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Bøger af Doug Robertson

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  • af Doug Robertson
    82,95 kr.

    Douglas James Robertson ( author of "He's the The Weird Teacher") is widely recognized as the most innovative, challenging, skilled, and handsome educator this planet has seen since the first fish pulled itself from the primordial ooze. His new book brilliantly covers The Test, controlling administrators, being connected, and so much more. If you have a question about teaching the answer is in this book. If the answer isn't in this book your question was dumb.* Douglas can be found practicing his art wherever there are learners in need of inspiration, motivation, perspiration, and education. We are lucky to have him and to have this book. You're welcome. *Yes, this is a satire.

  • af Doug Robertson
    157,95 kr.

    "A Rider is the eye of the storm." So begin the Commandments of the Riders of Rawthe. Dia is finishing her long training and preparing to venture beyond the walls of the Rider's Camp, along with her best friend Eleven and twin sisters Skid and Lid. Together the four encounter strangers pleasant and odd and test their skills and their friendship in two-wheeled, high-speed battles against the Angel and his Disciples. Dia begins her journey believing she knows everything she needs to know, but after an unexpected run-in it all begins to fall apart. The Commandments state that a Rider doubts not, what happens when Dia begins to question all she knows to be true?

  • af Doug Robertson
    157,95 kr.

    A Classroom Of One takes a holistic, and often hilarious, look at the mentor teacher/student teacher relationship. It is this relationship and the work that grows from it that can set a student teacher onto a successful path in education, and it is this relationship that can revitalize and reimagine the work of a veteran classroom teacher. From why anyone would take a student teacher in the first place to exchanging observation notes and handing off teaching responsibilities, A Classroom Of One delves into what can make the partnership valuable to both parties and how to grow that partnership into a true relationship of trust, respect, and joy.

  • af Doug Robertson
    157,95 kr.

    Doug Robertson takes all the creative energy and zany antics he uses to inspire the students in his classroom and has channeled it into a fun to read, irreverent, but deeply meaningful guide to teaching.

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