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  • af Dale Brown
    105,95 - 284,95 kr.

    In this sequel to Dale Brown's New York Times bestselling Arctic Storm Rising, former U.S. Air Force officer Nick Flynn is caught up in a shadow war against allied Russia and Iran--a duo wielding a terrifying new weapon.Nick Flynn is back in action, and he has a new employer--a shadowy intelligence outfit whose roots go back to the very beginning of the Cold War. But his first mission for them almost becomes his last. While meeting with a high-ranking Iranian dissident in the Austrian Alps, Flynn is ambushed and nearly killed... just after learning that Iran and Russia are working together on a mysterious project--one they have codenamed MIDNIGHT.Flynn is determined to uncover MIDNIGHT's lethal secrets. Why are Moscow and Tehran covertly retrofitting a massive oil tanker in an Iranian port? What purpose lies behind their closely guarded effort, the brainchild of Pavel Voronin--a ruthless billionaire allied with Russia's autocratic president?Flynn and his new team plan to put an end to the nefarious project, but they're dogged at every step by Voronin's hired Raven Syndicate killers--elite veterans of Russia's special forces and intelligence services. As they track the enemy from the streets of Vienna to deep inside hostile Iran, Flynn and his crew must repeatedly risk their lives to pierce the layers of deception around this shadow war.It's a race against time to stop Voronin from launching his terrifying new weapon against the United States--potentially killing hundreds of millions and overturning the world's balance of power forever. The odds are stacked high against Flynn and his team... but that's never stopped Nick before.Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

  • - La Scienza Incontra Dio: Un Viaggio Psicologico e Cosmologico alla Ricerca dell'Origine
    af Dale Brown
    83,95 kr.

    Il Creatore: La Scienza Incontra Dio: Un Viaggio Psicologico e Cosmologico alla Ricerca dell'Origine Ti sei mai chiesto cosa ci sia oltre l'orizzonte visibile dell'universo o cosa dia significato alla nostra esistenza? "Il Creatore" è la guida che stavi cercando.Questo libro unisce le scoperte della scienza moderna con le profonde intuizioni della spiritualità per esplorare il mistero delle nostre origini e della creazione stessa.Attraverso un percorso che intreccia la cosmologia con le narrazioni spirituali di varie culture, l'autore ti invita a un viaggio affascinante alla scoperta di come l'universo sia venuto all'esistenza e di come la nostra ricerca delle origini si rifletta nella vastità della scienza e nella profondità della fede.Cosa Scoprirai: La storia dell'universo dalla teoria del Big Bang alle ultime scoperte sull'energia oscura e la materia oscura, e come queste si collegano alle antiche narrazioni sul creato.Le varie concezioni del creatore attraverso le culture mondiali, dall'antica Grecia alle filosofie orientali, e il loro significato nella vita quotidiana.Come la ricerca delle origini influenzi la nostra comprensione di sé, attraverso esempi di miti, leggende e la scienza moderna.Le implicazioni della neuroteologia e come le pratiche spirituali come la meditazione e la preghiera modellino il nostro cervello, offrendo una nuova prospettiva su scienza e fede."Il Creatore" va oltre la classica discussione tra scienza e religione, presentando un dialogo inclusivo che mostra come entrambi questi campi possano arricchire la nostra comprensione dell'universo e della nostra posizione in esso. È un'opera essenziale per chiunque sia alla ricerca di risposte sul significato più profondo della vita e sull'origine di tutto.Sei pronto a intraprendere questo viaggio unico nel suo genere verso una comprensione più profonda di te stesso e dell'universo? Acquista ora "Il Creatore" e inizia il tuo percorso verso la scoperta.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    Is there a traitor at Dreamland? When Muslim extremists are found with a mysterious UAV in the Malaysian part of Borneo, Colonel Danny Freah and his Whiplash team are sent to investigate. They discover that Dreamland's drone technology has been stolen. Who has betrayed them? China is rumored to be involved, as is Russia. But finding out who's really bankrolling the guerrillas means finding someone who knows combat UAVs inside and out. Someone with nothing to lose. Someone like Air Force ace Turk Mako.Yet as Mako and Freah learn, the conspiracy is deeper and darker than either imagined. With the situation worsening, the Whiplash team finds itself in a desperate race to recover their aircraft and capture the perpetrators?without setting off World War III.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    The deadliest weapon . . . is manTop NATO representatives meet in Kiev to forge a new alliance . . . Powerful elements within a newly resurgent Russia decide the alliance must be stopped at all costs . . . The warriors of Dreamland have moved on. Some, like Breanna and Zen Stockard, to positions of power and influence; others, like Danny Freah and Nuri Lupo, into Whiplash, a cutting-edge combination of brain and brawn. Tasked by the President to handle the country's most deadly and sensitive jobs, the elite SpecWarfare unit marries muscle to technological prowess.But can even Whiplash stand up to a covert Russian army of genetically enhanced assassins known only as the Wolves?The stories about them sound like sheer fantasy: the killers are said to be nearly invisible and virtually unstoppable, endowed with super-human strength and endurance. But when Danny Freah and company discover they do exist, Danny stumbles on an even darker and deadlier secret: One Wolf, the most ferocious of all, comes from the heart of Dreamland itself. And Danny saw him die more than a decade before.

