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  • - How to Resolve Your Childhood Trauma so You Can Start Living Your Best Life
    af Elena Miro
    108,95 kr.

    Embark on a Transformative Journey with a Transformational Guide to Breaking Free from Codependency and Rediscovering Joy!

  • - Codependency and the Childhood Trauma that Creates Relationship Addicts
    af Elena Miro
    107,95 kr.

    Are you tired of repeating the same unhealthy relationship patterns? Do you find yourself constantly seeking validation and approval from others? Look no further! In this groundbreaking book, you delve into the intricate relationship between childhood trauma and codependency, offering readers a roadmap to healing and self-discovery.Here's what you can expect from this transformative read: Uncover the hidden patterns that shape your adult relationships, understanding how childhood trauma impacts your attachment style and contributes to codependency.Explore Erikson's stages as a framework to understand how early experiences shape your identity and relationships.Gain a deeper understanding of the different levels of personality organization and where codependency fits into the picture.Identify your own patterns of codependency, from fear of abandonment to a need for control, using practical tools provided in the book.Connect with and heal your inner child through practical exercises, finding inner peace and fulfillment.Discover the formation of your shadow self and address the traumas that contribute to its development, uncovering hidden gifts within.Take practical steps towards recovery, empowering yourself to establish healthy boundaries and achieve your goals.It is a must-read for anyone seeking to break free from unhealthy relationship patterns or understand the impact of childhood trauma.Don't let codependency hold you back any longer. Take control of your life and create lasting change. Dive into this transformative book today and discover the keys to breaking free from codependency and healing the wounds of childhood trauma. Your brighter future awaits!

  • - 10 steps to go from emotional abuse recovery to building healthy relationships
    af Elena Miro
    182,95 kr.

    Are you suffering from the psychological signs of abuse? Have you recently gotten out of a toxic relationship with your narcissistic partner?Are you ready to begin the steps for recovery from emotional or narcissistic abuse?If you answered yes to any of those questions, this narcissistic abuse workbook can help you with complex PTSD recovery so that you can enjoy a psychopath-free life!In this trauma and recovery workbook, you'll discover the signs of mental abuse, the typical C-PTSD symptoms in women, and the steps to take to begin the process of healing from the psychological abuse you suffered at the hands of a narcissistic man.Additionally, this book presents powerful exercises to help you heal from the trauma you've experienced!You'll also learn about the following topics: How to deal with narcissistic victim syndromeWho narcissists target;Proven steps to take for healing from hidden abuse;How to begin a new life after emotional abuse;Steps for deep mental healing;How to build healthy, new relationships after.I know what you're going through because I went through it too. I was in a toxic relationship, and I also suffered from C-PTSD after divorcing my narcissistic husband. That's what motivated me to get a degree in psychology and write this C-PTSD recovery workbook for women. I wouldn't wish what I went through on any woman, and I know this book can help you to break free, heal, and live your best life!You don't have to suffer in an emotionally abusive relationship anymore. You can get out and reinvent your life. In fact, you can go on to have a healthy relationship after abuse, and the exercises in this book will help you do just that.The strategies presented in this book are proven to be effective for emotional abuse recovery. They will help you to heal from the trauma you endured and go on to develop healthy relationships as you create your ideal life. You can recover and become the best version of yourself.If you're suffering from narcissistic abuse, there's no better time to begin the process of healing the trauma you suffered and start living the life you deserve. Let me help you recover, reinvent, revive, and thrive!Discover the Secrets That Will Save Your Life From Narcissists Forever by Clicking the "Buy now with 1-Click" Button at the Top of the Page.

  • - 10 Steps to Go from Emotional Abuse Recovery to Building Healthy Relationships
    af Elena Miro
    122,95 kr.

