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Bøger af Dark Lords

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  • - Acolyte Training
    af Dark Lords
    203,95 kr.

    This volume contains the first three books of training for Acolytes of Sith Academy: The Path of Power, Masters of the Will and Lords of the Force.Book One, The Path of Power, describes the events, revelations and ideas that initiated the Sith current on this planet, and invites others to take the first steps toward a new life in the Dark Side as a Sith Acolyte.Book Two, Masters of the Will, is a blueprint for becoming the master your own will, body, mind, spirit and destiny, and the master of your own group of Sith Acolytes.Book Three, Lords of the Force, reveals the nature and source of the Force, the metaphysical laws of its power, and various methodologies for commanding and conquering with it.There is also a complete reference to the Black Tongue of Borgâl-the language of the Dark Side.The Dark Lords make this knowledge available as a record of their revelations and work since the initial Omega Transmission in Imperial Year One. They do this to establish the Acolyte Path to the Dark Side for others to follow who will lead the Empire into the future. They also do this so that if they are ever killed and the Order is destroyed, there will remain a document from which others may rebuild the Order and revive the Sith current on this planet.Study and guard this book well; the knowledge contained herein is potentially more powerful than the ability to destroy planets for those who have faith in the Dark Side.

  • - The Devil's Disciples
    af Dark Lords
    133,95 kr.

    This book contains a grand vision for realizing Satan's Temple on earth, building His Imperium and breeding His awaited Son. It describes the diabolical ways of our Satanic Order and our new Satanic race. It also contains the first Gate of Nine that shall take Initiates into the depths of Hell to meet our Lord.These visions have been inspired by Lord Satan and revealed to the Dark Lords in their Black Temple. If you are one of us, let this book be your call to action and a manifesto for the Satanic Age. For the era of heresy and faithlessness is ending, and the time has come for man to reconnect to his Dark Lord, embrace the spirit of evil and awaken to the glories of Satan's plan.So go forth, ye black disciples, and build temples to the Devil as we shall teach you. Gather into Black Lodges and covens and spread our Temple's delicious poison into your community. Manifest the Unholy Spirit in your works and live the Diabolical Way each day. Recruit others to Satan's banner and help build our new order for the ages. Breed a new Satanic race and await the coming of the Antichrist. Master black magick and wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of our Lord. Do these things, and by Satan's will we shall remake this world as has been foreseen.Diabolus Vult! The Devil wills it! The DARK LORDS Year 1 of the Temple of Satan

  • - The Path of Power
    af Dark Lords
    133,95 kr.

    This is the first book from Sith Academy, a dark side school founded by the first real Sith Order on this planet. The writings and exercises contained in this book are designed to awaken your Power-Craving - the first requirement of all would-be Dark Lords. This book will also begin to explore your "inner Dark Lord" and develop your Sith Persona - the darker, freer, more powerful being you long to be. It contains the first Echelon in our "Nine Echelons of Sith Mastery" training program, which are nine levels of training that will test your powers of mind and body to command yourself, the Force, and the world around you. This book also describes the Dark Lords' vision of the coming Sith Empire, the dark side religion and the spreading of their Temple's influence across this planet and beyond. Whether you are a dedicated disciple of the Sith Path, or are simply curious about the new way of life Sith Academy is bringing to this planet, you will find this book indispensable. Read Sith Academy: The Path of Power and be awakened, endarkened and one step closer to the summit of Sith greatness: Dark Lordship!Darth Imperius-Founder of Sith Academy & Ravenus -Dark Lord of the Sith

  • af Dark Lords
    133,95 kr.

