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  • af Eileen Sheehan
    126,95 kr.

    LIBRO 2 DE LA EMOCIONANTE SERIE DE SUSPENSO ROMÁNTICO PARANORMAL: VICKIE: Doctora de día. Cazador de hombres lobo de noche... Justo cuando las cosas con los zombis parecían estar bajo control y detrás de ellos, la vida de Vickie Anderson se pone patas arriba cuando su verdadero amor, el muy independiente Dr. Peter Thomason, regresa a África y aparecen los hombres lobo. Con la llegada de los hombres lobo a sus montañas, Vicki y sus amigos deben encontrar una manera de lidiar con ellos y eliminarlos. Para aumentar su estrés, angustia y confusión, los amigos que pensaba que eran amigos resultan ser enemigos y se le ofrece un nuevo amor, pero ¿está lista para confiar y aceptarlo?Si te gustó el libro uno de las Aventuras de Vickie Anderson titulado, VICKIE: Doctora de día. Cazador de zombis por la noche, ¡no te pierdas la lectura del segundo libro! Es igualmente entretenido y aún más chisporroteante.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    144,95 kr.

    Entre nas sombras traiçoeiras de um mundo repleto de vampiros, canibais e os horrores do tráfico humano no aclamado romance " Iniquidade Vampiro", livro um da Trilogia Iniquidade Vampiro. Junte-se a Dan em uma missão pulsante para salvar a amada de seu amigo das garras de seres malignos. Descubra segredos de família e um legado de matadores de vampiros enquanto Dan navega por um reino perigoso de sussurros sagrados e confrontos mortais. Não para os fracos de coração, "Iniquidade Vampiro" é um conto fascinante de vingança e sacrifício que o manterá encantado até a última página antes de se apressar para mergulhar no livro dois, "A Cura". Experimente a adrenalina de uma vida inteira enquanto mergulha no coração da escuridão.

  • - Magia Do Farol
    af Eileen Sheehan
    220,95 kr.

    Em um mundo cheio de magia, a vida de Aisling toma uma virada repentina quando ela descobre a verdade chocante sobre sua ancestralidade. Banida da terra das bruxas, ela é empurrada para o reino humano, um lugar repleto de caos e perigo. Quando Aisling se une a Toby para lutar contra os vampiros ameaçadores que planejam conquistar a humanidade, ela se vê envolvida em uma teia de mistério. A presença enigmática do doppelgänger de Milo causa arrepios em sua espinha, forçando-a a confrontar suas tristezas mais profundas. Enquanto ela testa suas habilidades mágicas no reino humano e luta contra vampiros ao lado de seus aliados, Aisling desvenda uma conspiração desconcertante à espreita nas sombras de suas próprias fileiras. Em quem você pode confiar e quem está trabalhando contra você? No meio da turbulência, Aisling deve navegar vivendo sob o teto de uma Melissa ressentida, uma mulher consumida pelo ciúme e pela raiva reprimida. Depois de tolamente divulgar seus problemas com as meninas más de seu passado leva a Melissa, a mulher secretamente forma uma aliança com as bruxas traiçoeiras. As repercussões são devastadoras, pois um feitiço lançado pelas bruxas vis mergulha Aisling e Toby em um turbilhão de traição e angústia. No entanto, no meio de provações e tribulações, o amor floresce. A conexão de Aisling com um assassino que segue sua política de esconder sua identidade atrás de uma máscara por segurança se torna mais forte, fornecendo consolo em meio a suas aventuras angustiantes. Mas será que a sua relação resiste ao obstáculo que os separa: o mistério do seu rosto oculto? O tempo está se esgotando, pois a jornada de Aisling toma um rumo inesperado quando Minnie, sua mentora, corrige a situação na terra das bruxas e a chama de lar. Será que ela descobrirá a verdadeira identidade de seu amor antes que seus mundos sejam separados para sempre? Batalhas épicas, romances proibidos e revelações surpreendentes esperam por você nesta história cativante. Junte-se a Aisling enquanto ela navega por um mundo à beira da escuridão, com o coração dividido entre lealdades e a busca final de seu próprio destino.

  • - La Magia De La De Luz Casa
    af Eileen Sheehan
    211,95 kr.