  • af Dale Brown
    192,95 kr.

    Peace is an illusion . . .The Apocalypse is days away.The world's attention is focused on the historic plans of the U.S. and Iranian presidents to lay down their swords. But on the African continent, one man holds the power to obliterate the peace by unleashing terror and global chaos?and no one sees it coming.Hiding behind the bloody madness of tribal warfare in the Horn of Africa, Iranian functionary-turned-fanatic Bani Aberhadji has achieved the impossible?single-handedly creating a vast, invisible network dedicated to the construction, delivery, and detonation of a nuclear nightmare. Only by chance are American agents now learning of its existence, and it may already be too late.Born from the ashes of Dreamland, the covert strike force Whiplash is armed and ready to spring into action?led by Dreamland veterans Danny Freah and former acepilot, now Washington insider, Breanna Stockard. But Aberhadji's web of death is wide and well concealed . . . and the doomsday clock is ticking.

  • - 90 Days of Hope & Healing
    af Dale Brown
    182,95 kr.

    Divorce, death, job loss, financial ruin, a wayward child, an unfaithful spouse, drug abuse, prison time, betrayal, illness-suffering is intense, personal and profoundly life-changing, making us better and stronger or driving us to despair and hopelessness. The shock of radical losses can leave us in a spiral of hurt and pain. If this sounds like you, Disaster to Deliverance: 90 Days of Hope & Healing is for you. Disaster to Deliverance combines biblical wisdom and practical, down-to-earth advice to help you through this intensely difficult time. Dale J. Brown, PhD, a husband and pastor, found himself suddenly thrust into the whirlwind of job/career loss, divorce, and the death of a loved one-all in a 24-month period. He knows the agony of wondering how you'll pull through. His hard-earned knowledge is full of encouragement, reminders that your life is still brimming with possibility, and the hope that you can begin to thrive again. Dale J. Brown, PhD, earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Texas and his master's of divinity and his doctorate of philosophy degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Brown has pastored six churches in Texas and New England; taught and lived abroad; served as a chaplain for hospice, hospitals, and volunteer fire departments; and led men's retreats and conferences. His passion is to help people survive through their crises and thrive into God's good and blessed future.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    When terrorists attack Boston, Louis Massina races against time to save the city with a high-tech counteroffensive . . . On Easter Sunday morning, the city of Boston is struck by a widespread and coordinated series of terrorist attacks: an explosion in the T, a suicide bomber at Back Bay Police Station, and heavily armed gunmen taking hostages at the Patriot Hotel.For robotics innovator Louis Massina, aka the Puppet Master, this is far more personal than a savage act of political terrorism. Boston is his city?and one of his employees, Chelsea Goodman, is among the hostages facing certain death. As Chelsea fights from the inside, Massina leads his team of tech geniuses at Smart Metal to deploy every bot, drone, and cyber weapon at their disposal to defeat the fanatics and save his city and friend.That's step one. Step two: Find the twisted mastermind behind the attacks and make him pay.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    In New York Times bestselling author Dale Brown's Price of Duty, the stakes are high as the U.S. and its Western allies come under a diabolical Russian cyberwarfare attack In a top-secret location deep in the Ural Mountains, Russian President Gennadiy Gryzlov has built his nation's most dangerous weapon since the atomic bomb?an intricate network of underground tunnels and chambers designed to launch a carefully plotted series of attacks on an unsuspecting U.S. and its European allies. The first strike targets Warsaw, Poland, where Russian malware wipes out the records of nearly every Polish bank account, panicking the rest of Europe. When the besieged U.S. president, Stacy Anne Barbeau, fails to effectively combat the Russian threat, Brad McLanahan, on some well-earned R&R with his new Polish girlfriend, Major Nadia Rozek, is called back to duty. As the Russians' deadly tactics escalate?including full-scale assaults on Europe's power grid and the remote hijacking of a commercial airliner that kills hundreds of civilians?McLanahan and his Scion team kick into gear. With the world's fate hanging in the balance, will Scion succeed in turning back Gryzlov before he can realize his terrifying ambition to conquer the globe?

