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  • af Daniel Wagner
    381,95 kr.

    Explaining how to identify and manage the many risks associated with conducting business abroad, this book provides the real-world insight needed to anticipate the impact of change on business operations. It presents case studies and practical examples that demonstrate how these concepts apply to every day operations. Considering

  • af Daniel Wagner
    127,95 kr.

    "Life is a game: it's a movie and it's a book. It's not always easy, but there is always a way. You just have to look at it the right way.”In this stunning debut, Daniel Wagner delivers a soulful examination of the forces that both drive us and oppose us. Jim Frazier is a writer with very little to show for it. He worries that the only way to achieve success is to lower the bar, sell out, and pander to commercialism. Meanwhile, somewhere far away, a woman named Liz and a man named Lou are stranded on a desert island. While they are faced with an obviously serious problem, the two have some more important issues to discuss. As these two seemingly separate stories converge, Wagner presents a meditation on the worlds we inhabit that will resonate long after the credits roll and the last page has been turned.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    287,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • - How Internet Marketing Saved My Life
    af Daniel Wagner
    172,95 kr.

    Daniel Wagner's journey from his drug dealer days in Austria and his years in a Hindu meditation group to his record contract and musical ambitions to finding his life's purpose. This is not your typical marketing and business book, but a man's journey who doesn't ever give up and follows his dream. His unique philosophy fused from his life's experiences doesn't fail to touch your heart and will inspire you.

  • - The Top 25 Burger Recipes Perfect for a Summer BBQ
    af Daniel Wagner
    87,95 kr.

    Learn how to grill delicious burgers, 25 recipes you'll never want to lose.

  • - 21st Century Cyber Warfare
    af Daniel Wagner
    227,95 kr.

    Anyone who logs on to the Internet can become a victim of Virtual Terrorism, whether via e-mail, social media, a Google search, or simply by logging on to a computer. Anyone seeking to do harm to others online can be a virtual terrorist, and it is incredibly easy to become one. That is the era we live in now -- someone sitting behind a laptop half a world away can interfere with, invade, or take over your life, business, or government. You may not even realize it, but you may already have become a victim; if you have not, you will become one eventually.In this extremely timely, important, and compelling book, Daniel Wagner redefines what terrorism has become in the 21st century. Unlike more conventional types of terrorism, in which the perpetrator seeks recognition and reveals his or her identity, with Virtual Terrorism the identity of the person, group or government responsible for acts of terror is deliberately hidden in an anonymous, borderless, and lawless world. Their motives and objectives may be unclear, and the length of an attack, or whether it will be repeated, are generally unknown. What virtual terrorists have in common with more traditional terrorists is the use of coercion or intimidation to achieve their objectives -- if they choose to reveal what those objectives are -- but that is where the commonality ends. They can strike at any time, invisibly and silently. You may never know they are even there, and they may plant malware on your computer that steals your information for years without being discovered.Wagner takes us on a comprehensive tour of the Virtual Terrorism landscape -- from cybercrime and bioterrorism to drones and artificial intelligence -- to reveal the chilling reality that confronts us all. After reading this book, you may not ever want to log on to your smartphone or the Internet again. The book is a clarion call for individuals, businesses, and governments to rise up against virtual terrorists, for if we fail to do so now, the battle may soon be lost.

  • - The Race to Control the World
    af Daniel Wagner
    172,95 kr.

    China and the US are in a pitched battle to control the way the world functions - from the global trade and investment regime and choice of reserve currency to its top products and which country is the most influential. Governments, businesses, and individuals are being forced to make a choice: lean in the direction of the eagle and pursue a free, democratic, and market-oriented economic and political system, or lean in the direction of the panda, toward that of an authoritarian form of government and state-dominated economic system. It is, ultimately, a confrontation that will determine our collective future and the stakes are extremely high. For some nations, businesses, and consumers, the choice is easy and obvious; for others, it is a real dilemma. This book explores many of the dynamics at play in arriving at that decision, including the impact China and the US have on global politics, economics, technology, military power, geostrategic influence, and the environment. Wagner has written an important and fascinating exploration of the divisive landscape that is already in the process of defining the 21st century. The rules governing geopolitics, supply chains, military strategy and capabilities, and a host of other variables that define how the world functions are in the process of being rewritten by these two great powers.The America-China Divide is an insightful and sobering analysis. As Washington seeks to preserve the postwar world order it was instrumental in creating, Beijing is attempting to seize what is views as China's rightful place as the world's leading nation, based on its own set of rules. The ability to control the global corridors of power, the health of national economies, AI and military supremacy, and the fate of the world's environment all ride in the balance. In this race, there will be no single winner or loser, but rather, an ongoing skirmish that will last well into the future for the hearts, souls, minds, and dollars of everyone on the planet.