    En un mundo lleno de magia, la vida de Aisling da un giro repentino cuando descubre la impactante verdad sobre su ascendencia. Desterrada de la tierra de las brujas, se ve empujada al reino humano, un lugar rebosante de caos y peligro. Cuando Aisling se une a Toby para luchar contra los amenazantes vampiros que conspiran para conquistar a la humanidad, se ve envuelta en una red de misterio. La enigmática presencia del doble de Milo le provoca escalofríos, obligándola a enfrentarse a sus penas más profundas. Mientras pone a prueba sus habilidades mágicas en el reino humano y lucha contra los vampiros junto a sus aliados, Aisling desentraña una desconcertante conspiración que acecha en las sombras de sus propias filas. ¿En quién puede confiar y quién está trabajando en su contra? En medio de la confusión, Aisling debe navegar viviendo bajo el techo de una Melissa resentida, una mujer consumida por los celos y la ira reprimida. Después de divulgar tontamente sus problemas con las chicas malas de su pasado lleva a Melissa, la mujer forma en secreto una alianza con las brujas traicioneras. Las repercusiones son devastadoras, ya que un hechizo lanzado por las viles brujas sumerge a Aisling y Toby en un torbellino de traición y angustia. Sin embargo, en medio de las pruebas y tribulaciones, el amor florece. La conexión de Aisling con un asesino que sigue su política de ocultar su identidad detrás de una máscara por seguridad se hace más fuerte, brindando consuelo en medio de sus desgarradoras aventuras. Pero, ¿podrá su relación resistir el obstáculo que se interpone entre ellos: el misterio de su rostro oculto? El tiempo se acaba, ya que el viaje de Aisling da un giro inesperado cuando Minnie, su mentora, rectifica la situación en la tierra de las brujas y la llama a casa. ¿Descubrirá la verdadera identidad de su amor antes de que sus mundos se separen para siempre? Batallas épicas, romances prohibidos y revelaciones asombrosas te esperan en esta cautivadora historia. Únete a Aisling mientras navega por un mundo que se tambalea al borde de la oscuridad, con el corazón dividido entre las lealtades y la búsqueda definitiva de su propio destino.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    159,95 kr.

    Respondendo a um anúncio no The Matrimonial News, uma socialite mimada do pós-guerra civil se casa secretamente por procuração, mas fica viúva antes de conhecer seu marido. O fato de ela ser ingênua e pouco habilidosa nos caminhos do amor quando finalmente encontra o homem de seus sonhos só aumenta sua situação.Da crítica do prêmio 5 estrelas favorita do leitor: Viúva de Papel é a história de uma jovem navegando por tempos turbulentos, enfrentando lutas sozinha a cada esquina. Ailene Frances criou reviravoltas dramáticas que definitivamente manterão os leitores grudados nas páginas. Este romance não foge de cenas fumegantes, perigo, ação e tragédias. Ele captura habilmente a intensidade e o desgosto de um amor que o varre de seus pés e turva seu julgamento. Também captura perfeitamente os preconceitos que as mulheres sofreram após a Guerra Civil. Cada dificuldade que Elise enfrentou me deixou com vontade de saber mais sobre sua vida. Os fãs de romance histórico encontrarão em Viúva de Papel uma leitura fascinante e intensa. A autora Ailene Frances criou uma história cativante que mistura precisão histórica com uma trama romântica, pintando um quadro vívido das dificuldades e preconceitos da época, oferecendo alto drama e muito valor de entretenimento. O que faz esse romance histórico se destacar entre outros westerns é o contexto histórico bem pesquisado e o compromisso do autor com o desenvolvimento realista do personagem. A transformação de Elise de uma mulher protegida em uma sobrevivente resiliente é cativante, e os desafios que ela enfrenta são comoventes e inspiradores, mas também realistas para o período de tempo e as atitudes daqueles ao seu redor. Se você é um fã de romance histórico ou simplesmente gosta de uma história bem trabalhada com personagens bem desenhados, há uma qualidade especial neste romance que traz todos nele à vida como se fossem seus vizinhos, mantendo-o imerso de capa em capa. No geral, eu não hesitaria em recomendar Viúva de Papel como uma leitura satisfatória e emocionalmente ressonante para os fãs de alto drama, ficção histórica realista e histórias poderosamente emotivas em todos os lugares. O QUE OS LEITORES ESTÃO DIZENDO SOBRE ESTE ROMANCE HISTÓRICO ESCALDANTE"Ao ler um romance histórico, aguardo ansiosamente pelo enredo histórico tanto quanto pelo romance. Com isso em mente, adoro quando o autor dedica um tempo para tornar os fatos históricos o mais precisos possível para uma peça de ficção... Como amante da história e do romance, gostei da maneira como o autor entrelaçou a história de amor de Elise e Nate de forma realista no pano de fundo desses tempos perigosos. Eu recomendaria este livro para aqueles que gostam de um romance histórico realista e romântico."

