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  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    Upon Woody Clayton's death, members of the newly formed Cattleman's Association come together on his property in search of their stolen stock. While cutting the stolen cattle from the herd, Roy Clayton, Woody's son, along with his two uncles, ride in to claim the ranch. Their response to the situation reveals to Nash, Ian, and the other members, the nature of their new neighbors. Coming to grips with Henry's death, Tom's soul-searching confirms what he wants to do with his life. Upholding the Pelletier Standard of courage and honor, he steps into Jeb's old boots, and pins on the badge. Angelina struggles with her grief and the decisions she must make for herself and her children. Should she move back to the hacienda, or stay in Poudre Canyon? Upon traveling to the hacienda with Pablo to attend his wedding, she has a private meeting with Violeta that resolves her doubts as to what she should do.

  • - The Saga of Buck Drake
    af Dave P Fisher
    217,95 kr.

    Raised in his mother's Blackfeet village, Buck Drake knew little about the white man's world except for the example of his British father Jules, a man devoid of courage, honor, and morals. To escape a raid gone bad, Jules betrays Buck into the hands of the Fort Bridger soldiers and Buck vows to one day hunt him down. The Fort Bridger Commander gave Buck a choice: agree to work in a covert unit in the escalating War-Between-the-States, or hang as a criminal. He chose the war, a decision that swept him into a life-altering journey through the white man's world, and to making friends who would shape his future.The ensuing years found Buck a war hero, Army scout, drifter, and convict. He was a man trying to find his place in the rapidly changing West, ever drifting between his Blackfeet people and the bigger world around them. Then, came the day his old friends recruited him into a manhunt for a criminal gang led by the murderous Jules Drake. Here he would find the path to his future, while at the same time fulfilling his vow.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    Ben Hawkins and Gaspar Cruz join forces to overthrow the Loyola Hacienda. As their plans take shape, Ben learns of the Jumanes Valley, the gold mines, and of Ace's and Kip's possession of them. Determined to kill Ace and Kip and have the valley, Ben weaves an intricate scheme for wealth and revenge. As the men are moving Nacio's cattle from the valley to the hacienda, Cruz and Hawkins take advantage of Nacio's absence and strike the hacienda with a band of mercenaries. Upon returning, Nacio finds his home in the hands of Cruz, and his mother and sisters gone. Retaking the house, the men find the girls have been abducted, and set off to rescue them. Later in Santa Fe, Teague discovers Ben Hawkins' plot to murder Ace and Kip. As the two partners drive a herd of cattle to Santa Fe, unaware of the ambush set for them, their friends converge to back them. The plan goes awry when Ace and Kip arrive a day early, and the shooting begins before the others can get to them.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    An unexpected reunion between Jean and Andre with their brother Basille, opens the door to plans for reuniting seven of the Pelletier brothers after a forty-year separation. In Fort Collins, the political unrest continues with the creation of a City Council. The Council, seven new residents headed by Percy Foster, is determined to oppose the County Commissioners, and dominate the original settlers as they seek to restructure the city to their eastern standards. That is, until an incident involving Tom, Pete, and Will Pelletier sends a shockwave through the community, bringing to light hidden secrets and law officers from another state. Meanwhile The League, responsible for the illegal acquisition of the Ruiz Grant, is stirring. Learning of Col. Endicott's theft and the death of Kendrick, two of their members come out of the shadows and travel to Taos. Discovering the extent that Endicott has exposed them, they seek to dispose of the Ruiz property quickly, and leave behind the bodies of all who were involved.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    Eight years ago Owen and Aiden MacMahon were headed back to their Nebraska ranch with seven good Morgan horses purchased in Mankato, Minnesota - they never made it home. The MacMahons continued to run the 50,000 acre ranch, yet always wondered about Owen's and Aiden's mysterious disappearance. When an organized outlaw faction moves into the area stealing MacMahon cattle, killing one of their hands and bushwhacking Cade, the eldest son, leaving him for dead the iron-tough MacMahons had had enough. No one stole from, broke a trust with, or shot a MacMahon without it coming back on them in aces and eights. Miles and Bren MacMahon go hunting for those responsible. Their search leads them to an old enemy and the answer to the eight-year-old mystery. Retribution would be swift, in the MacMahon fashion, and no trial was needed. Note: Formerly titled "Jury of Six" and published by Five Star Publishing, this Will Rogers Medallion Award winning novel has been updated and is now published by Double Diamond Books under the title "No Trial Needed".

