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  • - Novela
    af Eduardo García
    182,95 - 227,95 kr.

    En Santa María de Clemente, un pueblo supersticioso de la selva amazónica, lleno de leyendas y alejado de toda civilización, nacen los gemelos Julio y Juliana Del Río. Al nacer con el pelo rojo, el pueblo se escandaliza y desconfía de ellos. Pero lo que marcará el destino de estos dos hermanos, es el haber nacido en la Hacienda de Esteban Sandoval, el hombre más poderoso y despiadado de la zona. El mismo día en que nacen los gemelos, nace también Aparicio, el tercer vástago de Esteban Sandoval. A partir de entonces, la vida de todos los que rodean a estos personajes empieza a cambiar. Las Fieras es un homenaje a la parte más oscura de las míticas telenovelas de los años setenta, rescatando sus personajes místicos, sus tramas enredadas y sus pasiones más profundas. Todos tenemos una fiera dentro de nosotros esperando el momento más oportuno para salir.

  • af Eduardo García
    427,95 kr.

    Bienvenidos a "Sensaciones Verdes" de Eduardo García, un viaje culinario al mundo de las ensaladas, donde la frescura y el sabor se unen en armonía. Este libro de cocina es una colección de auténticas recetas que te inspirarán a crear ensaladas deliciosas y nutritivas en tu propia cocina.Eduardo García, un apasionado de la cocina saludable, te guiará a través de un abanico de sabores y texturas, desde las ensaladas clásicas hasta las creaciones más innovadoras. Cada receta en este libro se basa en ingredientes frescos y saludables, lo que garantiza que cada bocado sea una explosión de sabor y vitalidad.Desde ensaladas mediterráneas llenas de aceitunas y queso feta hasta ensaladas tropicales con frutas frescas y vinagreta, "Sensaciones Verdes" ofrece una variedad infinita de combinaciones para satisfacer todos los gustos y necesidades dietéticas.Este libro de cocina es mucho más que una simple colección de recetas. Es una invitación a explorar la creatividad en la cocina y descubrir cómo la preparación de ensaladas puede ser un acto de amor propio y salud. Eduardo García comparte su experiencia y conocimiento para ayudarte a encontrar el equilibrio perfecto entre sabor y nutrición."Sensaciones Verdes" promete un viaje culinario que transformará tu percepción de las ensaladas, demostrando que son mucho más que un plato de acompañamiento. Descubre cómo una ensalada puede ser el plato principal en cualquier comida y cómo puede elevar tu bienestar general.

  • - Novela
    af Eduardo García
    192,95 kr.

    La vida de cuatro adolescentes cambia bruscamente una calurosa noche de verano. A partir de entonces, el destino de los cuatro tomará rumbos diferentes. Pero lo sucedido esa noche, y a pesar de todos sus intentos por superarlo y olvidarlo, los va a unir para siempre por medio de un terrible secreto del que no pueden escapar, del que son prisioneros. Durante casi treinta años, estos cuatro jóvenes lucharán con la peor de las torturas: la de la culpa. Una novela inquietante y dura, que nos hace encontrarnos de frente con nuestros miedos y nuestras pasiones ocultas, sobre todo cuando hemos sido llevados al límite. El sorprendente final no podrá dejar a nadie indiferente.

  • af Eduardo García
    97,95 kr.

    Ricardo es un chico dominicano que el día en que cumple 25 años, decide que va a ser gay. No se imagina lo largo que va a ser ese día en que tiene que contarle la verdad a sus padres, a sus mejores amigos y a su novia. Es una novela jovial, jocosa, llena de frescura y de la chispa caribeña. Durante ese día, Ricardo va a encontrarse con una serie de personajes cómicos y ridículos que harán de su cumpleaños uno imposible de olvidar. Esta novela retrata a la sociedad moderna latinoamericana y al mundo gay de una manera entretenida y original mientras nos va conduciendo hacia un final inesperado.

  • - Adagio
    af Eduardo García
    82,95 kr.

    Javier´s kidnapping almost cost him his life, and it changed his way of seeing the world. Andrés' family tries to mold his personality. The self-destructive Alexis thinks his life is not worth it, he hates the world and he hates himself. Angelo is a slave to his own obsession. Tamara can´t be happy because of her possessiveness. When these five characters are mixed by the same tragedy, revenge begins to take over their lives. Can love heal these lives? Is it true that there are stories that have the power to heal? How strong can a real love be? "Inside of you" (Adagio) is the third novel written by author Eduardo García and the first to be translated into English.

