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  • af Daniel James
    157,95 kr.

    Clyde Williams just wanted to draw comic books. Life and death have other plans.Brooklyn-born artist Clyde Williams has spent his life obsessing over comic books and chasing his big dream to one day break into the industry as a hot new artist. But chasing the dream isn't easy. It's tiring, dispiriting work.And that was before the ghost of his recently murdered best friend and roommate, Kev Carpenter, showed up at their apartment. Shocked and confused, the pair have been trying to establish some sense of their old status quo, of normality, but normality left town and isn't coming back. Instead, they get a knock at their front door. Rose Hadfield, agent of Hourglass, has some understanding of what it's like to commune with the dead, living with the ghosts of her former military unit, and offers them the choice to educate themselves and train their abilities, or remain under Hourglass' scrutiny in the name of public safety.Clyde's long-held distrust of all things military and federal, has him prepared to decline Rose's offer. Kev, however, has other ideas. Being restless and detached from the world, he sees this as his only real option. A purpose. Wracked with sympathy for his best friend's plight, Clyde accepts Rose's offer on one condition: upon completion of his training, he will remain a civilian. A fair compromise.Unbeknownst to Clyde and Kev, their acceptance of Rose's offer has catapulted them on a collision course with an ex-KGB officer turned necromantic monk, and the ancient, wealthy, and morally dubious Cairnwood Society. Clyde and Kev will soon learn that death is only the beginning.

  • af Daniel James
    163,95 kr.

    The life of Clyde Williams had certainly taken a detour these last months. Turning from aspiring comic book artist to low-ranked Level 1 necromancer. He saw things. Fought things. He killed, and even took a trip to the dead realm of Erebus.And now he's official, an agent of the paranormal intelligence department Hourglass, and posted to New York's Madhouse facility with the ghost of his best friend and their seasoned team.And they have their work cut out for them. Local Hourglass assets are being targeted by a lethal, horrifically-enhanced killer called The Hangman, the first weapon in a new campaign of terror being waged against Hourglass. But he won't be the last. The Cairnwood Society is producing more of these monstrous madmen, and it's up to Clyde and his team to find out their dark methods, and shut them down before Cairnwood can amass an army of nightmare killers to launch against Hourglass, and the world.

  • af Daniel James
    407,95 kr.

  • af Daniel James
    792,95 kr.

    Dieses Lehrbuch wurde geschrieben, um den neuen Lehrplan für Computerunterricht der ersten Klasse zu berücksichtigen, der in diesem Jahr an einer weiterführenden Schule in Fidschi getestet wird. Es ist ein neues Lehrbuch und das erste seiner Art, das vor Ort geschrieben wurde. Es besteht die Hoffnung, dass dieses Buch bei der Umsetzung des Lehrplans nützlich sein wird, es sollte jedoch klar sein, dass es nicht der Lehrplan ist. Der Lehrplan ist der Rahmen, dem der Lehrer folgen muss, während dieses Lehrbuch eine Ressource für den Schüler ist. Daher ist es akzeptabel, für weitere Informationen auf andere Ressourcenmaterialien umzusteigen. Das Lehrbuch ist nicht die perfekte Arbeit, da es in sehr kurzer Zeit erstellt wurde, daher sind Änderungsvorschläge willkommen. Es wird erwartet, dass dieses Buch den Zeitaufwand der Lehrer für die Unterrichtsvorbereitung minimiert und mehr Zeit für das eigentliche Lehren und Lernen im Klassenzimmer aufwendet. Über den Inhalt der Themen mag es unterschiedliche Meinungen geben, aber für den Anfänger ist es am besten, wenn man Zeit und Gelegenheit hat, sich mit den Grundlagen vertraut zu machen, bevor man sich tiefer in das Studienfach vertieft.

  • af Daniel James
    469,95 kr.

    This text book has been written to cater for the new Year one Computer Education syllabus trialed in Fiji secondary school for the year . It is a new text book and the first of its kind to be written locally. It is hoped that this book will be useful in implementing the syllabus but it should be understood that it is not the syllabus. The syllabus is the framework for the teacher to follow while this text book is a resource for the student. Therefore departure to other resource materials for more information will be acceptable. The text book is not the perfect piece of work as it has been prepared in a very short time, therefore suggestions for amendments will be welcomed. It is anticipated that this book will minimize the amount of time for teachers in lesson preparation and more time will be devoted to actual classroom teaching and learning. There may be a variety of opinion about the content of the topics, but for the beginner it is the best which gives the time and opportunity to become familiar with the basics before pursuing further into the field of study in greater detail.

  • af Daniel James
    346,95 kr.