  • - Virgil Creede Novel No. 3
    af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    The year is 1897, the country is gripped in the throes of a great depression. An aging Virgil Creede, and his son Jake, continue to courier documents and cash within Montana, making enough to keep his family going. Gold is trickling out of the Yukon and Alaska without much notice, until a huge strike is made on the Yukon's Klondike River, and men begin flocking to the north. Fred Pickett brokers a deal between a Seattle company and Helena investors for a gold claim on the Klondike. Virgil and Jake are given the job of carrying the quarter million dollars of invested money to Seattle.The deal turns out to be a scheme, and the money is stolen en route. Virgil and Jake set out on the trail of the money, which leaves murders and betrayal in its wake. They follow a false trail to the gold town of Skagway, Alaska where they encounter the two most unlikely people, who join forces with them to solve the puzzle behind the stolen funds. With these 'unlikely associates', they return to Seattle to run their own con game to recover the money.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    152,95 kr.

    A strong-arm mining company, a boy running from killers, and an attempted kidnapping of his daughter brings Jason Donnelly out from under his Alaska cover to fight the crime family who thought they'd killed him twelve years before in CODE OF THE BUSH. Jason Donnelly thought he was a high level body guard for VIP's until he found out the people he worked for and guarded were the leaders of the Clemente crime family. Once in, you didn't get out. Determined to break away he is betrayed by his brother, resulting in his wife's death from the car bomb meant for him. Taking his four-year-old daughter, Jason escapes back to his native Alaska, adopts his old nickname of Duke, and takes up a gold claim in the bush. Duke realizes his cover has been blown when he learns that the mining company trying to push him out belongs to the Clemente family who are making a move for the Alaska territory. He has two choices - to leave everything and run again or stand and fight. Jason Duke Donnelly makes his choice - he's done running.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    A once-in-a-decade killer winter is shaping up for Wyoming and Colorado. On its frigid winds rides sub-zero temperatures and snow that could well wipe out Jean and Ian's new cattle herds before they get established. While checking his cattle ahead of the first snow storm, Jean finds two of the new yearlings killed and partially eaten by a grizzly. Setting off alone to hunt down the bear before it can kill more of the cattle, Jean tracks it deep into the mountains. When he fails to return home a desperate search is launched to find him before the high country is buried under snow. Meanwhile, in Sweetwater County, Dick Norton's brothers and cousins come to South Pass hunting Jeb. They learn the hard way that taking on one Pelletier means taking them all on.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    Was it chance, or destiny, that brought ten men together in the wild country of west Texas? Two brothers from Virginia, one wore blue, one gray; a New York prize fighter and his manager; two young cattlemen returning to claim the inheritance they were denied, and the two friends who came to back them; a Confederate sharpshooter, and a Mexican ex-bandito. All looking for a new start. All wearing their guns and courage for everyone to see. The Texas high plains of 1865 knew no law. The Army had pulled out for the Civil War leaving the country open to the law of the strongest, and Amidio Vasquez's band of renegades ruled. No peaceful village or settlement was safe from Vasquez's raids. Death and fear were left in his wake, while men, women, and children were stolen away to be sold as slaves to unscrupulous mine owners. Then came the day Vasquez made a fatal mistake. Contracted by ruthless land baron Mat Travers to bring slaves to his Jumanes Mountains stronghold to work his mines, Vasquez filled the order by raiding a Franciscan mission, seizing the friars and orphaned children living there. That was the day ten men, whose only ties to each other was a Code of Honor, decided it was time to put an end to Amidio Vasquez and reclaim the high plains from the lawless.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    217,95 kr.

