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Elly Griffiths

Bøger af Elly Griffiths

Elly Griffiths er en britisk krimiforfatter og er født d. 17. august, 1963 i London. Hun er mest kendt for sine succesfulde krimiserier om den begavede arkæolog og knogle ekspert, Ruth Galloway som tager os på en spændende thriller-rejse gennem de mange mystiske krimisager.
Hun er desuden også skaberen af karakteren Edgar Stephens og tryllekunstneren Max Mephisto fra detektivserien Stephens & Mephisto.

Elly Griffiths er faktisk et navn, hun har adopteret efter den første bog ‘pigen i jorden’ i krimiserien om Ruth Galloway. Hendes borgerlige navn er Domenica de Rosa. Griffiths agent mente, at hun manglede et krimiforfatternavn og navnet blev starten på hendes succesfulde karriere som krimiforfatter.

Griffiths voksede op i London og er uddannet ved King’s College i London og har desuden arbejdet som forlagsredaktør, før hun blev forfatter på fuldtid. Hun bor i dag sammen med sin mand og deres to børn.

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  • - Stephens and Mephisto Mystery 2
    af Elly Griffiths
    105,95 kr.

    Chilling murder in the world of 1950s theatre - another case for DI Stephens and Max Mephisto for fans of Christopher Fowler's Bryant and May books.

  • af Griffiths Elly Griffiths
    85,95 - 197,95 kr.

    The exciting beginning to a captivating crime series featuring quirky, tart-tongued archaeologist Ruth Galloway as she investigates a childs bones found on a nearby beach, thought to be the remains of a little girl who went missing ten years before.

  • - En Ruth Galloway-krimi
    af Elly Griffiths
    73,95 kr.

    Ruth Galloway bliver tilkaldt, da en gruppe bygningsarbejdere under nedrivningen af et forfaldent hus i Norwich finder barneknogler under et dørtrin. Kraniet mangler. Er der tale om en rituel ofring eller et overlagt mord? Sammen med vicekriminalkommissær Harry Nelson indleder Ruth en efterforskning af sagen, og det viser sig, at huset er et tidligere børnehjem ledet af en katolsk præst. Og at to børn forsvandt for 40 år siden og aldrig blev fundet igen.Men mørke kræfter forsøger at forpurre efterforskningen, og snart står det klart, at Ruth og Nelson har pustet liv i en tilsyneladende glemt forbrydelse, som nu kan få dødbringende konsekvenser…Løgnens hus er anden bog i serien om Ruth Galloway. Hver bog indeholder en selvstændig, afsluttet historie.

  • - En Ruth Galloway-krimi
    af Elly Griffiths
    124,95 kr.

