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Notes of a Camp-Follower on the Western Front , has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.
Raffles, a gentleman thief, is brash, debonair, devilishly attractive, and a top-notch cricket player. In these eight tales, the master thief indulges his love of cricket and his penchant for crime, robbing the nouveau riche, evading the cops, and, of course, bowling like a demon-all with the help of his resourceful sidekick, Bunny. Raffles and Bunny are two young males who do not want to work for a living despite having significant debt. To maintain their lifestyles of idle luxury, they turn to crime, notably burglary. Raffles is nearly superhuman, rational, and frigid. Because Bunny is so dumb, the reader enjoys knowing more than he does and snickering at everything he overlooks. It lacks any notable female characters and has some casual bigotry characteristics of the historical period. The actual burglary escapades are fine-not great or awful-but for me, the true enjoyment came from getting a glimpse into a brain and environment that seem fascinatingly foreign
The Shadow Of The Rope is a romantic and mysterious novel written by E.W. Hornung. This is a sensational murder investigation, a delicate romance, love, a satire of Victorian social mores, around-the-world adventures, and much more that can be found in this fast-paced E. W. Hornung's page-turner. When a lady is found not guilty of killing her husband but found guilty in the court of public opinion, the narrative twists happen quickly. The story begins with Rachel Minchin, a woman who married a fascinating stranger named Mr. Steel. Their marriage is by mutual consent to be a platonic one, with the stipulation that neither of them will inquire into the other's background. The two drive to Steel's isolated rural house, where Rachel unintentionally learns that her second husband's past was connected to that of her first husband. Steel won't reveal how, exactly, or why he chose to marry her, though. The story comes to a part where local busybodies threaten to reveal Rachel's personal background as her worries about her spouse grow. And as this intriguing mystery develops, more secrets are revealed, with that being the least of them. How is their secret revealed? Who is killed by whom? Read the book to solve this mysterious and adventurous story!
This collection of ten remarkable stories have Bunny telling tales of encounters from various times in his and Raffles' lives. Bunny bemoans the breakdown of his engagement in the book Out of Paradise, which he called off to save his fiancé the shame following his fall from social grace. In an effort to cheer him melancholy, Bunny suggests that the two rob the wealthy politician's estate. Following this depressing narrative, The Rest Cure is a peaceful story that centers on Bunny and Raffles as they hide away to avoid an incident with Inspector Mackenzie.Although Raffles and Bunny have repeatedly shown that they are an unbreakable team, Bunny is excited for the chance to show in A Bad Night that he can function independently. When Bunny tells the story of a time when Raffles' pride got the best of him and put him in a well-prepared trap, he remembers both his partner's good and bad attributes.A Thief in the Night by E.W. Hornung is a fascinating and entertaining collection of the exploits of the two legendary thieves, told via the hilarious and thoughtful narration of Bunny.
Ernest William Hornung (1866 - 1921) was an English author and poet known for writing the A. J. Raffles series of stories about a gentleman thief in late 19th-century London. Hornung was educated at Uppingham School; as a result of poor health he left the school in December 1883 to travel to Sydney, where he stayed for two years. He drew on his Australian experiences as a background when he began writing, initially short stories and later novels. Aside from his Raffles stories, Hornung was a prodigious writer of fiction, publishing numerous books from 1890, with A Bride from the Bush to his 1914 novel The Crime Doctor.
Ernest William Hornung (1866 - 1921) was an English author and poet known for writing the A. J. Raffles series of stories about a gentleman thief in late 19th-century London. Hornung was educated at Uppingham School; as a result of poor health he left the school in December 1883 to travel to Sydney, where he stayed for two years. He drew on his Australian experiences as a background when he began writing, initially short stories and later novels. Aside from his Raffles stories, Hornung was a prodigious writer of fiction, publishing numerous books from 1890, with A Bride from the Bush to his 1914 novel The Crime Doctor.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