  • - In the Land of Wolves
    af Eileen Sheehan
    198,95 kr.

    Join Aisling as she navigates a world filled with magic, love, and danger. A victim of bullying, Aisling is transported to a land and time she knows nothing about. But with the help of a community of powerful witches, she discovers a strength within herself that she never knew existed. As she faces challenges and falls in love, Aisling becomes a fearless and self-assured woman. Aisling; "In The Land Of Wolves" is the first book in an epic trilogy that will take you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

  • - Book 1. Where Zombies Walk; Book 2. The Regime; Book 3. Center Land; Book 4. Zombies and Aliens
    af Eileen Sheehan
    443,95 kr.

    The complete 4 book series of the dystopian romance thriller, Kendra's Journey is all under one cover. Book 1: Where Zombies Walk Life comes hard and fast for Kendra and her family in a dystopian world that is struggling to recover from a nuclear war and is now under the rule of an alien government. Unaware of the impending alien invasion, a group of scientists -which included Kendra's parents- were ordered to create a zombie virus and set it loose on Russia. The intention was to subdue Russia and then release the cure, but the alien attack took them unawares and the scientists and their cure disappeared, leaving the virus to run rampant. Having been inoculated against the virus, Kendra's aunt is one of these scientists who has kept her identity a secret for fear of being made a slave to the alien government. When a village that is connected to the people who moved underground for survival kidnaps Kendra in hopes that they can harvest any memories of her parents discussing the cure while she was a mere infant with the use of an experimental machine, her aunt must decide about coming forth with her identity. In the meantime, along with dealing with the ever-rising population of zombies, the alien regime -which considers humans a delicacy for their dinner table - sets out to correct and purify the human race from those who were mutated in some way by the nuclear explosions. Rex is one of those humans. He is also Kendra's lover.Book 2: The Regime CAN LOVE SURVIVE IN A WORLD OF ZOMBIES AND ALIENS!In a dystopian world that is struggling to recover from a nuclear war and that is dominated and ruled by aliens, Kendra manages to find love, peace, and harmony. Sadly, her domestic bliss is shattered when she and her husband are captured by the alien regime and placed into the breeding program. With the help and sacrifice of her gentle caretaker, they manage to escape. Their bodies are free, but what about their minds? Has too much happened for them to come back to each other? To add to the story, their son is taken to Center Land in inner earth and placed in the child program. Now, they must find a way to get him back!Book 3: Center Land: Traveling to the center of the earth to retrieve her son from Center Land is intense enough without having to deal with Amazon rogue women, prehistoric animals, and... yes... the aliens and zombies that they thought they'd left on the surface are there too! Is there no escape from the horror? They have a plan to end the aliens and zombies once and for all... but... will it work? The answer is in "Center Land", book three of the apocalyptic romance-thriller series, Kendra's Journey.Book 4: Zombies and Aliens: She battled them inside the earth's core. Now it's time to deal with those on the surface!After traveling to the center of the earth and dealing with prehistoric beasts, deceitful amazons and even more zombies and aliens to rescue her son, Kendra and her family return to the surface of the planet to deal with the aliens once and for all. Zombies and Aliens is the final installment of the exciting romance-thriller series, Kendra's Journey.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    168,95 kr.

    Follow Haven's journey as she faces heartache and trials in her quest to help Jared cure himself of the vampire virus. Her determination to find an antidote that will change him back into a human leads her to make new allies and unexpected discoveries. But her ultimate goal of giving the cure to all vampires who want to be human again also means finding a way to annihilate the rest. Prepare to be shocked by the helpers she enlists in this task. "The Annihilation", the heart-stopping conclusion to the "Blood Cure trilogy", will leave you breathless.

  • - Paper Widow and Love at Wolf Creek
    af Eileen Sheehan
    268,95 kr.