    ”En af de bedste bøger i serien.” – Bookreporter En lokal gruppe metaldetektor-entusiaster leder efter skatte i jorden, da de finder et lig på stranden i Norfolk. Kriminalkommissær Nelson tror først, at den døde kan være en druknet asylansøger, men det viser sig at være liget af en lokal ung mand, der netop er blevet løsladt fra fængslet. En samling af bronzealdervåben dukker også op på stranden, og den vækker arkæologen Ruth Galloways interesse.Da der sker endnu et dødsfald, og Nelson står over for ikke bare et, men to mistænkelige sager, tyder det efterhånden på, at en morder er på spil. Og snart begynder alle spor at pege i retning af den afsidesliggende gård Black Dog Farm, hvor et lokalt sagn fortæller om en spøgelseshund, der viser sig for folk, lige før de dør. Ruth lader sig normalt ikke så let skræmme – men Black Dog Farm kan få hårene til at rejse sig på enhver … Den sorte hund er 13. bind i den populære krimiserie om arkæolog og knogleekspert Ruth Galloway, som har solgt over 450.000 eksemplarer i Danmark. Hver bog indeholder en selvstændig historie, så bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden. ”Spændende og fuld af atmosfære.” – Bookpage ”Ruth Galloway er en herlig, helt særlig karakter … Et must-read for alle krimilæsere.” – Associated Press Elly Griffiths er en af Englands mest elskede krimiforfattere. Hun er blevet tildelt en lang række priser for sin bestsellerserie om arkæolog og knogleekspert Ruth Galloway, som har vundet en enorm popularitet blandt læserne.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    187,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Ord bliver dødbringende, da en lokal forfatter bliver myrdet – og Harbinder må træde til og hjælpe to umage privatdetektiver med at opklare sagen. Natalka og Edwin er et umage par – og alligevel er de helt perfekte sammen som makkere i deres fælles detektivbureau. Edwin, 84 år og altid ulasteligt klædt, hævder jævnligt, at han er den ældste detektiv i England. Natalka, født i Ukraine og mere end halvtreds år yngre end Edwin, er et matematisk geni. Men Natalka er frustreret. Hun holder af et godt gammeldags mord, som hun plejer at sige, og hun og Edwin er endnu ikke blevet hyret til at opklare et. Men så dør den lokale forfatter Melody Chambers … og snart finder endnu et mord sted. Er sagerne forbundne, og hvad har en særligt skummel læseklub med det hele at gøre? Samtidig i London kæmper Harbinder Kaur med sit nye job som vicekriminalkommissær. Mon hun kan hjælpe Natalka og Edwin med at opklare sagen? DET SIDSTE ORD er fjerde bind i serien om vicekriminalkommissær Harbinder Kaur og bringer et gensyn med de elskelige karakterer Edwin og Natalka fra Elly Griffiths’ Ekspert i mord. Hver bog indeholder en selvstændig historie, så bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden. ”Enormt underholdende og befolket af den slags karakterer, man øjeblikkeligt savner, efter den sidste side er vendt.” – Crime Fiction Lover “Denne hyggekrimi fuld af tilfredsstillende twists vil være det rene guf for både nuværende fans af Elly Griffiths og nytilkomne læsere.” – Library Journal “Et slaraffenland for bogelskere og fans af cosy crime.” – Lancashire Evening Post

  • af Elly Griffiths
    203,95 kr.

  • - En Ruth Galloway-krimi - bind 15
    af Elly Griffiths
    205,95 kr.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    188,95 kr.

    A brand new series from the No 1 bestselling author starring a heroine readers will love as much as Ruth Galloway. Meet the unforgettable Ali Dawson!

  • af Elly Griffiths
    124,95 kr.

    Kåret til årets krimi i The Times og vinder af den prestigefyldte Edgar Award for bedste kriminalroman.Clare Cassidy er vant til mord. I hvert fald i teorien. Hun underviser i litteratur og interesserer sig især for den gotiske roman og forfatteren R.M. Hollands skrækhistorier. En dag bliver en af Clares kollegaer fundet død, og ved siden af ofret finder politiet en lap papir med en sætning fra en af R.M. Hollands bøger. Clare frygter, at morderen kan være en, hun kender, og hun begynder at betro sig til sin dagbog. Men en dag opdager hun en mystisk besked i bogen, skrevet i en fremmed håndskrift: ”Hej Clare. Du kender mig ikke.” Pludselig minder begivenhederne i Clares eget liv mistænkeligt meget om plottet i en af hendes yndlingshistorier, og opdagelsen gør hende rædselsslagen. Kan hun mon nå at skrive slutningen om i tide?En spændingsfyldt krimi af forfatteren til de populære bøger om Ruth Galloway. Denne roman er første selvstændige bind i serien om kriminaloverbetjent Harbinder Kaur."Skrevet med Elly Griffiths' sædvanlige varme og lette hånd, men med en uhygge, der kryber under huden på en."SUNDAY EXPRESS"Gåsehudsfremkaldende … jeg elskede den!" LOUISE PENNY"Elly Griffiths’ personbeskrivelser er uforlignelige … Stærkest står dog hendes evne til at skrive et plot, der holder." BØGERNES LABYRINT

  • af Elly Griffiths
    124,95 kr.