    Are you working on healing the trauma you experienced in a toxic relationship? Would it help you to have a guided journal to help you engage in profound healing exercises for emotional trauma?If you answered yes to any of those questions, this guided journal is what you need!This journal is dedicated to the readers of the FREE YOURSELF workbook, but it includes powerful exercises for anyone who has a need to heal from emotional abuse trauma. It follows along with the unique recovery and healing program in that book and provides introspective questions to help prompt your journal writing and guide you through the therapeutic process to produce a deep mental transformation. Whether used in combination with the FREE YOURSELF workbook or by itself, you'll gain insight into the following as you recover from your trauma: What are the signs of abuse and how they affect your behavior;What made you a target;How to deep heal the negative core beliefs you have accepted about yourself;How to rebuild your life to achieve your dreams;How to help your children heal and how to reconcile the emotions you have about their trauma;How to build healthy relationships going forward.I understand the pain you have suffered because I went through it too. That's why I wanted to write these books and this guided journal to help you heal.There is a way out of the darkness and into the light of self-respect, self-esteem, and self-love. This guided journal can help you gain profound insights into the emotional abuse you suffered and how to heal from it.By using this guided journal to express your emotions and document your hopes and dreams, you can begin the difficult process of healing from your toxic relationship. You deserve to achieve your dreams and live your best life. This guided journal can help you in that process.Take control over your own emotional health by using these exercises to begin healing from the trauma you suffered in an emotionally abusive relationship. You can heal, you can start over, and you can achieve your dreams starting today!

  • - My Toxic Husband and FREE YOURSELF
    af Elena Miro
    212,95 kr.

    Are you feeling unhappy and confused in your relationship, and you don't know what's wrong? Does your partner make you feel like you're crazy? Are you suffering from the psychological signs of abuse?Or, maybe you have recently gotten out of a toxic relationship with your partner? Are you ready to begin the steps for recovery from emotional abuse?If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you need this book. I wrote My Toxic Husband and FREE YOURSELF (trauma and narcissistic abuse recovery workbook for women) to help you find the answers you're seeking and the clarity you deserve.Don't spend another moment suffering from narcissistic abuse. Let me help you find a way out of the nightmare and into a new, narcissist-free life today!This 2 in 1 Bundle will help you understand mental abuse techniques that are traits of narcissistic personality disorder. It will describe what a narcissistic person is like, the signs of mental abuse, and much more.In this book, you will discover the following topics: How the charming narcissist can fool you into believing you've found your ideal partner;The warning signs of an emotionally abusive man; Who narcissists target;How to plan breaking up with a narcissistic partner;Proven steps to take for healing from hidden abuse and narcissistic victim syndrome;How to begin a new life after emotional abuse;How to build healthy, new relationships after; I know what you're going through because I went through it too. The first book tells the story of my relationship with my narcissistic husband. Our relationship was toxic, and I also suffered from C-PTSD after divorcing my narcissistic husband. That's what motivated me to get a degree in psychology and write a second book - C-PTSD recovery and narcissistic abuse workbook for women. I wouldn't wish what I went through on any woman, and I know this book can help you to break free, heal, and live your best life! In "My Toxic Husband" and "FREE YOURSELF" 2 in 1 Bundle, I will show you the way from getting out of a toxic relationship to building healthy relationships.The strategies presented in this book are proven to be effective for emotional abuse recovery. They will help you to heal from the trauma you endured and go on to develop healthy relationships as you create your ideal life. You can recover and become the best version of yourself.You don't have to suffer in an emotionally abusive relationship anymore. You can get out and reinvent your life. In fact, you can go on to have a healthy relationship after abuse, and the exercises in this book will help you do just that.If you're suffering from narcissistic abuse, there's no better time to begin the process of healing the trauma you suffered and start living the life you deserve. Let me help you recover, reinvent, revive, and thrive!Discover how to FREE YOURSELF Today by Clicking the "Add to Cart" Button at the Top of the Page.

  • - the Ultimate Guide for the Modern Woman, Back to the roots of Femininity, Fascinating Womanhood, Designing your Happy Relationship
    af Elena Miro
    157,95 kr.

