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Forlænget returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Bøger af David Pendleton

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  • - Alt det du behøver at vide
    af Adrian Furnham & David Pendleton
    341,95 kr.

    Nøglen til stærk ledelse er at kende ledelsesopgaverne og sine egne styrker og mangler som leder. På denne baggrund kan man samle et stærkt hold omkring sig. I Ledelse – Alt du behøver at vide beskriver Pendleton og Furnham, hvordan ledelse i dag strækker sig over flere vigtige og komplekse områder, som få eller ingen kan dække fuldstændigt over. De fortæller, hvad lederen skal forholde sig til, og giver konkret introduktion til baggrunden for nogle af de anerkendte teorier og modeller, der er for moderne ledelse, blandt andet personlighedsmodellen The Big Five og den anerkendte test baseret herpå NEO-PI-3.“Det er ikke nødvendigt at rapportere til den perfekte chef for selv at være en god chef. Selv under en kraftig regnbyge kan enhver, som har en paraply med sig, skabe et afsondret mikroklima, som andre kan søge tilflugt i. Enhver, som tager vores tanker alvorligt, kan begynde med at sikre sig, at deres eget team har det godt.” Citat fra bogen

  • - No More Heroes
    af David Pendleton
    293,95 kr.

  • af David Pendleton
    196,95 kr.

    Celebration in words and pictures of a famous named train that served six cities - London, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds, Carlisle and Glasgow.

  • af David Pendleton, Peter Derbyshire & Chloe Hodgkinson
    295,95 kr.

  • - Crafting a New Balance at Work and at Home
    af David Pendleton
    295,95 kr.

    Work-life balance isn¿t about where or how you spend your time. At least not solely. It¿s about where and how you use and replenish your energy. Work matters. Life matters. Work-life matters.As we start to navigate life during and after the pandemic, employers and employees are increasingly re-evaluating how work can be made more sustainable and more fulfilling. Many employees - particularly Gen X and Gen Z - are seeking a new psychological contract with their employers. Putting these trends into context and offering practical solutions, this book takes a deep dive into why work matters as part of a healthy and fulfilling life. The authors present a new and different way of thinking about the matter of balance, arguing that there is no hard divide between ¿work¿ and life¿ because ¿work¿ takes place entirely within ¿life¿ and you can¿t balance two things when one is a subset of the other. To achieve the balance required for a healthy existence, we need to recognise that there are activities in all parts of work-life that drain our energy and others that give us a buzz. Rather than trying to solve the drain of hard work by living it large at the weekend ¿ or compensating for an unfulfilling home life by working like a demon, we need to create balance at work and balance at home. Now is a golden opportunity to re-examine the world of work and job-craft to make them more satisfying, less draining and more energising. The ideas in this book provide a practical guide to help that process.

  • - The start of spectator sports
    af David Pendleton
    128,95 kr.

    What took place in Bradford, England in the latter half of the nineteenth century was nothing less than a sporting revolution. Kick-Off charts and analyses Bradford’s story to illustrate the importance of sport’s role in the development of the modern city. Bradford shows us how, from the burgeoning of the first industrial communities, personal and civic identities have been profoundly shaped by spectator sports - identities that remain vital to this day.

  • af Adrian Furnham & David Pendleton
    732,95 kr.

    Leadership successes and failures are in the media every day. We are in a global political and financial crisis which is changing how we think about our lives and our futures. The authors present a leadership model for the future which creates the right conditions for people to thrive, individually and collectively, and achieve significant goals.

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