  • - Novela
    af Eduardo García
    127,95 - 132,95 kr.

    El secuestro que a Javier casi le cuesta la vida, cambió su manera de ver el mundo. La familia de Andrés trata de moldear su manera de ser. El autodestructivo Alexis piensa que su vida no vale la pena, odia al mundo y se odia a sí mismo. Angelo es esclavo de su propia obsesión. Tamara no puede ser feliz a causa de su carácter posesivo. Cuando estos cinco personajes se ven mezclados por una misma tragedia, la venganza empieza a tomar posesión de sus vidas. ¿Podrá el amor sanar estas vidas? ¿Es cierto que hay historias que tienen el poder de sanar? ¿Hasta qué punto puede ser fuerte el amor? Reedición especial con Prólogo del escritor Javier Sedano

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Indiana Pacers are an American professional basketball team based in Indianapolis. The Pacers compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference Central Division. The Pacers were first established in 1967 as a member of the American Basketball Association (ABA) and became a member of the NBA in 1976 as a result of the ABA-NBA merger. They play their home games at Bankers Life Fieldhouse. The team is named after the state of Indiana's history with the Indianapolis 500's pace cars and with the harness racing industry.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Indiana Pacers.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Indiana Pacers . It will give you a variety of questions on Indiana Pacers . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    Complete Large Quizzes Portland Trail Blazers Basketball Team' is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Portland Trail Blazers.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Portland Trail Blazers . Our unique book will give you a variety of questions on Portland Trail Blazers . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score! Some interesting quizzes such as: Who was the Blazer's first head coach?Who was Portland's first ever draft pick?LeRoy Ellis was the first person to score a point in Blazer franchise history?

  • af Eduardo García
    167,95 kr.

    Esta novela escrita en tono de una gran teleserie, a lo cual nos tiene acostumbrado la pluma de Eduardo García, es la precuela de "Las fieras". Si Santa María de Clemente, lugar donde comienza todo, se sitúa como un pueblo surgido de las profundidades de una selva llena de magia y maldad, también lo son sus personajes que tiñen de múltiples colores la historia de la familia Sandoval. Colores que se entrelazan con la sangre, odio y sexo de una familia de almas perdidas que establecen su poderío de forma despiadada, donde los deseos más arquetípicos, las rencillas familiares y el deseo desmedido de poder, lleva a cada uno de los personajes de esta novela a ser inolvidables seres que pululan no solamente en Santa María de Clemente sino que también lo hacen a nuestro alrededor.Con prólogo del escritor Guillermo Arróniz López y portada del diseñador David Martín Surroca.

  • af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    La venganza, que se parece a una cicatriz profunda, nos deja sin aliento en Día cero, el cuento que abre esta colección de relatos. El conejo azul, es una feroz metáfora de lo que se vuelve visible cuando una relación se termina. Los nuevos deseos que descubre el personaje de Cuéntame una historia de amor, al satisfacer su curiosidad de tener un encuentro sexual con un chico asiático nos aterran. En Noche de cine, asistimos al descubrimiento que hacen dos jóvenes, una lesbiana y el otro un heterosexual, con un evidente descontento de lo que les está tocando vivir, al estar encerrados en un ascensor que se ha detenido a mitad de camino. En Eterno asistimos al relato de una familia como símbolo de la felicidad. El deseo llevado a sus extremos entre un estudiante y su profesor de química, nos deslumbra en Yo me masturbo. Estas son parte de las historias que nos cuenta Eduardo García en este su segundo libro de cuentos. Deja atrás, por un momento, sus personajes travestis, transformistas de vocación que nos han deslumbrado en sus anteriores novelas. Los personajes de estas historias son seres comunes, homosexuales, con deseos, con anhelos, con rabias; viajeros en busca de sexo y de amor. En estos relatos se despliega todo el talento del autor para mirar con compasión a sus personajes cuando se ven enfrentados a los pasajes intrincados y más oscuros de su alma. Relata las experiencias del mundo homosexual, como son la atracción sexual y la búsqueda del amor, como algo que no es más que la búsqueda universal de cada ser humano. En todas las historias, algunas de ellas contadas a un ritmo vertiginoso y desesperado, hay un vínculo extraño, que nos exige una lectura atenta a cada mínimo detalle. Estos personajes nos advierten de los pliegues del amor, nos deleitan con escenas de sexo desenfrenado, nos hablan de los que vagan perdidos en noches frías, buscando a un amigo, a un amante, al amor de sus vidas. Un invitado especial, Martin Mazza con Hasta extremos insospechados para ser uno mismo, nos regala un relato como si fuera escrito con su cuerpo, a galope y desbocado, que juega con realidad y ficción. "Y bebí vinos fuertes como los que beben los bravos del placer", escribió C.P. Cavafis. No se arrepentirán de estos 22 cuentos de gran intensidad, pues el sabor de estos vinos fuertes quedarán por mucho tiempo.