    "Romance author, Ailene Frances, is taking the world by storm with stories that will make you laugh, cry, angry, sad, and just plain happy you read them. As she climbs the ladder of author popularity, she brings to you fresh new stories that will entertain you with a few thrills, a bit of mystery, and, of course, romance. I'm glad I found her while she's still up and coming and the books are still at a great price!" A. G. PAPER WIDOW: When a pampered socialite in post civil war Boston seeks adventure and romance, she finds peril, heartache, and tragedy along with it. Answering an ad in The Matrimonial News, she secretly marries by proxy, but is widowed before she gets to meet her husband. The fact that she's naive and unskilled in the ways of love when she finally encounters the man of her dreams only adds to her situation. LOVE AT WOLF CREEK: Sparks fly, lies unfold, and mistakes that lead to peril are made when a wealthy Texas cattle rancher hides his identity while meeting the spoiled, socialite daughter of a New Orleans businessman who was blindly promised in marriage to him. Will they be able to survive the dangers that threaten them, grow to love each other, and move past it all for a happy life together? Fighting for a cause he doesn't believe in, Aiden Kennedy's final battle alongside his confederate brethren was fought a month after the war between the states ended. Left for dead, a widowed cattle rancher doctors him up and takes him on as a partner. When a wealthy Louisiana business associate desires to solidify the union of his meat packing and exporting business with Aiden's cattle ranch, he offers his socialite daughter in marriage; having never met Aiden. Aiden takes advantage of his anonymity and poses as a bodyguard sent to escort the daughter back to Texas so that he can get to know the real Pauline O'Malley before he commits to marriage with her. It's love at first sight for them both. Sadly, Pauline believes the handsome and sexy Aiden to be the hired hand and her fiance to be a middle aged, leathered cowboy. When she runs away to escape the plans for her that were set in motion, she ignites a journey of chaos, betrayal, danger, discovery, and love for both her and Aiden.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    138,95 kr.

    O amor de um Vampiro fez com que tudo vale a pena... Aceitando um convite para uma investigação paranormal na noite de Halloween foi suposto para ajudar a refutar Genice superstições e mitos. Em vez disso, ele trouxe encontros com fantasmas, a morte de um amigo querido, e o despertar de um lado dela que ela nunca soube que existia. Cheios de entusiasmo, perigo, e sizzling romance, esta é uma história que você vai querer ler mais de uma vez!

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    143,95 kr.

    Quando uma jovem bruxa se apaixona por um vampiro, ela todos os riscos de viajar de volta para uma época em que vampiros e bruxas são abundantes e poderosas para tentar mudar o seu destino. Um empreendimento arriscado, é uma proeza que até mesmo os mais hábeis bruxas encontrar um desafio. Ela tem o que é preciso para ter sucesso? Cheio de ação, aventura, perigo, um sósia, magia, vampiros, e muito mais... Por amor de um vampiro é certeza para mantê-lo entretido enquanto seus personagens capturar seu coração. Está aqui alguma de o que está sendo dito sobre este emocionante romance paranormal fumegante, ... "Embora este livro é o romance é definitivamente um mistério também... Este autor fez um grande trabalho tecendo esta intrincada teia de mentiras, traição e segredos. Eu li alguns livros e autores desta ela me espanta o mundo ela cria dentro de seus livros. Se você gosta de mulheres fortes e vampiros alpha que ainda precisa de alguma poupança, você vai gostar deste autores de livros. Ela realmente não criar mundos fantásticos em seus livros.""Eu amei que eu não chegar que estava por trás de tudo isso! Eu estava longe de base com que um. Daí por que eu tenho arquivado sob o crime/thriller. Também sob/grittier mais escura, por causa do que acontece com Jane. Tudo em tudo, um bom livro." "o autor fez um bom trabalho de misturar a linha da história".

  • - Esmerelda Sleuth, Paranormal Investigator
    af Eileen Sheehan
    178,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Portal" is the thrilling third installment in the Esmerelda Sleuth series by Eileen Sheehan. In this captivating paranormal adventure, lies, deceit, and darkness propel Esmerelda, into uncharted dimensions she never knew existed.As the story unfolds, Esmerelda faces a world teeming with dark lords, aliens, and vampires. Her mission? To save her friend from the clutches of the bloodthirsty vampires. But the path to redemption is treacherous, and Esmerelda must form an unlikely alliance with the very aliens she later discovers are cannibals.Amidst the chaos, Esmerelda reunites with Lance, but her heart remains torn between him and the enigmatic Killian. The stakes are higher than ever as the thrills, suspense, and romance continue in this pulse-pounding tale of supernatural intrigue.If you're ready for a rollercoaster ride through otherworldly realms, grab your copy of "Beyond the Portal" and prepare to be spellbound!

  • - A Seeker's Aide for Conscious Expansion
    af Eileen Sheehan
    103,95 kr.

    Written by Rev. Lena Sheehan, Cht. ND, Seeds of Light Handbook is an easy to follow handbook for those who are seeking to expand their spiritual consciousness. It touches on topics that include self-healing, spirit guides, hypnosis, and meditation and manifestation.

