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The lockdown on account of Covid-19 has led to a huge surge in internet activity by the churches, and this has raised underlying vital biblical principles, principles such as what we mean by 'worship', what we allude to when we speak of 'service', what we understand by 'church', how and when do believers 'worship' God, and what is 'a service'. In this book, David Gay sets out what he sees as the biblical answers to these questions, answers which present a direct challenge to the traditional - Christendom - view of church. A free audiobook read by the author is available on David H.J.Gay sermonaudio
We all know that antinomianism is 'a bad thing'. But what is it? What do antinomians think? What do they do? More important, how can believers be protected against antinomianism?Most Christian teachers, preachers and writers - whether they know it or not - are disciples of John Calvin, and they argue that the way to stop antinomianism is to preach the law, and by 'the law', they mean the ten commandments. They preach rules and regulations to try to make believers conform to accepted norms of behaviour. Those who challenge this approach are castigated - and worse - for their pains.Well, David Gay is one who does challenge Calvin's system. But he doesn't do it for the fun of it. He is convinced the New Testament has a very different way of sanctification. We should not preach law; we should preach Christ. Believers should not be going to the law; they should be going to Christ.In his books, 'Christ is All' and 'Four "Antinomians" Tried and Vindicated', Gay has put forward his supporting arguments for this claim. He has also placed nine short addresses on the internet, in which he 'preaches' New Testament passages which make the case. These have been transcribed, and are now published in this slim volume, in which they appear almost word-for-word: so while this book can stand on its own, it can also serve as a script to the actual hearing of the sermons. Gay hopes that many people will check what he says against Scripture, and see for themselves that the new-covenant way of sanctification is not by law but by grace.Gay does not only want to make a case. Sadly, too many believers live a life of bondage and misery through being taken to the law instead of Christ. He wants them to come into the full liberty of the gospel, and produce a Christ-like life in this pagan world. He also hopes that unbelievers might read his book, hear the gospel, and be converted.Bear in mind that the style is not typical of Gay's work - as above, it is an almost word-for-word transcription of addresses.
David Gay writes: 'Admitting the truth of the observation that, in our weaker moments, many of us have tried our hand at hymn writing, I am no exception. Here are thirty-five of my compositions, with a further twenty-seven from others. I do not publish my efforts, I hasten to add, with any illusions as to my talent as a versifier... It is the doctrine that they convey which interests me. Above all, I want to speak of Christ. My aim is clear. There are thousands of excellent hymns, but, to my mind, far too few which expressly set out the leading truths of the theology of the new covenant. This is grievous. Since I am convinced that most believers take their doctrine not from theological books, not from the Confessions, not even from sermons, but from the hymnbook, we cannot have too many spiritual songs which highlight the glorious themes of the new covenant'.
David Gay writes: 'I say that something is wrong with preaching today. Badly so. It is largely ineffectual. Or so it seems to me. Ineffectual? Judging by results - the fewness and quality of conversions and the low spirituality of the local assembly - preaching today does seem pretty ineffectual to me. This is the issue I want to raise... In publishing anything on this subject, of course, I know I shall inevitably condemn myself, and leave myself wide open to warranted censure. Quite rightly, Christ's words to the Jews will be applied to me: "You will surely say this proverb to me: 'Physician, heal yourself!'" (Luke 4:23). And James 3:1 hits me straight between the eyes. As does Romans 2:17-23 and 1 Timothy 1:7. So let me get my "defence" in first. In what follows, I... do not exempt myself... Do not run away with the idea that what I say in these pages means I think I have attained to the standard I set out, and successfully avoid all the mistakes I condemn. Sadly, I am only too aware - embarrassingly conscious - of my failings in these matters. Indeed, to avoid a greater sense of self-condemning hypocrisy, I could remain silent now. It is only the importance of the issue which drives me on, even though I expose myself to justified criticism. Dismiss me if you will, but weigh my words. You never know - there might be something in what I say. Please remember my chosen subtitle: "Food for Action as well as Thought". It might just be...'. For a free audiobook of the author reading this title, go to davidhjgay.com
Spurgeon was not a new-covenant theologian. On the covenants, and on the part played by the law in the life of both the unbeliever and the believer, C.H.Spurgeon was inconsistent, even self-contradictory. Nevertheless, he did make some glorious statements on these vital matters. And since these topics are the subject of hot debate today, in this book David Gay has gathered some gems from Spurgeon's works, hoping that they might not only inform believer's minds but warm their hearts. Gay writes: 'While I will not make any man my authority, I have published these Spurgeon extracts because he set out things which support the truth I try to declare in my works, and set them out in his usual lively way. I have found much pleasure and profit in reading these passages from Spurgeon, and I am confident that others will find the same. Having these gems gathered in such a small work will, I hope, prove a boon to many'. A free audiobook is available at davidhjgay.com
