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Bøger af Elizabeth Williams

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  • - Le guide complet étape par étape pour un diagnostic, un traitement, une prévention et une gestion efficaces
    af Elizabeth Williams
    152,95 kr.

    Déverrouillez les secrets pour vaincre la maladie coronarienne !Dans un monde tourmenté par les problèmes de santé cardiaque, trouver des informations fiables sur la gestion de la maladie coronarienne peut sembler comme naviguer dans un labyrinthe. Si vous vous êtes déjà senti submergé par les complexités du diagnostic, du traitement, de la prévention et de la gestion, ne craignez rien. Notre guide complet est là pour éclairer le chemin vers un coeur plus sain.À propos de ce livre: Découvrez des stratégies efficaces pour diagnostiquer la maladie coronarienne dès son apparition, vous permettant de prendre des mesures proactives pour le traitement.Apprenez des méthodes éprouvées pour gérer la maladie coronarienne, y compris des ajustements de style de vie, des options médicamenteuses et des thérapies de pointe.Explorez les mesures préventives qui peuvent réduire considérablement votre risque de développer une maladie coronarienne, vous permettant de reprendre le contrôle de votre santé.Obtenez des informations sur les dernières avancées en technologie médicale et en recherche, vous assurant de rester informé des options de traitement les plus innovantes disponibles.Accédez à des conseils pratiques et des conseils concrets pour intégrer des habitudes saines pour le coeur dans votre routine quotidienne, favorisant la longévité et la vitalité.Donnez-vous le pouvoir de connaître les causes profondes de la maladie coronarienne, ce qui vous permettra de prendre des décisions éclairées sur votre parcours de santé.Bénéficiez de conseils et d'un soutien d'experts à chaque étape de votre parcours, alors que vous vous lancez dans un voyage transformateur vers une santé cardiaque optimale.Prenez en main votre santé cardiaque dès aujourd'hui !Ne laissez plus la maladie coronarienne dicter votre vie. Avec les informations inestimables et les conseils d'experts fournis dans ce guide complet, vous disposerez des outils et des connaissances nécessaires pour surmonter efficacement les défis de la maladie coronarienne. Faites le premier pas vers un coeur plus sain et un avenir plus brillant - procurez-vous votre exemplaire dès maintenant !

  • - Die vollständige Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für effektive Diagnose, Behandlung, Prävention und Management
    af Elizabeth Williams
    162,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse zur Bekämpfung der koronaren Herzkrankheit! In einer Welt, die von Herzgesundheitsproblemen geplagt wird, kann die Suche nach zuverlässigen Informationen zur Behandlung koronarer Herzerkrankungen wie die Navigation durch ein Labyrinth sein. Wenn Sie sich jemals von der Komplexität von Diagnose, Behandlung, Prävention und Management überfordert gefühlt haben, brauchen Sie keine Angst zu haben. Unser umfassender Leitfaden soll Ihnen den Weg zu einem gesünderen Herzen beleuchten. Über das Buch: Entdecken Sie wirksame Strategien zur frühzeitigen Diagnose einer koronaren Herzkrankheit, die Sie in die Lage versetzen, proaktive Schritte zur Behandlung einzuleiten. Lernen Sie bewährte Methoden zur Behandlung koronarer Herzkrankheiten kennen, einschließlich Anpassungen des Lebensstils, Medikamentenoptionen und modernster Therapien. Entdecken Sie vorbeugende Maßnahmen, die Ihr Risiko, an einer koronaren Herzkrankheit zu erkranken, deutlich reduzieren können und es Ihnen ermöglichen, die Kontrolle über Ihre Gesundheit zurückzugewinnen. Erhalten Sie Einblicke in die neuesten Fortschritte in der Medizintechnik und -forschung und bleiben Sie über die innovativsten verfügbaren Behandlungsmöglichkeiten auf dem Laufenden. Erhalten Sie praktische Tipps und umsetzbare Ratschläge, um herzgesunde Gewohnheiten in Ihren Alltag zu integrieren und so Langlebigkeit und Vitalität zu fördern. Stärken Sie sich mit dem Wissen über die Grundursachen koronarer Herzkrankheiten, damit Sie fundierte Entscheidungen über Ihren Gesundheitsweg treffen können. Profitieren Sie bei jedem Schritt von fachkundiger Anleitung und Unterstützung, während Sie sich auf eine transformative Reise zu einer optimalen Herzgesundheit begeben. Übernehmen Sie noch heute die Verantwortung für Ihre Herzgesundheit! Lassen Sie nicht länger zu, dass eine koronare Herzkrankheit Ihr Leben bestimmt. Mit den unschätzbaren Erkenntnissen und der fachkundigen Anleitung in diesem umfassenden Leitfaden verfügen Sie über die Werkzeuge und das Wissen, die Sie benötigen, um die Herausforderungen einer koronaren Herzkrankheit effektiv zu meistern. Machen Sie den ersten Schritt zu einem gesünderen Herzen und einer besseren Zukunft - holen Sie sich jetzt Ihr Exemplar!