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    In Dale Brown's Puppet Master, intelligent machines take center stage as America battles the Russian mafia in Eastern EuropeLouis Massina is revolutionizing the field of robotics. His technological wonders are capable of locating disaster survivors, preventing nuclear meltdowns, and replacing missing limbs. After one of Massina's creations makes a miraculous rescue, an FBI agent recruits him to pursue criminals running a massive financial scam?and not coincidentally, suspected of killing the agent's brother. Massina agrees to deploy a surveillance ?bot? that uses artificial intelligence to follow its target. But when he's thrust into a dangerous conspiracy, the billionaire inventor decides to take matters into his own hands, unleashing the greatest cyber-weapons in the world and becoming the Puppet Master.

  • af Dale Brown
    192,95 - 392,95 kr.

  • - Choosing and Working with People to Help Your Show
    af Dale Brown
    237,95 kr.

    The ability to use members of the audience as part of your act shows that you are a professional performer. In fact, it often helps your act stand out from others when you tell prospective customers you involve members of the audience in your performance. This increases the likelihood of getting the job. And audience participation can be used for small intimate shows or large theater shows. When you do involve the audience, odd moments can occur, which is why you should also be prepared to ad-lib. This books provides tips and tricks, as well as performance ideas and concepts for both audience participation and ad-libbing.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    America's most advanced miltary unit rebels against the very government it's trying to protect in this pulse-pounding military thriller chock-full of suspense, adventure, and high-tech weaponry.Following their success in crushing an Iranian threat, General Patrick McLanahan's new "Aerospace Battle Force" has grown into a full-fledged task force, based on the Armstrong Space Station. But the program has its critics, including Russia, the United Nations, and the American press. Newly elected, President Joseph Gardner directs congress to cut off funding for this provocative force and dismisses McLanahan. What no one knows is that the Russians have blackmailed Gardner--the first step in a nefarious plan to control the world's oil supplies .With the ABF decommissioned, Russia deploys troops and warships into Turkmenistan, Iran, and the Persian Gulf. But McLanahan and his forces refuse to allow the Russian aggression to stand. Defying the civilian chain of command he orders the ABF to strike their forces. The president orders McLanahan's immediate arrest. But before authorities can throw him in jail, they have to find him. Located at one of the most secure bases, with an arsenal of the world's most sophisticated air weapons, he has control of the Aerospace Battle Force and the Armstrong Space Station. Army, Marine Corps, and FBI units converge on the base, but they are easily held off--for now. In a race against time, McLanahan must outmaneuver his own countrymen, and defeat the Russians, and expose the truth . . .

  • af Dale Brown
    199,95 kr.

    When China launches the first successful test of its anti-ship ballistic missile, the future looks bleak for America. Fearing the U.S. will lose its naval supremacy in the Pacific, President Kenneth Phoenix finds himself in a compromised position. New technology requires money, but the country is recovering from a massive recession. Without the funds to compete with China's advancing technology, are the country's days of naval preeminence in the Pacific running out?Retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Patrick McLanahan refuses to accept this fate. McLanahan reasons that the United States can afford to refurbish old but potent long-range B-1B Lancer bombers to promote the AirSea Battle strategy that will push back against Chinese aggression. Soon America stands ready to deploy an AirSea Battle task force in the South China Sea.The People's Liberation Army aggressively deploys advanced fighters, land-based antimissiles, three aircraft carriers, and exotic, top secret directed energy weapons against their neighbors. But Patrick McLanahan is finally given the green light to lead his force westward to challenge the Chinese threat head-on.

