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Bøger af Douglas Coupland

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  • - Tales for an Accelerated Culture
    af Douglas Coupland
    96,95 - 128,95 kr.

    Andy, Dag and Claire have been handed a society beyond their means. Twentysomethings, brought up with divorce, Watergate and Three Mile Island, and scarred by the 80s fallout of yuppies, recession, crack and Ronald Reagan, they represent the new generation- Generation X. Fiercely suspicious of being lumped together as an advertiser's target market, they have quit dreary careers and cut themselves adrift in the California desert. Unsure of their futures, they immerse themselves in a regime of heavy drinking and working in no future McJobs in the service industry.Underemployed, overeducated and intensely private and unpredicatable, they have nowhere to direct their anger, no one to assuage their fears, and no culture to replace their anomie. So they tell stories: disturbingly funny tales that reveal their barricaded inner world. A world populated with dead TV shows, 'Elvis moments' and semi-disposible Swedish furniture.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    96,95 kr.

    In the near future bees are extinct - until five unconnected individuals, in different parts of the world, are stung.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    74,95 - 93,95 kr.

    Tyler Johnson er vokset op i et hippiekollektiv, hvor han er blevet flasket op med kærlighed til naturen og menneskene og had til kapitalismen og penge. Alligevel bryder han med alle disse værdier, da han bliver voksen og sætter alt ind på at skabe sig en karriere i netop en af de virksomheder, som hans mor var med til at vandalisere.Gennem Tyler Johnson følger vi en hel generation af unge canadiere og amerikanere, der har vendt de bløde og idealistiske værdier ryggen for at forfølge drømmen om at blive til noget i den kyniske, pengedrevne verden i 1980’erne og start 1990’erne. Bogen udkom første gang i 1992.Douglas Coupland (f. 1961) er en canadisk forfatter, designer og kunstner, der slog igennem som forfatter i 1991 med sin debutroman, ”Generation X”. Bogen blev en stor succes og er blevet en kultklassiker inden for den postmoderne litteratur. Sidenhen har Douglas Coupland udgivet en lang række romaner, fagbøger og novellesamlinger og står desuden bag flere manuskripter til film og tv-serier.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    74,95 - 120,95 kr.

    Susan Colgate og John Johnson har brug for at forsvinde. Og de har brug for at møde hinanden. Begge befinder de sig i hver deres nedadgående spiral i livet. Susan er tidligere tv- og barnestjerne, men lever nu et liv i berømmelsens skygge uden jobs og uden penge. Da hun som den eneste overlever en flyulykke, ser hun sit snit til at starte forfra som en anden. John lever det vilde liv som filmproducer i L.A., men da han vågner op på et hospital, efter at en livsfarlig cocktail af piller og cognac har taget livet af ham i fem minutter, beslutter han sig for at forsvinde fra det liv, han kender. På tværs af L.A.’s bizarre besættelse af berømmelse og penge drages Susan og John skæbnesvangert mod hinanden.Douglas Coupland (f. 1961) er en canadisk forfatter. Han er især kendt for sin debutroman, generationsportrættet “Generation X” fra 1991. Siden debuten har han udgivet en lang række romaner og noveller, essays og filmmanuskripter. Coupland er oprindeligt uddannet designer ved et canadisk kunstakademi og arbejder fortsat med kunst og design ved siden af sit virke som forfatter.

  • - fortællinger for en accelererende kultur
    af Douglas Coupland
    74,95 - 93,95 kr.