A. J. Raffles blev skabt i 1898 af Ernest William Hornung som en slags konkurrent til svogeren Arthur Conan Doyles "Sherlock Holmes" - Doyle var dog mindre begejstret, for "man må ikke lade forbryderen være helten".Men det er netop det, Raffles er: Udadtil en fremragende og feteret kricketspiller, men i virkeligheden en snedig tyv, som konstant er i pengenød. Raffles har ét talent ud over kricketspillet, og han har en ubændig lyst til spænding og fare, og de to lyster kombinerer ved at ernære sig som indbrudstyv. Og da den unge Harry "Bunny" Manders kommer i spillegæld, introducerer han denne til håndværket, og får dermed både sin egen "dr. Watson" - det er Bunny, der er fortælleren i historierne - og en hovedkulds beundrende, omend til tider modvillig "partner in crime".I denne samling får man de første 8 fortællinger om Raffles og Bunny:En skæbnesvanger dag Et udstyrsstykke Amatører og professionals Le premier pas Overlagt mord Lov og ret En revanchematch Kejserens gaveErnest William Hornung (1866-1921) var en engelsk forfatter, som var født i Middlesborough i det nordøstlige England. Efter endt skolegang drog han i 1883 til Australien, hvor han begyndte sin litterære løbebane, og selv om opholdet "down under" kun varede tre år, kom det til at farve en stor del af hans romaner, også efter hjemkomsten til England. I 1893 blev han gift med Arthur Conan Doyles søster Constance, som han havde mødt i Portugal nogle år tidligere, og de fik sammen sønnen Oscar i 1895. Da 1. verdenskrig brød ud, meldte såvel far som søn sig til hæren; Oscar blev dræbt af en bombe i skyttegravene ved Ypres i juli 1915, mens faderen fortsatte sit arbejde i hæren, dog mest bag linjerne. Hornung døde i marts 1921 under et rekreationsophold i Sydfrankrig af en forkølelse, som udviklede sig til lungebetændelse.E. W. Hornung var og er mest kendt for sine historier om amatørtyven og kricketspilleren A. J. Raffles og hans modstræbende medhjælper og kronikør "Bunny" Manders, men var også meget produktiv som romanforfatter, og flere af hans romaner findes oversat til dansk, især som føljetonudgaver i Berlingske Tidende og andre samtidige dagblade. Han skrev også en del poesi, især under indtryk af sønnens død og hans oplevelser i 1. verdenskrig.
Da Bunny kommer hjem fra Boerkrigen uden Raffles, optager han atter sin virksomhed som forfatter, og i denne sidste samling fortællinger mindes han nogle af de kup og begivenheder, de sammen har udført.A. J. Raffles er på mange måder en slags forgænger for den lidt senere franske gentlemanforbryder Arsène Lupin og mange andre mindre kendte romanfigurer af samme slags. Men han er en langt mindre kompliceret person uden de til tider meget højtflyvende mål og drømme som hans franske modstykke nærer. Raffles stjæler, fordi han kan, fordi han finder det spændende, og - fordi han konstant mangler penge. Enkelt og ligetil … men som læserne så i bl.a. historierne om Faustina i seriens 2. bind, og ligeledes i den afsluttende fortælling i dette bind 3, så har han dog også andre og mere følsomme sider.Historierne i dette sidste bind om A. J. Raffles og Bunny Manders eskapader er:Lykken, der svandt Sølvtøjskisten Det lukkede hus Kriminalistklubben De gamle drenge En dårlig nat Tyvefælden De svandt, de svandt Det plyndrede museum De sidste ordErnest William Hornung (1866-1921) var en engelsk forfatter, som var født i Middlesborough i det nordøstlige England. Efter endt skolegang drog han i 1883 til Australien, hvor han begyndte sin litterære løbebane, og selv om opholdet "down under" kun varede tre år, kom det til at farve en stor del af hans romaner, også efter hjemkomsten til England. I 1893 blev han gift med Arthur Conan Doyles søster Constance, som han havde mødt i Portugal nogle år tidligere, og de fik sammen sønnen Oscar i 1895. Da 1. verdenskrig brød ud, meldte såvel far som søn sig til hæren; Oscar blev dræbt af en bombe i skyttegravene ved Ypres i juli 1915, mens faderen fortsatte sit arbejde i hæren, dog mest bag linjerne. Hornung døde i marts 1921 under et rekreationsophold i Sydfrankrig af en forkølelse, som udviklede sig til lungebetændelse.E. W. Hornung var og er mest kendt for sine historier om amatørtyven og kricketspilleren A. J. Raffles og hans modstræbende medhjælper og kronikør "Bunny" Manders, men var også meget produktiv som romanforfatter, og flere af hans romaner findes oversat til dansk, især som føljetonudgaver i Berlingske Tidende og andre samtidige dagblade. Han skrev også en del poesi, især under indtryk af sønnens død og hans oplevelser i 1. verdenskrig.