    After being setup by the corrupt D.A., Sheriff's Sergeant Ryan Douglas declares war on the corruption in the Mountain County government. He expected to uncover the dirty politicians, drug trafficking, and black marketing that he knew were intrenched in the county. What he did not expect were his glimpses of dark entities, and strange creatures not of this world, and a visit from two men in military fatigues bearing swords with golden grips. Dawson Sullivan, chief investigator for the State Attorney General, was being stonewalled in his investigation into the state's drug trafficking, and fetal black-market operations. The trail led to Mountain County, and there it hit the wall. He needed a way through the wall, and found it when Sgt. Douglas called him, but when Douglas asked him if he believed in angels and demons, and the power of Heaven and hell, he asked what that had to do with it? "Everything," Douglas replied.

  • - Prequel to the Ten Men of Courage Trilogy
    af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    A man of valor is created in the fiery forges of adversity. War, poverty, injustice, and tests of moral courage heat him like a bar of iron, then pound him out on life's anvil. As with iron, the hammer's blows reveal weakness or strength; the iron either breaks apart and is worthless, or shapes into something stronger for the fire.Why would ten men from different walks of life join together to fight against the lawless in a desert wilderness? Because they are men who have passed through the fire and emerged from the anvil with iron in their backbones. They are men who have a stalwart code forged from their experiences and will not abide injustice.Here are the stories of Troy and Jason Delaney, Griffin Allen, Brody Maguire, and Teague Blackburn. Stories about the war that forged the Delaney brothers and Griffin, the poverty that strengthened Brody, and the integrity and moral courage of Teague. These events shaped and changed their hearts, minds, and souls, and brought them to understand what it is to be a man of courage and valor.

  • - Prequel to the Ten Men of Courage trilogy
    af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    Prequel to the "Ten Men of Courage" trilogy, Lon and HapLon Caldwell grew up in the itinerant life of his Army Officer father, moving from fort to fort as the Army expanded westward. Caldwells had served as far back as the Revolution, but he hated the military life. At 18, his father insisted Lon go to West Point as he had. He refused. With heated words, Lon rode away.For years, Lon drifted across the wild lands of west Texas, but it wasn't until he rode with the Frontier Regiment against the Comanches in defense of the settlers, that he came to understand his father, and his heritage - Caldwells always stepped forward when the line between courage and cowardice was drawn in the sand. Hap Wickham's ancestor, Colton, risked his life to take his wife and her family to safety during the British expulsion of the Acadians from their homeland. Colton established the 'Wickham Standard': every Wickham man will always defend his family and exact retribution for any harm done to them. Hap was 16 when his father took a Kansas homestead. At 18, he worked as an outrider guard for Santa Fe Trail freighters. The 'Bleeding Kansas' days were looming and when Jayhawkers struck his home with death and destruction, Hap took up The Standard and left ten Jayhawker guerillas dead in the Kansas sand. He rode away that day determined to always kill any man who preyed on the innocent.

  • - The End of an Era
    af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    When news reaches the Canyon regarding the Denver criminal activities of the missing younger Pelletier brothers, Etienne and Benoit, several of their big brothers decide to ride for Denver to investigate and to 'deal with it.' Working with Marshal Nathan Stuart and the Denver Police Chief, they uncover a criminal underworld run by the 'Frenchmen', corrupt police, and a web of lies and deception far exceeding the 'family matter' they originally thought it to be. In a letter from Army Headquarters in Omaha, Sheriff Paul Lander is instructed to arrest all Utes found outside of the White River reservation. With time running out, Tom rides for Sunki's camp in the mountains to move his family down to the Poudre Canyon ranch, where they will be protected. As autumn comes to the Poudre Canyon, Paa Mamaci tells Jean of her vision of him that will come to pass before the aspen leaves turn yellow.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    Texan August Miller, Marshal for Judge Parker, and former Confederate cavalryman, could never accept the South's defeat in the war. Thirteen years have passed since the surrender, yet August will not let it go. His hatred for all things 'Yankee' only deepens over the years as he watches the Northern victors "lord-over" the defeated South, and carpetbaggers grow rich on the spoils. Finally, pushed to the brink of his paper-thin Yankee tolerance, he strikes back and becomes a wanted outlaw on the run. Envisioning himself as a Confederate patriot, he returns to Texas and delivers another blow against a hatred Yankee carpetbagger, an act that makes him both hero and villain in the eyes of Texans. It is a fame he rides until he realizes his life is spiraling out of control; he loses his family and far more than he ever gained. All that waits for him at the end of the road is the gallows. But can a man change, and with a little help from his friends make a new life? Yes, he can. Until the day August Miller is caught and hung. But was he?

