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Bøger af David Schneider

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  • af David Schneider & Kazuaki Tanahashi
    143,95 kr.

    This introduction to Zen Buddhism contains koans, stories, quotes and examples.

  • - Adventures Across America and Into the Sky
    af David Schneider
    328,95 kr.

    Join the adventure and journey to dozens of picturesque places in America with storyteller and photographer David Schneider, and as if oceans, deserts, national parks, frozen wildernesses, tornados, and antiquities aren't fascinating enough, he'll take you to other galaxies as well. Ever Onward is a rollicking adventure that will make you gasp, laugh, and wonder, all while enjoying exquisite photographs from across America.

  • - Reflections of a young lounge lizard
    af David Schneider
    118,95 kr.

    "Great job, Schneider," grinned Mike the bartender. "You just pissed off the Mayor..."In his second book, Mr. Schneider recalls adventures fresh out of high school as an entertainer in one of Mid- America's most popular resort destinations, Wisconsin Dells Wisconsin, offering the same insights and personal observations on life, family, and friendship that readers will recognize from his past writings. From the perspective of much younger days, he seems to have been nurtured by some very, very colorful characters. This is a travel and adventure story. It's a love story. But mostly it is a tale of great friendship. It is an insider's view of what tourist town locals do when they are not taking care of you. It is an outlandishly extraordinary personal journey; a coming of age in the end, perhaps much like yours.

  • - A Nuclear Novel
    af David Schneider
    108,95 kr.

    "I'm sorry... I respect your tenacity...our attorneys asked that I not return your calls... You seem to be asking the right questions..." That was the response Mr. Schneider got from an acquaintance who worked at the nuclear power plant he had contacted during his early research for An Extraordinary Nuclear Occurrence. What would you do if your family was threatened by a nuclear meltdown caused by a terror attack and the only way to get to them was right through ground zero? That's the dilemma we face here. Inspired by a declassified report to Congress suggesting glaring inadequacies in our nation's nuclear power plant defenses, Mr. Schneider's title comes from a government and insurance industry term for a nuclear catastrophe of the first magnitude. The threat is real. It could happen to any of us- tomorrow or the next day. Mr.Schneider is the everyman in this novel, having spent thirty years in the paradise he writes about. It is a story of the dangerous arrogance of our growing technocracy. Intelligent and insightful, this is a story straight from our morning's news headlines; Cuba, Castro, North Korea, Al Qaeda, Cyber, Nuclear safety. It is about our government's efforts to thwart terrorism. And it is a simple love story. Well, maybe not so simple...

  • - Investing in an Uncertain and Complex World - How to Simplify Investing with a Single Principle
    af David Schneider
    193,95 kr.

    Are you looking for a simple investment strategy that fits your lifestyle? Do you want to become an independent investor? Are you worried about your retirement, but don

  • - Gambling in Disguise
    af David Schneider
    173,95 kr.

    A Beginner's Guide to Investing This book is for the novice investor, as well as the crowds of retail investors who feel they need to play The Money Game.

  • - What They Are and How to Make Them Work for You
    af David Schneider
    193,95 kr.

    Do you find yourself lured into the index fund game without knowing what you are actually investing in? Can you be sure you know who really profits from your monthly contributions? Are you tired of always being on the losing end of the money game, while fund providers reap huge profits?With the ever-growing number of index funds and ETFs, it

  • - Breaking Your Reliance on a Broken System by Investing in Cash Engines
    af David Schneider
    143,95 kr.

    Amazon #1 Bestseller and Hot New Release September 2017 Are you tired of saving for retirement? Do you find yourself cutting expenditure to the bone

  • af David Schneider
    553,95 kr.

    In his first book, Mr. Schneider combines his self-effacing narrative style with insights and observations from his blog and magazine articles spanning 50 years of travel, adventure, and family. He describes with equal verve an eclectic mix of adventures from sailboat racing, surviving a SCUBA diving accident, baby-sitting whales, hunting sunken moon rockets in the Everglades and stumbling through Europe, to enjoying a high school football game and cleaning out his "doo-dad drawers." What emerges is a deep fascination with- and clear love of- friends,family, and the world around us.

  • af David Schneider
    338,95 kr.

    Route 66 takes you the length of the Mother Road, from Chicago to Santa Monica, and lets you experience the road as it always has been. Drive into the past and see America's Highway with yesterday's eyes, and tour the roadway as it is today with photographer David Schneider. At times a joyful journey, and at times merely a reminder of a time now passed, Route 66 delivers the Mother Road experience in stories and photographs.

