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  • - What Would Happen If We Did It Again
    af Dutch Sheets
    107,95 kr.

    An Appeal To Heaven: What Would Happen If We Did It Again In recent days, you may have seen someone with a white flag displaying an evergreen tree beneath the phrase, "An Appeal to Heaven." This banner has made its way into countless homes, prayer rooms, and even government buildings. The Appeal to Heaven flag holds great significance as it relates to America's founding, God's eternal covenants, and our present hope for this nation. In An Appeal To Heaven, Dutch Sheets takes you on a journey of discovering the role you were designed to play in America's history. This short book is packed with powerful insights that will help you pray for America and leave you equipped to be part of her restoration. You have a role to play in this story. Are you ready to take your place?

  • af Dutch Sheets
    177,95 kr.

    VOCÊ FOI PROJETADO PARA SONHAR O que aconteceu conosco? Por que tantas pessoas estão decepcionadas com a vida? Um dia tivemos sonhos - sonhos importantes que nos davam um propósito - mas, de algum modo, saímos dos trilhos. Com certeza não é isso que Deus quer para nós. O nosso Projetista sonhou sonhos únicos para cada um de nós antes mesmo de nascermos. Ele os teceu habilmente dentro do nosso DNA, juntamente com os dons e as habilidades necessários para realizá-los. No entanto, aqui estamos nós, correndo atrás do aplauso terreno quando poderíamos estar experimentando a aprovação do Céu. Se você quer ter certeza de que conhece a vontade de Deus, se quer que cada dia valha a pena, embarque nesta jornada com Dutch Sheets enquanto ele compartilha conosco lições emocionantes sobre os sonhadores da Bíblia e os sonhadores de hoje, que sonham os sonhos de Deus. Quando ouvir o chamado de Deus para a sua vida, você nunca mais será o mesmo!

  • af Dutch Sheets
    177,95 kr.

    Suas Orações São Poderosas Se Deus é Todo-Poderoso, por que precisa das nossas orações? Quando oramos e nada acontece, isso significa que Deus não está ouvindo? Se alguma vez você já sentiu que parece que suas orações não têm valor, este livro lhe mostrará o quanto elas são fundamentais. O pastor e mestre Dutch Sheets explica todos os detalhes relacionadas à oração com sabedoria, gentileza e humor. Este livro irá inspirar você, lhe dará a coragem para orar pelo "impossível" e o ajudará a persistir até o fim, até suas orações serem concluídas. Descubra seu papel como guerreiro de oração: fazer a diferença entre o céu e o inferno na vida de alguém que você conhece! Como Deus Pode Usar Suas Orações para Mover Céus e Terra

  • af Dutch Sheets
    177,95 kr.

    Aprenda com as lições de vida compartilhadas por Dutch Sheets a cultivar um relacionamento íntimo com Deus. Cada um dos trinta curtos capítulos do livro revela uma orientação simples ou uma reflexão bíblica que o ajudará a afastar-se dos ruídos da vida e a aproximar-se da presença cheia de paz do Senhor. Com percepções profundas extraídas da Bíblia e histórias que você não esquecerá tão cedo, O Meu Maior Prazer é como um mentor espiritual, que irá lhe mostrar maneiras simples de desfrutar mais de Deus.

  • af Dutch Sheets
    177,95 kr.

    O que é a oração intercessória? Como uma pessoa se torna um intercessor? Quando você não sabe por onde começar, comece com o básico! Em O Poder da Oração Intercessóriavocê aprenderá a encontrar sua motivação para a oração na força do amor, ao experimentar em primeiro lugar, um relacionamento duradouro com Deus como seu Pai e amigo. Dutch Sheets estabelece qual deve ser o fundamento para a nossa motivação ao orarmos e nos ensina que o nosso relacionamento com Cristo na oração não precisa ser complexo, mas pode ser um simples ato de pura devoção. Neste livro você aprenderá os treze passos da intercessão e será desafiado a praticar o que aprendeu através da pergunta: "Você Entendeu?" que aparece ao fim de cada capítulo. Faça da oração intercessória parte de sua vida aprendendo a orar com eficácia, a orar a sós e em grupo, e a perseverar em oração.

  • - Protecting Your Family, Home and Community from the Enemy's Schemes
    af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 kr.

    In this repackaged classic, Dutch Sheets issues a call for watchmen who, through strategic prayer and the Holy Spirit's leading, pray a perimeter of protection around their loved ones, their churches, cities and nations--while also unravelling the schemes of the devil. God's call still goes out for watchmen. Join your fellow believers in fervent prayer!

  • - How to Pray with Power and Effectiveness
    af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 kr.

    From international prayer leader Dutch Sheets, this real-world, hands-on foundational book will help you develop the most important component of effective prayer: a strong relationship with God. You'll learn how to make prayer a vital part of your life, how to persist in prayer, how to become an intercessor, and more.

  • af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 kr.

  • af Dutch Sheets & William L. Iii Ford
    177,95 kr.

    In History Makers, Dutch Sheets and William Ford III reveal how God wants us to connect with the powerful and timeless things He has done in the past so that we can become empowered for the future. We must look to our Christian forefathers and pray for the renewal of the covenants God made with them, building on God's past work to move closer to His ultimate goals for us as a nation and a planet. Now is our chance to connect with the past, shaping the outcome of the future, and turning it back in God's direction!

