Golden AngelWhat's Hot in Audio!Daily Taste: The Flavors of SummerWord SearchesSizzling Summer ReadsYour Romance Fix & AddictionAlso featuring Deborah Alexander, Nina Crespo, Verlene Landon, Marina Simcoe, Charlotte Hart, and many more!

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    Sometimes the only way to take control is to surrender...KrystinaI am flawed and damaged. My capacity for love is limited and only I can repair the pieces of my shattered heart.A relationship with Alexander Stone will never work. But he is everywhere I turn. In my mind. In my heart. And in my soul. I cannot deny him. He is my addiction and I'm unable to stay away.AlexanderI want Krystina and I've accepted the inevitable. If I want to hold on to her, I must bear all and release the secrets in my past. I know the risks, but she's worth it. No woman had ever affected me the way she did. She's the sunshine in the darkness. The lightning to my thunder. She is my angel.Continue Krystina & Alexander's provocative and suspenseful journey in Stepping Stone, the second novel in The Stone Series.

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    He could give her anything her heart longed for-except one thing.AlexanderI refused to be trapped in hell ever again.But even devils have dreams.If I had one wish this Christmas, it would be to give Krystina what she desperately wanted more than anything-a baby.I would do anything for my wife, but that was before the world fell into chaos.Too much had changed and fear of the madness surrounding us was all-consuming.I had to protect the woman I loved above all else-even if it meant keeping her locked in a gilded cage.KrystinaAlexander promised to love me forever, but just like all great loves, we had our challenges.My husband was provocative and commanding, but we'd found our groove.Our connection was fierce and the attraction unending.There were no more secrets and no more lies.At least, that was what I told myself.But some secrets were meant to be kept hidden-even if only for a little while.After all, the best gifts weren't always found under the tree.From International Bestselling Author Dakota Willink comes the fourth book in The Stone Series, a Christmas novel that sets the stage for the final installment of Alexander and Krystina's epic love story.Reading Order of BooksBook 1: Heart of StoneBook 2: Stepping StoneBook 3: Set In StoneBook 4: Wishing StoneBook 5: Breaking Stone

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    Two declarations of love and a past that won't set them free.Alexander I had rules. Krystina broke them. That's just the way things were. But that didn't mean I didn't want to make her my wife. She exemplified the triskelion, representing my past, my present, and my future. Without her, I am nothing. But then the past returns to rear its ugly head. As it turned out, I wasn't the only one with a secret.Everything I believed is nothing but a lie.The strangling grip of chaos squeezes until I can't breathe.I don't know who I am anymore.The only thing I can do is go back to being the man I once was-to the only place where I once knew control.Krystina Alexander was the glue holding my shattered soul together.This should've been one of the happiest times in my life, but the darkness still looms.I thought I knew the man I committed myself to but more questions continue to arise.I don't know if Alexander is who he says he is. It all happened so fast.Everything we fought so hard to overcome is threatened in the blink of an eye.Now I'm faced with a terrible decision: go against Alexander in order to save him or sit idly by and watch as his world shatters around him.No matter my choice, it could destroy the very thing our relationship was built on. Trust. The heart-wrenching and seductive story of Alexander and Krystina continues with Set In Stone, the powerfully moving third book in The Stone Series.

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    Bound by need. Entwined in secrets...KrystinaI had dreams and aspirations, none of which included a man by my side. Been there, done that.Then I forgot my cellphone, and all of my carefully laid plans went to hell.He wasn't supposed to be there when I fell. I wasn't supposed to get lost in a sea of sapphire blue when he helped me up. And he wasn't supposed to be Alexander Stone, the New York billionaire real estate tycoon.I saw the dark promises in his eyes when he looked at me. But the shadows of my past haunted me, making me afraid to explore the possibilities I could never before have imagined.AlexanderI was used to getting what I wanted. I understood the value of finesse and patience to achieve the desired result. But a chance run-in with Krystina Cole quickly turned my world upside down.She was strong, determined, devastatingly beautiful-and stubborn as hell. Her quick wit and firecracker attitude was the complete opposite of what I wanted in a woman.But I still wanted to claim her. Tame her. Make her mine.And I always get what I want.Heart of Stone is the first book in Krystina & Alexander's epic love story. It's the beginning of the steamy and unforgettable series by USA Today Bestselling Author Dakota Willink.

  • af Dakota Willink
    187,95 kr.

