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  • - The do-it-yourself plan to launch and promote your new small business or personal brand today!
    af David Marcel
    173,95 kr.

    Did you know that 70% to 90% of startup businesses fail? If you're an entrepreneur and you'd like to avoid being a statistic, then this book is for you.Are you thinking about starting a small business, but don't know how to promote it?Have you tried to sell something online, but struggled to get people to notice your product?Maybe you're just looking for a way to turn your hobby into a paycheck?The truth is: Creative people love making new things. But when it comes to selling new things--that's where they often flounder. Launching a new startup can be a daunting task. Not only must entrepreneurs create products and manage teams, they must also lure in new customers and convince them to buy.The solution lies in understanding how to apply the rules that professional marketers have employed for generations. All entrepreneurs must eventually come to appreciate the importance of branding and marketing over other common business tasks--like product creation and design. You may have developed the best mousetrap on the planet. But if nobody knows about it, then you're not going to make any money.You need a medium through with to convey the value of your product to people. The trick is to introduce a strong brand to a receptive customer base--who has a problem that needs solving and is ready to buy your solution. Fortunately, in this grand digital age, you don't need a ton of money to get started. You simply need a viable strategy that laser-focuses your message to the right set of consumers.THIS BOOK WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO LAUNCH A PROFITABLE STARTUP COMPANY.You will learn: How to discover what your competition is doing wrong--so you can take over their market niche.The 4 crucial digital marketing channels that can make your brand a force to be reckoned with.How to stand out in a crowd--differentiating your product from the sea of others.The 6 ways to advertise your startup without a budget. So you can make more by spending less.How to master social media marketing and develop a name on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.Learn what to watch out for when working with freelance marketers or agencies.Utilize the power of brand and storytelling to establish a solid reputation in your market niche.Filled with real-world examples and actionable advice, this book is perfect for newly minted startups or current entrepreneurs--who wish to increase their customer base.Curiously, you'll find that, once you know how to consistently acquire new customers, then many of the other startup difficulties (fund-raising, team-building, press relations, etc.) will melt away. It's much easier to convince people to jump onto your party boat if it's already got thousands of paying customers on board. This is why, in the early days of your startup, rapid growth is key. Without business growth, you'll never be profitable. And you'll never be able to move your startup out of your basement and onto bigtime profits.Even if you have no marketing experience at all, you can still master the basics of cost-effective and profitable digital marketing. You simply need the right guide to lead you through the process.All of us entrepreneurs tend to be in pursuit of the same thing--the manifestation of an idea. The birth of a new business idea is born of our minds, and we nurture it just as we would a garden. Now, let's create the soil for your idea to grow. We'll lay down a foundation of marketing and branding fundamentals--that will help to lead you to the success you've been hoping for.Ready to learn more?If you want to learn how to build a startup brand that effectively turns crowds into clients, then get the book today!

  • - El plan de hágalo usted mismo para lanzar y promocionar tu startup o marca personal hoy mismo!
    af David Marcel
    173,95 kr.