    Arkæolog og knogleekspert Ruth Galloways nye liv forstyrres, da en dømt morder trækker i trådene og bringer Ruth og kriminalkommissær Nelson sammen igen. Ruth Galloway har et nyt job i Cambridge, et nyt hjem og en ny partner, og hun er ikke længere politiets knogleekspert. Men da en dømt morder tilbyder sin hjælp, lokkes Ruth tilbage til politiet i Norfolk og til kriminalkommissær Nelson. Nelson har altid været sikker på, at Ivor March stod bag flere kvindemord end dem, han blev dømt for. Nu tilbyder March at vise, hvor de andre kvinder er begravet, hvis Ruth står for udgravningen. Ifølge March er kvinderne begravet i et område, der er hjemsøgt af lygtemænd: mystiske figurer, der med deres lanterner lokker rejsende i døden. Hvad er Marchs plan, og hvorfor er Ruth så vigtig for den? Er morderen virkelig fanget og sat bag lås og slå?Lygtemændene er 12. bind i den populære krimiserie om arkæolog og knogleekspert Ruth Galloway, som har solgt over 200.000 eksemplarer i Danmark. Hver bog indeholder en selvstændig historie, så bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    187,95 - 209,95 kr.

    In a nail-biting hunt for a missing loved one, DI Edgar Stephens and the magician Max Mephisto discover once again that the line between art, life, and death is all too easily blurred. It's the holiday season and Max Mephisto and his daughter Ruby have landed a headlining gig at the Brighton Hippodrome, the biggest theater in the city, an achievement only slightly marred by the less-than-savory supporting act: a tableau show of naked "living statues." But when one of the girls goes missing and turns up dead not long after, Max and Ruby realize there's something far more sinister than obscenity afoot in the theater. DI Edgar Stephens is on the case. As he searches for the killer, he begins to suspect that her fatal vanishing act may very well be related to another case, the death of a quiet local florist. But just as he's narrowing in on the missing link, Ruby goes missing, and he and Max must team up once again to find her.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    252,95 kr.

    This first collection of short stories by the No 1 bestselling author features all her best-loved characters: Dr Ruth Galloway, Harry Nelson, Max Mephisto, Detective Harbinder Kaur and many more. A must for all her fans.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    165,95 - 215,95 kr.

    There's nothing Ruth Galloway hates more than amateur archaeologists, but when a group of them stumble upon Bronze Age artifacts alongside a dead body, she finds herself thrust into their midst-and into the crosshairs of a string of murders circling ever closer.Ruth is back as head of archaeology at the University of North Norfolk when a group of local metal detectorists-the so-called Night Hawks-uncovers Bronze Age artifacts on the beach, alongside a recently deceased body, just washed ashore. Not long after, the same detectorists uncover a murder-suicide-a scientist and his wife found at their farmhouse, long thought to be haunted by the Black Shuck, a humongous black dog and a harbinger of death. The further DCI Nelson probes into both cases, the more intertwined they become, and the closer they circle to David Brown, the new lecturer Ruth has recently hired, who seems always to turn up wherever Ruth goes.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    197,95 - 294,95 kr.

    The discovery of a missing woman's bones force Ruth and Nelson to finally confront their feelings for each other as they desperately work to exonerate one of their own in this not-to-be-missed Ruth Galloway mystery from USA Today bestselling author Elly Griffiths. When builders discover a human skeleton during a renovation of a café, they call in archeologist Dr. Ruth Galloway, who is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with DCI Nelson. The bones turn out to be modern?the remains of Emily Pickering, a young archaeology student who went missing in 2002. Suspicion soon falls on Emily's Cambridge tutor and also on another archeology enthusiast who was part of the group gathered the weekend before she disappeared?Ruth's friend Cathbad.As they investigate, Nelson and his team uncover a tangled web of relationships within the archeology group and look for a link between them and the café where Emily's bones were found. Then, just when the team seem to be making progress, Cathbad disappears. The trail leads Ruth a to the Neolithic flint mines in Grimes Graves. The race is on, first to find Cathbad and then to exonerate him, but will Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to save their friend?