  • af David Schneider
    333,95 kr.

    Unbounded Chronicles carries you on a visual adventure of a lifetime, along with stories that tickle your fancy and soothe the soul. Take brave and treacherous trips with photographer David Schneider that make your breath catch in your throat. You will find delight and beauty with each page in this book while you view scenes, settings, and surroundings that few people ever get to see.

  • af David Schneider
    443,95 kr.

    Unbounded Chronicles carries you on a visual adventure of a lifetime, along with stories that tickle your fancy and soothe the soul. Take brave and treacherous trips with photographer David Schneider that make your breath catch in your throat. You will find delight and beauty with each page in this book while you view scenes, settings, and surroundings that few people ever get to see.

  • af David Schneider
    443,95 kr.

    Both awe-inspiring and aw-w-inspiring, the compelling photographs and fanciful stories in Sojournic Tales make you gasp, laugh, and sometimes shake your head in wonder. Wildlife and nature photographer and author David Schneider's rare collection of superb Southwestern photographs and charming tales titillate, inspire, and even tickle your fancy. With Sojournic Tales you'll tour the best of the Southwest, from the deep desert to the highest mountain, from the smallest flower to sweeping landscapes, and from the least of the animals to the largest of the raptors. In pictures and with anecdotes that may or may not be completely true, David Schneider and Sojournic Tales take you on a journey to the Southwest that you'll never forget.

  • af David Schneider
    368,95 kr.

    Both awe-inspiring and aw-w-inspiring, the compelling photographs and fanciful stories in Sojournic Tales make you gasp, laugh, and sometimes shake your head in wonder. Wildlife and nature photographer and author David Schneider's rare collection of superb Southwestern photographs and charming tales titillate, inspire, and even tickle your fancy. With Sojournic Tales you'll tour the best of the Southwest, from the deep desert to the highest mountain, from the smallest flower to sweeping landscapes, and from the least of the animals to the largest of the raptors. In pictures and with anecdotes that may or may not be completely true, David Schneider and Sojournic Tales take you on a journey to the Southwest that you'll never forget.

  • af David Schneider
    106,95 kr.

    Seminar paper from the year 2018 in the subject Politics - International Politics - General and Theories, grade: High Merit, London School of Economics (Department of Government), course: Foundations of Political Theory, language: English, abstract: Meta-ethics, the study of the ontological foundations of ethics, is one of the big topics for moral and political philosophy. In this essay I argue that conventional constructivism (conventionalism) is the most compelling meta-ethical view for the purposes of political theory. First, (i) I determine what the purposes of political theory are. Then, (ii) I define logical validity and the ability to accommodate pluralism as requirements that a meta-ethical view must fulfil to be compelling for the purposes of political theory. Since conventional constructivism is a cognitivist, minimal realist and non-objectivist view, I show that a) cognitivism is logically valid, b) minimal realism is reasonably preferable to error theory and c) full-blown realism, opposed to non-objectivism, doesn¿t fulfil the requirement of validity. I provide examples which illustrate that this applies also to virtual reality (¿VR¿). Based on a)¿c), I argue that d) non-objectivist conventional constructivism fulfils both the validity and the pluralism requirement for a meta-ethical view to be compelling for the purposes of political theory. I support this with what I call the wake-up argument.