'THIS BOOK IS DANGEROUS! EATON, DELL, CRISP AND SALTMARSH WERE ANTINOMIANS. THEIR WORKS SHOULD NEVER HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT OF DAY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RE-PUBLISHED NOW!'So it will be said. David Gay disagrees. Strongly! Judging by these works, which he has distilled and annotated, they preached the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in all its fullness, and with power. What they said in these sermons makes vital reading for all Christians!These men were not perfect, of course, but they glorified Christ, they got to the heart of justification by faith, they set out the wonder of the new covenant, they preached to help believers find assurance, and they showed the need for, and the way of, sanctification - which is not by the law, but by the gospel. For all this, they ought to be commended, not blackballed!ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK, READ THIS BOOK AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF? IT MIGHT WELL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD, AND IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE! WILL YOU OPEN YOUR MIND, HEART AND LIFE TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS GLORIOUS, LIBERATING GOSPEL?A free download of the author reading this title is available on sermonaudio.com
Martin Luther had been reared in the medieval, Roman Church. Naturally enough, he was fully convinced of the Roman view of infant baptism. But after his conversion, Luther found the Roman doctrine too weak. Reacting against it, he developed a system of his own, making the baptism of babies the be-all and end-all of spiritual experience - literally, from the cradle to the grave. Then, within a few years, Luther was confronted by the Anabaptists. Reacting against their claims, he hardened his view even further. How a man who had such a clear view of justification by faith alone could ever write the things he did on the subject of baptism beggars belief. Millions, alas, have adopted his system, to their everlasting delusion. What is more, the tentacles of baptismal regeneration are, even today, reaching much further than Lutheranism. David Gay has fully documented and commented on Luther's writings on this subject, and in this auspicious year - the 500th anniversary of the nailing of Luther's theses at Wittenberg - his book should serve as a necessary reminder to us all that we must never put our trust in men, no, not even in princes.
This booklet comprises eleven tracts by David Gay: 'A Word for All Christians'; 'A Word for All Roman Catholics'; 'Believe and Be Baptised'; 'Christ Calling to Sinners'; 'Do You Want to Be Happy?'; 'Election'; 'God Has a Word for You'; 'Simon the Sorcerer'; 'So... You Believe in Evolution?'; 'Two Questions for You'; 'What's Your Verdict?' A free download of the author reading the book is available on sermonaudio.com
Small words - 'for', 'but', 'if', 'yet', 'since', 'then', for example - carry huge weight. As Donald G.Barnhouse said: 'In studying the word of God, we must never underestimate the importance of little words'. And the same goes for the use of little words when we are discussing and engaging in preaching and church practice. In this short work, David Gay looks at the way contemporary evangelicals treat one of these small words - 'you' - and has some trenchant things to say about it. He exposes, on the one hand, a sickly use of 'you' which is spreading like wildfire among advocates of the modern gospel - which is no gospel at all - and, on the other hand, a grievous lack of 'you' in preaching and, he fears, in the personal appropriation of the word of God. These are vital issues. Consequently, they merit serious attention - and action - by every believer. A free audiobook of the author reading this work may be found at davidhjgay.com
In this book, David H.J.Gay engages with the way Timothy Keller treats regeneration, that vital aspect of the gospel. He writes: 'I fear that Keller's approach marks a fundamental distortion of the gospel - a shift from how God sees the unregenerate to how the unregenerate see themselves. And this shift comes about because contemporary culture is allowed to change the gospel - not merely how it is preached, but what is preached. I go further. The culture, of course, is not changing the gospel. It is men like Keller who are doing that. Nor is he allowing the culture to do it; he is responsible. And it cannot go unchallenged'. A free audiobook of the author reading this work is available on his page on sermonaudio.com
The literary output of the 18th-century widow, Anne Dutton, who was a prodigious letter writer, is a veritable spiritual treasure-trove, jam-packed with gospel gems. David Gay, having selected from this rich deposit, and adding his own comments to the extracts, has produced a volume which he hopes will glorify God in the saving of sinners and edification of saints, as Dutton herself had hoped for her labours. The resultant work is a necessary and welcome antidote to the spiritual superficiality so prevalent today, dealing, as it does, with Conversion, the Priesthood of All Believers, Addresses to Sinners, Union with Christ, Assurance, Progressive Sanctification, Sandemanianism (the nature of saving faith) and the New Covenant. Here, on every page, is practical, scriptural theology at its best: God honouring, Christ centred, and all saturated with the Spirit's life and power. It is difficult to see how any believer could read this work and not be challenged, instructed, edified and warmed in heart. Foreword by Michael Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville.