    ”Vores indre var holdt op med at fungere, forstoppet af hørmen fra fotokopieringsmaskiner, bumsecreme, lugten af det papir, aktier er lavet af, og den endeløse stress, man får af formålsløse jobs, udført modvilligt og uden påskønnelse. Vi led af besættelser, som fik os til at forveksle indkøb med kreativitet, æde nervepiller og gå ud fra at bare vi lejede en video lørdag aften, var det alt nok. Men nu, hvor vi bor herude i ørkenen, er tingene meget, MEGET bedre.”Douglas Couplands kultklassiker ”Generation X” præsenterer os for en håndfuld desillusionerede unge, der deler mere eller mindre fantastiske historier fra deres liv. Skilsmissebørn, yuppier, arbejdssky eksistenser, bartendere, konspiratorikere og unge fra slummen mødes og udveksler historier, drømme, holdninger og skrækscenarier. Tilsammen tegner de et billede af den amerikanske Generation X, som blev født efter 1960 og forsøgte at gøre op med babyboomer-generationen, som deres forældre repræsenterede.”Generation X” udkom første gang i 1991 og strøg hurtigt til tops på bestsellerlisterne. Romanen er blevet en klassiker inden for den postmoderne zeitgeist-litteratur.Douglas Coupland (f. 1961) er en canadisk forfatter, designer og kunstner, der slog igennem som forfatter i 1991 med sin debutroman, ”Generation X”. Bogen blev en stor succes og er blevet en kultklassiker inden for den postmoderne litteratur. Sidenhen har Douglas Coupland udgivet en lang række romaner, fagbøger og novellesamlinger og står desuden bag flere manuskripter til film og tv-serier.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    193,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    168,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLERThe first new work of fiction since 2013 from one of Canada's most successful, idiosyncratic and world-defining writers, Douglas Coupland. He's called it Binge because it's impossible to read just one.        Imagine feeling 100% alive every moment of every minute of the day! Maybe that's how animals live. Or trees, even. I sometimes stare at the plastic bag tree visible from my apartment window and marvel that both it and I are equally alive and that there's no sliding scale of life. You're either alive, or you're not. Or you're dead or you're not.          Thirty years after Douglas Coupland broke the fiction mould and defined a generation with Generation X, he is back with Binge, 60 stories laced with his observational profundity about the way we live and his existential worry about how we should be living: the very things that have made him such an influential and bestselling writer. Not to mention that he can also be really funny.         Here the narrators vary from story to story as Doug catches what he calls "the voice of the people," inspired by the way we write about ourselves and our experiences in online forums. The characters, of course, are Doug's own: crackpots, cranks and sweetie-pies, dad dancers and perpetrators of carbecues. People in the grip of unconscionable urges; lonely people; dying people; silly people. If you love Doug's fiction, this collection is like rain on the desert.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    186,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    218,95 kr.

    They are Microserfs?six code-crunching computer whizzes who spend upward of sixteen hours a day "coding" and eating "flat" foods (food which, like Kraft singles, can be passed underneath closed doors) as they fearfully scan company e-mail to learn whether the great Bill is going to "flame" one of them. But now there's a chance to become innovators instead of cogs in the gargantuan Microsoft machine. The intrepid Microserfs are striking out on their own?living together in a shared digital flophouse as they desperately try to cultivate well-rounded lives and find love amid the dislocated, subhuman whir and buzz of their computer-driven world.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    228,95 kr.

    On a snowy Friday night in 1979, just hours after making love for the first time, Richard's girlfriend, high school senior Karen Ann McNeil, falls into a coma. Nine months later she gives birth to their daughter, Megan. As Karen sleeps through the next seventeen years, Richard and their circle of friends reside in an emotional purgatory, passing through a variety of careers?modeling, film special effects, medicine, demolition?before finally reuniting on a conspiracy-driven super-natural television series. But real life grows as surreal as their TV show as Richard and his friends await Karen's reawakening . . . and the subsequent apocalypse.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    193,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    243,95 kr.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    198,95 kr.

    Boken handler om begynnelsen av 1990-årene, og forfatteren prøver å finne spesielle karakteristika ved samfunnet og "ting i tiden" i denne perioden. Boken er en analyse av samfunnet med hovedvekt på det amerikanske.

  • - 60 Stories to Make Your Brain Feel Different
    af Douglas Coupland
    176,95 kr.