  • af Dale Brown
    322,95 kr.

    First in a new series from New York Times bestselling author Dale Brown, featuring U.S. Air Force intelligence officer Nick Flynn on the hunt for Russian commandos in the mountains of Alaska.After a CIA covert mission goes badly awry, U.S. Air Force intelligence officer Nicholas Flynn is exiled to guard a remote radar post along Alaska's Arctic frontier. This dead-end assignment is designed to put his career permanently on ice, but Flynn's not the type to fade quietly into obscurity... As winter storms pound Alaska and northern Canada, Russian aircraft begin penetrating deep into friendly airspace. Are these rehearsals for a possible first strike, using Russia's new long-range stealth cruise missiles? Or is some other motive driving the Kremlin to take ever-increasing risks along the hostile Arctic frontier separating two of the world's great powers? When an American F-22 collides with one of the Russian interlopers, things go south fast?in seconds, missiles are fired. There are no survivors. Despite horrific weather, Flynn and his security team are ordered to parachute into the area in a desperate bid to reach the crash sites ahead of the Russians. It's now obvious that the Pentagon and CIA are withholding vital information, but Flynn and his men have no choice but to make the dangerous jump. Soon they're caught in a deadly game of hide-and-seek with Spetsnaz commandos operating covertly on American soil. It seems that the F-22s and their Russian counterparts aren't the first aircraft to have gone missing in these desolate mountains. The Kremlin is hunting for the first prototype of its new stealth bomber?which vanished on what was supposed to be a test flight...while loaded with nuclear-armed stealth cruise missiles. As Russia and the U.S. square off on the brink of all-out-war, it's up to Nick to find the missing bomber...and prevent a potential nuclear holocaust.

  • af Dale Brown
    117,95 kr.

    In this exciting, visionary, and all-too-plausible next chapter in Dale Brown's New York Times bestselling techno-warfare series, Brad McLanahan and the Iron Wolf Squadron must fight the Russians on a dangerous, untested battlefield: outer space In the freezing tundra of Siberia, Russian president Gennadiy Gryzlov descends into an impenetrable subterranean base. He is there to witness the test of a terrifying new weapon?the Thunderbolt. This new techological marvel is powerful enough to change the world as we know it, and before long the entire globe will tremble in fear of mighty Russia.The previous administration's ineffective response to the growing Russian threat has left America vulnerable. Setting a bold course for America's defense, the decisive and strong new president, John Dalton Farrell, intends to challenge Russian aggression head on. Brad and Patrick McLanahan and the formidable Iron Wolf Squadron?including the recently injured Nadia Rozek, rested and back in fighting form thanks to a pair of state-of-the-art prosthetic legs?are ready and eager to join the battle. The Iron Wolf team is the best of the best?an elite, international group of warriors who will defend the free world at any cost.But even with their combined forces, the Russian menace may prove too great for the West to overcome. Done with provocative skirmishes and playing for small stakes, the Russian president has set his sights on the ultimate prize: controlling the entire world from above. Expanding beyond earth's bounds, the Russians have built a new high-tech space station and armed it with the Thunderbolt?capable of destroying U.S. satellites as well as launching powerful missiles pointed at strategic targets across Earth.Devising a cunning plan of attack, Brad, Nadia, and the Iron Wolf warriors take to the skies in their advanced space planes to destroy the space station, check the Russians' plan for dominance, and save the world. But is it already too late? With Dale Brown's signature nonstop action and breathtaking battles, The Kremlin Strike is a high-stakes thrill ride you won't want to miss.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Dale Brown
    112,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Former Air Force captain and New York Times bestselling author Dale Brown is an acknowledged master when it comes to bringing military action to breathtaking life and he has received glowing accolades since his debut publication, Flight of the Old Dog.Tigers Claw proves once again that every rave has been well deserved. Set in the near future, Tigers Claw imagines a scenario in which tensions escalate between an economically powerful China and a United States weakened by a massive economic downfall, bringing the two superpowers to the brink of total destruction. Browns popular protagonist, retired Air Force lieutenant-general Patrick McLanahan (of A Time for Patriots, Rogue Forces, and other Brown bestsellers), is back with his son Brad McLanahan and theyre preparing for the impending apocalyptic clash of men and military technology.The incomparable Dale Brown scores again with a frighteningly possible story of war and global politics thats ideal for fans of Vince Flynn and Brad Thor.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    The technology is perfect . . .until it's notThe fires still burn in Libya years after the fall of Gaddafi, forcing NATO to intervene in a new war that could have devastating consequences for the volatile region. But something has gone terribly wrong with a "foolproof" new superweapon, resulting in the shocking deaths of innocents.The latest military miracle to come out of the Whiplash group was designed to eliminate any possibility of human error?yet civilians die when a computer-controlled UAV drone inexplicably goes rogue while the whole world watches. Now the entire Whiplash program is under fire, as the weapon's creator heads into the blistering heat of the conflict to discover if sabotage caused his infallible machine to fail. But there's an enemy waiting for him, determined to unleash more chaos and terror and death?which sends pilot Turk Mako to the skies once more to prove that, in the heat of battle, a skilled ace can do what no computer can.