The Bible teaches: (i) Christ died only for the elect; (ii) God offers Christ to all. This looks like a first-class contradiction. Many think they have found a way to avoid it. Arminians deny the first statement; hyper-Calvinists, the second. But still the Bible teaches both. Most Calvinists take another route. They use the formula: 'Christ's death - sufficient for all, effective only for the elect'. In this, some follow Moïse Amyraut and say that Christ died provisionally for all, but effectively only for the elect. Others follow John Owen and say that although Christ's death is sufficient for all on account of who he is, nevertheless it was intended and effective only for the elect. In this way, both think they justify the free offer in light of particular redemption. But both are wrong. The Bible does not try to solve the seeming paradox. It never uses 'the sufficiency formula'. It simply states that Christ died for the elect, but even so it commands all sinners to repent and believe - promising them Christ and salvation if they do. While this book does not promise an easy read, it will repay careful study. And the subject is worthy of such. Above all, its author's aim is to glorify God by stimulating the wider, more passionate, and less-inhibited preaching of the free offer to sinners by those who rightly hold to particular redemption. Michael Haykin: 'Impressive in its discussion of theological perspectives and fully competent in its handling of Scripture, here is an excellent resource for thinking through the nature of biblical evangelism and how it relates to the scriptural theme of the sovereignty of God in salvation, especially as the latter relates to the death of Christ. May those who are tempted to cool their passion for the salvation of sinners in light of convictions about Christ's redeeming work read this book and have that passion re-ignited by the fiery light of God's truth'. A free download of the author reading the book is available on sermonaudio.com
This volume contains another ten of David Gay's articles on various aspects of the new covenant: Calvin on Assurance; John Eaton: Antinomian?; Lloyd-Jones for Law Men; John Turned Upside Down; Misreading Peter; The Priesthood of Believers Compared to That of the Levites; The Priesthood of All Believers: Does It Matter?; The Four Laws of Romans 8:1-4; What Is The Law?; 'The Law' in 'The Law of Christ'. In his Foreword, Robert Millar writes: 'David Gay has done the church of Christ a great service with his latest volume... David is clear, concise and thoroughly Christ centred... [He] shines much light on various subjects and events. I heartily recommend this work... Tolle Lege'.
The church has no business trying to attract unbelievers into its life in order to evangelise them, and doing so, to boot, by treating the gospel as a product to be marketed. But, alas, more and more churches are developing sophisticated schemes to do this, schemes which reach a high pitch of professionalism. David Gay, having written at large on the matter, has now produced this work of extracts from a variety of writers past and present who have tackled one of the inevitable consequences of wanting to attract unbelievers into the life of the church so that they may be evangelised; namely, how to overcome the natural man's hatred of the gospel. This has two strands; one negative, the other positive. First, the advocates of this system must be tempted to water down the unpalatable aspects the gospel (that is, unpalatable to the natural man), if not remove them altogether. Secondly, the advocates of this system must be enticed to introduce things which are attractive to the natural man. The most up-to-date schemes do, indeed, play down the offence of the gospel, and go out of their way to provide a whole range of attractions for the natural man. These extracts give plenty of food for thought about this grievous defection from Scripture. A free audiobook of the author reading this title can be found at davidhjgay.com
Down the centuries, the laying on of hands has made a huge contribution to the fostering of the great evil of sacramentalism. While most of today's evangelical and Reformed churches have a low view of ordination coupled with the laying on of hands, nevertheless, sacramentalism is never far removed from the procedure - even in those churches. And as always, it is what people in the pew think - not what the theologians tell them to think. And, never forget, when we find sacramentalism, sacerdotalism is never far behind. This book is no ivory-tower study. Sacramentalism and a return to the Fathers is on the march, and in the most surprising of quarters. The laying on of hands, therefore, unless properly weighed in the balances according to Scripture, may yet mistakenly come to play a very important role in the churches in the not-too-distant future. It may yet assume its full sacramental - not to say, sacerdotal - dress even in some of today's most 'orthodox' of evangelical or Reformed churches. Already, where the rite is used, it is regarded as the pinnacle of the ordination service. Consequently, in this book, David Gay gets to grips with something which is far from trivial.