    The first new work of fiction since 2013 from one of Canada's most successful, idiosyncratic and world-defining writers, Douglas Coupland. He's called it Binge because it's impossible to read just one. Imagine feeling 100% alive every moment of every minute of the day! Maybe that's how animals live. Or trees, even. I sometimes stare at the plastic bag tree visible from my apartment window and marvel that both it and I are equally alive and that there's no sliding scale of life. You're either alive, or you're not. Or you're dead or you're not. Thirty years after Douglas Coupland broke the fiction mould and defined a generation with Generation X, he is back with Binge, 60 stories laced with his observational profundity about the way we live and his existential worry about how we should be living: the very things that have made him such an influential and bestselling writer. Not to mention that he can also be really funny. Here the narrators vary from story to story as Doug catches what he calls "the voice of the people," inspired by the way we write about ourselves and our experiences in online forums. The characters, of course, are Doug's own: crackpots, cranks and sweetie-pies, dad dancers and perpetrators of carbecues. People in the grip of unconscionable urges; lonely people; dying people; silly people. If you love Doug's fiction, this collection is like rain on the desert.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    134,95 kr.

    Bit Rot is a gem of the digital age. Reading Bit Rot feels a lot like bingeing on Netflix ... As Coupland writes, `Bit rot also describes the way my brain has been feeling since 2000, as I shed older and weaker neurons and connections and enhance new and unexpected ones'. Every page of Bit Rot is full of wit, surprise and delight.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    96,95 kr.

    We also meet Raymond's upwardly failing sidekick, Neal, as well as Raymond's ex-wife, Fiona, herself 'an atomic bomb of pain'. Even though he really puts the 'anti' in anti-hero, you may find Raymond Gunt an oddly likeable character.

  • - Ideas, Essays, and Stories for the Increasingly Real Twenty-First Century
    af Douglas Coupland
    119,50 kr.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    96,95 kr.

    Five disparate people are trapped inside an airport cocktail lounge: Karen, a single mother waiting for her online date; Rick, the down-on-his-luck airport lounge bartender; Luke, a pastor on the run; Rachel, a cool Hitchcock blonde incapable of true human contact; and finally a mysterious voice known as Player One.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    106,95 kr.

    On the eve of the next Space Shuttle mission, a divided family comes together...Warm, witty and wise, 'All Families Are Psychotic' is Coupland at the very top of his form.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    109,95 kr.

    Girls, memory, parenting, millennial fear - all served Coupland-style.

  • af Douglas Coupland
    153,95 kr.

    The story of one family piecing itself back together after a tragic highschool shooting, Hey Nostradamus! is Douglas Coupland's most soulful, piercing and searching novel yet.Pregnant and secretly married, Cheryl Anway scribbles her last will and testament - and erie premonition - on a school binder shortly before a rampaging trio of misfit classmates gun her down in a high school cafeteria. Overrun with paranoia, teenage angst and religious zeal in the ensuing massacre's wake, this sleepy Vancouver neighbourhood declares its saints, brands its demons and finally moves on.But for a handful of people still reeling from that horrific day, life remains perpetually derailed. Four dramatically different characters tell their stories in their own words: Cheryl, who calmly narrates her own death; Jason, the boy no one knew was her husband, still marooned ten years later by his loss; Heather, the woman trying to love the shattered Jason; and Jason's father Reg, a cruelly religious man no one suspects is still worth loving. Each wrestles with God, self-defeat and a crippling inability to hold on to those they love.Coupland's most surprising and soulful novel yet, rich with his trademark cultural acuity and dark humour, Hey Nostradamus! ties themes of alienation, violence and misguided faith into a fateful and unforgettable knot from which four people must untangle their lives.

  • af Douglas Coupland & Pierre Huyghe
    268,95 kr.

    The first in a new series from Dis Voir, Encounters asks a well-known contemporary artist to decide which subjects he or she wants to discuss in their book. Each artist's book therefore offers a specific experience in terms of content. In accordance with this principle, each artist also selects a person -- due to certain elective affinities -- with whom he or she would like to share this exchange. At the very least, the resulting collaborative volumes serve as an artistic and political laboratory of the present. In this first installment, French artist Pierre Huyghe chooses to encounter Canadian writer Douglas Coupland, author of Generation X, because of the influence Coupland has had on his generation and on Huyghe's own work. Together they discuss the construction of characters, of narrative techniques based on chance, and the political dimension present in Coupland's work -- themes that are also fundamental questions on Huyghe's projects.

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