  • - How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth
    af Dutch Sheets
    142,95 kr.

    Your Prayers Are PowerfulIf God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray? If we pray and nothing happens, does this mean that God isn't listening? If you've ever felt that your prayers don't count, Intercessory Prayer will show you just how vital your prayers are. In this book, pastor and teacher Dutch Sheets explains the nuts and bolts of prayer with wisdom, gentleness, and humor. This book will inspire you, give you the courage to pray for the "impossible," and help you find the persistence to see your prayers to completion. Discover your role as a prayer warrior--it can mean the difference between heaven and hell for someone you know!

  • af Dutch Sheets
    117,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Dutch Sheets will inspire and encourage readers with this clear, revelatory study of God's appointed times and seasons. Going beyond the basic definitions of kairos and chronos, Sheets brings fresh insight to the subject, examining Scripture to show how kairos (strategic) times and chronos (general) times are not two separate and unrelated seasons in our lives but, rather, are often simply different phases of the same process. He discusses how God brought about His divine shift in the lives of men and women throughout the Bible and the many ways in which God used these seasons of change to deepen His people's understanding of Him.

  • af Dutch Sheets
    147,95 kr.

    Learn to Make Prayer Simple and EffectiveWhat is intercessory prayer? How does a person become an intercessor? When you don't know where to begin, start with the basics! In The Beginner's Guide to Intercessory Prayer, you'll learn to find your motivation for prayer in the power of love by first and foremost experiencing a lasting relationship with God as Father and friend. As Dutch Sheets lays the foundation for our motivation to pray, he teaches that our relationship with Christ doesn't need to be complex--it can be a simple act of pure devotion. In The Beginner's Guide to Intercessory Prayer, you will learn the 13 "P's" of intercession, which include priority, pleasure, plan, and pain, and be challenged to practice what you have learned through the "Did You Understand" questions at the end of each chapter. Make intercessory prayer a part of your life by learning to pray effectively, by learning to pray alone and in groups, and by persisting in prayer.

  • - A Journey to Intimate Friendship With God
    af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 kr.

    Experience God's Presence in a Whole New WayThere's just something about people who are close to God. Through the ups and downs of life, they remain secure, hopeful. If you want a more rewarding spiritual life, if you want the pleasure of knowing your Creator's heart, this soul-lifting book is for you. Learn from Dutch Sheets as he shares his life lessons for cultivating an intimate relationship with God. Each of the thirty short chapters reveals a simple practice or biblical mindset that will help draw you away from the noise of life and into the Lord's peaceful presence. With profound insights from the Bible and stories you won't soon forget, The Pleasure of His Company is like a spiritual mentor, showing you simple ways to enjoy God more.This powerful book can also be enjoyed as a daily devotional.

  • - Discovering God's Purpose for Your Life
    af Dutch Sheets
    105,95 kr.

    Bestselling Author Helps Readers Recognize and Live Out God's Dream for Their LivesIn his first new book in more than four years, Dutch Sheets paints a picture of God as a dreamer and then skillfully demonstrates that God shared this nature with his children. As believers increase in maturity and friendship with him, they find in God's dreams for them their life purpose.Both spirit-lifting and practical, Sheets shows readers how to fulfill their God-given calling. Whether looking for a new direction or needing assurance they're on the path God intended, this book is for everyone who wants their life to count and have meaning.

  • - How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth
    af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 - 213,95 kr.

    Bestselling Author Inspires Prayer for the ImpossibleCalled foundational, revolutionary, illuminating, and motivating, Intercessory Prayer continues to be a classic work after more than 20 years. This rich, biblical teaching is full of fresh insights showing how vital our prayers are and how God has always planned to work in partnership with us through prayer. As Dutch explains the nuts and bolts of prayer with wisdom, gentleness, and humor, readers will find inspiration and courage to pray for the impossible--and the persistence to see prayers to completion. A workbook and 8-session DVD are also available, making this book ideal for small groups, church classes, or individuals who want to go deeper on their own.

  • - Embracing the Power of Your Identity in Christ
    af Dutch Sheets
    187,95 kr.

    In this powerful book that Dutch Sheets calls his life message, readers are given truths about who they are in Christ and how to become the person God made them to be. More than a book about identity in Christ, it is an action plan to help believers conquer the lies that keep them defeated and walk into a newfound freedom. Originally titled Roll Away Your Stone, it provides sound biblical teaching that shows believers how to walk in the Spirit.

  • - Praying with Power and Purpose
    af Dutch Sheets
    152,95 kr.

    Beginning with your private world--your thoughts, body, actions, and ultimately your God-ordained destiny--you can take charge. Authority is yours for the taking.Then, because God established and so honors the principle of authority, He will back you as you walk in the government He has delegated to you concerning your extended world--your home, family, business, and possessions. Finally, God's plan is for you to partner with Him on the earth in broader realms of influence and authority--your universal world. Jesus, the sovereign King over the earth, wants to rule institutions, cultures, societies, and governments through you and your prayers. Authority in Prayer will show you how to take hold of God's promises and pray with the authority He wants you to have. God needs you. Are you ready to use your God-given authority to further His kingdom?

  • af Dutch Sheets
    127,95 kr.

    A fresh look at a very specific kind of prayer, examining strategic biblical principles for effectively interceding for the unsaved, so that the enemy's schemes can be defeated.

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