  • af David Schneider
    330,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and. Länder - Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 1,0, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (Seminar für Mittelalterliche Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Die mittelalterliche Königswahl. Formen, Faktoren und Entwicklungen, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Königswahl von 1198 und der damit in Zusammenhang stehende Thronstreit zwischen Philipp von Schwaben und Otto IV. von Braunschweig nimmt eine besondere Stellung in der Geschichte des Mittelalters ein. Der Historiker Bernd Schneidmüller vertritt die Auffassung, dass ¿die Doppelwahl 1198 mit allen ihren Umständen als Wendepunkt der Reichsgeschichte betrachtet¿ werden müsse. Daher macht es Sinn, diesen wichtigen Teil der mittelalterlichen Geschichte näher zu betrachten. Dies geschieht in der vorliegenden Arbeit. Es wird herausgearbeitet, welche Rolle Papst Innozenz III. bzw. die an ihn gerichteten fürstlichen Wahlanzeigen und seine Bulle ¿Venerabilem¿ im deutschen Thronstreit von 1198 spielten. In einem ersten Schritt werden die historischen Begebenheiten, die zur Doppelwahl und zum Thronstreit führten, erläutert. In einem zweiten Schritt wird der Fokus zunächst auf die Wahlanzeige Ottos IV., dann auf die Philipps von Schwaben gelegt, um danach die beiden Wahlanzeigen miteinander zu vergleichen. In einem dritten Schritt wird die Rolle Papst Innozenz¿ III. auf dem Weg Ottos zur Kaiserkrönung dargelegt, wobei zuerst Innozenz¿ zögerliche, strategische Entscheidung für Otto IV. diskutiert, danach seine Bulle Venerabilem analysiert wird. Bei den dieser Arbeit zugrunde gelegten Quellen handelt es sich primär um die Wahlanzeigen von Otto IV. und von Philipp von Schwaben sowie um die Bulle Venerabilem von Innozenz III. Berücksichtigt werden aber auch der Rundbrief Innozenz III. zur Königswahl aus dem Jahre 1200 und verschiedene Register über die Reichsfrage.

  • af David Schneider
    318,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte - Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 1,0, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (Seminar für Alte Geschichte), Veranstaltung: Das Römische Reich unter Kaiser Nero, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich vor allem mit Neros ersten (fünf) Regierungsjahren als Kaiser, mit seinem ¿Goldenen Zeitalter¿.Wenn man heutzutage an Nero denkt, assoziiert man entweder das Computerprogramm (Nero Burning ROM), mit dessen Hilfe sich DVDs brennen lassen, oder den römischen Kaiser Nero (Regierungsdauer: 54 ¿ 68 n. Chr.), der im kollektiven Bewusstsein mit dem Brand Roms eng verbunden ist. Kaiser Nero gilt gemeinhin als grausamer Herrscher. Er verkörpert den Typus eines wahnsinnigen Tyrannen. Es gibt nur wenige historische Persönlichkeiten, die einen noch schlechteren Ruf haben als er. Seine Herrschaft bestand aber nicht nur aus mörderischer Willkür; er besaß auch eine künstlerische Seite und, wenngleich er einen Hang zur Selbstüberschätzung hatte, galt er als musisch begabt.

  • af David Schneider
    318,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Philosophie der Antike, Note: 1,3, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (Philosophisches Seminar), Veranstaltung: Vorsokratische Philosophie, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Lehre vom Kosmos als Zahlenordnung wird in dieser Arbeit erläutert. Um diese besser verstehen zu können, wird in einem ersten Schritt ein genereller Blick auf die Lebensumstände und die vielschichtige Persönlichkeit des Pythagoras geworfen, bevor dann die Probleme hinsichtlich der wahrheitsgetreuen Rekonstruktion des Pythagoreismus aufgrund der Quellenlage zur Sprache kommen. Aufbauend auf diesen Grundlagen wird in einem zweiten Schritt die eigentliche Erläuterung der pythagoreischen Zahlenlehre erfolgen, wobei die Erklärung der Kosmogonie an erster Stelle steht. Es wird also zunächst gezeigt, wie der pythagoreische Kosmos entstand. Daraufhin wird erläutert, wie sich der pythagoreische Kosmos aus den Himmelskörpern zusammensetzt. Sowohl mit der Kosmogonie, als auch mit der Kosmologie ist die pythagoreische Vorstellung der Tetraktys verbunden, die als universeller Schlüssel zum Verständnis des pythagoreischen Weltbildes dient. Daher ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass diese Tetraktys mit ihren Zahlenverhältnissen stark die Harmonielehre der Pythagoreer, sowie deren Vorstellung von einer ¿himmlischen Sphärenmusik¿ beeinflusste. Während die Zahlen allgemein im Zentrum der Lebensauffassung dieser Vorsokratiker standen, existierten für sie Zahlen, die mit besonderen Bedeutungen versehen waren. Welche waren diese Zahlen? Und wie kamen die Pythagoreer zu den Bedeutungsäquivalenten dieser Zahlen, die Begriffe wie ¿Hochzeit¿, ¿Gerechtigkeit¿ und ¿richtiger Zeitpunkt¿ beinhalten? Zu guter Letzt wird auf den berühmten ¿Satz des Pythagoras¿ eingegangen.