  • - a journal for philosophical discourse: 1.1. The Philosophy of Realism
    af Daniel Wagner
    172,95 kr.

    This first issue of REALITY-The Philosophy of Realism-like most publications and especially those of a collaborative effort, signifies innumerable hours of effort. The goal of our journal is simple: to reinvigorate an intelligent discussion about realism as a philosophical approach. By a realist approach, we mean not simply as pertains to theories of knowledge, but rather a kind of thinking that perfuses itself throughout all philosophical inquiries: all questions of truth, of meaning and purpose, of good, of human action, the political, the physical and the metaphysical, of thought and thing, and anything else about which one might ask, "What does this mean?" To clarify this pursuit of reality, and expound on its importance, our first issue asks the question: what is realism? It is an important question, not simply for our purposes here, but for philosophy as a whole, and thus an important question for all human beings. Without maintenance of a sound answer-which must be sustained dialogically-philosophy wilts into one or another sophistical theory that begins by denying some aspect of the real; and a small error in the beginning becomes great in the end.

  • - The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on the World
    af Daniel Wagner
    172,95 kr.

    China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the most ambitious infrastructure project ever undertaken and will ultimately result in more than one trillion dollars of investment by the time it is finished. The Initiative is breathtaking in its scope and scale, with scores of countries participating and dozens of massive dams, railways, roads, and power projects transforming the landscape throughout the developing world. Only China is capable to undertaking such a bold Initiative. Beijing might have chosen to make unadulterated development as its core objective, issuing billions of dollars in grants to host governments to fund the projects and lending its substantial engineering and construction expertise to nations that desperately need to develop their infrastructure, seeking nothing in return. Instead, Beijing chose to lend the governments of these nations money it knew could not be repaid and use the BRI not only to project its soft and hard power and seek greater influence throughout the world, but to blatantly pursue the acquisition of natural resources.In the process, many BRI host nations have become indebted to Beijing, owing it tens of billions of dollars and falling into a debt trap. Beijing required that these governments agree to either cede control or outright ownership of these projects to the Chinese government, or its companies, when they inevitably defaulted. Some projects never stood a chance of operating profitably. Doing so has made these countries beholden to Beijing in a variety of ways.This book is an exploration of the profound impacts the BRI has had on nations around the world - both developing and developed - as well as on the Chinese government and its participating companies. Beijing failed to foresee the potential impacts of its approach on host nations - or perhaps it did not care. Now, there have been substantial negative reverberations, prompting Beijing to re-think it approach. Will Beijing approach the BRI differently in the future? Is it even capable of doing so?These are among the many questions addressed in this, Daniel Wagner's third book on China. His first book on China - China Vision - delved into how Beijing is seeking create an alternative world order in China's image. His second China book - The America-China Divide - analyzes the scope and scale of the fissure between the two countries, going well beyond the economic and political realms. In The Chinese Vortex, he takes a deep dive into the shockwaves that have been felt around the world as a result of the BRI, providing numerous examples that chronicle how damaging many of these projects have been to countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Daniel explores many of the economic, geopolitical, and environmental impacts, but also a host of additional topics that help the reader better understand what is really at stake. Among the many topics explored are how Beijing's pursuit of a national digital currency may affect BRI nations and the world, why the BRI is losing its appeal, and what Beijing - and the world's nations - must do to try to mitigate its negative impacts. It is an informative and eye-opening exposé that sheds light on Beijing's brazen pursuit of influence, natural resources, and power through the BRI.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    207,95 kr.

