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  • af David Rose
    412,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Der Lehrer / Pädagoge, Note: 3, Universität Potsdam (Erziehungswissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Wertevermittlung und Wertevorstellung spielt im Bereich des Schulbildung eine ebenso zentrale Rolle wie die Weitergabe von Fachwissen und Erziehung. In dieser Arbeit wird die Wertevermittlung und Wertevorstellung genauer beleuchtet und eine umfassende Einsicht im Bereich der Schule im Wechselspiel zwischen Lehrkräften und Schülerinnen und Schülern gegeben.

  • - Lovecraftian Military Tales
    af David Rose
    135,95 kr.

    Seven tales-including 'Lovecraft in Lockup, ' the sequel to Lovecraft's Iraq-are here to pay homage to military life and lunatic cosmic dread. Malaki Marsh, corporal in the Marine Corps, has brought a bit of Ipswich to Onslow Beach. Armed with arcane know-how, he's on the verge of summoning a swimmer from the deep-but whose ill fate it may bring not even he can tell. Recon Marine, daring leader, lunatic extraordinaire, Cornelius Van Cleave seems to live for only two things: the beloved Corps and climbing with his hands and teeth up its bloody ranks. But there are fallen stars, abductions, and dark magic during Desert Storm all standing in his way. Ronald Ragsdale, veteran turned congressman, would like nothing better than to unsee his past. But none could forget the horror he encountered while in the jungles of Vietnam. His one and only trip to the VA leaves him spilling his guts to a skeptical shrink, though she may not remain doubtful for long. There is the Iraqi, Al-Sufi. Along with his moronic brother, he's high-tailing it out of Iraq, off to a new land, to the United States of America, where, if they get there, a greater banquet awaits than seen in their centuries-spanning lives. Esoteric rituals. Strange powers harnessed. A disarmed military policeman, out to solve the case of a lifetime, and more. Creepy, well-crafted, rife with dark humor, and teeming with determined characters, Monsters in the Bush is a collection of military horror like no other.

  • af David Rose
    365,95 kr.

    First published in 1988, Social Stratification and Economic Change brings together, for the first time in textbook form, some of the most significant work both theoretical and empirical on stratification in Britain. In part I, David Rose provides on overview of stratification research, and papers from David Lockwood, John Goldthorpe, Gordon Marshall, Ray Pahl, and Claire Wallace tackle key theoretical issues. In part II, six papers commissioned for the book report on empirical studies and their implications. By bringing together an outstanding group of authors, all at the forefront of their field, the book makes an important contribution to debates on social stratification and will be invaluable for both students and researchers in sociology.

  • af David Rose
    131,95 kr.

    Welcome to the human zoo, the future where we are never what we seem and the real is not real at all. In a future world not unlike our own, those who have everything and those who have nothing have been kept apart till now. But Sady, Charlie and Caliban Shakespere are going to be brought together by the seemingly arbitrary nature of luck. Or design.

  • af David Rose
    192,95 kr.

    Almost eight decades after the seminal conference that gave us the G7, World Bank, IMF and J.M. Keynes' momentous 'money creation' process, the lethal unintended consequences are about to be unleashed. Just one man, driven by loathing of the entire banking firmament, is about to turn the industry's own technology on itself to trigger global economic meltdown.This slow-burn thriller draws the reader deep into the private, inscrutable world of high finance and the ultra-wealthy... and onto its intense and unpredictable conclusion.+All historical events and financial institutions in this book are real.+Dez Fox is a semi-invalid ex-army sniper who has forged a successful civilian career in financial PR. Within weeks of starting a new job with a wealth management firm he learns that his boss is planning to relieve dozens of his billionaire clients of their entire fortunes.But he senses that there is something far more sinister going on. Where does North Korea fit into the conspiracy and why does the global electronic banking network, SWIFT, suddenly look so vulnerable?Everything is adding up to a plot set to implode the global banking network from the top down and trigger economic Armageddon, with an ensuing tsunami of unstoppable anarchy, worldwide.But is he the only one who can see what's coming? Is he right? Who can he tell? ...and who would believe him?

  • af David Rose
    132,95 kr.