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    When Ryan and Tessa Monroe perish in their home's blazing inferno their three sons, long estranged from each other, return to Tucson for the funeral. Differences continue to divide them until two spent bullets, revealed in the hand of the undertaker, brings them to the shocking realization that their parents were murdered and the fire set to cover it. While the brothers search for who would murder two beloved, elderly store owners, a long-buried history emerges painting a picture of a past they never knew existed; a past that boils down to one man and his obsession for revenge. During their hunt for the murderer, the brothers come to realize that blood is thicker than the petty differences that have divided their past as the quest for the justice owed their parents rebuilds the bonds between them.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    182,95 kr.

    Prequel to the "Ten Men of Courage" trilogy. Ace, Kip, and NacioBen Hawkins, swindler and murderer, lived to profit at the expense of others. Texas cattleman Arthur Nichols was a man everyone trusted. Their partnership in the Red River Ranch brought Arthur's death, and the culmination of Ben's plan to take all Arthur had. The only hitch to Ben's complete success was Arthur's son Kip, and his own son Leroy (Ace), who were determined to stop him. Martín Loyola was heir to the vast Loyola hacienda. His wife's brother, Gaspar Cruz, connived his way into the good graces of the Loyola family. All were blind to his treachery, and ultimate goal of taking the hacienda by eliminating the heirs. The only Loyola who saw through Cruz was Martin's son Nacio. With Martín's last breath he whispered to Nacio that Cruz was his killer. When his mother refused to believe him, Nacio stormed away from his home to lead a rebellious life as a bandito.Ace Hawkins with his hatred of all his father was and determination to be nothing like him; Kip Nichols anger over his loss of all they had built in Texas and his belief that Ben murdered his father; Nacio Loyola in his rage at seeing his family's legacy stolen by an outsider and the realization that living as a bandito solved nothing: these are the fiery forges that steeled Ace, Kip, and Nacio to be the Men of Courage, who grew to understand that the only way to kill the snake of injustice was to cut off its head.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    152,95 kr.

    COLD BLOWS THE TUNDRA WIND - A contemporary crime story set against the backdrop of the Alaska wilderness in the tradition of Jack London and James Oliver Curwood. Just as hunting season is about to start, Master Guide John Forester goes up against outlaw guide and poacher Dirk Benedict, and an Alaskan Wildlife Trooper on the take only to find himself behind bars when they set him up. With Forester out of the way and the trooper in his pocket, Benedict has free run to conduct his business while John's wife and 18-year-old son Lee face financial ruin and fears for John's long-term imprisonment. While Lee, an Assistant Guide who cannot legally guide alone, works to hold everything together, Parker Raines, a Registered Guide and a stranger to them all, steps up to accept the job of guiding in John's absence. Teaming up with Lee, things are looking up for Johnson Creek Outfitters and the family, until Lee discovers Parker associating with Benedict, leaving him and his mother to wonder about Parker's real intentions. Did Parker work his way into the operation to serve his own illegal agenda or is there more to the mysterious guide than meets the eye?

