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  • af Elizabeth George
    213,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George
    198,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George serves up a century's worth of superb crime fiction penned by women. This veritable all-star team delivers tales of dark deeds that will keep you reading long into the night. Included are these works:"A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan GlaspellThe Summer of People" by Shirley Jackson"The Irony of Hate" by Ruth Rendell"Country Lovers" by Nadine Gordimer"Wild Mustard" by Marcia Muller"Murder-Two" by Joyce Carol OatesA Moment on the Edge is a rare treat not only for fans of crime fiction but also for anyone who appreciates a skillfully written, deftly told story.

  • af Elizabeth George
    198,95 kr.

    Here's what I tell my students on the first day when I teach one of my creative writing courses: You will be published if you possess three qualities--talent, passion, and discipline.In Write Away, New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George offers would-be writers exactly what they need to know about how to construct a novel. She provides a detailed overview of the craft and gives helpful instruction on all elements of writing, from setting and plot to technique and process. To illustrate her points, George presents excerpts from a number of well-known writers, including Barbara Kingsolver, Harper Lee, E. M. Forster, John Irving, Toni Morrison, Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway, and Alice Hoffman.In addition to being a clear and concise guide to fiction writing, Write Away also opens a window into the life of Elizabeth George. It reveals the inspiring personal story of how the distinguished author came to be published and how she meticulously researches and crafts her novels.I have a love-hate relationship with the writing life. I wouldn't wish to have any other kind of life . . . and on the other hand, I wish it were easier. And it never is. The reward comes sentence by sentence. The reward comes in the unexpected inspiration. The reward comes from creating a character who lives and breathes and is perfectly real. But such effort it takes to attain the reward! I would never have believed it would take such effort. George's solid understanding of the craft is conveyed in the enticing manner of a true storyteller, making Write Away not only a marvelous, interesting, and informative book but also a glimpse inside the world of a beloved writer.

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 kr.

    Elena Weaver udstrålede intelligens og seksualitet med sine små kjoler og skinnende smykker. Som studerende på St. Stephen’s College i Cambridge levede Elena et liv fuld af tilfældige, lidenskabelige og intense forhold; et liv fuld af mellemværender, som skulle afgøres, og mål, som skulle opnås. En morgen, da Elena var ude på sin sædvanlige løbetur langs floden Cam, blev hun tæsket til døde af en person, der havde ligget på lur ved flodbredden.Da vicekriminalkommissær Thomas Lynley og hans partner, kriminalassistent Barbara Havers, træder ind i den eksklusive akademiske verden, bliver de spundet ind i et net af kærlighed, besættelse og begær – en malstrøm af følelser, som har gjort krav på Elena Weavers liv.”Georges mysterie udvikler sig med utrolig, psykologisk dybde, omhyggeligt fremstillede karakterer og smukke beskrivelser af det engelske landskab. George er en uundgåelig forfatter i populærfiktion i dag.” - The Washington Post”Uimodståelig.” - The Seattle Times”Uden tvivl en af mrs. Georges bedste mysterier, original i sit koncept og fascinerende i sin mangfoldighed af karakterer.” - The Washington Times”Lige så fængslende som hendes første bog i denne anmelderroste serie. En af krimiverdenens herskende dronninger.” - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 kr.

    Det usædvanlig bestialske drab på en journalist i Cornwall er blot ouverturen til den række uhyggelige begivenheder, som kriminalassistent Thomas Lynley stilles overfor i En passende hævn. Den adelige opdager fra Scotland Yard må undvære sin sædvanlige makker, Barbara Havers, og optrevlingen af sagen kompliceres yderligere, da en gammel familietragedie på Howenstow-godset, Lynleys fædrene hjem, kommer for dagen.

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 kr.

    En modbydelig mordsag havner på detektiverne Lynley og Havers skrivebord, da der kommer melding om, at en 13-årig dreng er sporløst forsvunden fra den fine kostskole, hans forældre har indskrevet ham på. Da liget af den mishandlede dreng snart efter dukker op, bliver Lynley og Havers ikke meget klogere på morderens motiver.Som opklaringen af forbrydelsen skrider frem, kommer Lynley og Havers i kontakt med en række personer, der alle bliver dybt berørt af efterforskningen, og som - for de flestes vedkommende - også bærer rundt på en alvorlig hemmelighed.

  • af Elizabeth George
    588,95 kr.

    An Instant New York Times Bestseller! Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley are back in the next Lynley novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth George.When a police detective is taken off life support after falling into a coma, only an autopsy reveals the murderous act that precipitated her death. She'd been working on a special task force within North London's Nigerian community, and Acting Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley is assigned to the case, which has far-reaching cultural associations that have nothing to do with life as he knows it. In his pursuit of a killer determined to remain hidden, he's assisted by Detective Sergeants Barbara Havers and Winston Nkata. They must sort through the lies and the secret lives of people whose superficial cooperation masks the damage they do to one another.

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 kr.