    ★Loved and Wanted: The Ultimate Guide for the Modern Woman is a transformational book that will help you reconnect with your femininity and truly have it all!★Have you been focusing on your career-racking up the success you always dreamed about in that part of your life-but now that you've achieved those dreams, do you find that something is still missing in your life? Does it seem like there's a yearning inside you for something more, but you're not sure how to get back what you believe you've lost?Do you want to transform yourself into the fascinating woman you know you are, but you don't know where to begin?It's easy to lose your femininity amidst the hustle and bustle of our modern world, and particularly while you're working so hard to establish yourself professionally; however, you shouldn't have to sacrifice your femininity to have a career. It's time to create a new model that unleashes your fascinating womanhood, even as you strive to achieve your professional goals. This book offers tips on how to express your femininity in every aspect of your life. Would you like to truly have it all-a successful professional career, beautiful, and feminine woman looking back at you in the mirror, along with a loving family?If you're ready to reawaken that feminine side of yourself, the one who's been hiding inside of you, then this book will show you how you can do that.This book examines the topic of femininity through the eyes of one woman's journey, in which she learns about what is missing in her life and how to regain and fulfill her dreams. Through Andrea's experiences, you'll learn how to love your man while being a confident, modern woman. You'll discover how to treat him with respect and earn his respect in return. The Loved and Wanted book provides an entertaining analysis of relationships and presents a road map for designing your happily ever after, so you can experience the fulfilling and wholly satisfying life that you deserve.Loved and Wanted was born from years of experience as a life coach talking to men and women about what they wanted in their partners. Many of the men expressed what they believed was missing in the modern women they knew. Likewise, many of the women also expressed an interest in redefining their feminine side and restoring the part of them that made them feel sexy and desired when they were young and their whole life was ahead of them. That's the reason I created this book: to help those women find that sensual, nurturing woman inside themselves and bring her out again, so she can help create their ideal life. The Loved and Wanted The Ultimate Guide for the Modern Woman will show you how to reveal the gorgeous woman inside of you, so you will feel desirable and finally have the sustainable happiness you're seeking!Start becoming the woman of your dreams today!

  • - Loving and Breaking Up with a Narcissistic Man-Start Your Psychopath-free Life Now! Based on a True Story
    af Elena Miro
    167,95 kr.

    Do you suspect that your partner is a narcissist? Your story is my story!Do your partner's moods swing wildly from smothering you with love to hurling insults?Does your partner make you feel like you're crazy?If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's possible your partner is a narcissist. In this day and age, they're everywhere, even the highest levels of the government! So, how can you tell if your partner is one too?This book will help you understand mental abuse techniques(like gaslighting, projection, and others) that are traits of narcissistic personality disorder. It will describe what a narcissistic person is like, the signs of mental abuse, and much more.In this book, you will discover the following about toxic relationships: How the charming narcissist can fool you into believing you've found your ideal partner;The warning signs of an emotionally abusive man;The typical way that narcissistic personality disorder manifests;How to plan breaking up with a narcissistic partner;What to do if you're divorcing a toxic husband.I know all about loving a narcissistic man because I went through it. This book tells the story of my relationship with my narcissistic husband. Just like you, I was fooled at first and thought I had found my perfect man. But soon, the mask fell away, and in its place was the face of my emotional abuser. I know how difficult it is to come to terms with being in a toxic relationship. I understand that and will show you, through my story, how to get out.You don't have to suffer in silence or shame anymore. This book will show you how you can be manipulated by your mental abuser into thinking you are crazy. But you're not, and I can help you to see the truth. I will also show you how I escaped from my toxic relationship.You don't have to suffer as an emotionally abused woman anymore. There is a way out and my story can help you find your escape.Don't spend another moment suffering from narcissistic abuse. Let me help you find a way out of the nightmare and into a new, narcissist-free life today!

  • - Loving and Breaking Up with a Narcissistic Man
    af Elena Miro
    167,95 kr.

    Do you suspect that your partner is a narcissist? YOUR STORY is my story!Let me draw for you a portrait of a narcissistic monster. In the beginning, narcissistic partners are usually very captivating. They seem to be the men with this "big," strong personality. They shine. They're charming, and they can easily make you feel special, adored, and super attractive.So, where's the hook? With time, you discover the truth. Just like I did.With time, your partner - the one who was supposed to be THE ONE - turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are horrible partners.They act as if they are always right and their partner is wrong or incompetent.They're extremely concentrated on themselves, and they require a lot of attention and appreciation.They will perceive their partner as a source of satisfying their own needs.Highly critical of others but hypersensitive to the slightest form of criticism or rejection.They have trouble with really loving someone because they don't love themselves.How does it feel for a woman to be with a narcissistic man? Narcissist's moods swing wildly, from smothering you with love to hurling insults.He will provide you with a daily, emotionally draining rollercoaster.Narcissist's ideal prey is a person who is self-sacrificing; one who suppresses their needs, who do not openly and assertively express them.With time, a narcissist will successively create a relationship based on toxic emotional codependency. This book will help you understand mental abuse techniques (like gaslighting, projection, and others) that are traits of narcissistic personality disorder. It will describe what a narcissistic person is like, the signs of mental abuse, and much more. I know all about loving a narcissistic man because I went through it. This book tells the story of my relationship (and my divorce) with my narcissistic husband. I understand how difficult it is to come to terms with being in a toxic relationship. How heartbreaking it feels when someone you thought you would grow old with turned out to be extremely selfish, manipulative, devoid of empathy, and jealous. Just like you, I experienced being in a relationship in which you feel inferior, criticized, manipulated, and lonely, but you can't find the strength to draw back and stand for yourself. You blame yourself and begin to lose trust in your own judgments.In this book, you will discover the following about toxic relationships: How the charming narcissist can fool you into believing you've found your ideal partner;The warning signs of an emotionally abusive man;The typical way that narcissistic personality disorder manifests;How to plan to break up with a narcissistic partner;What to do if you're divorcing a toxic husband."It was a real eye-opener and I pray that people will read this book and spot the narc before they get involved." Goodreads"The honesty of this book takes you in the right from the start." - GoodreadsTHERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED for you to keep living a life of an emotionally abused woman. You don't have to suffer in silence or shame anymore. I truly believe my story can guide you on how to free yourself from this toxic codependency.Don't spend another moment suffering from narcissistic abuse -it's not worth it.A narcissist-free life is a life filled with peace of mind, self-love, assertiveness, and self-trust. It's a life worth fighting for!