    A singular, transcendent talent can change the fortunes of a hockey team instantly. Each year, NHL teams approach the draft with this knowledge, hoping that luck will be on their side and that their extensive scouting and analysis will pay off. In On the Clock: Vancouver Canucks, Daniel Wagner explores the fascinating, rollercoaster history of the Canucks at the draft, including tales of Stan Smyl, Trevor Linden, the Sedin twins, and more. Readers will go behind the scenes with top decision-makers as they evaluate, deliberate, and ultimately make the picks they hope will tip the fate of their franchise toward success. From seemingly surefire first-rounders to surprising late selections and the ones that got away, this is a must-read for Vancouver faithful and hockey fans eager for a glimpse at how teams are built.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    299,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1.7, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft/Alte Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Tyrannen ¿ Gewaltherrscher im archaischen Griechenland, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im vorliegenden Text soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, warum gerade der dritte Versuch der Etablierung einer Tyrannis durch Peisistratos erfolgreich war, was die Unterschiede waren zu den ersten beiden Versuchen und ob man daraus Rückschlüsse ziehen kann, was zur Erlangung einer Tyrannis und damit zur Auflösung der Stasis in einer griechischen Polis von Nöten war? Die Usurpation des adligen Peisistratos über die Polis von Athen, sein Weg zur Tyrannis und sein Wirken während seiner Herrschaft hat zahlreiche Thesen und Interpretationen hervorgebracht. Die Überwindung der Stasis, die in den meisten griechischen Poleis den Normalzustand der inneren Verfassung der Aristokratie in der archaischen Zeit prägte und das Etablieren einer Tyrannis sind an dem Beispiel des Peisistratos am besten zu analysieren, da er insgesamt drei Versuche benötigte, um von dem Zustand des "Tyrann sein! zu der endgültigen Etablierung einer Tyrannis zu gelangen.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    310,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich Geschichte Deutschlands - 1848, Kaiserreich, Imperialismus, Note: 1.3, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft), Veranstaltung: Belagerungszustand! Die Erfindung moderner Krisenpolitik im 'langen' 19. Jahrhundert, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Bei dieser Arbeit soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, wie sich die Sozialistengesetzgebung und die Verhängung des § 28 über Leipzig auf die dort tätigen Sozialdemokraten auswirkte und welche Meinungen die nationalliberale Presse der Stadt zu diesem Umstand vertrat.Das erste Kapitel dieser Untersuchung wird sich einer genauen Einordnung des Gesetzes widmen. Im nächsten Kapitel werden die Ursachen analysiert, warum über Leipzig der kleine Belagerungszustand verhängt wurde, flankiert durch eine kurze Darstellung des Zustandes der SAP vor der Verhängung des kleinen Belagerungszustandes über Leipzig. Im Zentrum des folgenden Kapitels stehen die Anwendung des § 28 und die ausführenden Organe. Im Anschluss daran werden die Gegenmaßnahmen der SAP und ihrer Mitglieder untersucht, woran sich eine Analyse der Wahlergebnisse des Jahres 1881 anschließt, die aufzeigen soll, wie effektiv die Gesetze waren. Im vorletzten Kapitel erfolgt eine Analyse der Zeitung Leipziger Tagesblatt und Anzeiger, um ein Stimmungsbild über die Gesetze aus dem nationalliberalen Bürgertum derStadt Leipzig zu erhalten. Der Untersuchungszeitraum erstreckt sich von der Verhängung des Belagerungszustandes über Leipzig bis zu den Wahlen im selben Jahr. Die Ereignisse, welche vorher stattgefunden haben, werden nur soweit behandelt, um eine solide Grundlage für die Untersuchung zu liefern.

  • - Die Dichterwettstreit deluxe Anthologie
    af Daniel Wagner, Philipp Stroh & Elias Raatz
    1.112,95 kr.

    Dieser Sammelband ist manchmal lustig, öfters lyrisch und kann zum Nachdenken anregen. Er gibt Zuversicht, Hoffnung und Melancholie. Liebe, Hass und Hassliebe. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Begeben Sie sich auf eine literarische Entdeckungsreise durch 28 genauso unterschiedliche wie einzigartige Texte von einigen der erfolgreichsten und aufstrebendsten BühnenpoetInnen Deutschlands. Genießen Sie dieses Textsorbet, lassen Sie es sich auf der Zunge zergehen, lächeln Sie, runzeln die Stirn und versinken Sie in bittersüßen Textwelten. Mit Texten von: Sylvie le Bonheur | Kai Bosch | Jan Cönig | Einfach so | Andrea Maria Fahrenkampf | Hank M. Flemming | Maron Fuchs | GAX Axel Gundlach | Lena Hofhansl | Patrick Höll | Richard König | Tonia Krupinski | Malte Küppers | Ivica Mijajlovic | Philipp Multhaupt | Elias Raatz | Christian Rehn | Luis Schulz | Marina Sigl | Philipp Stroh | Marvin Suckut | Julia Szymik | Anna Teufel | Stefan Unser | Daniel Wagner | Oliver Walter | Joachim Weiß | Artem ZolotarovHerausgegeben von Elias Raatz.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    177,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • - Organizational Resilience in the Era of Man-Made Risk
    af Daniel Wagner & Dante Disparte
    620,95 - 666,95 kr.

    In Global Risk Agility and Decision Making, Daniel Wagner and Dante Disparte, two leading authorities in global risk management, make a compelling case for the need to bring traditional approaches to risk management and decision making into the twenty-first century.

  • af Daniel Wagner
    458,95 kr.

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