    Et teaterselskab fra London indlogerer sig på et koldt gods i Skotland for at blive præsenteret for deres nye og temmelig kontroversielle stykke. Næste morgen bliver stykkets forfatterinde, Joy Sinclair, fundet myrdet i sin seng, naglet til madrassen med en kniv gennem halsen.Scotland Yard sætter kriminalassistent Thomas Lynley og overbetjent Barbara Havers på opklaringsarbejdet med ordre om at holde sagen ude af pressen så længe som muligt. Blandt de mistænkte er lord Stinhurst, Englands mest magtfulde teaterdirektør, to af nationens mest elskede skuespillere og stykkets instruktør, den alkoholiserede waliser Rhyes Davies-Jones der befinder sig sammen med sin kæreste, lady Helen - Lynleys gamle veninde.

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 kr.

    Første gang, Thomas Lynley og overbetjent Barbara Havers fra Scotland Yard arbejder sammen, er på mordsagen om den halshuggede mand i laden. Det er ikke en sag for sarte sjæle.Da Cromwells soldater for trehundrede år siden tromlede gennem Keldale Valley i Yorkshire, søgte hele landsbyen tilflugt i Keldale kloster. Og sagnet fortæller, at et barn begyndte at skrige, og at landsbyboerne kvalte det af frygt for at blive opdaget.Nu er dalen atter hjemsøgt af et brutalt mord. "Jeg gjorde det. Og jeg fortryder ikke," siger den nittenårige pige, man finder i laden ved siden af liget af hendes halshuggede far, inden hun flygter ind i en dyb psykose.De to Scotland Yard-opdagere, Thomas Lynley og Barbara Havers, hentes til Keldale for at afslutte den tilsyneladende enkle tilståelsessag. I stedet blotlægger de en labyrint af modbydelighed og misbrug, som ryster både landsbyen og dem selv."Karaktererne bygges op til troværdige størrelser, man gerne vil følge." - Politiken"Man er underholdt hele vejen igemmen.Kan klart anbefales." - Alt for Damerne"Engelsk krimi, når den er mest velskrevet og vedkommende" - Berlingske Tiderne"Elizabeth George er for den læser, der elsker intelligente, psykologisk overbevisende og atmosfærefyldte krimier," - LitteratursidenElizabeth George debuterede med den prisbelønnede kriminalroman En fars begær. Siden har hun skrevet en lang række romaner i serian om Lynley og Havers, og vundet et hav af priser. Mange af hendes bøger er blevet lavet til film og tv-serier på BBC og ITV. Hun bor i Portland, Oregon.

  • af Elizabeth George
    178,95 kr.

    He found the body on the forty-third day of his walk . . . Devastated by the senseless murder of his wife, Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley retreated to Cornwall, where he has spent six solitary weeks hiking the bleak and rugged coastline. But no matter how far he walks, the painful memories do not diminish.Then, at the base of a cliff near a town better known for its surfing than its intrigue, Lynley discovers the body of a young man who has fallen to his death. First a witness, then a suspect when the hand of a killer is revealed, Lynley remains, above all, a policeman willing to aid the gruff head of an understaffed local constabulary in her investigation. But the secrets in this community run dark and deepand Lynley must somehow find a way to let go of the past long enough to solve a most devious and dreadful crime.

  • af Elizabeth George
    183,95 kr.

    The brutal, inexplicable death of Inspector Thomas Lynley's wife has left Scotland Yard shocked and searching for answers. Even more horrifying is that the trigger was apparently pulled by a twelve-year-old boy. Who is he? Where did he come from? And what were the circumstances that led to his final act of desperation?That story begins on the other side of London, in rough North Kensington, where the three mixed-race, virtually orphaned Campbell children are bounced first from their grandmother then to their aunt. The oldest, fifteen-year-old Ness, is headed for trouble as fast as her high-heeled boots will take her. That leaves the middle child, Joel, to care for the youngest, Toby. No one wants to put it into words, but something clearly isn't right with Toby.Before long, there are signs that Joel himself has problems. A local gang starts harassing him and threatening his brother. To protect his family, Joel makes a pact with the devila move that leads straight to the front doorstep of Thomas Lynley.The anatomy of a murder, the story of a family in crisis, What Came Before He Shot Her is a powerful, emotional novel full of deep psychological insights, a novel that only the incomparable Elizabeth George could write.

  • af Elizabeth George
    228,95 kr.

    [A] juicy serial killer whodunit.USA TodayDelicately textured...achingly compassionate....Its one of Georges best, and thats saying something.Seattle Times The 13th novel in Elizabeth Georges acclaimed, New York Times bestselling Inspector Linley crime fiction series, With No One as Witness is arguably the most riveting, shocking, and emotionally compelling of the lot. The hunt for a serial killer who has been murdering and mutilating young boys in London has Scotland Yard Detective Superintendent Thomas Lynley and his team of investigators racing to stop the slaughter, only to have the investigation nearly derailed by one devastating, truly game changing event. An American author, George has been praised as a master of the British mystery by the New York Times, one of only two Yanks whose crime novels have been adapted for the PBS TV series, Mystery, and her exceptional police procedurals rank with the best of Ian Rankin, Peter Robinson, and Ruth Rendell.