  • af Elena Miro
    182,95 kr.

    Have you been dealing with a narcissist? Have you found their words, actions, and habits to be causing damage to your life? Are you trying to make things work with this narcissist?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you.We often encounter narcissists and other toxic individuals in our daily lives without knowing it. But when it's out parent, spouse, friend, or even child, things can become a lot more complicated...and difficult.But I'm here to tell you that you are not alone. And there are ways to improve your situation, without removing the narcissist from your life. With this book, you'll be able to learn techniques to help you manage their behavior. The goal of this inspiring piece is to teach about narcissistic personality disorder without demonizing it. What's more, this is a unique book in that it includes the experiences of real narcissists, real victims, and real psychological professionals sharing their opinions.I was once married to a narcissist, and though I chose to leave the relationship, I understand how that might not be feasible, or even desirable, for a lot of people. But that doesn't mean that you're forced to sit back and allow the narcissist or toxic individual to rule your life. And that doesn't mean the relationship will always be miserable. In fact, you'll find that people are able to thrive in these relationships, so long as they understand how to set boundaries and work through the presented problems.Whatever your reasons for staying with this type of person, it is crucial that you read this book and take its message to heart. This is a comprehensive guide about not just surviving, but flourishing in the presence of a narcissist. This book aims to improve your relationship with yourself as well as with the toxic individuals in your life - and it might even help you to improve the person's behavior for good.Within this book, you'll learn:The causes, symptoms, and traits of an individual with narcissistic personality disorderHow to identify a narcissistHow to accept that they will never change fully and that it isn't your faultHow to mirror them so that they will feel recognized and understoodWhether a narcissist can ever truly love youHow to be happy and fulfilled in a relationship with a narcissistic individualAnd so much more.Having been in a relationship with a narcissist, I've devoted years of my life to understanding this type of person. Understanding what makes them tick, why they do the things they do, and whether or not it's possible to have a healthy relationship with them. Having done this type of research, I finally began to understand. And now I'm sharing what I've learned with you.So if you've ever dealt with a narcissist or toxic individual, if you have a current relationship with a person like this, or if you know someone who is, add this book to your collection today!You don't have to live in fear and discomfort. Take the first step to improving your life today!

  • af Elena Miro
    167,95 kr.

