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Bøger af David Vann

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  • af David Vann
    43,94 - 195,95 kr.

    Ny roman af amerikanske David Vann, forfatteren til bl.a. CARIBOU ISLAND og JORD. David Vann kommer efter planen til København 1. december 2015. En efterårsdag i 1978 tager en 11-årig dreng med sin far, sin bedstefar og sin fars bedste ven på hjortejagt. Han har aldrig dræbt en hjort og er ivrig efter at få lov til at tage sit første bytte. Men da faderen gennem riflens sigte vil vise ham en krybskytte, der er trængt ind på familiens jagtgrund, ødelægger en forkert bevægelse det hele. GOAT MOUNTAIN er en intens og dragende fortælling om vold, familie og religion, skrevet i David Vanns både smukke og foruroligende prosa.

  • af David Vann
    155,95 kr.

    On a small island in a glacier-fed lake on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, a marriage is unravelling. Gary, driven by thirty years of diverted plans, and Irene, haunted by a tragedy in her past, are trying to rebuild their life together. Following the outline of Gary's old dream, they're hauling logs out to Caribou Island in good weather and in terrible storms, in sickness and in health, to patch together the kind of cabin that drew them to Alaska in the first place. Across the water on the mainland, Irene and Gary's grown daughter, Rhoda is starting her own life. She fantasizes about the perfect wedding day, whilst her betrothed, Jim the dentist, wonders about the possibility of an altogether different future.From the author of the massively-acclaimed Legend of a Suicide, comes a devastating novel about a marriage, a couple blighted by past shadows and the weight of expectation, of themselves and of each other. Brilliantly drawn and fiercely honest in its depiction of love and disappointment, David Vann's first novel confirms him as one of America's most dazzling writers of fiction.

  • af David Vann
    43,94 - 217,95 kr.

    Galen kender ikke sin far, hans voldelige stedfar er død og hans bedstemor er skibet af sted på plejehjem. Han og hans mor lever af familiens arv – gamle penge Galens tante og kusine er stålsatte på at indkassere.Galen er New Age, han ser sig selv som en gammel sjæl og drømmer om forandring: at løsrive sig fra det fysiske, at blive så vægtløs som luft, at gå på vandet. Men han kan ikke modstå sin maniske overspisning og bliver mere og mere fikseret på forbudt begær. Fanget i sin ukontrolerbare krop bliver han besat af sin flirtende kusine og af at skille sig af med sin krævende og klynkende mor.Da familien tager på tur sammen spidser tingene til. Og snart opdager Galen, hvor langt han faktisk er villig til at gå for at opnå den transcendens, han sådan higer efter.JORD er en oprivende roman om vold og vanvid, og om hvordan begge dele går i arv.Af forfatteren til CARIBOU ISLAND og FORTÆLLING OM ET SELVMORD.

  • - The True Story of a Disastrous Career at Sea
    af David Vann
    165,95 kr.

    In this inspirational memoir, internationally bestselling author David Vann tells the true story of building his own sailing ship and of the disastrous voyage that ensues.

  • af David Vann
    155,95 kr.

    Goat Mountain is an eleven-year-old boy is eager to make his first kill at his family's annual deer hunt. But all is not as it should be. His father discovers a poacher on the land, a 640-acre ranch in Northern California, and shows him to the boy through the scope of his rifle.

  • af David Vann
    187,95 kr.

  • af David Vann
    187,95 kr.

    On a small island in a glacier-fed lake on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, Gary and Irene's marriage is unraveling. Following the outline of Gary's old dream and trying to rebuild their life together, they are finally constructing the kind of cabin that drew them to Alaska in the first place. But the onset of an early winter and the overwhelming isolation of the prehistoric wilderness threaten their bond to the core.Brilliantly drawn and fiercely honest, Caribou Island is a drama of bitter love and failed dreams?an unforgettable portrait of desolation, violence, and the darkness of the soul.

  • af David Vann
    167,95 kr.

    In poetic prose, this novel -brings us aboard the ship Argo for its epic return journey across the Black Sea from Persia's Colchis--where Medea flees her home and father with Jason, the Argonauts, and the Golden Fleece. Vann's reimagining of this ancient tale offers [an] ... alternative to the long-held notions of Medea as monster or sorceress. We witness with dramatic urgency Medea's humanity, her Bronze Age roots and position in Greek society, her love affair with Jason, and her tragic demise---

  • af David Vann
    167,95 kr.

  • af David Vann
    157,95 kr.

    New York Times Editor's ChoiceTwenty-two-year-old Galen lives with his emotionally dependent mother in a secluded house outside Sacramento, surviving on the family's trust fund--money that his aunt, Helen, and seventeen-year-old cousin, Jennifer, are determined to get their hands on. A New Age believer who considers himself an old soul, Galen yearns for transformation but is powerless to stop the manic binges that overtake him. He dreams of shedding his clinging mother and is obsessed with thoughts of the boldly flirtatious Jennifer. But when the family takes a trip to a cabin in the Sierras, Galen discovers just how far he will go to attain the transcendence he craves.