    This project is aimed at designing and constructing an automatic voltage regulator that will give a constant output range from 220V to 250V for domestic use. It also has an inbuilt digital voltmeter which displays the magnitude of the input voltage. The AVR is divide into four mains parts; the supply, the autotransformer, the switching circuit and the display. The supply section has to do with the rectification and filtration of 220/230 volts from the supply mains into a lower and suitable voltage to drive the semiconductor devices. The transformer is a device having two coils of different t voltage levels. The switching circuits include the comparator, transistor and relay which determines the output of the AVR.

  • af Daniel James
    357,95 kr.

    "Nuclear Medicine Research Scientometric Mapping" by N. Rathika is an in-depth exploration of the field of nuclear medicine and the latest advancements in research using scientometric mapping. This book covers various topics, including radiopharmaceuticals, positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), molecular imaging, radioisotopes, cancer, thyroid, neuroimaging, cardiovascular, theranostics, PET/CT, SPECT/CT, image reconstruction, dosimetry, radiation safety, radiobiology, radiopharmacy, targeted therapy, biomarkers, pharmacokinetics, radiomics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, big data, medical physics, nuclear medicine technologists, patient care, quality control, clinical trials, evidence-based practice, health economics, regulatory affairs, intellectual property, open access, bibliometrics, H-index, impact factor, citation analysis, research collaboration, scientific writing, and publication ethics.The book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest research in the field of nuclear medicine, with a particular focus on scientometric mapping. It explores the use of scientometric techniques to analyze and visualize the research landscape in nuclear medicine, including the identification of key trends, hot topics, and emerging research areas. The book also covers the use of various imaging techniques, including PET and SPECT, in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases such as cancer, thyroid, and cardiovascular diseases.The book provides a detailed discussion of various aspects of nuclear medicine research, including quality control, clinical trials, evidence-based practice, health economics, regulatory affairs, intellectual property, open access, bibliometrics, H-index, impact factor, citation analysis, research collaboration, scientific writing, and publication ethics. It also provides insights into the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning in nuclear medicine research and their potential applications.Overall, "Nuclear Medicine Research Scientometric Mapping" is an essential read for researchers, practitioners, and students in the field of nuclear medicine and related disciplines who are interested in the latest advancements and trends in the field.

  • af Daniel James
    420,95 kr.

    Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty that allows modern diagnostics and treatments cancer using radiopharmaceuticals original radiotracers (drugs linked to a radioactive isotope). Radiopharmaceuticals are considered a special group of drugs and thus their preparation and use are regulated by a set of policies that have been adopted by individual member of countries. The radiopharmaceuticals used in diagnostic examinations are administered in very small doses. So, in general, they have no pharmacological action, side effects or serious adverse reactions. In contrast, nuclear medicine procedures use a radioactive material, called a radiopharmaceutical or radiotracer, which is injected into the bloodstream, swallowed or inhaled as a gas. This radioactive material accumulates in the organ or area of your body being examined, where it gives off a small amount of energy in the form of gamma rays. Special cameras detect this energy, and with the help of a computer, create pictures offering details on both the structure and function of organs and tissues in your body.

  • af Daniel James
    577,95 kr.

    A Medicina Nuclear é uma especialidade médica que permite o diagnóstico e tratamento moderno do cancro utilizando radiotraçadores originais radiofarmacêuticos (medicamentos ligados a um isótopo radioactivo). Os radiofármacos são considerados um grupo especial de medicamentos e, portanto, a sua preparação e utilização são reguladas por um conjunto de políticas que foram adoptadas por cada membro individual dos países. Os radiofármacos utilizados nos exames de diagnóstico são administrados em doses muito pequenas. Assim, em geral, não têm qualquer acção farmacológica, efeitos secundários ou reacções adversas graves. Em contraste, os procedimentos de medicina nuclear utilizam um material radioactivo, chamado radiofármaco ou radiotraqueador, que é injectado na corrente sanguínea, engolido ou inalado como um gás. Este material radioactivo acumula-se no órgão ou área do seu corpo a ser examinado, onde emite uma pequena quantidade de energia sob a forma de raios gama. Câmaras especiais detectam esta energia, e com a ajuda de um computador, criam imagens oferecendo detalhes tanto sobre a estrutura como sobre a função dos órgãos e tecidos do seu corpo.

  • af Daniel James
    577,95 kr.