  • - The Complete Step by Step Guide for Effective Diagnosis Treatment Prevention and Management
    af Elizabeth Williams
    139,95 kr.

    Unlock the Secrets to Defeating Coronary Heart Disease!In a world plagued by heart health concerns, finding reliable information on managing coronary heart disease can feel like navigating a labyrinth. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and management, fear not. Our comprehensive guide is here to illuminate the path towards a healthier heart.About This Book: Discover effective strategies for diagnosing coronary heart disease early on, empowering you to take proactive steps towards treatment.Learn proven methods for managing coronary heart disease, including lifestyle adjustments, medication options, and cutting-edge therapies.Explore preventative measures that can significantly reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease, allowing you to reclaim control over your health.Gain insights into the latest advancements in medical technology and research, ensuring you stay informed about the most innovative treatment options available.Access practical tips and actionable advice for integrating heart-healthy habits into your daily routine, promoting longevity and vitality.Empower yourself with knowledge about the root causes of coronary heart disease, enabling you to make informed decisions about your health journey.Benefit from expert guidance and support every step of the way, as you embark on a transformative journey towards optimal heart health.Take Charge of Your Heart Health Today!Don't let coronary heart disease dictate your life any longer. With the invaluable insights and expert guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, you'll possess the tools and knowledge needed to overcome the challenges of coronary heart disease effectively. Take the first step towards a healthier heart and a brighter future-grab your copy now!

  • - Hjärt-hälsosamma läckra recept för att förebygga, kontrollera och vända hjärtsjukdomar med servering och näringsinformation
    af Elizabeth Williams
    156,95 kr.

    En av de ledande experterna inom hjärthälsa har just släppt en kokbok för att förebygga och vända hjärtsjukdomar. Varje recept har näringsinformation och servering. Kranskärlssjukdom, ofta kallad "den tysta mördaren", kräver otaliga liv varje år. Det kryper in i våra artärer och minskar de vitala vägarna som förser våra hjärtan med syre och näringsämnen. Dess utveckling är ofta smygande, med symtom som kanske inte visar sig förrän det är för sent. Detta är en sjukdom som inte känner några gränser, som drabbar både unga och gamla, och som inte visar nåd. Men här är sanningen: att vänta på en diagnos är som att spela ett farligt hasardspel med ditt liv. Nyckeln till att bekämpa kranskärlssjukdom ligger i att förebygga, inte i att bota den när den väl har fått fäste. Vill du ta din hjärthälsa på allvar? Är du eller någon du älskar som brottas med utmaningarna med kranskärlssjukdom? Längtar du efter läckra, hjärtvänliga måltider som inte bara håller ditt tillstånd i schack utan retar dina smaklökar? Om ditt svar är ja, leta inte längre än KOKBOK FÖR HJÄRTSJUKDOMAR är din nyckel till att låsa upp en värld av hälsa och smak. Upptäck boken som kommer att förändra ditt liv och ditt kök. Säg adjö till intetsägande, oinspirerande måltider och omfamna en resa till bättre hjärthälsa. Fördelar med denna bok Hjärtskyddande recept: Utforska en skattkammare av läckra recept noggrant framtagna för att stödja din hjärthälsa. Näringspackade läckerheter: Njut av rätter sprängfyllda med viktiga näringsämnen som ger näring åt ditt hjärta. Kostråd: Få expertråd om kostval för att effektivt hantera din kranskärlssjukdom. Livsstilstips: Lär dig ovärderliga tips för en hjärthälsosam livsstil som sträcker sig utanför köket. Hantera ditt tillstånd: Förstå hur din kost kan hjälpa dig att kontrollera och hantera kranskärlssjukdom. Expertinsikter: Dra nytta av visdomen hos ledande experter inom hjärthälsa och näring. Bonus: Dagbok för måltidsplanerare och varje recept kommer med serverings- och näringsinformation. Investera i din hälsa idag med KOKBOK FÖR HJÄRTSJUKDOMAR och njut av ett liv i vitalitet och smak. Beställ nu och låt de helande smakerna i våra recept göra ditt hjärta fritt.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    1.057,95 kr.

    In Black Britain and Nelson Mandela: "Pulling the Branch of a Tree" Elizabeth Williams leads a cast of renowned scholars to explore the impact of Nelson Mandela's legacy on Black intellectual thought on race and social justice in Britain. This engaging book presents an original collection of chapters authored by leading Black voices across the academy, foregrounding the Black British perspective in historical discourse for the first time. This fresh take on Mandela the Man, rather than the enduring myth around his branding, explores the life of Nelson Mandela; his contribution to the peace in South Africa and the impact of British law on Mandela and his legal jurisprudence. Not only does this innovative collection highlight the lessons which can be learned from Mandela's life, it also connects with contemporary issues of race in Britain today, taking in the Rhodes Must Fall movement and Black Lives Matter movement. The result is a much-needed revival of existing literature, and a collection which will be of interest to students and scholars of Black British History.

  • - Some of my most inner thoughts and experiences.
    af Elizabeth Williams
    117,95 kr.

