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  • - Fascinating Facts and Interesting Vietnam War Stories
    af Dwayne Walker
    147,95 kr.

    The Vietnam War. From the gory photos captured on the ground, to the protest songs that soundtracked a generation of rebels and radicals, this twenty-year war left a mark on the world that's not going to disappear soon. If you live in the United States (not to mention Vietnam itself), you've probably been affected by the war - whether you know it or not. But do you wish you had answers to some questions about the war? What were the stories behind the iconic pictures? Why did it divide the United States more than any war before or since? Would you like to be able to casually explain an issue or relate a story that would shock or impress the whole room? With the help of this Vietnam War book, you can! In just a few minutes a day, you can be an expert in Vietnam War history, and impress both your friends and your history teachers. Each chapter of our trivia books is broken up into fifteen bite-sized sections. These sections are either interesting stories, or clear, simple break-downs of the Vietnam War's main issues. It's a pretty complicated war, but unlike most war books, this one will make those difficult issues seem easy and exciting. Every chapter also ends with twenty fascinating facts and five quick questions to test your knowledge. And unlike some Vietnam War books, we're not going to overwhelm you with a million dates and names - our Vietnam War stories are guaranteed to both intrigue and educate! Get ready to meet characters from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam's George Washington, to Peter Lemon, drug enthusiast and Medal of Honour winner. Find out what led to the war, and why it went so badly. Meet the people in Vietnam who risked their lives, and the people in America who stood up against the war. Learn why the Soviet Union stayed away, how a herbicide changed the definition of a war crime, and how Harris Tweed suits saved lives.

  • - The True Story of The Lipstick Killer: Historical Serial Killers and Murderers
    af Dwayne Walker
    147,95 kr.

    In the early 1940s, the city of Chicago was in the midst of a one man crime wave. But this crime wave was unlike any other in Chicago history. It was not perpetrated by a seasoned gangster like Al Capone or sophisticated serial killer like John Wayne Gacy: the offender in question was an unassuming teenager named William George Heirens. Before Heirens' crime spree was over, he burglarized over 300 hundred homes and murdered three innocent people. In this true crime murder book you will learn the details of Heirens' rampage through the city of Chicago and what drove him to become one of the most disturbed psychopaths and sociopaths in the annals of all true crime stories. At first glance, as an American serial killer, Heirens may not appear as formidable as others since he only claimed three victims. He was also much younger the average serial killer and was a nice looking young man when he was arrested. But the truly frightening aspect of Heirens' story is how a seemingly normal child, with a stable home, can evolve into a petty criminal and eventually to the status of serial killer. A close examination of Heirens' life will reveal that beneath the façade of normalcy lurked a vicious killer waiting to be unleashed on the hapless citizens of Chicago. This book will at times shock and disturb you, but you will not be able to put it down once you read the first page! Truly, you will see a youth who was well on his way to becoming a killer at an early age. So sit back and prepare to enter the mind of a truly disturbed youth as you read this unique Chicago serial killer's biography.

  • - Interesting Revolutionary War Stories You Didn't Know
    af Dwayne Walker
    147,95 kr.

    Welcome to the 1770s, years of big hats, big wigs, and big ideas. You might have learned about the American Revolution in history classes, but this book is here to tell you everything your teachers couldn't. Get ready to learn all about the American Revolution, from the ins and outs of the Enlightenment philosophy that inspired the war, to which stories you've heard about the Founding Fathers may be straight-up false, how the War of Independence sparked a wave of new bids for revolution from Ireland to Japan, and why the movie where Nicholas Cage steals the Declaration of Independence is a great piece of American Revolution philosophy. You'll learn: Who were the big players off the battlefield?What does "no taxation without representation" actually mean?Was George Washington actually as great as everyone says? How did science experiments cause the American Revolution?And what was Canada doing the whole time?Each chapter of our trivia books is broken up into fifteen short sections that will introduce you to major players, major ideas, or majorly weird stories. Unlike your high school history teacher, we're not going to put you to sleep with the names of a million generals, or the dates and places of every time the British and Americans looked at each other funny. To go along with the fifteen short break-downs of the war, every chapter also ends with twenty fun facts or bits of trivia, and five questions to test your knowledge on the American Revolution. So put on your tricorn hat, ready your stars and stripes, and get ready to learn...

  • - The Indians Massacre of the American Army: The Native American Wars
    af Dwayne Walker
    132,95 kr.