  • af Dale Brown
    137,95 kr.

  • af Dale Brown
    137,95 kr.

    In a volatile world, America's worst nightmares canbecome real?anywhere, anytime, and with no warning.But there is one potent defense: a top-secret military facility in the Nevada desert where the high-tech future of warfare is being conceived and constructed. Masters of astonishing military technology that enables them to deploy almost instantaneously to any part of the Earth, the Dreamland team must now stop a dangerous revolution in the making in Eastern Europe?where a mysterious group of insurgents has blown up an essential pipeline, thereby disrupting Europe's gas supply. With NATO and the EU paralyzed by the crisis, it falls to Dreamland's best and brightest to keep the world from the brink of another Cold War.But the secret hand of an old enemy is pulling the strings from the shadows, hoping to reap the rewards of chaos. And the devastating results could erupt with intense, white-hot fury.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    To fight the war on terror, America's warriors need new weapons. And here is where the future will be won.In the Nevada desert, the high-tech future of warfare is being conceived and constructed at a top-secret military facility called Dreamland. As extremist Islamic pirates, armed and supported by a powerful Saudi terrorist, prey on civilian vessels in the Gulf of Aden, America aggressively answers with serious muscle?a next-generation littoral warship with a full range of automated weapons systems that the enemy has dubbed "Satan's Tail." However, unforeseen technological problems, combined with the suicidal tendencies of a fanatical foe, mean support is needed from above?and a pair of Dreamland's awesome Megafortresses and their Flighthawk escorts are dispatched to the war zone. But bitter professional rivalries threaten to damage, perhaps even destroy, the mission, as a vengeful opponent takes advantage of the disruption to strengthen his outlaw navy and set its sights horrifically high?raising the stakes in a battle the U.S. and the world simply cannot afford to lose.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    Only tomorrow's technology will keep America strong today.In the Nevada desert, the high-tech future of warfare is being conceived and constructed at a top-secret military facility called Dreamland. This is where miracles are born.An Asian war that would have escalated into a nuclear nightmare has been halted, thanks to the raw courage, unparalleled skill, and total commitment of the Dreamland force. But an analysis of radar data has revealed the presence of an unknown super-weapon in the area: a robot warplane with terrifying capabilities, dubbed the "ghost clone." Though strikingly similar to Dreamland's own U/MF Flighthawk, no one knows where this fearsome instrument of destruction originated, but a rogue nation possessing a squadron of them could wreak unimaginable havoc on an unsuspecting free world. Now nothing less than a brazen, brilliantly conceived deception will lure the ghost clone out of hiding?and only a daring strike on enemy soil can avert a tomorrow too terrible to consider ... if it isn't already too late.