    This book is the Dark Lords' study of Chaos-the formless, uncontrollable force from outside the ordered Cosmos that sorcerers, mystics and warriors have always spoken of and sought power in. We discuss all aspects of this phenomenon: its metaphysics, mythology, philosophy, psychology and symbology, and its applications to sorcery, demonology, warfare, religion and cult creation. Far more than an academic study, this work is a call to take sides in the great metaphysical war that has been waging from time immemorial: the Chaoskampf and the Ordnungkampf-the holy wars against Chaos and Order. We provide the reader an in-depth foundation in Chaoism-the ideology for the Chaos sorcerer and warrior who seeks unlimited power and purpose by advancing Chaos upon this plane. For those who wish to live by the creed of "nothing is true and everything is permitted"; who feel called to fight a holy war for the eight-armed cross of Chaos; who perceive that an old age of Order is succumbing to a new age of Chaos; who seek a path of power and glory through the rising tide of Chaos: let this book your guide. To you we say: Klân-râk âm chod! (Chaos power to you!) Dark Lords Kârzathor & Ravuk, Dark Lords of Chaos, Year 9 of the Imperium.

  • - Classic Tales of Sorcery & Evil
    af Dark Lords
    159,95 kr.

    "The Black Magicians" is an anthology of classic tales and essays about mankind's most dangerous game (and the Dark Lords' favorite subject): Black Magic! This is the first book in the Dark Lords' "Library of the Occult" series of occult fiction, non-fiction and unholy books. It is ideal for for all explorers into the dark realms of imagination, whether you aspire to be a Black Magician yourself or just wish to be entertained, inspired or disturbed.This anthology includes tales from literary greats H.P. Lovecraft, Algernon Blackwood, M. R. James, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert E. Howard, Sax Rohmer and Aleister Crowley, and essays by occult giants Éliphas Lévi, Aleister Crowley and Dion Fortune.The Dark Lords are on a mission to propagate the great Black Magical literature to new generations of readers, seekers, scholars and sorcerers. They invite you to explore the world of the Black Arts in our Library of the Occult series, starting with "The Black Magicians."Evil reading and darkest dreams, The Dark Lords

  • - Classic Tales of Bloodlust & Death
    af Dark Lords
    138,95 kr.

    "The Vampires" is a collection of classic tales about those aristocratic predators who haunt dreams and lust for blood from beyond the grave. It includes stories from Dracula creator Bram Stoker and literary greats M. R. James and Henry Kuttner, the first classic vampire story every published, and other gripping stories such as these: * A legendary vampire hunter gives a lecture on his deadly prey.* Knights encounter a chilling character at their Carpathian estate.* A sophisticated fiend preys upon a beauitful, feral boy.* A beautiful countess seduces her prey from an ancient tomb. * Walpurgis Night brings death and terror for Dracula's guest.* A diabolical Count terrorizes villagers from beyond the grave.* An Old World vampire invades Hollywood in the 1930s. The anthology is introduced by the Dark Lords, who give some background on each tale and their endarkened perspective on the vampire mythos. They also introduce the "Temple of Vampires" -- quite possibly their most diabolical project to date!Evil reading and darkest dreams, The Dark Lords

  • - Lords of the Force
    af Dark Lords
    138,95 kr.

    The path of Sith Mastery is built upon a foundation of three pillars. In the first two books of the "Nine Echelons of Sith Mastery" series, the Dark Lords discussed the first two pillars: Power-Craving and Willpower. In this book we discuss the third pillar: Force Power. These three inner powers are the keys that will unlock the higher Echelons of Sith mastery and achievement. Without them, the Acolyte will lack the inner strength necessary to overcome the obstacles he will encounter on this Path. Without them, he faces certain defeat and a meager life of apathy, servitude and weakness. Power-Craving ensures that you have the hunger for power and lust for greatness that are the hallmarks of every Sith Lord in the making. Willpower ensures that you have the unbreakable, unfettered will necessary to persevere on the trying path of the Sith Lords and do what must be done. Force Power awakens the metaphysical perceptions and deeper passions that can elevate you above the mundane power-seekers into the ranks of the conquering Black Magicians. For it is Force mastery, above all, that separates the mere man of worldly power from a true Dark Lord among men. Sith Academy: Lords of the Force is a book of metaphysics, inspiration, indoctrination and Force training. It contains a complete philosophy of the Force, a system of Force Sorcery, methods of Force warfare and inspiring tales of Force mastery. It also contains the nine Challenges that the Sith Acolyte must complete to advance to the next level of Sith training. Every Sith Acolyte must die and be reborn in a Force fire which he kindles about himself. Are you ready to begin?