    In the decades between the American Revolution and the American Civil War, the United States government was engaged in an ongoing war against several Native American tribes. Collectively, historians refer to the series of wars between the U.S. government and the American Indians simply as "The Indian Wars," or "The American Indian Wars." The Americans argued that they needed the land west of the Appalachian Mountains for development and settlement, while the various American Indian tribes argued that the land was their birthright; both sides were willing to shed blood to accomplish their goals! Perhaps the greatest series of battles between the Americans and Indians was the Northwest Indian War (1785-1795), which took place in what was then known as the Northwest Territory and what today comprises the states of Ohio and Indiana. On the one side was a modern army, ready to conquer the land, while on the other was a coalition of Indian tribes who were much better organized and equipped than their adversary believed. The result of the war proved to be a turning point not only in the history of the United States, but also in Native American History. The highpoint of the war for the Indians and the low point for the Americans was a battle often referred to as the "Defeat of St. Clair" for the American general who lost hundreds of men in a well-organized massacre to Indian forces led by chief Little Turtle. The following book brings St. Clair's defeat to life in a way that has never been done before by using historical documents combined with Native American tales to create a narrative that is as exciting as it is edifying. Truly, once you read this book you will never look at American history in the same way!

  • - The True Story of The Racist Killer: Historical Serial Killers and Murderers
    af Dwayne Walker
    142,95 kr.

    Among the annals of American serial killers, few were as complex and prolific as Joseph Paul Franklin. At a gangly 5'11, Franklin hardly looked imposing, but once he put a rifle in his hands and an interracial couple in his cross hairs, Joseph Paul Franklin was as deadly as any serial killer. In this true crime story you will learn about how one man turned his hatred into a vocation of murder, which eventually left over twenty people dead across America. Truly, Franklin's story is not only that of a true crime serial killer, but also one of racism in America as he chose Jews, blacks, and especially interracial couples as his victims. Joseph Paul Franklin's story is unique among serial killers biographies because he gained no sexual satisfaction from his murders and there is no indication that he was ever compelled to kill. But make no mistake about it, by all definitions; Joseph Paul Franklin was a serial killer. In fact, the FBI stated that Franklin was the first known racially motivated serial killer in the United States: he planned to kill as many of his perceived enemies as possible in order to start an epic race war across the country. An examination of Franklin's life will reveal how he became a racially motivated serial killer and the steps he took to carry out his one man war against the world. Open the pages of this book to read a disturbing story of true crime murder in America's heartland. You will be disturbed and perplexed at Franklin's murderous campaign as he made himself a one man death squad, eliminating as many of his political enemies that he could. But you will also be captivated with Franklin's shrewdness and cunning as he avoided the authorities for years while he carried out his diabolical plot!

  • - An American Tragedy
    af Dwayne Walker
    132,95 kr.

    During fifty one days in early 1993 one of the most tragic events in American crime history unfolded on the plains outside Waco, Texas. An obscure and heavily armed religious sect called the Branch Davidians was barricaded inside their commune and outside were hundreds of law enforcement angry because the former had killed four ATF agents in a botched raid. Open the pages of this book and go on an engaging and captivating ride to examine one of the most important true crime stories in recent decades. Read the shocking true story of how a man the government considered a psychopath, but whose followers believed to be a prophet, led a breakaway sect of the Seventh Day Adventist Church into infamy. You will follow the meteoric rise of the Branch Davidians' charismatic leader, David Koresh, as he went from an awkward kid in remedial classes to one of the most infamous cult leaders in world history. But the story of the Waco Siege begins long before the events of 1993. At the core of the conflict between the Branch Davidians and the United States government were ideas and interpretations of religious freedom and gun ownership, which as will be revealed in the pages of this book, a considerable philosophical gulf existed between the two sides. David Koresh and the Branch Davidians carried on a long tradition in American and Texas history of religious dissent, but in 1993 that dissent turned tragically violent. You will find that beyond the standard media portrayals of the Waco Siege was an event comprised of complex human characters on both sides of the firing line and that perhaps the most tragic aspect of the event was that the extreme bloodshed could have been avoided. The pages of this book will make you angry, sad, and bewildered; but no matter the emotions evoke, you will be truly moved by the events of the Waco Siege.

  • - Interesting Stories of American Presidents
    af Dwayne Walker
    142,95 kr.

    Do you love American history? Do you enjoy learning about the US Presidents? If so, then this President Trivia book is for you. The Great Book of Crazy President Trivia is filled with many lesser-known facts about the American Presidents. It is filled with great stories of the US Presidents that you will not find in any US history books. This President Trivia book is going to let you see the Presidents of the past in a whole new light. Learn about their personal lives, the challenges they faced, and their great accomplishments. When you read this trivia book, you are going to learn not only about the Presidents of the US but about the history of the US as well. When we learn about the Presidents, most often we learn about a few of their accomplishments that they had while in office, however, this book is going to show you the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to the lives of these men. At the end of each chapter you will find trivia questions and answers that are going to allow you to learn even more about the men that have been in charge of The United States of America. You are going to learn how war not only challenged these men but how it affected who they were. You will see how great decisions were made as well as some that were not so great. In the end, you are going to find that these men were in fact just men who took on a huge responsibility. Some of them were successful some of them failed miserably but each of them with their own hands, molded the US into what it is today.