  • - The Magic Box
    af Eileen Sheehan
    143,95 kr.

    Esmerelda, pursued relentlessly by enemies in pre-civil war Virginia, faces an impossible choice: return to the future or risk her life. Her recent marriage to Lance complicates matters further. To protect her, they stage her death, leaving Lance behind while she escapes to the future.But love knows no bounds. Lance, desperate to remain connected to Esmerelda, devises a clever solution. Beneath the floorboards of their home, he places a magic box-a conduit for their communication. Through messages written and slipped into the box, they bridge the gap between centuries.Now, Esmerelda must unravel the clues hidden within the magic box. Her enemies still hunt her, and time is running out. As she navigates treacherous paths and uncovers long-buried secrets, she realizes that finding the box is easier said than done.In this paranormal-romance-mystery-thriller, the past and future collide, and the magic box holds the key to their survival. Will Esmerelda unlock its secrets before it's too late?Join her on this heart-pounding journey in "The Magic Box," the second installment of the Esmerelda Sleuth Series.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    123,95 kr.

    WHAT STARTED OUT AS A LOVE STORY, SOON BECAME A HORROR STORY!WHAT STARTED OUT AS A LOVE STORY, SOON BECAME A HORROR STORY!In the untamed wilderness of nineteenth century Montana, a love story unfolds, only to be quickly ensnared by a sinister force. When Ian Murray, a rugged rancher, discovers a mysterious, bloodied woman on his land, little does he know that he has invited the very embodiment of horror into his life. Unearthed from the ashes of a forgotten settlement named Muddy Creek, Ian finds himself thrust into a treacherous battle between his own survival and the vengeful spirits that haunt the land. With bones of the settlers scattered across the charred remains, he rallies his men to confront the restless souls, determined to bring peace to their tormented existence. But lurking beneath the innocent façade of the woman he once rescued is a seductive succubus, hell-bent on claiming his very soul. As Ian becomes entangled in a web of malevolent ghostly allure, his only hope lies in the hands of an enigmatic Blackfoot medicine man. Will their desperate plea for assistance arrive in time to save Ian from a fate more dire than death itself? Masterfully blending spine-tingling thrills, passionate romance, and chilling encounters with the supernatural, Sheehan crafts an unforgettable historical romance thriller that will leave readers spellbound. Embark on a haunting journey into the heart of the wild West, where love and terror collide in a battle for the soul.What a few readers are saying..."This book was great, I loved all the characters and the plot kept me guessing what would happen that I couldn't put this book down. Definitely a must read!""This book was definitely interesting. It was not what I was expecting, but intrigued me so much more. I could not stop reading it. I had to know what I was going to happen next."

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    153,95 kr.

    When a young witch falls in love with a vampire, she risks all to travel back to a time when vampires and witches are plentiful and powerful to try to change his fate. A risky venture, it is a feat that even the most adept witches find challenging. Does she have what it takes to succeed?Filled with action, adventure, peril, a doppelganger, magic, vampires, and more... For Love of a Vampire is sure to keep you entertained while its characters capture your heart.HERE IS SOME OF WHAT'S BEING SAID ABOUT THIS THRILLING, STEAMY PARANORMAL ROMANCE..."Though this book is romance it is definitely a mystery also... This author did a great job weaving this intricate web of lies, betrayal and secrets. I've read a few of this authors books and she amazes me at the world she creates within her books. If you like alpha vampires and strong women who still need some saving, you'll like this authors books. She really does create some amazing worlds in her books. "I loved that I didn't get who was behind it all! I was way off base with that one. Hence why I've filed it under crime/thriller. Also under darker/grittier, because of what happens to Jane. All in all, a good book.""The author did a nice job of mixing up the story line."

  • - Esmerelda Sleuth: Paranormal Investigator
    af Eileen Sheehan
    168,95 kr.

    Forced to return to the past and then venture back into the realms of the dark lord to save her friend, Esmerelda faces loss, love, and a new awakening in this final installment of the Esmerelda Sleuth Series.Filled with excitement, love, loss, time travel, family dynamics, dimension hopping, and a few vampires, this is the completion of a story that you won't want to miss.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    193,95 kr.

    Cast out of his realm, Swindler, a dark fae, makes a deal with a human, Albert Fielding, to supply him with people who he can syphon their life energy from, thus stealing time from them. In exchange he promises Fielding and his ancestors unlimited wealth. As the years progress and the generations move forward, the deal becomes far more complicated and sinister as the ancestors seek the perfect life force supply for Swindler by way of their long lost cousin, Josie. Will Josie fall prey to their wickedness?