  • - Masters of the Will
    af Dark Lords
    113,95 kr.

    This is the second book from Sith Academy, a dark side school founded by the first real Sith Order on this planet. The writings and exercises contained in this book are designed to strengthen your Willpower and inspire your Will - the second requirements of all would-be Dark Lords. This book will reveal more about inner nature of the Sith Path, Sith Mind and Sith Will, to guide Acolytes on their quest to becoming darker and more powerful beings. It contains the second Echelon in our "Nine Echelons of Sith Mastery" training program, which are nine levels of training that will test your powers of mind and body to command yourself, the Force, and the world around you. It profiles several great Masters of the Will from this planet's history to inspire greatness in the Acolyte, and contains praxis exercises designed to put power theories to the test. This book also reveals more about the Dark Lords' vision of the coming Sith Empire, and the means by which they will conquer this planet and spread their dark religion. It contains a radical new concept called Dâgz, which shall become the seeds of the Empire. Whether you are a dedicated disciple of the Sith Path, are looking to strengthen your Will, or are simply curious about the new way of life Sith Academy is bringing to this planet, you will find this book indispensable. Read Sith Academy: Masters of the Will and be endarkened, empowered, and one step closer to the summit of Sith greatness: Dark Lordship!

  • af Dark Lords
    178,95 kr.

    "Book of the Cthulhu" is book #3 in the Dark Lords' "Multiversal Metaphysics & Sorcery" series. The first half of the book is our study of the "Cthulhu Cult"-the metaphysics, mythos, philosophy, psychology, history, structure, sorcery, religion, literature and language of the Cult that will never die. This is the definitive reference for anyone would like to know more about the Cult's gods, sorcerous rituals, religious rites, esoteric agenda, R'lyehian language, core literature, or wants to create their own Cultic coven. The second half contains five core stories of Lovecraft's Mythos: "The Call of Cthulhu", "The Dunwich Horror", "The Whisperer in Darkness", "The Dreams in the Witch-House", and "The Haunter of the Dark", that introduce the new reader to the Literature and provide a convenient reference for the first half of the book.With this publication, the Dark Lords are opening yet another gateway to the Outside through which the inspired seeker may find a path to Black Gnosis and Endarkenment. In these latter days of the present world, as the ranks of the Called grow steadily and the day of Return draws near, we offer this book as another blow against the idols of this age, and a call to embrace the idols of the next one: great Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath and all the rest, who are beckoning us in dreams to the great holocaust of ecstasy and freedom to come.As we say in the R'lyehian tongue: Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!

  • af Dark Lords
    138,95 kr.

    This is the fourth book from Sith Academy, a Dark Side school founded by the first real Sith Order on this planet.In this book we discuss the key ideas and thinkers that have guided our path to the Dark Side. It is based on years of experience, research, reflections and revelations as power-seekers and Dark Lords. We publish these thoughts for Acolytes on the path to Sith Mastery, so they may learn of philosophies not taught in any mundane, Light Side school, and in so doing arm themselves with explosive thought-bombs and gain unlimited intellectual power.Dark Side Philosophy contains our philosophies of power, politics, evil, war, death, magick, metaphysics, empire, history, the cosmos, and more. It discusses the nature of the Dark Side, the Force and the philosophy of Sithism. It also contains the nine Challenges that the Sith Acolyte must complete to advance to the next level of Sith training.Every Dark Lord must must develop a philosophy that can withstand any attack and become a mighty weapon of conquest. This book is written to give the Sith Acolyte the tools to do just that. Are you ready to begin?--The Dark Lords, Imperial Year 8, Month 1 (September 2018)

  • af Dark Lords
    138,95 kr.

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