Does God command all sinners to repent and believe? Does God desire the salvation of all sinners? Yes, says the Bible, yes to both questions. But many who love the doctrines of grace are confused. They think God's absolute sovereignty in election, Christ's particular redemption of the elect, and the Holy Spirit's specific application of that redemption to the elect, conflicts with the 'free offer'. It does no such thing! If you doubt it, read this book! The argument is no trifling matter, no splitting of hairs. The 'free offer' is the biblical way of preaching the gospel. Today, we see the grievous consequences of too-little preaching the gospel as it ought to be preached. 'How the gold has become dim!' (Lam. 4:1). Within these pages, therefore, you will come across no apology for the 'free offer', no mere defence of it. Quite the reverse. You will find that the 'free offer' is a vital part of God's free grace, and that a return to the preaching of it in the biblical way is one of the great needs of the hour. A free download of the author reading the book is available on sermonaudio.com
David Gay writes: 'When I was publishing my article on the coronation of Charles III, I realised that it was the fourth article I had produced concerning the Royal Family and their connection with the gospel. Whether or not these four articles will make any lasting spiritual contribution remains to be seen, but I thought that collecting the articles in this booklet might increase its possibility'.A free audio book of the author reading this booklet can be found on his sermonaudio.com web page.
The Bible teaches that believers are under the law of Christ, which law is written by the Spirit in their hearts and in the Scriptures in order that they might live to the glory of God. So David Gay asserts. In recent years, however, some teachers have begun to argue that believers are not under the law of Christ, and that, although believers must obey the Scriptures, the Scriptures are not an integral part of that law. Some even teach that there is no such thing as progressive sanctification. Moreover, emphasising the work of the Spirit beyond scriptural warrant, they get close to 'Let go, and let God'. If this teaching gains ground, Gay fears that the long-term consequences will be very serious indeed. Consequently, he has published this book in the hope that it might help to maintain biblical teaching on these vital aspects of the new covenant. A free audio book of this title is on davidhjgay.com
'Septimus who? Septimus Sears? Never heard of him!' Such, perhaps, will be the response of many when first hearing of this book. But this good man is worth knowing, and David Gay wants to tell others about him. Some, of course, will know all about him already - or will they? Gay hopes to shine a little light on a particular aspect of Sears' life and work, a light which might help lift the fog of misunderstanding and misrepresentation which has shrouded his memory. More important, in so doing, Gay hopes to bring out some valuable lessons for us today. An English Victorian (1819-1877), Septimus Sears was the preacher in the Strict Baptist church, Clifton, Bedfordshire, for 35 years. What labours, and what blessing attended his ministry! A man mightily used by God in his generation, he deserves to be better known; he was, simply, one 'of whom the world was not worthy' (Heb. 11:38). Sadly, however, he was hindered by his hyper-Calvinism. Although he changed his views somewhat, even when he did get closer to biblical freeness in addressing sinners, Sears never managed to throw off the shackles of hyperism. Even so, he was wrongly and bitterly attacked by (principally) John Gadsby in the 'Gospel Standard' for being too free with sinners! Moreover, this false accusation was then embodied in additions to the Gospel Standard Articles - unchanged to this day. Although some want to let this episode sink further and further into oblivion, Gay is convinced that it is a tale which needs telling. Why? Certainly, not to pick over old sores! But, since the lessons of this Victorian injustice serve as a warning to us of the way in which hyper-Calvinism stifles gospel preaching, the facts must come out. This slim volume is the substance of the paper David Gay read at the annual meeting of the Strict Baptist Historical Society in March 2009. As such, it represents only work in progress. In due course he hopes to publish a fully-detailed book on the subject.