  • - Fun Seinfeld Questions and Answers: Seinfeld Trivia Book
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    Though Seinfeld has famously earned the reputation of being a "show about nothing," the idea behind the series-which premiered on July 5, 1989-was anything but. This book includes quizzes and some things you might not know about the legendary sitcom In addition, every section of the book includes random text boxes featuring insider secrets about the show, its creators, the actors, and other contributors to the series. The text boxes supplement the hilarious question-answer format with fascinating fun facts to give the reader the full Seinfeld experience. This book contains more information than any other trivia quiz book written on the subject. The first section encompasses general information about the show and its history, as well as noteworthy facts guaranteed to educate and enthrall the reader. The following sections provide questions about the primary characters (Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Cosmo Kramer, Elaine Benes, and Newman)-highlighting the most uproarious scenes and episodes as well as testing every viewer's attention to detail. The reader will encounter a spectrum of question difficulty-easy, moderate, challenging, and head-scratching brainteasers. There is something for everyone. Whether a casual watcher or avid fanatic, book will provide hours of entertainment and laughter while reliving the finest moments of the show.

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    Relive the history of the NBA's greatest dynasty with stories from Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, K.C. Jones, John Havlicek, Dave Cowens, and many more.Since the team's inception in 1946, the Boston Celtics have been at the heart of the culture and history of the city they call home. And as Boston has transformed over the years, the Celtics too have evolved to reflect and embrace the changing times.This book recalls the turmoil of the fifties, as the franchise struggled to get its footing and the nation faced the birth of the Civil Rights Movement. K. C. Jones and Clyde Lovellette. The epic eighties Celtics-Lakers rivalry and the leadership of legends Larry Bird and Magic Johnson is told by teammates Robert Parish, Dennis Johnson, and Nate Archibald, and rivals Julius Erving and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Former Celtics honor the legacy of Reggie Lewis and relay the dark days after his untimely passing in 1993, and the revival of the Celtics under the guidance of Paul Pierce and Brad Stevens in the 2000s.Love them or hate them, the Boston Celtics have a long history in the sport of basketball. In fact, the Celtics have been around since before the NBA even existed. Let's check out some interesting facts about Boston's team in green.

  • - The Jewish Holiday Amazing Facts and Things You Want to Know: Hanukkah Handbook
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    Filled with fascinating facts about the midwinter Jewish holiday, this charming little book is a must for everyone's shopping list.Quality time for parents and children! For Jewish & Christian families who want to learn more about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Fun Questions and even more fun answers. Test yourself with Hanukkah TRIVIA questions!Questions about Judah Maccabee, History facts, Games and more...

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Toronto Raptors - newly-minted NBA champs - overcame tremendous odds to beat the Golden State Warriors in the 2019 NBA Finals. Of course, as the only NBA team in Canada, there's plenty to learn about our neighbors to the north and their winning team. One thing for sure is that Toronto Raptors ticket prices are bound to skyrocket coming off a championship win. Starting in the 2019-20 season, it won't be easy to find cheap Toronto Raptors tickets unless you know where (and when!) to look. On the bright side, if you're looking to learn more about the Raptors and fascinating history, this book got you covered. This book will be help you know: What was the nickname of Andrea Bargnani, the Raptors' 1st overall draft pick in 2006?Which big man did the Raptors draft with the 7th overall pick in the 2005 NBA draft, stunning the NBA?What year did the Toronto Raptors play their first season in franchise history?

  • af Eduardo García
    217,95 kr.

    Los padres de Ángel se van con él a la capital cuando este tiene apenas cinco años de edad, dejando atrás su pueblo natal, San Pancracio del Orinoco, y un misterioso pasado. Veinte años después, Ángel Del Solar regresa para reencontrarse con su familia, quienes lo reciben con recelo y desconfianza. Lo que Ángel no sabe es que, con su inesperado regreso, se verá atrapado en una cruel y claustrofóbica telaraña atestada de grandes y oscuros secretos, de viejas rencillas familiares, y de peligrosas obsesiones. Eduardo García retoma el tema del realismo mágico, gótico y novelado. Lo hace con la misma pluma filosa, rápida y certera a la que nos tiene acostumbrados, como una flecha dirigida a ese lado más oscuro y terrible del ser humano, pero siempre dejando una puerta abierta en la que podemos reencontrar la esperanza de la redención.