  • af David Vann
    197,95 kr.

    In semiautobiographical stories set largely in David Vann's native Alaska, Legend of a Suicide follows Roy Fenn from his birth on an island at the edge of the Bering Sea to his return thirty years later to confront the turbulent emotions and complex legacy of his father's suicide.

  • af David Vann
    167,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • - The True Story of a Disastrous Career at Sea
    af David Vann
    166,95 kr.

    A harrowing--and heartbreaking--true story of one ordinary man's misadventures at sea.

  • af David Vann
    95,95 kr.

    In brilliant poetic prose Bright Air Black brings us aboard the ship Argo for its epic return journey across the Black Sea from Persia's Colchis - as Medea flees her home and father with Jason, the Argonauts, and the Golden Fleece.

  • af David Vann
    155,95 kr.

    Each day, while she waits to be picked up after school, Caitlin visits the local aquarium to study the fish. When she befriends an old man at the tanks one day, who seems as enamoured of the fish as she, Caitlin cracks open a dark family secret and propels her once-blissful relationship with her mother toward a precipice of terrifying consequence.

  • af David Vann
    165,95 kr.

    Roy is still young when his father, a failed dentist and hapless fisherman, puts a .44 magnum to his head and commits suicide on the deck of his beloved boat. Throughout his life, Roy returns to that moment, gripped by its memory and the shadow it casts over his small-town boyhood, describing with poignant, mercurial wit his parents' woeful marriage and inevitable divorce, their kindnesses and weaknesses, the absurd and comic turning-points of his past. Finally, in Legend of a Suicide, Roy lays his father's ghost to rest. But not before he exacts a gruelling, exhilarating revenge.Revolving around a fatally misconceived adventure deep in the wilderness of Alaska, this is a remarkably tender story of survival and disillusioned love.

  • af David Vann
    43,94 kr.

    I FORTÆLLING OM ET SELVMORD kredser David Vann i fem korte og en lang novelle om en fars selvmord. Der er fortællingen om den unge Roy, hvis tandlæge-far sælger sin praksis for at gøre sig som fisker – og ender med at skyde sig selv. Der er historien om den efterladte dreng, der skal forholde sig til morens forskellige nye kærester og et liv i Californien, og der er den isnende fortælling om en dreng, der sammen med sin far slår sig ned på en øde ø i en gletchersø som to moderne nybyggere. Hver nat græder faren sig i søvn, og hver dag forsøger sønnen at opretholde illusionen om, at det nok skal gå. Det går værre, end man kan forestille sig.

  • af David Vann
    73,95 kr.

    “Caribou Island”, David Vanns debutroman, følger et ægteskabs ødelæggende opløsning midt i Alaskas ubarmhjertige natur. På en lille ø i en gletsjersø i Alaska har det midaldrende ægtepar Gary og Irene besluttet sig for endelig at udleve Garys livsdrøm: at bygge en hytte på Caribou Island. De bygger den selv, uden rådgivning eller en plan, i godt vejr og i hård kuling, syge og raske, og de straffer hinanden hele vejen igennem. Irene, der stadig lider under oplevelsen af at blive forladt af en mor, der begik selvmord, vil ikke se Gary som det, han er – en håbløs drømmer. Og Gary, der er drevet af tredive års skuffelse og fortrydelse, vil ikke se projektets vanvid og endnu et nederlag i øjnene. Resultatet er en mere og mere desperat kamp for at få hytten færdig, inden vinteren for alvor sætter ind, og for at opretholde illusionen om et ægteskab i samklang og en fremtid med færre skuffelser, end fortiden har budt på.  Inde på fastlandet følger børnene Rhoda og Mark forældrenes forsøg på at udleve en drøm, der mere og mere ligner et mareridtskatalog over alt det, der er galt i den dysfunktionelle familie. Alle drømmer de om et bedre liv, og alle forsøger de at flygte fra en kontinuerlig strøm af nederlag: Gary og Irene ved at lægge afstand til civilisationen og hinanden, Rhoda ved manisk at kaste sig over planlægningen af et romantisk bryllup på Hawaii med sin kæreste, der har travlt med andre kvinder, og Mark ved at ryge så meget hjemmedyrket pot, at stort set ingenting trænger ind hos ham.  Lydbogen er indlæst af Mogens Sørensen

  • af David Vann
    155,95 kr.

    Twenty-two-year-old Galen is a New Age believer on a warpath towards transcendence. He lives with his emotionally dependent mother in a secluded house, surviving on old family money that his Aunt Helen and cousin Jennifer are determined to get their hands on.

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