    ¿Sabías que entre el 70% y el 90% de las startups fracasan? Si eres un empresario y no quieres formar parte de las estadísticas, entonces este libro es para ti.¿Estás pensando en empezar un pequeño negocio, pero no sabes cómo promocionarlo?¿Has tratado de vender algo en línea, pero has tenido que luchar para que la gente se fije en tu producto?¿Quizás estás buscando una manera de convertir tu hobby en un ingreso?La verdad es que: a la gente creativa le encanta hacer cosas nuevas. Pero cuando se trata de vender cosas nuevas... es ahí donde a menudo se equivocan. Iniciar una startup puede ser una tarea desalentadora. Los empresarios no sólo deben crear productos y dirigir equipos, sino que también deben atraer a nuevos clientes y convencerlos de que compren.La solución radica en comprender cómo aplicar las reglas que los comerciantes profesionales han empleado durante generaciones. Todos los empresarios deben llegar a apreciar la importancia de la marca y el marketing sobre otras tareas comerciales comunes, como la creación y el diseño de productos. Puede que hayas desarrollado la mejor trampa para ratones del planeta, pero si nadie lo sabe, entonces no vas a ganar dinero.Necesitas un medio a través del cual transmitir el valor de tu producto a la gente. El truco es introducir una marca fuerte a una base de clientes receptiva, que tiene un problema que necesita ser resuelto y está listo para comprar tu solución. Afortunadamente, en esta gran era digital, no necesitas una tonelada de dinero para empezar. Simplemente necesitas una estrategia viable que enfoque tu mensaje al conjunto adecuado de consumidores.ESTE LIBRO TE ENSEÑARÁ CÓMO INICIAR UNA STARTUP RENTABLE.Aquí prenderás: Cómo descubrir lo que tu competencia está haciendo mal... para que puedas hacerte cargo de tu nicho de mercado.Los 4 canales cruciales del marketing digital que pueden hacer de tu marca una opción a tener en cuenta.Cómo destacar entre la multitud... diferenciando tu producto del de los demás.Las 6 formas de anunciar tu lanzamiento sin presupuesto. Así puedes hacer más gastando menos.Cómo dominar el marketing en las redes sociales y desarrollar un nombre en Facebook, Instagram o YouTube.Aprender a tener cuidado cuando trabajes con vendedores o agencias independientes.Utilizar el poder de la marca y la narración para establecer una reputación sólida en tu nicho de mercado.Lleno de ejemplos del mundo real y consejos prácticos, este libro es perfecto para las nuevas startups o aquellas existentes que desean aumentar su base de clientes.Curiosamente, verás que, una vez que sepas cómo adquirir nuevos clientes de forma consistente, muchas de las otras dificultades del lanzamiento (recaudación de fondos, formación de equipos, relaciones con la prensa, etc.) se desvanecerán. Es mucho más fácil convencer a la gente para que se suba a tu barco si ya tienes miles de clientes de pago a bordo. Por eso, en los primeros días del lanzamiento, el crecimiento rápido es clave. Sin el crecimiento del negocio, nunca serás rentable. Y nunca serás capaz de sacar a tu empresa del sótano y obtener grandes beneficios.Aunque no tengas ninguna experiencia en marketing, puedes dominar los fundamentos del marketing digital rentable y efectivo. Simplemente necesitas la guía correcta para avanzar a través del proceso.Todos los empresarios tendemos a perseguir lo mismo: la manifestación de una idea. El nacimiento de una nueva idea de negocio nace de nuestras mentes, y la nutrimos como si fuera un jardín. Ahora, vamos a crear el suelo para que la idea crezca.¿Listo para aprender más?Si quieres aprender a construir una marca de tu startup y convertir efectivamente a las multitudes en clientes, ¡entonces consigue e

  • - Includes Effective Copywriting Strategy + Branding & Marketing for Startups The digital marketing guide to launch your startup or personal brand
    af David Marcel
    228,95 kr.