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The New Orleans Pelicans are an American professional basketball team based in New Orleans. The Pelicans compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Western Conference Southwest Division. The team plays its home games in the Smoothie King Center.Learn about the key players and big wins that have made the New Orleans Pelicans one of the most exciting teams in the NBA. Readers will get a glimpse into the team's history, its home court, its fans, and the team's most memorable moments.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on New Orleans Pelicans.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of New Orleans Pelicans. Our unique New Orleans Pelicans Trivia Quiz Book will give you a variety of questions on New Orleans Pelicans. Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Miami Heat are an American professional basketball team based in Miami. The Heat compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference Southeast Division. The club plays its home games at American Airlines Arena, and has won three NBA championships.Learn about the key players and big wins that have made the Miami Heat one of the most exciting teams in the NBA. Readers will get a glimpse into the team's history, its home court, its fans, and the team's most memorable moments.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Miami Heat.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Miami Heat. Our unique Miami Heat Trivia Quiz Book will give you a variety of questions on Miami Heat. Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Cleveland Cavaliers, often referred to as the Cavs, are an American professional basketball team based in Cleveland.Learn about the key players and big wins that have made the Cleveland Cavaliers one of the most exciting teams in the NBA. Readers will get a glimpse into the team's history, its home court, its fans, and the team's most memorable moments.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Cleveland Cavaliers.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Cleveland Cavaliers. Our unique Cleveland Cavaliers Trivia Quiz Book will give you a variety of questions on Cleveland Cavaliers . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    Learn about the key players and big wins that have made the Minnesota Timberwolves one of the most exciting teams in the NBA. Readers will get a glimpse into the team's history, its home court, its fans, and the team's most memorable moments.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Minnesota Timberwolves.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Minnesota Timberwolves . Our unique Minnesota Timberwolves Trivia Quiz Book will give you a variety of questions on Minnesota Timberwolves . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • af Eduardo García
    88,94 kr.

    Colección de relatos, diálogos y pequeños ensayos que el escritor Eduardo García publicó en su primer año (2012-2013) en su columna "La cuenta, por favor" de la página web UniversoGay, donde retrata de manera jocosa y despiadada al mundillo gay y a su fauna.

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Detroit Pistons are an American professional basketball team based in Detroit. The Pistons compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Eastern Conference Central Division and play their home games at Little Caesars Arena, located in Midtown.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Detroit Pistons.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Detroit Pistons . It will give you a variety of questions on Detroit Pistons. Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Oklahoma City Thunder are an American professional basketball team based in Oklahoma City. The Thunder compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Western Conference Northwest Division.The team plays its home games at Chesapeake Energy Arena.This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Oklahoma City Thunder.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan ofOklahoma City Thunder . It will give you a variety of questions on Oklahoma City Thunder . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • af Eduardo García
    112,95 kr.

    "Despedida de soltero" es una comedia romántica de corte oscuro, en la que el protagonista, Raúl es un soltero empedernido que cree siempre encontrar el amor en los lugares menos indicados. Obstinado con encontrar el verdadero amor de su vida, y por otro lado a punto de dejar de creer que existe, en esta búsqueda va encontrando a su paso chicos y situaciones que podríamos definir como tragicómicas.Por su parte, Matías está a dos días de casarse con una chica, la novia a la que cree amar hasta que conoce a Raúl y la vida de ambos comienza a complicarse.Una novela aparentemente ligera pero con un trasfondo crudo y real que hará que nos replanteemos la manera en que vemos la vida.

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Utah Jazz.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Utah Jazz . Our unique Utah Jazz Trivia Quiz Book will give you a variety of questions on Utah Jazz . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score! Some interesting quizzes such as: Which city were the Jazz located in before moving to Utah?Who is the NBA all-time leader in Assists and Steals in 2002?Who scored the basket that gave John Stockton his record breaking 9,922nd career assist?

  • - Amazing Questions and Answer To Test Yourself: Sport Questions and Answers
    af Eduardo García
    87,95 kr.