    The year is 1995 and Britain like the rest of Europe has been under German occupation for approaching 50 years. Since that fateful day back in 1945, when the Luftwaffe dropped the world's first atomic bomb on the island of Cyprus, the Nazi's have reigned supreme throughout Europe.Adolf Hitler had finally realised his dream of a mighty German empire, but unaware of events elsewhere, he had taken his own life in a bunker near Berlin. So despite the Third Reich's glorious victory, the loss of their beloved leader was a cross that the whole of Germany would have to bear for all eternity!Or was it?Thanks to the brilliant mind of Tony Smith, an English quantum physicist, they have suddenly found themselves presented with the holy grail of all inventions;A 'Temporal Energy Separation System'. In other words, a time-machine!Surely, a dream come true for the German command. They now have opportunity to save the Furher from his own suicide and deliver him to their people on the 50th anniversary of their triumph. Using his own machine, Tony Smith was to be sent back in time to 1945. His mission; to inform Adolf Hitler of his pending victory and therefore prevent his untimely death.A simple enough plan, but a plan that was to ultimately fail!Instead, events don't quite transpire as they had hoped and Tony now finds himself in the hands of the brutal and merciless Nazi's. About to be shot for being a spy, Tony is rescued by the Polish resistance, including the beautiful Kaska. Seeing the war from a different perspective, and witnessing first hand the atrocities carried out by the Germans, Tony, realises that, instead of saving Hitler, he has the power to change the outcome of the war!Will he seize the chance?Aware that something back in 1945 was amiss, could the powers that be, back in 1995, prevent him from doing so, knowing that such a paradox could threaten their very existence. A tense and exciting race across Europe and against time ensues.If Tony succeeds, what would be the consequences to him and his family?In fact, what would be the consequences to the entire World!?Will he face these consequences and change the course of history or will he be stopped in his tracks?Wherever and whenever, Tony Smith finds himself, will he be happy or will he live to regret the day he ever invented the time-machine?

  • af David Rose
    1.174,95 kr.

    "Celebrating the rich diversity of meaning-making resources within 19 Australian languages, this book presents stories recorded in these languages, identifying and explaining their different patterns of meaning. Each story is approached in terms of their cultural and historical context and subject matter before being presented both in English translation and the original language, highlighting and explaining the subject matter and textual patterning of the languages, their phases of meanings, and the clauses that compose them"--

  • af David Rose
    132,95 kr.

    Many people have dreamed of becoming a Park Ranger. They are drawn in by the thought of working and living outdoors in the most beautiful natural areas of the world. That was my dream a year before I actually became a Park Ranger. Now I am a Park Ranger at age 60 and I can show you how to do what I have just accomplished. You will learn how to study nature, wilderness medical training, interpretation skills, how to select and apply for positions and much more. Buy this book and I will show you how to get started today on the trail to becoming a Park Ranger. This book also includes color pictures of the author in action as a ranger.

  • af David Rose
    192,95 kr.

  • af David Rose
    188,95 kr.

  • af David Rose
    187,95 kr.

    Loner, bumpkin, teenager, Matina thought her life's adventures would reach no further than paddling under night cypress or falling through the parchment of a good book. But she owns a great secret, one coming with her approaching womanhood like the mouths of gnashing teeth. Boraor Rehton, the inept shaman, would love nothing more than to leave this wretched town, continuously appointing him their spiritual leader. He knows little about the earthly arts, but the same cannot be said for black magic; tools he uses, which, if caught, would earn him a place on Amden's impaling stakes. Add Pauthor Quithot, recluse, Grubilius Motty, lowlife drunkard, and other malcontents all involved with a mysterious force let loose upon the bog. As the force's mystery wanes, old feuds are inflamed, murder is ready to run rampant, and the threshold separating the living from the dead is hopped over with wicked glee. Alluring, unpredictable, dripping with idiosyncratic folk, AMDEN BOG is dark fantasy where beauty and brutality often hang from the same sagging vine.

  • af David Rose
    172,95 kr.

    Winner of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation Robert A. Gannon award for PoetryThe first official poetry installment in David Rose¿s unique blend of tenderness and morbidity, From Sand and Time engages a cataclysmic self-reflection coming with the complexities, times, and demands of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. An evocative collection of rhyme and free verse, From Sand and Time weaves through ambition and belief, doubt and loneliness, deployment, combat, and what waits thereafter.

  • af David Rose
    182,95 kr.

    From the nation that gave us Victorian virtues, here is another irresistible collection of brilliant, bawdy and often absurd personal ads from the world’s funniest—and smartest—lonely-hearts column. These ads prove that even if you’re lonely, you don’t have to be boring, as advertisers in this book demand much more than long walks on the beach from their potential mates. .Arranged by theme (“The Usual Hyperbole and a Whiff of Playful Narcissism”), and including footnotes to obscure references, Sexually I’m More of a Switzerland promises to be, like its predecessor, “a bracing splash of cold reality in the flushed face of romance” ( Chicago Tribune )..

  • af David Rose
    192,95 kr.

    When the notorious necromancer, Maecidion, dies, the reading of his will goes awry. Powerful heirlooms are given to rivals of the deceased's kin, Irion, who are no strangers to black magic. Soon, Irion embarks on a bitter quest to retrieve what should rightfully be his.Tinged with traces of horror and humor, erotica and satire, the world of Mulgara plays host to an ensemble of dark characters. Not only necromancers, but grave robbers, thieves, and a bubbly witch, all caught in a web of friend or foe, and through their tales, Maecidion's plan is ultimately revealed.

  • af David Rose
    172,95 kr.

    "Going to war was a finite window to touch the vanquished barbaric world modern reality has so woefully blighted out."Joining the Marines in 2002, David Rose signed up to go fight ... and to go die. On this grim path, rather than finding a violent death, he would find family, purpose, and a brotherhood amid the misfit tribal world of the war fighter.¿No Joy sees David recounting madcap tales of Muay Thai bouts in seedy garages, a bizarre stint as a street cop, being on the other side of the badge, becoming a veteran of the psych ward, and more. It's an irreverently told story that doesn¿t just tell one man's tale, but speaks to the necessary question: What really draws modern young men to war?

