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  • af Derese Alehegn
    457,95 kr.

    This is life, not struggle. You live, not where you hurt yourself by worrying about what is not. Count your blessings and rejoice, not complain about what you don't have. When you walk in gratitude, anger and frustration have no place. As you embrace the goodness of life, your problems will gradually disappear. When you are free to think, live and do what you want, all around you will be peace and love. Unfortunately, we are the ones who make our lives difficult. We highlight the small gap. We see failure as death. Disapproval makes us think we're on the wrong path. We don't think we're right if everyone disagrees with us. We think that we will always live in loss and problems, that what we lost today will not be found tomorrow, that the temporary disappointment will always remain the same.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    469,95 kr.

    This term paper represents a synthesis, connecting key findings of three individual term papers privacy and security in Ethiopian which reviewed and explored challenges and options for technological, legal, political, and societal developments on privacy and security in Ethiopian. It elaborates on the concept of privacy, illustrating the evolution of the right to privacy. Key concepts of security and threat are discussed and the problems of using technological solutions to handle threats are highlighted. Three surveillance technologies (smart CCTV, digital network surveillance and location trackers) are exemplified in more detail looking at effects on privacy rights and also broader societal effects. Having focused on technological solutions and their legal governance, societal alternatives to maintain security will be presented. The term paper ends with a brief overall assessment of the security debate advocating for what we term balanced risk awareness and does also offer an executive summary with a number of policy recommendations.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    297,95 kr.

    More than 250 Amhara people from the Ethiopian region have been slaughtered by Oromo and Tigray as of each day. If we multiply 30 dates by 250, we get 7500 Amhara killed per month, 360 dates by 7500, and 2,700,000 Amhara dead in a year. The Oromia freedom and the Tigray liberation movements resulted in the deaths of 81,000,000 Amhara people from the Ethiopian area over the course of 30 years. This time, Amhara is being driven out of Oromia country by the joint army of Abi Ahmed and Shimel Abdisa. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. According to Harun Media and Zawya TV, the entire Islamic Amhara in the Oromos have killed and slaughtered Wolag Kebele. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. The Oromo group shouts without being heard because it lacks a regional Federal Majlis. The Wahhabi Islam Oromo, an adherent of Ahmadinejad Jebel, is responsible for the annihilation of the Amhara and the extermination.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    457,95 kr.

    Ethics has the most basic purpose of Ethiopia's schools, to teach students about moral responsibilities and social values. Students should have moral and civic virtues. Ethics concerned with the rights and welfare of others and social responsibility. Civic education is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and duties. Ethical Education involves exploring different worldviews and beliefs, considering ethical dilemmas and the process of ethical decision-making. Civic Education teaches students about their rights and duties. It theoretically empowers them to participate actively in political, economic, social and cultural affairs. It also acquaints them with the nature as well as power and duties of the government. The major role of civics and ethical education is to produce a 'good citizen'. A good citizen, as explained by Akalewold (2005), is a citizen who understands properly the problem of their country, understand the citizenry obligation to make personal contribution equipped with good ethical and democratic culture.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    469,95 kr.

    More than 250 Amhara people from the Ethiopian region have been slaughtered by Oromo and Tigray as of each day. If we multiply 30 dates by 250, we get 7500 Amhara killed per month, 360 dates by 7500, and 2,700,000 Amhara dead in a year. The Oromia freedom and the Tigray liberation movements resulted in the deaths of 81,000,000 Amhara people from the Ethiopian area over the course of 30 years. This time, Amhara is being driven out of Oromia country by the joint army of Abi Ahmed and Shimel Abdisa. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. According to Harun Media and Zawya TV, the entire Islamic Amhara in the Oromos have killed and slaughtered Wolag Kebele. A national gathering has been organised by Ahmadinej Jebel, Mujib Aminou, and Murad Tadese to denounce Fanon, blame the Amhara, and claim that genocide took place in Gondar. The Oromo group shouts without being heard because it lacks a regional Federal Majlis. The Wahhabi Islam Oromo, an adherent of Ahmadinejad Jebel, is responsible for the annihilation of the Amhara.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    672,95 kr.

    This study focused on the problems about effects of leadership practice on organizational performance in ethiopian police university. With the key objective of assessing problem that affect the development of leadership practice on organizational performance in ETHIOPIAN POLICE UNIVERSITY , the researcher gathered data through questionnaire, structure interview (open ended and close ended questioners) through using simple random sampling method and 80 respondents were taken as a sample size. Each sample was taken from different group which comprise top level, middle and lower level managers and employees. To achieve the objectives of the study and enable the researcher to answer the research questions explicitly as possible, the descriptive survey design method was used with both quantitative and qualitative methods as the means to identify factors affecting leadership effectiveness. The reason to follow this approach is to answer the research questions using qualitative analysis. This was depict an accurate profile of demographic information, situations and enable to explain the relationship between independent variable-factors affecting leadership effectiveness.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    1.137,95 kr.