Conversion is essential. The Lord Jesus Christ declared: 'Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted... you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven' (Matt. 18:3). No wonder, then, that Satan is always attacking conversion. He knows that if he can stop men preaching for it, he will be taking a big step towards keeping sinners on the high road to perdition. In this book, David Gay examines and exposes the way the New Perspective ruins the doctrine of conversion of sinners. He also issues an earnest plea to all believers to adopt the apostle's maxim: 'Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!' (1 Cor. 9:16). And what is that gospel? 'Jesus Christ and him crucified' (1 Cor. 2:2). 'Having been justified by faith... having now been justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him' (Rom. 5:1,9). Why are believers saved? Because 'the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ' is given 'to all and on all who believe' (Rom. 3:22). If you are concerned about the way this is being threatened today, then this book is for you. A free download of the author reading the book is available on sermonaudio.com
How should we address unbelievers today? Should we adopt the method advocated by many - ingratiating ourselves with unbelievers, attracting them to church by programmes, events and goodies, and, having 'churchified' them, hope that they will by some sort of process be... Be what, exactly? Or should we, right from the start, confront unbelievers with the gospel? Should we accommodate ourselves and our message to pagan culture, or should we confront it? David Gay is no doubt. While he was working on a larger book, he looked at Paul's approach to the unbelievers at Athens. In this little work, he gives us the result in brief compass. Why not give it a read?For a free audiobook of the author reading this title go to davidhjgay.com
Although the prodigious writings of the 17th-century Baptist Thomas Collier need to be read with discernment, David Gay, being convinced that Collier has much of value to say on the theology of the new covenant, has produced this volume in the hope that Collier's voice will be heard by many. And as Hanserd Knollys said about one of Collier's works: 'Carry it [that is, what you read in this book] to the touchstone of the word [of God], try all things, and hold fast that which is good'. May God give us grace to do that very thing, and with it give us an ear to hear, a mind to understand, a heart to love, a will to submit to, and a life to experience the glories of Christ in the new covenant. Michael A.G.Haykin: 'As David Gay admits in the following pages, "Collier got some things wrong. Badly so... I am not glossing over this... Collier is not always a reliable guide". But there were some things that relate to the new covenant and the status of believers in this age when Christ is pouring his new wine into new vessels that Collier got very right, and these things should not be forgotten'.
'Who would have thought it? I, for one, didn't. It never crossed my mind that it might happen. It really didn't. But I was wrong. It has. What has? Baptist sacramentalism! It never occurred to me that Baptists would become sacramentalists. I thought the two were mutually exclusive, self-contradictory. But I was wrong. A growing number of Baptists are becoming sacramentalists. Baptist writers are publishing book after book promoting sacramentalism. Baptist teachers are teaching it. Baptist preachers are preaching it. And more and more Baptists are adopting it. I'll say it again. Baptists are becoming sacramentalists! Incredible!' Wait a minute! Baptist sacramentalism? What are you talking about? 'Baptists are convinced that Scripture teaches that those who give a credible profession of saving faith in Christ should be immersed in water - as a public sign or outward symbol of the inward work of God's grace that they have already experienced. Baptists are opposed to sacramentalism. They cannot abide it! Well, that's how things stood until recently. But a growing number of Baptists are now beginning to teach that grace - that the Holy Spirit himself - is actually conveyed to those whom they baptise. Incredible! Sacramentalism, of course, has long held sway among infant baptisers. In my "Infant Baptism Tested", I exposed it and probed its dreadful consequences. Now I must do the same for Baptist sacramentalism. Hence this book. In these pages, I expose what has gone into this Baptist sacramentalism - the re-writing of history, the faulty exegesis of Scripture, and the heady (and poisonous) mixture of ecumenism (including Rome, the Orthodox, eastern religions - not excluding Islam), the charismatic movement, the New Perspective, the re-definition of conversion, and the acceptance of infant baptism. This is what makes up this pernicious cocktail. And it has only one end - baptismal regeneration'. So writes David Gay. If you are a Baptist, he has produced this book to warn you of what, if it has not already done so, is about to hit a seminary, a bookshop or a pulpit near you - and do so very soon. If you are a Baptist who is thinking of adopting this sacramentalism, he wants to let you know what you are in for. Don't buy a pig in a poke! And if you are a Baptist sacramentalist, he wants to challenge the basis of your position and, at the very least, make you question it. Why does he make such a song and dance about it? Because the consequences are dreadful. If Baptist sacramentalism wins the day, multitudes will be misled into thinking they are saved when they are not. And the consequences of that are unthinkable.
The issues dealt with at the Synod of Dort which took place in the years 1618-1619 lie at the very heart of the gospel. Even though the discussions took place 400 years ago, since they involved matters of the highest concern to every believer today, then every believer should be interested in what led up to the assembly, and, above all, what its conclusions were. David Gay, convinced that many believers, alas, are ignorant of the events which made the assembly necessary, the questions which it had to answer, and the outcome of its deliberations, has published this little work to give a brief and simple introduction to all these matters. He hopes that many might find it helpful.