    La médecine nucléaire est une spécialité médicale qui permet d'effectuer des diagnostics modernes et de traiter le cancer à l'aide de produits radiopharmaceutiques originaux, les radiotraceurs (médicaments liés à un isotope radioactif). Les produits radiopharmaceutiques sont considérés comme un groupe spécial de médicaments et leur préparation et leur utilisation sont donc réglementées par un ensemble de politiques adoptées par les différents pays membres. Les produits radiopharmaceutiques utilisés dans les examens diagnostiques sont administrés à très petites doses. Ainsi, en général, ils n'ont pas d'action pharmacologique, d'effets secondaires ou de réactions indésirables graves. En revanche, les procédures de médecine nucléaire utilisent une matière radioactive, appelée radiopharmaceutique ou radiotraceur, qui est injectée dans la circulation sanguine, avalée ou inhalée sous forme de gaz. Cette substance radioactive s'accumule dans l'organe ou la zone de votre corps à examiner, où elle émet une petite quantité d'énergie sous forme de rayons gamma. Des caméras spéciales détectent cette énergie et, avec l'aide d'un ordinateur, créent des images offrant des détails sur la structure et la fonction des organes et des tissus de votre corps.

  • af Daniel James
    577,95 kr.

    La Medicina Nucleare è una specialità medica che consente la moderna diagnostica e il trattamento del cancro utilizzando radiofarmaci originali (farmaci legati a un isotopo radioattivo). I radiofarmaci sono considerati un gruppo speciale di farmaci e quindi la loro preparazione e il loro uso sono regolamentati da una serie di politiche adottate dai singoli Paesi membri. I radiofarmaci utilizzati negli esami diagnostici sono somministrati in dosi molto piccole. Pertanto, in generale, non hanno azione farmacologica, effetti collaterali o reazioni avverse gravi. Le procedure di medicina nucleare, invece, utilizzano un materiale radioattivo, chiamato radiofarmaco o radiotracciante, che viene iniettato nel sangue, ingerito o inalato come gas. Questo materiale radioattivo si accumula nell'organo o nell'area del corpo da esaminare, dove emette una piccola quantità di energia sotto forma di raggi gamma. Speciali telecamere rilevano questa energia e, con l'aiuto di un computer, creano immagini che offrono dettagli sulla struttura e sulla funzione degli organi e dei tessuti del corpo.

  • af Daniel James
    577,95 kr.

    Die Nuklearmedizin ist ein medizinisches Fachgebiet, das die moderne Diagnostik und Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen mit Hilfe von Radiopharmaka, den ursprünglichen Radiotracern (mit einem radioaktiven Isotop verbundene Arzneimittel), ermöglicht. Radiopharmazeutika gelten als eine besondere Gruppe von Arzneimitteln und ihre Herstellung und Verwendung wird durch eine Reihe von Richtlinien geregelt, die von den einzelnen Mitgliedsstaaten verabschiedet wurden. Die bei diagnostischen Untersuchungen verwendeten Radiopharmazeutika werden in sehr geringen Dosen verabreicht. Daher haben sie im Allgemeinen keine pharmakologische Wirkung, keine Nebenwirkungen oder schwerwiegenden unerwünschten Wirkungen. Im Gegensatz dazu wird bei nuklearmedizinischen Verfahren ein radioaktives Material, ein so genanntes Radiopharmakon oder Radiotracer, verwendet, das in die Blutbahn injiziert, geschluckt oder als Gas eingeatmet wird. Dieses radioaktive Material reichert sich in dem zu untersuchenden Organ oder Körperbereich an, wo es eine geringe Energiemenge in Form von Gammastrahlen abgibt. Spezielle Kameras erkennen diese Energie und erstellen mit Hilfe eines Computers Bilder, die Details über die Struktur und Funktion von Organen und Geweben in Ihrem Körper liefern.

  • af Daniel James
    154,95 kr.

  • - Essays on Photography and Extraction
    af Daniel James & Kevin Coleman
    232,95 kr.

    A provocative exploration of photography's relationship to capitalism, from leading theorists of visual culture.

  • - Truths to Eplore Before You Say, "I Do".
    af Daniel James, Jennifer Ann-Marie Vassell & Sr Vassell
    108,95 kr.

  • af Daniel James
    227,95 kr.

  • - How to Read Emotions, Analyze People, and Influence Anyone with Body Language, Mind Control, NLP, Persuasion, and Manipulation Techniques
    af Daniel James
    222,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • - Life History, Memory, and Political Identity
    af Daniel James
    252,95 - 271,95 kr.

    Presents the life-story of Dona Maria Roldan, a woman who lived and worked for six decades in the meatpacking community of Berisso, Argentina. This title examines in particular the ways that gender influences Dona Maria's representation of her story.

  • af Daniel James
    87,95 kr.

  • af Daniel James
    79,95 kr.

  • - Audacity, Blender, Drupal, GIMP, Scribus, and other Open Source Tools
    af Daniel James
    361,95 kr.

    Following on from the success of Apress Beginning GIMP, here comes another book that will appeal to all creative Linux users and artists. It expands beyond GIMP to allow artists to work across 2D art, 3D art, video, and other formats in their creative work.

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