    Henri Fayol's techniques of management, known as the "14 Principles of Management", include division of work, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest to the general interest, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure. Getting Maximum Results with Minimum Efforts - The main objective of management is to secure maximum outputs with minimum efforts & resources. Management is basically concerned with thinking & utilizing human, material & financial resources in such a manner that would result in best combination. Adherence to these policies will supplement their education, capability and perception of managerial conditions and circumstances. Optimum utilisation of resources and efficient management: Both material and human resources are obtainable with the firm are restricted.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    847,95 kr.

    Das Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, die Praxis der Personalentwicklung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die organisatorische Leistung im Fall des Queen College in Kality Campus zu bewerten. Es wurde ein deskriptives Umfragedesign mit einem erklärenden Forschungsdesign verwendet, wobei quantitative Forschungsansätze zum Einsatz kamen. Primärdatenquellen waren die Mitarbeiter des Queen College in Kality. Die Primärdaten stammen von insgesamt 162 Befragten, die Sekundärdaten wurden aus dem Jahresfinanzbericht der Bank gewonnen. Für die Datenerhebung wurden eine Dokumentencheckliste und ein strukturierter Fragebogen im Likert-Skala-Format verwendet. Die gewonnenen Daten wurden mit dem Programm Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) analysiert; zur Interpretation der Daten wurden deskriptive Analysen und Regressionsanalysen durchgeführt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Debub Global Bank bei der Durchführung von effektiven Schulungs- und Entwicklungsmaßnahmen, der Karriereentwicklung und der Leistungsbeurteilung nicht gut abschnitt. Darüber hinaus hat die Bank Probleme wie Kommunikation, unzureichende Integration, Offenheit, Fairness in der Behandlung der Mitarbeiter, Vergütung und Arbeitsplatzsicherheit sowie Problemlösungskultur nur langsam in Angriff genommen.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    672,95 kr.

    The objective of this research was to assess the human resource development practice and its impact on organizational performance in the case of Queen college in Kality campus. A descriptive survey research design with explanatory research design was used quantitative research approaches were employed. Sources of primary data were employees of Queen college in Kality campus. A total of 162 respondents were sources of primary data primary data and secondary data were obtained from the financial annual report of the bank. Document checklist and structure Likert Scale format questionnaire has been used for data collection. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) program; descriptive analysis and regression analysis were conducted to interpret the data. The main findings indicate that Debub Global Bank was not well in conducting effective training and development, career development and performance appraisal. Moreover, the bank was slow in tackling problems like communication, inadequate integration, openness, fairness in treating employees, compensation and job security, and in problem solving culture.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    277,95 kr.

    This friend may only make plans when it is beneficial to them ¿ or only when they are feeling lonely and bored. They may also seek constant attention or ask for unreasonable favors. Otherwise, they are unavailable or unreliable when you need them most. This friendship may feel largely one-sided or disappointing.In a toxic friendship, you never feel that support or compassion. You feel minimized when they brush off your problems or ignored outright if they never respond to your messages or requests for help. In short, they aren't there for you when you need a friend most. A toxic friend may also lean on guilt tripping, whether they're blaming you for something, and/or disrespecting your boundaries. Imagine a friend trying to guilt trip you into doing something with them, saying things like, "You never want to see me anymore," for exampleCan toxic friends make you sick? It can be unpleasant, and researchers claim there is a physical toll that comes from being with toxic friends. Friendships are supposed to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, but it turns out, instead of making you feel good some friends can literally make you sick.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    667,95 kr.

    There are multiple aspects to being an effective manager, but the bottom line is: you will be responsible for overseeing and supervising a company's activities and employees. Besides thoroughly understanding the business, you also have to be a motivator, a leader. Given all that, I still feel like being a manager is possibly the best job in the world, and the most complex. There are thousands of books about management but what follows are those that have withstood the test of time. So, whether you are a manager or hope to be one, these books will help you move towards that goal. A cautionary note: the publishing dates given are the original date of publication (unless noted). Most of these books are so good they've undergone multiple updates or revisions. Deemed the researcher of leadership derese simegnew. derese simegnew has for years persuasively argued that leaders are not born they are made. Delving into the qualities that define leadership, the people who exemplify it, and the strategies that anyone can apply to achieve it, his classic work On Becoming a research Leader has served as a source of essential insight for countless readers.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    567,95 kr.