  • - A Novel
    af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    For fictional thrill rides on the printed page, get on board with the novels of Dale Brown.New YorkNewsdayThe incomparable Dale Brown (The best military writer in the country Clive Cussler) roars back at full throttle with Executive Intent. The perennial New York Times bestselling master delivers another action-packed tale of international intrigue and technological weaponry that pits the worlds superpowers in a terrifying contest for dominance of outer space and the Earths oceans. Vince Flynn and Brad Thor fans will flock to the man whose electrifying visions of near-future warfare remain the gold standard of the techno-thriller genre. Executive Intent is Dale Brown at his best.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    Jason Richter and his high-tech unit Task Force TALON are charged with securing the Mexican border, where a terrorist band has been operating with impunity and enflaming the passions of the population.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    In military circles it's known as Air Battle Force?an air combat unit of the future, under the command of aerial warfare expert Major General Patrick McLanahan, capable of launching stealthy, precision-guided firepower to anywhere on the globe within hours. And now McLanahan and his warriors have their first target.Driven from Afghanistan, the parasitic forces of the deposed Taliban regime have decided to feed on a new host?an isolated, oil-rich Central Asian neighbor that's ripe for the conquering. The battle for control of the world's largest oil deposits has begun, with unsteady alliances forming and opposing forces set to collide. And now a handful of American commandos half a world away, aided by McLan-ahan's unproven robotic warplanes, will have to triumph against overwhelming numbers in a war that nobody?including "friendly" forces at home?wants them to win.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    The mission is classified . . . and illegalIn the blistering heat of the Sudan, the CIA has gone rogue.On the trail of a notorious terrorist, Agency operatives have overstepped their sanctioned boundaries. And now theultimate weapon has fallen into the wrong hands. As Danny Freah and his spec-ops team scramble to recover a topsecret aircraft that has crashed in Africa, Whiplash DirectorJonathon Reid finds himself mysteriously shut off from information about the robot drone and its mission. Maneuvering through the twisted back corridors of the CIA and Washington's power elite, Reid discovers secrets both illegal and highly dangerous?a virtually unstoppable assassin and an out-of-control clique within the Agency.Torn between loyalty and conscience, Reid must find a way to alert the President and avert a national disaster. But with the Whiplash team caught in the chaos of a brutal African civil war and CIA officials desperate to keep Reid from telling what he knows, a monster re-emerges to target its creators . . .

  • af Dale Brown
    377,95 kr.

    In this sequel to Dale Brown's New York Times bestselling Arctic Storm Rising, former U.S. Air Force officer Nick Flynn is caught up in a shadow war against allied Russia and Iran--a duo wielding a terrifying new weapon.Nick Flynn is back in action, and he has a new employer--a shadowy intelligence outfit whose roots go back to the very beginning of the Cold War. But his first mission for them almost becomes his last. While meeting with a high-ranking Iranian dissident in the Austrian Alps, Flynn is ambushed and nearly killed... just after learning that Iran and Russia are working together on a mysterious project--one they have codenamed MIDNIGHT.Flynn is determined to uncover MIDNIGHT's lethal secrets. Why are Moscow and Tehran covertly retrofitting a massive oil tanker in an Iranian port? What purpose lies behind their closely guarded effort, the brainchild of Pavel Voronin--a ruthless billionaire allied with Russia's autocratic president?Flynn and his new team plan to put an end to the nefarious project, but they're dogged at every step by Voronin's hired Raven Syndicate killers--elite veterans of Russia's special forces and intelligence services. As they track the enemy from the streets of Vienna to deep inside hostile Iran, Flynn and his crew must repeatedly risk their lives to pierce the layers of deception around this shadow war.It's a race against time to stop Voronin from launching his terrifying new weapon against the United States--potentially killing hundreds of millions and overturning the world's balance of power forever. The odds are stacked high against Flynn and his team... but that's never stopped Nick before.

  • af Dale Brown
    112,95 kr.

    Welcome to Battlefield AmericaWhen the stock markets crash and the U.S. economy falls into a crippling recession, everything changes for newly elected president Kenneth Phoenix. With reductions in education and transportation, an incapacitated National Guard, and the loss of public safety budgets, entire communities of armed citizens band together for survival and mutual protection. Against this dismal backdrop, a group calling themselves the Knights of the True Republic ambush a SWAT team and steal radioactive materials . . . and thebattle against the government is taken to a deadlier level.In this time of crisis, the Nevada Wing of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP)?led by retired Air Force Lieutenant-General Patrick McLanahan, his son, Bradley, and other volunteers?rises to the task of protecting their fellow countrymen. But when the homegrown terrorists detonate a dirty bomb in Reno and Bradley is caught in a perilous double-cross, Patrick McLanahan will have to fight to discover where his friends' true loyalties lie.

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