  • af David Schneider
    136,95 kr.

  • af David Schneider
    158,95 kr.

    Linked, fictional, short stories, set in Zen centers and Tibetan vajrayana meditation communities. What happens when Westerners-young, earnest, often amorous women and men-set out on the Buddhist spiritual path? What happens when scores of them end up living together in the same building or neighborhood for meditation? In these uncensored tales of the practice world, such seekers often have to make it up as they go, integrating classical wisdom with modern reality. This includes their own playful or unruly energies. Guided by (mostly) Asian teachers, they do what they can to faithfully live the tradition, learn about themselves, and about one another. What results is a comedy of manners.

  • af John Hornsby, David I. Schneider, Callie Daniels & mfl.
    889,95 kr.

    For courses in college algebra and trigonometry . Steadfast Support for your Evolving CourseThe College Algebra series, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, combines the experience of master teachers to help students develop both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. With this latest edition, the authors respond to the challenges of new student expectations and new classroom models. MyMathLab not included. Students, if MyMathLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyMathLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. Also available with MyMathLabMyMathLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. The authors have developed specific content in MyMathLab to give students the practice they need to develop a conceptual understanding of College Algebra and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. The MyMathLab features support College Algebra students in a variety of classroom formats (traditional, hybrid, and online).

  • af David Schneider
    146,95 kr.

    "e;Bold and compelling... Uniformly excellent, and often wryly amusing."e;"e; - The Wall Street Journal "e;A globetrotting historical adventure, told from the inside of the operating room... Medical writing at its most exhilarating."e; - Michael Paul Mason"e;Comprehensively researched, deftly told, and radiating both intellect and passion... Essential reading for anyone interested not only in the history but also in the future of medicine."e; - Frank Huyler"e;A history of surgery that is informative, entertaining, and highly readable."e; Library JournalA fascinating history of the practice of surgery from one of the leading figures in the field, chronicling centuries of scientific breakthroughs by the discipline's most dynamic, pioneering doctors.Written by an author with plenty of experience holding a scalpel, Dr. David Schneider's The Invention of Surgery is an in-depth biography of the practice that has leapt forward over the centuries from the dangerous guesswork of ancient Greek physicians through the world-changing "e;implant revolution"e; of the twentieth century.The Invention of Surgery explains this dramatic progress and highlights the personalities of the discipline's most dynamic historical figures. It links together the lives of the pioneering scientists who first understood what causes disease, how organs become infected or cancerous, and how surgery could powerfully intercede in people's lives, and then shows how the rise of surgery intersected with many of the greatest medical breakthroughs of the last century, including the evolution of medical education, the transformation of the hospital from a place of dying to a habitation of healing, the development of antibiotics, and the rise of transistors and polymer science.And as Schneider argues, surgery has not finished transforming; new technologies are constantly reinventing both the practice of surgery and the nature of the objects we are permanently implanting in our bodies. Schneider considers these latest developments, asking "e;What's next?"e; and analyzing how our conception of surgery has changed alongside our evolving ideas of medicine, technology, and our bodies.

  • - The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey
    af David Schneider
    166,95 kr.

  • - A History of Modern Medicine: From the Renaissance to the Implant Revolution
    af David Schneider
    318,95 kr.

    A fascinating history of the practice of surgery from one of the leading figures in the field, chronicling centuries of scientific breakthroughs by the discipline's most dynamic, pioneering doctors.

  • af David I. Schneider
    835,95 kr.

    For college-level Computer Science courses in Python Basic Programming and Problem Solving in PythonAs one of the most widely used programming languages in the software industry, Python is desirable to both learn and teach. Introduction to Programming Using Python is designed for students eager to learn about the world of programming. Applicable to a range of skill levels, this First Edition textbook provides students with the tools to harness the powerful syntax of Python and understand how to develop computer programs. The compactly written text leverages highly focused chapters, diving deep into the most significant topics to give students an in-depth (rather than superficial) understanding of the language. Using real-world examples and data, the author illustrates practical usage of Python in a way to which students can relate. The text itself is readable, organized, and informative, discussing main points of each topic first and then addressing the peripheral details. Students learn good programming habits the first timebringing them in line with the best modern programming practices. MyProgrammingLab not included. Students, if MyProgrammingLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyProgrammingLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.MyProgrammingLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

  • - Devotions for Worldwide Christians
    af David Schneider
    225,95 kr.

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