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    163,95 kr.

    She didn't even know werewolves were real!She didn't even know werewolves were real!In the serene serenity of the Pocono Mountains, Lisa sought refuge in a secluded cabin, yearning for a moment of tranquility. Yet, the whims of fate had an extraordinary surprise in store for her: the existence of real-life werewolves! It was a revelation that would turn her world upside down, captivating her heart with an unexpected and forbidden love. Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of mystery, passion, and a love that defies all odds? Get lost in this mesmerizing tale and discover the mesmerizing allure of a forbidden romance that will leave you breathless.

  • - Book Four of Kendra's Journey
    af Eileen Sheehan
    193,95 kr.

    In a world ravaged by disease, Terry and Kendra embark on a perilous journey. Their rickety bus traverses thousands of miles through a landscape teeming with the undead. As they face the remnants of civilization, they must confront not only the relentless zombies but also the cunning aliens who seek dominion over our world."Zombies and Aliens" is the thrilling conclusion to the Kendra's Journey series-a tale of romance, suspense, and survival. Will Kendra's resilience and determination be enough to save humanity from this otherworldly menace? Buckle up for a heart-pounding adventure where love, courage, and the fight for survival collide. Author Eileen Sheehan weaves a captivating narrative, blending steamy romance with mystery, thrills, and horror. Her characters come alive, and her stories keep readers on the edge of their seats. If you're ready for an electrifying ride, join Kendra in her final battle against the forces that threaten our existence.

  • - Book Three of Kendra's Journey
    af Eileen Sheehan
    168,95 kr.

    In the heart of the Earth, where forgotten secrets abound, Kendra embarks on a desperate quest to rescue her son from the enigmatic depths of Center Land. But this journey is no ordinary descent-it's a harrowing plunge into a realm teeming with peril.The subterranean wilderness is treacherous enough: prehistoric creatures lurk in shadowed caverns, their ancient eyes gleaming with hunger. And then there are the Amazon rogue women, fierce and cunning, guardians of secrets that could alter the fate of humanity.But the true horror lies deeper still. The aliens and zombies they thought they'd left behind on the surface have made their way there; their malevolence festering in the core of the Earth. As Kendra battles for her son's survival, she grapples with questions that defy reason: Is there no escape from this nightmare?Yet hope glimmers. A desperate plan emerges-one that promises to end the alien menace once and for all. But will it work? Can Kendra and her ragtag band of survivors overcome the odds and reclaim their world from the abyss?In the pulse-pounding climax of the apocalyptic romance-thriller series, "Center Land" reveals secrets buried deep within the Earth's core. Kendra's journey is no longer just about survival; it's about redemption, love, and the unyielding spirit of humanity against impossible odds.Will they emerge from the depths victorious, or will Center Land consume them all? The answer awaits in the shadows, where darkness and destiny collide.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    178,95 kr.

    What happens when the king of vampires on Planet Earth and the heir to the throne of Planet Kurr fall in love? Jessica, the princess of the planet Kurr and heir to its thone, is captured by the evil flesh eating Dragos. Jack, the king of the vampires on Earth rescues her. Unbeknownst to Jessica, Jack has been guarding her for most of her life from afar as a promise to her deceased father. Over those years he grew to love and desire her. Now that he's so close to her, he struggles to subdue that love and desire, while Jessica pushes to bring it forth.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    158,95 kr.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    198,95 kr.

    When Tara and Brandon travel back in time they discover that Tara has a doppelganger named Lucy... Maggie was Fiona reincarnated. Engaged to Lucy, but in love with Tara, Brandon is a lover confused. Danger, heart ache, discovery and love await as they continue to search for the Crystal Key to Shadow Land. THE SEARCH FOR THE CRYSTAL KEY is a continuation of Dark Escape. Adventure, danger, heartache, deceit, discovery, magical wars, and new found love await as they continue THE SEARCH FOR THE CRYSTAL KEY.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    178,95 kr.

    When newly practicing witch, Jane Wells, discovers her love is a vampire, she risks all to travel back to a time when vampires and witches were plentiful and powerful to try to change his fate. It's a risky feat that even adept witches find challenging. Does she have what it takes to succeed?

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    158,95 kr.

  • af Ailene Frances & Eileen Sheehan
    158,95 kr.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    123,95 kr.

  • af Eileen Sheehan
    158,95 kr.

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