    Derese Simengew was, farmer, catle keeper, his background poor family and he has the academic background BED at Bahir Dar University, MA at Addis Ababa University, MBA at Admas University and now Ph.D. scholar at Hawassa University in community Development with extensive teaching and research experience. A prolific writer, he has written 100 (one hundred books) and published more than 50 research papers in the international reviewed Journals. Also participated and presented many papers in the international conferences and received best editor. He has been supervising MA Scholars of EPU and Queen College and serving as research committee member for different universities. He is a perspective researcher and secured editor from different international journal. He is the resource person for different training programmers and organized many Workshops, Seminars, Debates and Trainings. He is also serving as an editorial board member and reviewer for our international journals and received best reviewer award. He is a member of several professional and academic bodies such as American Association of International Researchers (AAIR).

  • af Derese Alehegn
    527,95 kr.

    The main purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between leadership style practices and employee performance. The study was reviewed different concepts and theories that are related to the topic. The researcher was used descriptive research design to describe the effects of leadership style on employee performance and also was used both primary and secondary data type and sources .The data for the research was collected through questionnaire. Open ended and close ended questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the respondents for more detailed information from the total of 140 employees¿ 58 of them was selected as sample through simple random sampling design and 58 questionnaires was distributed to them. Out of fifty eight (58) questionnaires forty five (45) questionnaires were returned. After the necessary data for the study was collected, the processing and analysis of the data was done. The questionnaire was manually sorted out by editing, classifying so that they will be suitable for further analysis. In this study descriptive analysis was used because its simplicity and clarity to draw inferences.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    297,95 kr.

    You will never learn the lesson you learn by mistake. You will never get back the time you missed. You will never regain the experience you gained with so much effort. If you wake up when your farewell to earth is near, wake up now in time. Pay attention to your gifts that you will never get again. Show them their preciousness by making them precious. To warm your heart, don't sit and wait, but get up and do what you want. You don't exhaust yourself thinking about a reward. If you don't reward material things, there is an action within you that rewards you with inner happiness that rewards you with endless happiness. The change you long for, the height you desire, the success you think about, is a matter of your efforts. Take care of hope. Stand by your faith. Hold on to your greatness. Value your confidence above all else. We trained well today. Start creating a moment that you will be proud to talk about as history. Yes! My hero..! You will never find it again. Because it will not come again, use every gift of your life, your day, your health, your peace, your knowledge, your wisdom, your understanding, your wisdom as a rare and precious thing.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    346,95 kr.

    The current issue is the scarcity of data showing how the organizational culture of Kaizen Excellence Centers affects workers' job satisfaction. There is a need for research that specifically focuses on the distinctive cultural traits of Kaizen-driven organizations like KECs. While earlier studies have looked at the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction in general, this is not enough. For several reasons, it is crucial to comprehend how organizational culture and worker satisfaction relate to Kaizen Excellence Centers. First and foremost, KECs want to make the workplace a place where employees feel empowered to contribute to the success of the company and encourage continuous improvement. Within KECs, the organizational culture is created to support and reinforce these goals. The effectiveness of the Kaizen implementation must therefore be ensured by looking at how this culture affects employee job satisfaction. Second, the performance, engagement, and general well-being of employees are all strongly correlated with how satisfied they are with their jobs.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    772,95 kr.

    Si les organisations de surveillance civile examinaient les cas positifs et négatifs de la conduite de la police, et si les forces de l'ordre utilisaient ces informations pour évaluer les officiers individuels, alors le comité d'examen serait en mesure de promouvoir les officiers favorables à la communauté plutôt que ceux qui posent problème, ce qui dissuaderait la mauvaise conduite de la police. Cette proposition présente une utilisation optimale de la surveillance civile et un partenariat qui améliorerait l'efficacité de la CRB et de la stratégie COP actuellement utilisée par la police.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    772,95 kr.

    Se as organizações civis de fiscalização revissem tanto os casos positivos como os negativos de conduta policial, e a aplicação da lei utilizassem este contributo para avaliar agentes individuais, então o conselho de fiscalização seria capaz de promover agentes amigos da comunidade sobre os problemáticos, dissuadindo assim a má conduta policial. Esta proposta apresenta uma utilização óptima da supervisão civil e uma parceria que melhoraria a eficácia tanto da CRB, como da estratégia COP actualmente utilizada pela polícia.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    257,95 kr.