  • - Interesting American Civil War Stories You Didn't Know
    af Dwayne Walker
    142,95 kr.

    If you went to school in the United States, you probably learned about the Civil War - but this book won't be like what you learned in history class. Maybe your teacher took the controversial stand that the Civil War was all about states' rights... or maybe you learned all about the horrors slavery, but never quite figured out why things didn't get better after the war ended. If you didn't go to school in the United States, things are even more confusing. When the media is full of references to the Confederate flag, the legacy of slavery, and poverty in the American South, you might have a vague sense that things are bad because of the Civil War... but why? Why does a war that happened over a hundred and fifty years ago still cast a shadow over the United States? This book will tell you why. It will lead you, step-by-step, through the causes of the Civil War, and the effects. But unlike your high school history teacher, it won't put you to sleep with long-winded biographies and lists of dates. The names you'll learn are the big players, the ones with big personalities, who made big differences. In just a few minutes a day, you can read bite-sized stories from the Civil War - quick, easy explanations to guide you through the main points, with just enough scary, surprising, or just plain strange facts to keep you coming back for more. Each chapter ends with a bonus helping of trivia and some quick questions to test your knowledge. By the time you're finished, you'll know all the facts your history teacher never taught you - from who said slavery was a "positive good" (and why they thought that), to who dressed up in women's clothing to escape from Union soldiers.

  • - Historias Interesantes y Hechos Históricos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
    af Dwayne Walker
    142,95 kr.

    ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que alguien a tu alrededor mencionó la Segunda Guerra Mundial?Es una guerra bastante popular. Tal vez escuchaste sobre ella el día de ayer. Quizás el mes pasado. Pero probablemente fue algo reciente. Y, cuando surgió el tema, ¿deseaste ser tú quien soltara casualmente un dato que hiciera que todos en la habitación exclamaran con asombro: "¡Vaya, nunca imaginé eso!"?Con este libro, tú puedes ser esa persona.Puedes leerlo a tu ritmo, dedicándole solo un par de minutos por día.Los capítulos son cortos y fáciles de leer, ¡pensados para gente como tú y yo, en lugar de historiadores de guerra!Cada capítulo termina con un material de apoyo adicional sobre curiosidades, además de algunas preguntas rápidas para poner a prueba tus conocimientos.Te acercarás a la historia a través de este libro y quedarás con ganas de saber más.Prepárate para impresionar a tus amigos con tu saber ―no solo de los principales acontecimientos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sino de todos los detalles esenciales y hechos reales extraños acerca de ella―. Para el momento en que termines este libro, tendrás un dato interesante para cada ocasión, desde el primer momento en que alguien pensó en propiciar una segunda Guerra Mundial, hasta las películas más recientes que han sido éxitos de taquilla basándose en ello.Así que prepárate para conocer a personajes que van desde Adolf Hitler, un estudiante de arte rechazado, hasta Jack Churchill, el modelo masculino de espalda ancha. Descubre por qué la Segunda Guerra Mundial estalló en primer lugar y por qué nunca es una buena idea invadir Rusia en invierno. ¡Conoce por qué Estados Unidos iba a mantenerse al margen de la guerra, cómo los canadienses robaron aviones para los británicos y qué tiene que ver un refresco de naranja con los nazis!Algunas de las cosas que descubrirás son tristes. Algunas son aterradoras. Algunas son sexis. ¡Y algunas son total y absolutamente peculiares! Esta obra contiene todo lo que tu profesor de historia nunca llegó a enseñarte.

  • - Interesting Revolutionary War Stories You Didn't Know
    af Bill O'Neill & Dwayne Walker
    137,95 kr.

    Welcome to the 1770s, years of big hats, big wigs, and big ideas. You might have learned about the American Revolution in history classes, but this book is here to tell you everything your teachers couldn’t. Get ready to learn all about the American Revolution, from the ins and outs of the Enlightenment philosophy that inspired the war, to which stories you’ve heard about the Founding Fathers may be straight-up false, how the War of Independence sparked a wave of new bids for revolution from Ireland to Japan, and why the movie where Nicholas Cage steals the Declaration of Independence is a great piece of American Revolution philosophy.You’ll learn: Who were the big players off the battlefield?What does “no taxation without representation” actually mean?Was George Washington actually as great as everyone says?How did science experiments cause the American Revolution?And what was Canada doing the whole time?Each chapter of our trivia books is broken up into fifteen short sections that will introduce you to major players, major ideas, or majorly weird stories. Unlike your high school history teacher, we’re not going to put you to sleep with the names of a million generals, or the dates and places of every time the British and Americans looked at each other funny. To go along with the fifteen short break-downs of the war, every chapter also ends with twenty fun facts or bits of trivia, and five questions to test your knowledge on the American Revolution.So put on your tricorn hat, ready your stars and stripes, and get ready to learn…

  • af Dwayne Walker
    237,95 kr.