    I begin the composition of this short poetry book a few weeks after the passing of my father. To be frank, I've never thought of myself as a poet, a poetry-enthusiast, maybe where I dabble in it from time-to-time, but never an actual published poet. Moreover, since the passing of my father, writing has been one of the only things to help me cope; so, this written work is a dedication to him. Life experiences - in Poetry is a small collection of poems in which I've written about things that I've experienced or pondered. I hope you enjoy it. This is my heart, so be gentle with it, will you?

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    117,95 kr.

    Warning! This book will help you gain loving, mindful and genuine relationships. Love is an essential part of our lives as human beings. We all want to be loved and be loved whether it is in family relationships or romantic relationships.However, a lot of us are confused on how to love properly and are somewhat have misguided conceptions on how to build better, healthier relationships. It is important to know that before you can build a good, deep relationship with someone, you have to start with yourself first. You have to be grounded in who you are. You have to understand your personality, your weakness, your strength. Elizabeth Williams in this book gives a brief but detailed guide on how to discover yourself, practice self compassion, identify different attractions, fundamentals of love, when and how to let go, among many other sensitive relationship topics. Her hope is to bring answers to people who have questions and in that way help them experience and enjoy beautiful, long-lasting relationships. Click on "ADD TO CART" to get this book now!

  • - Or Justice To Ourselves And Others, The Consequence Of True Piety (1829)
    af Elizabeth Williams
    204,95 kr.

    ""Letters From Elizabeth Williams To Anne Mowbray: Or Justice To Ourselves And Others, The Consequence Of True Piety"" is a book written by Elizabeth Williams and published in 1829. The book is a collection of letters that Elizabeth wrote to her friend Anne Mowbray. In these letters, Elizabeth discusses the importance of living a pious life and how it can lead to justice for oneself and others. She also talks about the challenges of maintaining a virtuous life in a world that often values material wealth and power. The letters provide insight into the religious and moral beliefs of the time and offer guidance for readers seeking to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Overall, ""Letters From Elizabeth Williams To Anne Mowbray"" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that encourages readers to strive for spiritual and moral excellence.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    77,95 kr.

    Read, write and declare! This is a 2 month long devotional journal.Each day one truth about who you are in Christ is provided for you to ponder, pray about and read in the Bible about. With space for you to write out the scriptures or your notes.Receive a blessing from God, see who you are in Christ and experience the true reality of who you are and how much God loves you.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    133,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    154,95 kr.

    That's BIG: Believing It's God! is an inspiring book which shares different experiences from Elizabeth's life where God moved in a big way on her behalf, drawing her close to Him and helping her become the woman He created her to be. This book is filled with numerous testimonies: some comical, some serious, some tearful and some flat out unbelievable. All life changing. All working together for good. These powerful testimonies show God's protection and faithfulness to Elizabeth over the years. One example is how the Lord literally brought her back from death when she was in a traumatic car accident at the age of sixteen. Each of these testimonies speaks to the unconditional love and mercy of God and serves as a reminder that we can turn to Him no matter what we're going through. This faith-filled book will leave you confident, encouraged, hopeful, renewed, strengthened and living BIG. Elizabeth Williams has devoted her life to service: serving God and other people. Her mission is to encourage others and bring God glory through sharing her testimony with as many people as possible. Elizabeth was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. She received her B.A. in Communication and Information Sciences from the University of Alabama in 2003. She is a marketing and communications professional with more than 16 years of experience in healthcare community engagement. Elizabeth is an author, board chair, certified life coach, community leader, entrepreneur, mentor and motivational speaker. She is the owner of MindingYourLiz. Above everything, Elizabeth is a Christian and a survivor who lives and thinks BIG.

  • af Sue Russell & Elizabeth Williams
    497,95 - 622,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    112,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    112,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    342,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    205,95 kr.

  • af Mohamed Kanu
    1.063,95 kr.

    Diversity and Cultural Competence in the Health Sector: Ebola-Affected Countries in West Africa examines the 20142016 Ebola crisis in three West African countries. The authors argue that this public health disaster was exacerbated by the lack of cultural competency in emergency response efforts. Considering the role of culture in the social, economic, health-related, and political dynamics that made these countries particularly vulnerable to the disease and how culturally competent approaches could have been employed sooner to reduce risk and prevent death and disability, this book serves as a guide for government officials, nongovernmental relief agencies, healthcare professionals, and public health personnel on how to effectively center cultural competence in emergency response to infectious disease outbreaks.

  • - Essential Guide to Build Confidence and Self Esteem (Master the Art of Small Talk Easily and Effectively)
    af Elizabeth Williams
    217,95 kr.

  • - Black British Solidarity and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle
    af Elizabeth Williams
    552,95 - 1.786,95 kr.

    Examines the British support for the anti-apartheid movement among its own black communities. This title highlights the connection between domestic anti-racism struggles and the struggle in South Africa, showing how black Britons who were themselves fighting racism in British society identified and expressed solidarity with black South Africans.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    200,95 - 296,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    182,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Williams
    118,95 kr.

    A spiritual adventure with a memorable guide who explains the Fear and how urgently we need to evolve to a higher spiritual level where the power of love can transform lives.

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