    Did you know that 70% to 90% of startup businesses fail? If you're an entrepreneur and you'd like to avoid being a statistic, then this book is for you.Are you thinking about starting a small business, but don't know how to promote it?Have you tried to sell something online, but struggled to get people to notice your product?Maybe you're just looking for a way to turn your hobby into a paycheck?The truth is: Creative people love making new things. But when it comes to selling new things--that's where they often flounder. Launching a new startup can be a daunting task. Not only must entrepreneurs create products and manage teams, they must also lure in new customers and convince them to buy.The solution lies in understanding how to apply the rules that professional marketers and copywriters have employed for generations. All entrepreneurs must eventually come to appreciate the importance of copywriting and marketing over other common business tasks--like product creation and design. You may have developed the best mousetrap on the planet. But if nobody knows about it, then you're not going to make any money.Book 1: Branding & Marketing for StartupsYou will learn: How to discover what your competition is doing wrong--so you can take over their market niche.The 4 crucial digital marketing channels that can make your brand a force to be reckoned with.How to stand out in a crowd--differentiating your product from the sea of others.The 6 ways to advertise your startup without a budget. So you can make more by spending less.How to master social media marketing and develop a name on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube.Learn what to watch out for when working with freelance marketers or agencies.Utilize the power of brand and storytelling to establish a solid reputation in your market niche.Book 2: Effective Copywriting StrategyA complete introduction to copywriting--featuring all the foundational principles that contemporary copywriters use--to persuade the masses.The easy way to get your writing work Done. Done. Done. (Even if you hate writing.)How to use your own inspirational story (in your own voice), to get those sales. Hint: Your own personal story is often the best marketing tool in your toolbox!The clever Copywriting Shortcut developed by the famous Internet Marketer Frank Kern, that makes writing effective copy easy.How to compose your email, so that you can avoid the Junk Mail folder.A huge chapter on Keyword Research and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) teaching how to write your web text so that it attracts Google visitors.How to write PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads for Google AdWords or Bing Ads.And, we'll learn about the secrets tools that copywriters forged many years ago--via their experience in traditional media, like: print advertising, direct mail, and even press releases.Even if you have no marketing experience at all, you can still master the basics of cost-effective and profitable digital marketing. You simply need the right guide to lead you through the process. Let's lay down a foundation of marketing and branding fundamentals--that will help to lead you to the success you've been hoping for.Ready to learn more?If you want to learn how to build a brand that effectively turns crowds into clients, then get the book today!

  • - Conoce la Fórmula Secreta que Usan los Copywriters en el Marketing Digital, la Creación de Contenido Web, Email Marketing y SEO.
    af David Marcel
    128,95 kr.

    Si quieres aprender a escribir frases, que hagan que la gente compre cosas, entonces este libro es para ti.¿Has intentado vender algo en línea (o en forma impresa), pero te costó obtener ventas?¿Tiene problemas para encontrar las palabras correctas para convencer a la gente de que compre tus productos?La verdad es que hacer que la gente vea el valor de cualquier producto es difícil. La gente esta ocupada y escribir frases que llamen la atención no es fác La solución es aplicar la fórmula que utilizan los copywriteres profesionales: escribir texto persuasivo para un público objetivo. Los copywriteres han estado desarrollando el arte y la ciencia del copywriting durante siglos. Pero solo llegarás a conocer sus trucos si trabajas en una agencia de publicidad o si pasas largas horas probando varias tácticas de marketing.Afortunadamente, hemos reducido este proceso a un solo libro.ESTE LIBRO TE ENSEÑARÁ LA FÓRMULA QUE CONVIERTE LAS PALABRAS EN DINERO.Aprenderás: Una introducción completa al copywriting publicitario, con todos los principios fundamentales que utilizan los copywriteres contemporáneos, para persuadir a las masas.La manera fácil de hacer tu trabajo de escritura. (Incluso si odias escribir).Cómo usar tu propia historia inspiradora (con tu propia voz), para obtener esas ventas. Sugerencia: ¡ tu propia historia personal es a menudo la mejor herramienta de marketing en tu caja de herramientas!El acceso directo al copywriting desarrollado por el famoso marketer de internet Frank Kern, que facilita la escritura de anuncios efectivos.Los diez mejores titulos que prácticamente garantizan una venta.Cómo componer correos electrónicos, para que evites terminar en la carpeta SPAM.Un gran capítulo sobre las Busqueda de Palabras Claves y SEO (optimización de motores de búsqueda) que enseña cómo escribir un texto web para atraer a los visitantes de Google.Un capítulo sobre el Diseño de Interfaz de usuario, donde te enseñamos por qué la disposición de los botones y enlaces en una página web puede ser más importante que las palabras en sí.Cómo escribir anuncios PPC (Pay-Per-Click) para Google AdWords o Bing Ads.Y aprenderemos sobre las herramientas secretas que los copywriteres falsificaron hace muchos años, a través de su experiencia en los medios tradicionales, como: la publicidad impresa, el correo directo e incluso los comunicados de prensa.Cuando aprendes a detectar los desencadenantes innatos, que convierten a los lectores en compradores, ¡es entonces que la tarea de escribir textos publicitarios es realmente fácil y divertida!Incluso si nunca has publicado una sola palabra antes, ¡aún puedes ser un excelente copywriter! Porque un grandioso copywriting no trata de arte o poesía. Se trata de hablar el idioma del cliente y saber qué palabras usar y qué factores lo hacen querer comprar.Tal vez eres un bloggero o diseñador web. Tal vez haces marketing por correo electrónico o redes sociales (como Facebook, Instagram y LinkedIn). Tal vez escribes para revistas o medios impresos tradicionales. Cualquiera que sea el medio que elijas, este libro funcionará para ti, porque las reglas del copywriting son eternas.Si alguna vez te suscribiste a un sitio web, descargaste un libro electrónico o compraste un dispositivo en línea, entonces has estado sujeto al encanto de un copywriter. De hecho, el conjunto de habilidades tiene demanda ahora más que nunca. ¡Porque, en esta era de la información, todos somos copywriteres! (De una forma u otra ...) Entonces, bien podrías aprender a ser bueno. ¡Uno que sabe escribir palabras que venden!Listo para aprender más?Si quieres saber cómo escribir palabras persuasivas que venden, ¡obtén