  • af David Rose
    999,95 kr.

    An Overview of Developments in Research on Recovery from Brain Injury.- Recovery of Function: Nutritional Factor.- Neural Transplantation and Recovery of Function: Animal Studies.- Neural Implants and Recovery of Function: Human Work.- Environmental Approaches to Recovery of Function from Brain Damage: A Review of Animal Studies (1981 to 1991).- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.- Hemidecortication and Recovery of Function: Animal Studies.- A Review of Cognitive Outcome after Hemidecortication in Humans.- Compensatory Mechanisms - Neural and Behavioral: Evidence from Prenatal Damage to the Forebrain Commissures.- Mechanisms Underlying Recovery from Cortical Injury: Reflections on Progress and Directions for the Future.- Research on Recovery: Ends and Means.- Author Index.

  • af David Rose
    162,95 kr.

  • - What Augmented Reality Means for Our Lives, Our Work, and the Way We Imagine the Future
    af David Rose
    233,95 kr.

    NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARDS WINNER — NONFICTION • 2022 IPPY AWARDS BRONZE MEDALIST — SCIENCEFor thousands of years, human vision has been largely unchanged by evolution.We’re about to get a software update.Today, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Snap, Samsung, and a host of startups are racing to radically change the way we see. The building blocks are already falling into place: cloud computing and 5G networks, AI computer vision algorithms, smart glasses and VR headsets, and mixed reality games like Pokémon GO. But what’s coming next is a fundamental shift in how we experience the world and interact with each other. Over the next decade, what we see and how we see it will no longer be bound by biology. Instead, our everyday vision will be augmented with digital information to give us what spatial computing pioneer David Rose calls “SuperSight.” And as our view of the world becomes blended layers of information delivered via glasses, contact lenses, or projected light, it will fundamentally change learning, shopping, work, play, and much, much more. David provides an insider’s guide to the way our lives are about to change, while also unpacking the downsides of this coming world—what he calls the hazards of SuperSight, from equity and access issues to bubble filter problems—and proposing rational, actionable ways around them.From AI mirrors that advise us on our outfits, to museums that let us talk with deceased explorers and artists, to the ways we envision sustainable cities, the scope of augmented vision is boundless. SuperSight offers a rich speculative preview of the future and its implications, both shocking and thrilling.

  • af David Rose
    232,95 kr.

    - Senior counterintelligence officials disclose how interrogation techniques used at Guantanamo have led many detainees to make false confessions and accusations- Never-before-published government documents reveal the camp's secret rules, belying the Bush administration's claim that detainees are always treated humanely- Meeting minutes suggest that General Geoffrey Miller, the former commandant later in charge of Abu Ghraib, seriously misled the Red Cross about camp conditions and interrogation procedures- Four former detainees paint a grim and shocking picture of life as a Guantanamo prisoner

  • - David Rose Cooks on the Big Green Egg
    af David Rose
    165,95 kr.

    Let celebrated Chef David Rose show you how easy it is to use the Big Green Egg, the most versatile, outdoor cooker of all time. It does more than just grilling, it's EGGin'!

  • af David Rose & Bernard Parke
    145,95 kr.

  • af David Rose
    157,95 kr.

    Fully illustrated description of Guildford's well known, and lesser known, places that have been lost over the years.

  • af David Rose & J. R. Martín
    613,95 - 2.866,95 kr.

    Aims to present an accessible set of analytic tools that can be used to explore how speakers and writers construe meaning through discourse. These techniques are introduced through analyses of spoken, written and visual texts that focus on truth and reconciliation in post-apartheid South Africa.

  • - A Reader's Guide
    af David Rose
    360,95 - 1.892,95 kr.

    Explains the philosophical and political background and guides the reader to an understanding of the text. This book offers guidance on philosophical and historical context; key themes; reading the text; reception and influence; and, further reading.

  • - Scaffolding Democracy in Literacy Classrooms
    af David Rose & J. R. Martín
    459,95 - 1.062,95 kr.

    Suitable for practitioners, researchers and students, building up pedagogic, linguistic and social theory in steps, contextualized within teaching practice, this title presents the research of the 'Sydney School' in language and literacy pedagogy. It offers researchers tools for investigating and redesigning educational practice.

  • - Mapping Culture
    af David Rose & J. R. Martín
    351,95 - 1.062,95 kr.

    An introduction to genre analysis from the perspective of the 'Sydney School' of functional linguistics.

  • af David Rose, Gordon Marshall, Howard Newby & mfl.
    256,95 - 480,95 kr.

    An introductory text about class and inequality in modern Britain. Written specifically for students following a basic course in sociology, its breadth, originality and style mean it will appeal to a much wider readership.

  • af David Rose
    677,95 kr.

  • af David Rose
    287,95 kr.

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