    The Sacramento Kings are an American professional basketball team based in Sacramento, California. The Kings compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the Western Conference Pacific Division. The Kings are the only team in the major professional North American sports leagues located in Sacramento. The team plays its home games at the Golden 1 Center. Their best seasons to date in the city were in the early 2000s, including the 2001-02 season when they had the best record in the NBA at 61-21This book is the latest title to test your knowledge in the Trivia Quiz Book series. All of our trivia quiz books were written to keep you entertained while challenging you to some tough trivia questions on Sacramento Kings.This book makes a great gift for anyone who is a fan of Sacramento Kings . It will give you a variety of questions on Sacramento Kings . Each of our trivia quiz books is loaded with questions to test your knowledge.It's fun to challenge friends and family to see who can get the higher score. Now you can try for that perfect score!

  • af Eduardo García
    165,95 kr.

    What if we could help to save our planet through small habit changes in our homes? Learn what you can do right now to live a greener life your carbon footprint with this inspiring, accessible, stunningly illustrated book based on Eduardo Garcia's popular New York Times column.Award-winning climate journalist Eduardo Garcia offers a deeply researched and user-friendly guide to the things we can do every day to fight climate change. Based on his popular New York Times column "e;One Thing You Can Do,"e; this fully illustrated book proposes simple solutions for an overwhelming problem. No lectures here - just accessible and inspiring ideas to slash emissions and waste in our daily lives, with over 350 explanatory illustrations by talented painter Sara Boccaccini Meadows.In each chapter, Garcia digs into the issue, explaining how everyday choices lead to carbon emissions, then delivers a wealth of 'Things You Can Do' to make a positive impact, such as:- Eat a climate-friendly diet - Reduce food waste- Save energy at home- Adopt zero-waste practicesPrinted on environmentally-friendly paper and delivering a decisive hit of knowledge with every turn of the page, Things You Can Do is the book for people who want to know more - and do more - to save the planet.

  • - How to Fight Climate Change and Reduce Waste
    af Eduardo García & Sara Boccaccini Meadows
    212,95 kr.

    Learn what things you can do right now to reduce your carbon footprint with this inspiring, accessible, stunningly illustrated book based on Eduardo Garcia's popular New York Times column. "This beautiful and practical book on the climate crisis is for people of all ages, packed with wonderful pictures, powerful stats, and sound advice."-Mike Berners-Lee, author of There Is No Planet BAward-winning climate journalist Eduardo Garcia offers a deeply researched and user-friendly guide to the things we can do every day to fight climate change. Based on his popular New York Times column "One Thing You Can Do," this fully illustrated book proposes simple solutions for an overwhelming problem. No lectures in Things You Can Do-just accessible and inspiring ideas to slash emissions and waste in our daily lives, with over 350 explanatory illustrations by talented painter Sara Boccaccini Meadows.In each chapter, Garcia digs into the issue, explaining how everyday choices lead to carbon emissions, then delivers a wealth of "Things You Can Do" to make a positive impact, such as:• Eat a climate-friendly diet• Reduce food waste• Cool your home without an air conditioner• Save energy at home• Adopt zero-waste practices• Increase the fuel efficiency of your car• Buy low-carbon pet food• Hack your toilet to save water• Slash the carbon footprint of your online shoppingDelivering a decisive hit of knowledge with every turn of the page, Things You Can Do is the book for people who want to know more-and do more-to save the planet. Printed on 100% recycled paper

  • af Jean-Marc Lofficier, Eduardo García & Roberto Castro
    132,95 kr.

    On Christmas' Eve, during a particularly cold, wind-swept night, Parisians rush through the streets, eager to arrive home... Suddenly, an unexpected threat appears: NUMBER-ONE, a sentient robot created by the mad scientist ASTAROTH, has returned to wreak havoc on the French capital!Only the GUARDIAN OF THE REPUBLIC, his sidekick MARIANNE, and the powerful NIGHT PRINCE can stop the mechanical killer. But behind Number-One looms the sinister shadow of its creator, long thought to be dead, who plots to use the robot to further a new, mysterious plan...The GUARDIAN and MARIANNE, now assisted by KIT KAPPA and AGENT BOURASK of C.L.A.S.H., must uncover ASTAROTH's real goal, and defeat him before he can inflict more destruction on the City of Lights...This Santa-mental super-saga full of guest-stars and candy canes, is brilliantly orchestrated by Roberto Castro and Eduardo Garcia.

  • - The Coming of Starcyb
    af Jean-Marc Lofficier, Eduardo García & Manuel Martin Peniche
    162,95 kr.

  • - Hexagon vs. Heptagon
    af Jean-Marc Lofficier, Eduardo García & Juan Roncagliolo
    165,95 kr.

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