In 2 Cor. 3:7-18, Paul argues that Christ has established the new covenant, having fulfilled and abolished the law. As a result, ALL believers, having glory now, increasing glory and, in eternity, absolute glory, are ministers of this glorious new covenant. In 2 Cor. 4:1-6, the apostle sets this out: by means of this ministry, God saves sinners from their sin, their Satanic blindness and their bondage, and brings them into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, justifying, sanctifying and glorifying them. By expounding 2 Cor. 3:7 - 4:6, David Gay works all this out in detail, making constant application to EVERY believer today.
This volume contains another ten of David Gay's articles on various aspects of the new covenant: The Temple and the New Covenant; Two Sticks and Three Books; Was Isaiah a Preparationist?; Legal Assurance; New-Covenant Assurance; The Spirit's Work in Conversion; The Spirit's Continual Witness to the Believer; The Spirit Witnesses... to What?; Hans Denck: The Inner and the Outer Word; Who's Your Husband?
The moment a sinner trusts Christ he is united to him and is fully and freely justified by God's grace. Christ's blood washes him from his sin, and Christ's righteousness clothes him. But what is this righteousness? Some say it is pardon. David Gay disagrees. Although no single text states it, he contends that Scripture taken as a whole shows this righteousness to be Christ's life-long obedience under the law of God. Hoping that his work might help others, this book comprises his articles on the subject: 'Into the Lions' Den: Christ's Active Obedience Re-Visited'; 'Observations on a Colloquy'; 'Points to Ponder on Christ's Active Obedience'; 'A Theology By Any Other Name...'; 'Sanctification: Jesus and the Believer'. A free audiobook of the author reading this work may be found at davidhjgay.com
What is the booklet about? A spat between two men in the 1870s, a spat which should be allowed to fade into oblivion? Or vital gospel principles? The latter! Is it right to warn sinners that they are under the wrath of God, and unless they repent and trust Christ they will perish? Is it right to command them to repent and believe? What does it mean to be justified by faith? This is what this booklet is about. Vital gospel principles, all of them.
'Liberty not licence' sums up the believer's standing in Christ. The believer has died to the law of Moses to be married to Christ, and, as such, being no longer under the rule of the old law, he is now under the governance, headship, rule and law of Christ - which law he finds written in Scripture. The Spirit has given him a new heart to love that law and obey it out of gratitude to his Redeemer for all the grace that has been shown to him in the Lord Jesus. Liberty but not licence indeed! This, alas, is not fully appreciated by our covenant-theology friends. But, sad to say, it is also questioned - if not denied - by some new-covenant theologians. So in the five papers David Gay 'read' at the UK New-Covenant Theology Conference, March 2017, he explored the biblical basis for the liberty-not-licence principle of the new covenant, doing so in general, and then in particular from Galatians, Romans and John. Finally, by way of illustration, he spoke on Tobias Crisp, the arch 17th-century 'antinomian', the man whom covenant theologians love to hate!
'Every once and a while a gem of great worth is uncovered and put on display for others to appreciate. David H.J.Gay has once again unearthed and polished for us a wonderful theological jewel in this booklet, Clarity Dispelling Confusion: S.W.Lynd on the Abrahamic Covenant. Samuel W.Lynd was an influential 19th-century American Baptist minister who has sadly long been forgotten. Drawing on Lynd's 1863 Circular Letter, written for the Miami Baptist Association, Gay shows the relevance of correctly understanding the relationship between the Abrahamic covenant and that of the new covenant in Christ. For anyone interested in Baptist historical-theological studies, this little work is essential' (Chris Hanna, church elder, Maplelawn Baptist Church, Wyoming, Michigan). 'Which aspects of God's promises to Abraham are yours, believer? And which were for the Israelites, Abraham's physical descendants? That distinction required clarification in Samuel Lynd's time, and it is still necessary today. Then, as now, whole denominations were misguided by failure to distinguish between God's promises to the Israelites and those to all the people of the earth who share Abraham's faith. Again and again the New Testament teaches this vital distinction, but such is the muddling of the old and new covenants by many, that David Gay has reintroduced Lynd's letter of explanation. I encourage every believer to check this against the Bible's teaching to be clear on what is for Christians and what is not' (Steve Guest). A free audiobook is available at davidhjgay.com
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