  • af Elizabeth George
    158,95 - 178,95 kr.

    Inspector Lynley og Barbara Havers er tilbage!William Goldacres selvmord truer med at ødelægge dem, der er tilbage. Men hvad var årsagen til denne tragedie, og hvor langt kan konsekvenserne række?Og er der en forbindelse mellem den unge mands spring fra en Dorset-klippe og en forfærdelig forgiftning i Cambridge?Efter en række uheldige karriereforseelser er Barbara Havers desperat efter at rette op på de skader, hun har forvoldt, så da mødet med den storsælgende feministiske forfatter Clare Abbott og dennes påtrængende personlige assistent Caroline Goldacre giver hende en forbindelse til mordet i Cambridge, tigger Barbara DI Thomas Lynley om at lade hende forfølge sagen.

  • - A Lynley Novel
    af Elizabeth George
    154,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERDetective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley are forced to confront the past as they try to solve a crime that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of a quiet, historic medieval town in EnglandThe cozy, bucolic town of Ludlow is stunned when one of its most revered and respected citizens--Ian Druitt, the local deacon--is accused of a serious crime. Then, while in police custody, Ian is found dead. Did he kill himself? Or was he murdered?When Barbara Havers is sent to Ludlow to investigate the chain of events that led to Ian's death, all the evidence points to suicide. But Barbara can't shake the feeling that she's missing something. She decides to take a closer look at the seemingly ordinary inhabitants of Ludlow--mainly elderly retirees and college students--and discovers that almost everyone in town has something to hide.A masterful work of suspense, The Punishment She Deserves sets Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Inspector Thomas Lynley against one of their most intricate cases. Fans of the longtime series will love the many characters from Elizabeth George's previous novels who join Lynley and Havers, and readers new to the series will quickly see why she is one of the most popular and critically acclaimed writers of our time. Both a page-turner and a deeply complex story about the lies we tell, the lies we believe, and the redemption we need, this novel will be remembered as one of George's best.

  • af Elizabeth George
    118,95 kr.

    In this unique coloring book, girls will add their own creative touches to beautifully designed quotes and encounter powerful Scripture verses on each page. Help a tween girl discover what it truly means to seek God's heart.

  • - An Inspector Lynley Novel: 17
    af Elizabeth George
    133,95 kr.

    Award-winning author Elizabeth George delivers another masterpiece of suspense in her Inspector Lynley series.

  • - A Journey to the Heart of Working Despair
    af Elizabeth George
    98,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth George & Zakkariya K.A.
    561,95 kr.

    This book explores how psychological empowerment can influence and enhance job satisfaction.

  • - Book 4 of The Edge of Nowhere Series
    af Elizabeth George
    96,95 kr.

    Becca's ability to hear the broken thoughts of others has not turned out to be a fabulous gift after all. It has got in the way of her being able to function in the world normally. More seriously, it makes her think she knows things that she doesn't know at all. Becca's friends are also dealing with stressful situations and coming to terms with troubling discoveries about themselves. Seth Darrow's learning disability makes him vulnerable. The girl he loves is not what she appears to be. His grandfather might lose his property and be thrust into care. Jenn has to come to terms with her sexuality, while Derric finds out that the cover-up he has engaged in for the last ten years was never necessary in the first place. Acclaimed author Elizabeth George brings her extraordinary talents to this intriguing story that blends mystery and myth. In this final book in the Edge of Nowhere series, Becca and her friends do their best to navigate a difficult world and come to a resolution - and acceptance - of their futures.

  • - Your Life God's Way
    af Elizabeth George
    119,95 kr.

    Teens face serious choices every day about attitudes, behaviors, friends, drugs, and sex. Elizabeth takes teens through the step-by-step process of making decisions that are life-affirming and godly. Teens are pointed to God's Word for wisdom and guidance. They'll discover how to consider consequences and learn checkpoints for confirming decisions.

  • - 1 Timothy
    af Elizabeth George
    128,95 kr.

    What does living a godly life mean today? Delving into I Timothy, women can deepen their Christian walk, with special attention on focus, heart attitudes, and behavior. Embark on an exciting quest for godliness!

  • - Virtues and Fun from Proverbs 31
    af Elizabeth George
    136,95 kr.

    Elizabeth draws from Proverbs 31 to encourage young girls to apply the positive qualities illustrated in each verse. Judy's charming illustrations complement the text that says there's more to being a girl than being sweet.

  • - A Teen's Guide to Friends, Faith, Family, and the Future
    af Elizabeth George
    119,95 kr.

    What does it mean to live God in your everyday life? It means knowing and following God's perfect plan for you as a young woman. Learn how to grow close to God, get along with family and friends, make right choices, become more like Jesus, and prepare for the future.

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