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Bøger af Edward Topsell

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  • af Edward Topsell
    297,95 kr.

    This edition is based on the text of The Reward of Religion published in 1613. The once popular Puritan commentary on the book of Ruth went through four printings in a very short time (1596, 1597, 1601 and 1613). "very choice old work. Attersoll in his rhyming preface says of it- "Go little Book, display thy golden title, (And yet not little though thou little be); Little for price and yet in price not little, Thine was the Pain, the gain is ours I see: (Although our gain thou deem'st no pain to thee). If then, O reader, little pain thou take, Thou greatest gain with smallest pain shall make." Charles Spurgeon, Commenting and Commentaries "Consider therefore, my beloved, what is the hope of our profession whereunto we are called, the dignity of our condition wherein we stand, and the reward of our Religion prepared for our souls. Call to mind the examples of the Fathers, the promises of the Gospel, the oath of the Lord himself, the price of our redemption, and the place of our salvation: you shall find nothing wanting in Religion, that might increase your blessedness. Therefore how happy are the ears that hear the things which we hear, the eyes that see the things which we see, the hands that handle the things which we touch, nay the souls that are assured of the favor of God. If all the world would go about to set down the felicity of the godly, and the dignity of the chosen, they could never achieve it: no, not that which they enjoy in this life, for their thoughts are heavenly, their hearts the throne of the holy Ghost, their hands feel the Lord of glory, their tongues talk of his praise, their feet stand in his Temple, their words are acceptable before him, their prayers like sweet savors of incense, their worship like evening sacrifices, their eyes behold his glory, their ears hear his wisdom, and their names are written in the kingdom of heaven." Edward Topsell, Excerpt from To The Reader

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