    Do you need to know how to disarm that narcissist in your life?If you have a narcissistic partner, parent, child, friend, or maybe coworker, you''ve likely been told that you should leave them behind. But sometimes, that''s not possible or even desirable. There is a way to make your relationship work without having to suffer from narcissistic victim syndrome or end the relationship.I was married to a narcissist, so I understand how difficult it can be to understand this condition and try to make it work. My experience with a toxic spouse is what prompted me to get a degree in psychology and write books about narcissism and recovering from narcissistic abuse. Now, 99% of the books written about narcissism will advise you to leave, and that''s what I did-but what if you can''t leave?To deal with any adversary, you first must understand how they think and feel. It''s only in this way that you can turn the narcissistic person into your friend and start building a beneficial relationship. That''s why this book gives real stories from narcissists, their loved ones, and their psychologists to help you tame your beast.It is designed to help you learn about just what makes a narcissist tick, and with that knowledge, you can take the appropriate steps to protect yourself without suffering from gaslighting or making trauma bonds.This book will help you learn all about the narcissist in your life, whether you''re dealing with narcissistic parents, a narcissistic partner, a psychopath, or other toxic people. You''ll learn all about this difficult mental condition and why it can work for some people. You''ll also learn how narcissists think and how narcissism develops in the first place. What''s more, this is a unique book in that it includes real narcissists, real victims, and psychological professionals sharing their opinions. When you have a better understanding of the condition, you can make the best decisions in your life.You''ll also learn about the following topics:The causes, symptoms, and traits of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)How to identify a narcissistHow the narcissist thinksCommon weaknesses of the narcissistWhether a narcissist can truly love youThe different kinds of narcissism, manipulations of toxic people, and much moreIf you want to learn how to live with your loved ones instead of leaving them, this is the book that can help you learn all about surviving a relationship with a narcissist.The book will help you understand the condition and gain insight into how the narcissist thinks. You''ll become better at understanding a narcissist''s behavior if you know how they think, and you''ll be able to find some compassion for this toxic person that can help improve your interactions with them. You''ll also learn about the narcissist''s manipulative techniques and how to avoid falling prey to them.There are ways to make it work with a narcissist, and if you''ve got one in your life, start reading this book today to figure out how best to handle your relationship!

  • af Elena Miro
    167,95 kr.

    Are you trying to make it work with the narcissist, psychopath, or other toxic person in your life?99% of the books written about narcissism will advise you to leave, and that''s what I did-but what if you can''t leave?If you have someone like that in your life, you might have received the advice to let them go. But, what if you can''t? What if you still love them and want to find a way to make it work, despite how they try to manipulate you? If that''s your situation, then you need to know how to manage your toxic relationship so you can live a happy life.Whatever the reason you have for staying in a narcissistic relationship, this book will help you understand how to manage your interactions with that toxic person for the best outcome. It will present strategies for how you can make a relationship with a narcissist or other toxic person work.I married a narcissist, and I made the decision to leave him behind, but that was the best choice for me. I know exactly how abusive a narcissist''s behavior can become. My experience with a toxic spouse is what prompted me to get a degree in psychology and write several books about my experience with narcissism and recovering from narcissistic abuse.I soon realized, however, that many people can''t leave their toxic spouses or get away from their narcissistic boss. Maybe your narcissist is one of your children, and you simply don''t want to break off all contact with them. In that case, you''ll need to know how to protect yourself from their gaslighting, narcissistic rage, and other forms of emotional abuse. You have to learn to live with them without developing narcissistic victim syndrome.Specifically, you''ll learn about the following topics:How to accept that they will never change while understanding that their behavior is not your fault;How to use humor to redirect their bad behavior and narcissistic rage;How to mirror them so they will feel recognized and understood;How to set strong boundaries to stop their manipulations;How to avoid being codependent, learn to live your life, and fulfill your dreams, in spite of their mental condition.This book is designed to help people who don''t want to or cannot leave the narcissist in their life. It is possible to create a happy life even with a narcissist in it, and this book can show you what you need to know to protect yourself so you can make that happen.The book will give you proven techniques to keep you from being manipulated by the narcissist you love. It will also help you foster better communication with this toxic person. You''ll learn how to take care of yourself so you won''t be a victim of narcissistic abuse and improve your communication with the toxic person you love, so you can have a positive and productive relationship with them.You can make it work with a narcissist!Start reading today to find out how to survive and thrive in your relationship with a narcissist!

  • - 10 steps to go from emotional abuse recovery to building healthy relationships
    af Elena Miro
    152,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Guide for the Modern Woman: Back to the roots of Femininity, Fascinating Womanhood, Designing your Happy Relationship
    af Elena Miro
    136,95 kr.

  • - The Secrets of Understanding Narcissism and the Mindset of Toxic People
    af Elena Miro
    157,95 kr.

  • - Loving and Breaking Up with a Narcissistic Man-Start Your Psychopath-free Life Now! Based on a True Story
    af Elena Miro
    152,95 kr.

  • - the Ultimate Guide for the Modern Woman, Back to the roots of Femininity, Fascinating Womanhood, Designing your Happy Relationship
    af Elena Miro
    137,95 kr.

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