    Esli organizacii grazhdanskogo nadzora budut rassmatriwat' kak polozhitel'nye, tak i otricatel'nye sluchai powedeniq policii, a prawoohranitel'nye organy budut ispol'zowat' äti dannye dlq ocenki otdel'nyh sotrudnikow, togda sowet po nadzoru smozhet prodwigat' druzhestwennyh obschestwu sotrudnikow wmesto problemnyh, tem samym sderzhiwaq neprawomernye dejstwiq policii. Jeto predlozhenie predstawlqet soboj optimal'noe ispol'zowanie grazhdanskogo nadzora i partnerstwa, kotoroe powysit äffektiwnost' kak CRB, tak i strategii COP, ispol'zuemoj w nastoqschee wremq policiej.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    777,95 kr.

    Wenn zivile Aufsichtsorgane sowohl positive als auch negative Fälle von polizeilichem Verhalten überprüfen und die Strafverfolgungsbehörden diesen Input nutzen, um einzelne Beamte zu bewerten, dann wäre der Überprüfungsausschuss in der Lage, gemeinschaftsfreundliche Beamte gegenüber problematischen zu bevorzugen und so polizeiliches Fehlverhalten zu verhindern. Dieser Vorschlag stellt eine optimale Nutzung der zivilen Aufsicht und eine Partnerschaft dar, die die Wirksamkeit sowohl des CRB als auch der derzeit von der Polizei angewandten COP-Strategie verbessern würde.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    777,95 kr.

    Se le organizzazioni di supervisione civile dovessero esaminare sia i casi positivi che quelli negativi di condotta della polizia e le forze dell'ordine dovessero utilizzare questi dati per valutare i singoli agenti, la commissione di revisione sarebbe in grado di promuovere gli agenti favorevoli alla comunità rispetto a quelli problematici, scoraggiando così la cattiva condotta della polizia. Questa proposta presenta un uso ottimale della supervisione civile e una partnership che migliorerebbe l'efficacia sia del CRB che della strategia COP attualmente utilizzata dalla polizia.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    558,95 kr.

    If civilian oversight organizations were to review both positive and negative instances of police conduct, and law enforcement were to use this input to evaluate individual officers, then the review board would be able to promote community friendly officers over problematic ones, thereby deterring police misconduct. This proposal presents an optimal use of civilian oversight and a partnership that would improve the effectiveness of both the CRB, and the COP strategy currently utilized by the police.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    780,95 kr.

    Organization, leaders have tremendous power to shape the culture through a variety of means. At the most basic level, the example a leader sets will form the basis for much of the culture. The culture of the once mighty Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) reflected the beliefs and attitudes of its founder, Ken Olsen. DEC was once the darling of the computer industry, an incredibly successful company during the 1960s, ¿70s, and into the ¿80s. It was, in many ways, the Microsoft of its day, the company that many believed would destroy IBM. Today it no longer exists. Olsen, an MIT-educated engineer, believed that all ideas should be tested through argument and debate; if the idea couldn¿t be proved wrong, the developers had the right to go ahead with the idea and let the market decide. This approach served DEC very well in its early days. However, because Olsen never really believed in the PC, the culture at DEC was to not take the PC seriously.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    510,95 - 643,95 kr.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    668,95 kr.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    346,95 kr.

    The practice and challenge attitude of workers towards female manager in Ethiopian bank industry selected branches. . This study is focused on assess the practice and challenge employees attitude of workers towards female manager. It is aimed at mainly finding out whether unfavorable attitude towards female manager exists among employees and the study is believed to contribute to all level of female manager working not only in Commercial bank of Ethiopia selected branches but also with different organizations. The study used cross sectional survey method to investigate the overall attitude of employees, primary and secondary data collection technique collected from magazine, website and pamphlets, for the purpose of this research is to identify the attitudes of employees of the bank which are working with female manager, samples are taken from the total population that is the employees in the selected organizations having female manager as their immediate or high level supervisors. Employees are surveyed and there was measured using the widely used attitude measurement scale, Woman As Manager Scale (WAMS) and the data processed through software called Statistical Package for Social

  • af Derese Alehegn
    346,95 kr.

    The main purpose of this study was to assess the ¿the assessment of performance appraisal system on productivity of students of students the case of Hohete- Tibeb share company (Ethio-parents school Gerji campus)¿ in relation to factors like interpersonal relationship, objective setting, rater accuracy and recognition. In order to conduct the study, the research is designed in explanatory way and qualitative as well as quantitative data was collected as a primary and secondary data resources. Secondary data were collected from different articles, books and online sources as well as the organization human resource manual while the primary data were collected using questionnaire and interview. The Questionnaires were distributed to the employees of hohete-tibeb Share Company (ethio-parents school Gerji Campus) who are found about grade three of the organization structure and interview was also conducted with the senior manager and HR staff to gain the management¿s point of view and to make the data more comprehensive.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    425,95 kr.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    549,95 kr.

  • af Derese Alehegn
    628,95 kr.

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