    In the very depths of the human soul there is a darkness. It is an entity which most of us may never get to know; for others, however, this darkness grows for years until it takes hold of them and permeates every inch of their body. This darkness is evil incarnate, and it is in the hearts and minds of some of the most dangerous and despicable human beings to have walked this same earth we live in today. Sometimes it can manifest as the desire to dominate the weak and the less fortunate; in others, it becomes an uncontrollable need for violence and death; another group turns this evil into pure hatred for those that they do not agree with, transforming dislike into the desire to spill blood. Regardless of which group we are talking about, there are many of these individuals who soon evolve into the most deadly kind of monster: the serial killer. In the following volumes, you shall discover the stories of six murderers so tainted by darkness that their horrific accounts still bring fear to men and women of our present day: Edmund Kemper, the Co-Ed Killer, whose victims were mostly young, defenseless students.The Briley Brothers, three siblings who were as mentally unstable as they were bloodthirsty.Christopher Wilder, serial killer who mercilessly killed in two different continents.John Christie, who lived a double life while killing cruelly and indiscriminately.John Haigh or The Acid Bath Murderer, whose methods of disposing of victims made him infamous.Joseph Paul Franklin, whose racist hatred fueled him into a deadly "cleansing of the world," according to his own claims.So open the pages of the volumes in this Serial Killers True Crime Box Set now, and begin exploring these tales that have been forged with the essence of hell itself - you may soon realize just how deep evil can plant its seeds within a human being...

  • - Interesting Stories and Random Facts from the Second World War
    af Bill O'Neill & Dwayne Walker
    137,95 kr.

    When was the last time someone around you brought up World War Two?It’s a pretty popular war. Maybe you heard about it yesterday. Maybe last month. But it was probably recent. And when it came up, did you wish that you could be the one to casually drop a fact that would have everyone in the room going, “Wow, I never knew that!”With this book, you can be that person.You can read it in just a few minutes a day.Chapters are bite-sized and easy to read, meant for normal people instead of war historians!Each chapter ends with a bonus helping of trivia and some quick questions to test your knowledge.You’ll zoom through this book and be hungry for more.Get ready to impress your friends with your knowledge – not just of the main events of World War Two, but of all the gritty details and weird true facts. By the time you finish this book, you’ll have a fact for every occasion, from the first moment someone thought about having a second World War, to the most recent blockbuster movies about it.So get ready to meet characters from Adolf Hitler, rejected art student, to Jack Churchill, the broadsword-swinging male model. Find out why World War Two started in the first place, and why it’s never a good idea to invade Russia in winter. Learn why the United States was going to stay out of the war, how Canadians stole airplanes for the British, and what an orange soft drink has to do with the Nazis.Some of the things you’re going to learn are sad. Some are scary. Some are sexy. And some are downright strange! It’s everything your history teacher never got around to telling you.

  • - Fascinating Facts and Interesting Vietnam War Stories
    af Bill O'Neill & Dwayne Walker
    137,95 kr.

    The Vietnam War. From the gory photos captured on the ground, to the protest songs that soundtracked a generation of rebels and radicals, this twenty-year war left a mark on the world that’s not going to disappear soon. If you live in the United States (not to mention Vietnam itself), you’ve probably been affected by the war – whether you know it or not.But do you wish you had answers to some questions about the war? What were the stories behind the iconic pictures? Why did it divide the United States more than any war before or since? Would you like to be able to casually explain an issue or relate a story that would shock or impress the whole room?With the help of this Vietnam War book, you can! In just a few minutes a day, you can be an expert in Vietnam War history, and impress both your friends and your history teachers.Each chapter of our trivia books is broken up into fifteen bite-sized sections. These sections are either interesting stories, or clear, simple break-downs of the Vietnam War’s main issues. It’s a pretty complicated war, but unlike most war books, this one will make those difficult issues seem easy and exciting. Every chapter also ends with twenty fascinating facts and five quick questions to test your knowledge. And unlike some Vietnam War books, we’re not going to overwhelm you with a million dates and names – our Vietnam War stories are guaranteed to both intrigue and educate!Get ready to meet characters from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s George Washington, to Peter Lemon, drug enthusiast and Medal of Honour winner. Find out what led to the war, and why it went so badly. Meet the people in Vietnam who risked their lives, and the people in America who stood up against the war. Learn why the Soviet Union stayed away, how a herbicide changed the definition of a war crime, and how Harris Tweed suits saved lives.

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