  • - Learn the secret formula copywriters use for Online Digital Marketing, Web Content Creation, Business Email, & SEO.
    af David Marcel
    143,95 kr.

    If you want to learn how to write words, that make people buy stuff, then this book is for you. Have you tried to sell something online (or in print), but struggled to get sales? Do you have trouble finding the right words--to convince people to buy your products? Do you own a website or email list, and wish your readers were more receptive to your pitch?The truth is: Getting people to see the value in any product, is difficult. People are busy. And writing words that get attention is not easy.The solution is to apply the formula that professional copywriters use--to write persuasive text for your target audience. Writers have been developing the art and science of copywriting for centuries. But, you'd only know their tricks, if you worked in an advertising agency, or spent long hours--testing various marketing ploys.Fortunately, we've scaled this process down into just one book!THIS BOOK WILL TEACH YOU THE FORMULA THAT TURNS WORDS INTO CASH.You will learn: A complete introduction to copywriting--featuring all the foundational principles that contemporary copywriters use--to persuade the masses. The easy way to get your writing work Done. Done. Done. (Even if you hate writing.) How to use your own inspirational story (in your own voice), to get those sales. Hint: Your own personal story is often the best marketing tool in your toolbox! The clever Copywriting Shortcut developed by the famous Internet Marketer Frank Kern, that makes writing effective copy easy. The ten best headlines that practically guarantee a sale. How to compose your email, so that you can avoid the Junk Mail folder. A huge chapter on Keyword Research and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) teaching how to write your web text so that it attracts Google visitors. A chapter on User Interface Design--where we teach you why the arrangement of buttons and links on a webpage, might be more important than the words themselves. How to write PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads for Google AdWords or Bing Ads. And, we'll learn about the secrets tools that copywriters forged many years ago--via their experience in traditional media, like: print advertising, direct mail, and even press releases.When you learn to spot the innate triggers, that turn readers into buyers, then the chore of copywriting will actually become easy, and fun!Even if you've never published a single word before, you can still be a great copywriter! Because great copywriting is not about art or poetry. It's about speaking the customer's language, and knowing which words to use and which triggers make him want to buy.Maybe you're a blogger or web-designer. Maybe you do email marketing or social media (like Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn). Perhaps you write for magazines or traditional print media. Whatever medium you choose, this book will work for you--because the rules of copywriting are timeless.If you've ever signed up to a website, downloaded an eBook, or bought a gadget online, then you've been subject to the enchantment of a copywriter. In fact, the skillset is in more in-demand now, than ever before! Because, in this information age, everybody is a writer! (Of one form or another...) So, you might as well learn to be a good one. One that knows how to write words that sell!Ready to learn more?If you want to know how to write persuasive words that sell, then get the book now!

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