    USA Today Bestselling Author Dakota Willink delivers an emotionally gripping, dark romantic suspense that is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!GiannaThere's a common expression I remind myself of every day: that which does not kill us, makes us stronger.People think I live an idyllic life with my perfect husband, but they don't know what lies beneath the façade. Like the delicate petals of the daisies he loved to give, I was easily crushed-broken, just as he wanted me to be.I've learned to accept what is, but I won't let it destroy me.Instead, I do the only thing I can to survive-I run.DerekI knew she had a story. I knew it most likely contained violence. But never did I imagine the horrors she'd been through.I'd waited so long and she'd experienced so much. She was perfectly imperfect, her scars more than skin deep.I couldn't help wanting to get closer.She was strong and there was beauty in strength. I was drawn to it-drawn to her.I wanted to erase her horrors and give her something new to dream about.*** TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains situations of domestic violence and abuse. Some aspects may be sensitive for some readers. ***

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    Will losing everything be enough to save them, or will it break them forever?AlexanderKrystina offered me her heart, and I'd given her mine freely and without reservation.She was the angel who guided me to salvation, lighting up all the places inside me that had been dark for most of my life.There was no denying the connection we shared.But now, she was the one who had fallen into darkness.I could control a great many things, but I couldn't free her from the black abyss.As hard as I tried, I had no way to save her-especially after she changed all the rules.KrystinaMy husband was as beautiful as he was possessive. I needed him like I needed the air I breathed.So why did I feel like I was suffocating?I supposed every honeymoon period had an expiration date, and it seemed as if Alexander and I had reached the end of our bliss.Now I was shrouded in loneliness and a cold chill of uncertainty.So when destiny shifted in the most unexpected way, I found myself daring to hope again.My only problem was Alexander.He didn't see things like I did.It didn't matter how much I craved him. I had to break free of the ties that bind.Either Alexander would be with me, or he would be against me.Breaking Stone is the stunning conclusion to the International Bestselling series by USA Today Bestselling Author Dakota Willink. Alexander & Krystina's devotion to each other will be tested like never before. Will they finally get what their hearts desire, or will the Fates give them a challenge that will break them?TRIGGER WARNING: This book discusses pregnancy loss and infertility, and may be difficult for some readers.

  • af Dakota Willink
    177,95 kr.

    It was time to prepare for a new kind of race-the race to Kallie's heart.SloanAs the son of a Formula One racer, the need for speed was in my blood.But in the blink of an eye, my life in the fast lane came to a screeching halt.With my racing career gone, I had no choice but to endure a new way of life.And that's when I met her-Kalliope Benton Riley.She wasn't my usual type at all. She was a total hippie, packaged to perfection with flowy dresses and rainbow-colored hair wraps. She had outlandish ideas about the stars, the moon, and predetermined destiny. Ridiculous.Yet, I couldn't turn away from her mesmerizing green eyes. She was more than a pit stop. She was my addiction-my checkered flag.KallieSix years ago, a psychic gypsy gave me a warning. She said I was cursed when it came to romance and destined for a life of disappointment and heartache. She was right.So when the opportunity to move across the country presented itself, I was more than ready for a change-but that change was not supposed to include someone like Sloan Atwood.He was arrogant and cocky.Avoiding him should have been easy, but every time I looked at him, the attraction grew stronger.I couldn't help but wonder if maybe-just maybe-Sloan could be the one to break the curse. Then I saw a California sunset.The gypsy had warned me about those too. As the sun dropped lower in the sky, my heart knew I couldn't box this lap.There would be no winners in this race. Total shut down was the only way to prevent permanent damage.From International Bestselling Author Dakota Willink, comes the third book in the Fade Into You series, an emotionally-charged sports romance will leave your heart racing!

  • af Dakota Willink
    157,95 kr.

    He was a gorgeous troublemaker with a cocky attitude.She was the girl he shouldn't want.They only had one summer-and a promise to have no regrets.FitzI wasn't prepared to meet a girl like Cadence.She was shy and innocent, and nothing like the girls who usually flocked at my doorstep.But how could I resist her mile-long blond hair and emerald eyes?I knew I shouldn't want her.The rest of my life had already been decided for me.A summer fling shouldn't have happened.But it did.Now, the clock is counting down until I have to return home to the hell that awaits me.As September draws near, I get closer and closer to losing everything I never thought I wanted-her.From USA Today Bestselling Author Dakota Willink comes the first book in the Fade Into You series, a bad boy romance that will leave you swooning for more!

  • af Dakota Willink
    157,95 kr.

    One love. One destiny. But it only takes one person to bring the house of cards tumbling down...CadenceSeventeen years ago, Fitz Quinn stole my heart. He took my innocence, then left me broken. When a twist of fate brought us together again, I quickly learned even time couldn't dim our chemistry. Fitz was sexier than ever-successful and provocative. He became the man I always knew he would be, and the heat between us quickly became unbearable. Despite the promise I made to myself, the walls of my heart started to crumble.Before I could stop it, I fell for him all over again. But things are so much more complicated now. Live are at stake.I need to decide if sacrificing my values is worth being with the only man I have ever loved.FitzThey call me Washington's fixer. Fixing the mistake I made with Cadence all those years ago should be simple.Except it isn't.Things aren't the same as they once were. Cadence is the driving force behind a non-profit organization where she handles each case with the determination of a shark. I'm the CEO of a public relations firm-one that represents clients who oppose everything Cadence stands for. What do they say about opposites attract?But Cadence is hiding something-I know it. Now we're at a crossroads. I need to decide if going against my father is worth pursuing a second chance with her. One wrong move and my reputation could be obliterated. From Amazon Bestselling Author, Dakota Willink, comes the second book in the Fade Into You series-a second chance romance that will leave you breathless!

  • af Dakota Willink
    200,95 kr.

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