Efter katastrofen på middelhavsdamperen i "Kejserens gave" i den første samling fortællinger om A. J. Raffles ("Amatørtyven") er der gået næsten to år. Raffles er forsvundet, antagelig druknet i Middelhavet, og Bunny forsøger efter bedste evne at slå sig igennem efter at have udstået et længere fængselsophold. Alt er imidlertid ikke tabt, for A. J. dukker op på scenen igen - dog under dække, da han gerne ser, at omverdenen, og herunder ikke mindst Scotland Yard, anser ham for at være død. Som Bunny skriver i en lille indledning til den anden samling af historier: "Vi var nu professionelle forbrydere af den værste kaliber, som så ud på verden gennem de smalle øjenhuller i den sorte maske."De otte fortællinger - eller måske kun syv, for "Faustinas skæbne" og "Den, der ler sidst" danner en længere, sammenhængende historie, som viser nogle andre sider af Raffles end blot den snedige forbryder – er:Ej blot til lyst En jubilæumsgave Faustinas skæbne Den, der ler sidst Hvordan man fanger en tyv Død og opstanden Det forkerte hus Enden på legenErnest William Hornung (1866-1921) var en engelsk forfatter, som var født i Middlesborough i det nordøstlige England. Efter endt skolegang drog han i 1883 til Australien, hvor han begyndte sin litterære løbebane, og selv om opholdet "down under" kun varede tre år, kom det til at farve en stor del af hans romaner, også efter hjemkomsten til England. I 1893 blev han gift med Arthur Conan Doyles søster Constance, som han havde mødt i Portugal nogle år tidligere, og de fik sammen sønnen Oscar i 1895. Da 1. verdenskrig brød ud, meldte såvel far som søn sig til hæren; Oscar blev dræbt af en bombe i skyttegravene ved Ypres i juli 1915, mens faderen fortsatte sit arbejde i hæren, dog mest bag linjerne. Hornung døde i marts 1921 under et rekreationsophold i Sydfrankrig af en forkølelse, som udviklede sig til lungebetændelse.E. W. Hornung var og er mest kendt for sine historier om amatørtyven og kricketspilleren A. J. Raffles og hans modstræbende medhjælper og kronikør "Bunny" Manders, men var også meget produktiv som romanforfatter, og flere af hans romaner findes oversat til dansk, især som føljetonudgaver i Berlingske Tidende og andre samtidige dagblade. Han skrev også en del poesi, især under indtryk af sønnens død og hans oplevelser i 1. verdenskrig.
Mr. Cole falls in love with Eva Denison, a beautiful and accomplished young woman, while traveling to England. As the story takes a twisted turn, the events lead to the discovery of a horrible conspiracy and then to an adventure that may cost Cole his greatest love.
A Thief in the Night is the collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman thief A. J. Raffles in late Victorian England. In public a popular sportsman, in private a cunning burglar with a weakness for valuable jewelery, Arthur Raffles, with the help of his side-kick Bunny Manders, always manages to thwart the investigations of Scotland Yard's Inspector Mackenzie.
Probably the most famous thief of all fiction, Raffles was a man-about-town and famous cricketer by day and a master burglar by night. When they were first issued at the turn of the century, these stories rivaled the popularity of Sherlock Holmes and established the prototype for The Saint, James Bond, and the other gentleman-rogue figures of popular fiction.
Stingaree's adventures have long delighted thousands of readers. He is a stylish bushranger, his English origins cloaked in mystery, who operates in New South Wales. He is, after Raffles, the most famous character that E.W. Hornung (1866-1921) ever created. Virtually unknown, however, is the fact that twelve years after the original stories appeared Hornung started to write a fresh batch of tales, relating Stingaree's subsequent history. For various reasons, the project was abandoned but the batch of stories that he completed are now brought together in book-form for the very first time. Peter Rowland is a well-known historian and biographer. He recently transcribed and edited two of Hornung's unfinished novels, His Brother's Blood and The Graven Image, and compiled a fresh collection of Hornung short stories, Tall Tales and short'uns. A revised and much-expanded edition of his 1999 biography of Hornung will appear shortly. (For more information, see www.peterrowland.org.uk).
E.W. Hornung (1866-1921) was one of the most prolific fiction-writers of his day, producing a stream of short stories and novels which were (and are) immensely popular. The brother-in-law of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, he was the creator of a world-famous character called A.J. Raffles (the direct opposite of Sherlock Holmes), who played cricket by day and burgled by night. But many of his short stories, dispersed in obscure magazines and newspapers, are completely unknown to modern audiences - and until now, indeed, two of them have existed only in manuscript form. A dozen of them are brought together in the present exciting compilation produced by Peter Rowland, who recently deciphered the texts of two of Willie Hornung's unfinished books, 'His Brother's Blood' and 'The Graven Image' (published by ELT Press). (Rowland is currently at work on a revised edition of his 1999 biography of Hornung - see www.peterrowland.org.uk for more information.)
Gentleman thief Raffles is daring, debonair, devilishly handsome-and a first-rate cricketer. In these stories, the master burglar indulges his passion for cricket and crime: stealing jewels from a country house, outwitting the law, pilfering from the nouveau riche, and, of course, bowling like a demon-all with the assistance of his plucky sidekick, Bunny. Encouraged by his brother-in-law, Arthur Conan Doyle, to write a series about a public school villain, and influenced by his own experiences at Uppingham, E. W. Hornung created a unique form of crime story, where, in stealing as in sport, it is playing the game that counts, and there is always honor among thieves. The Complete Story - All four books in one volume.
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