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    After the frigid winter, the spring rains have failed to fall on the Wyoming prairie. Soaring temperatures, dying grass, and drying creeks have cattlemen watching the skies for rain, and Woody Clayton looking east, past the Big Sandy River. Clayton, believing himself the omnipotent ruler of the range, recognizes no boundaries or property lines. Where Clayton wants to go, he goes, and he intends to drift his cattle east to graze in order to save his own range - right through Ian Pelletier's land. Ian warns him not to try. Ian and his crew prepare to meet Clayton's threat. Battle lines are drawn at the fence that blocks Clayton from the Pelletier property. In Fort Collins, Clint Rush learns from an old associate that Clayton is hiring guns to drive Ian out. He sends word up to the Poudre Canyon of Ian's deadly dilemma, and heads for South Pass to back him. Jean's and Andre's reunion with their long-lost brothers at the Poudre Canyon ranch is interrupted by the message from Clint. Within minutes, the Pelletier men are heading for South Pass, into a range war that will forever change the face of Sweetwater County, and send a shockwave through the Pelletier family.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    The sequel to "Buck the Tiger" Butte, Montana is poised on the verge of a copper boom. The scent of money draws the unscrupulous like blood draws wolves. Gordon Fox, a man reclusive and arcane, has been drawn in with the intent of establishing a criminal organization that will take control of the copper market. Bella Priest, the New Orleans assassin, is following the scent to Butte with her entourage of scoundrels. Fox has recruited Bella for his partner, but Bella has plans of her own. Fred Pickett hires Virgil Creede to secretly carry documents to Butte to finalize his investment in a huge copper prospect. When Virgil is attacked in an effort to steal the documents, and an attempt is made on Fred's life, Virgil sets out to find who is behind it. Pinkerton Agents Hawkes and Greene begin digging into the swirl of mysteries surrounding the attacks. What they find boils down to one unsettling impression, the Chicago syndicate they crushed three years previously is not as dead as they thought.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    The destruction of Matt Travers' criminal empire, and the freeing of his captives, reverberated up and down the Rio Pecos. The poverty stricken Mexican villagers, who lived in fear of capture and sale to the slavers, were spreading the word about the 'Ten Men of Courage' who were fighting and overcoming this evil. This word spread into Mexico, to the empire of Vidal Castillo, a maniacal and sadistic tyrant. There three of Vidal Castillo's mercenary jefés plot his death, but too undermanned to carry out their plans, they enlist the aid of the Ten. Later, enroute to Santa Fe, more details about Nacio Fuentes emerge and they find that he is not the man they all thought him to be. While in Santa Fe, and unsure of the outcome of the Red River Ranch situation, Ace and Kip file on the land of the Jumanes Valley guaranteeing that they will have a home to return to. Then, a trip to San Antonio by Kip, Teague and Lon, reveals more about Ben Hawkins and the murder of Kip's father Arthur Nichols, forcing a confrontation with an unexpected outcome.

  • af Dave P Fisher
    172,95 kr.

    A Northwest Suspense Collection novel A defunct lumber mill lost to a depressed Oregon economy, its wealthy owner, and a handful of aging residents in the remnants of the mill town weave a homespun illusion of rural innocence. Retired Sheriff's Detective Brant Warwick moves his family to the Oregon coast. When an old logger tells him of finding his friend dead behind the mill grounds, of clandestine nightly activity and police investigations halted, Brant's cop blood takes hold and he begins to dig. The more he digs the more he finds. The old mill is merely the tip of a hulking iceberg. Brant calls for help from his brother Mickey, a 30-year DEA veteran with a stellar record whose team was instrumental in the '92 breakup of Asia's Golden Triangle drug rings. The game heats up and the stakes turn deadly as the truth and players surface, but Mickey plays the game with steel nerves until he discovers that one of the two Oregon-based agents assisting him is on the take. The problem is both were on his Asian team and are his best friends. The question is - which one can he truly trust to cover his back and which one wants him dead?

  • af Jim Kennison, Dave P Fisher & Johnny Gunn
    182,95 kr.

  • af Jim Kennison, Herb Marlow & Dave P. Fisher
    182,95 kr.

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