  • af Elly Griffiths
    195,95 kr.

    A murderer strikes at a school reunion--but the students are no strangers to death-- in this propulsive, twisty thriller from the internationally bestselling author of the Ruth Galloway Mysteries Is it possible to forget that you've committed a murder?When Cassie Fitzgerald was at school in the late 90s, she and her friends killed a fellow student. Almost twenty years later, Cassie is a happily married mother who loves her job--as a police officer. She closely guards the secret she has all but erased from her memory.One day her husband finally persuades her to go to a school reunion. Cassie catches up with her high-achieving old friends from the Manor Park School--among them two politicians, a rock star, and a famous actress. But then, shockingly, one of them, Garfield Rice, is found dead in the school bathroom, supposedly from a drug overdose. As Garfield was an eminent--and controversial--MP and the investigation is high profile, it's headed by Cassie's new boss, DI Harbinder Kaur, freshly promoted and newly arrived in London. The trouble is, Cassie can't shake the feeling that one of them has killed again.Is Cassie right, or was Garfield murdered by one of his political cronies? It's in Cassie's interest to skew the investigation so that it looks like it has nothing to do with Manor Park and she seems to be succeeding.Until someone else from the reunion is found dead in Bleeding Heart Yard...

  • af Elly Griffiths
    287,95 kr.

    "Natalka and Edwin are perfect if improbable partners in a detective agency. At eighty-four, Edwin regularly claims that he's the oldest detective in England. He is a master at surveillance, deploying his age as a cloak of invisibility. Natalka, Ukrainian-born and more than fifty years his junior, is a math whizz, who takes any cases concerning fraud or deception. Despite a steady stream of minor cases, Natalka is frustrated. She loves a murder, as she's fond of saying, and none have come the agency's way. That is until local writer Melody Chambers dies. Melody's daughters are convinced that their mother was murdered. Edwin thinks that Melody's death is linked to that of an obituary writer who predeceased many of his subjects. Edwin and Benedict go undercover to investigate and are on a creative writing weekend at isolated Battle House when another murder occurs. Are the cases linked and what is the role of a distinctly sinister book group attended by many of writers involved? By the time Edwin has infiltrated the group, he is in serious danger."--Provided by publisher.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    137,95 kr.

    2. Verdenskrig er brudt ud, og det kommer til at præge livet på Justices kostskole, Highbury House. Eleverne skal pludselig dele hverdag med drengene fra en evakueret London-kostskole. Justice bliver ven med Henry, som viser sig også at være lidt af en detektiv. Heldigvis, for de to ser en aften et ansigt i et vindue – et vindue, hvor ingen burde kunne komme op til. Har det nogen forbindelse til drengenes lærer, som er tysker?Hyggelig og charmerende detektivroman om Justice Jones, der er en sej og selvstændig heltinde i et spændende, mystisk og klassisk kostskolemiljø i 1930'ernes England. Den seje og sympatiske heltinde skal begå sig i et snobbet, konkurrencepræget og dystert miljø.Elly Griffiths, der står bag den populære krimiserie for voksne om arkæologen Ruth Galloway, tager os med sin elegante stil og talent ind i et Enid Blyton-agtigt univers. Spænding, mystik og humor går op i en højere enhed i Elly Griffiths debut til børn.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    241,95 kr.

    MØD JUSTICE JONES. Kostskoleelev om dagen og super-detektiv om natten2. Verdenskrig er brudt ud, og det kommer til at præge livet på Justices kostskole, Highbury House. Eleverne skal pludselig dele hverdag med drengene fra en evakueret London-kostskole. Justice bliver ven med Henry, som viser sig også at være lidt af en detektiv. Heldigvis, for de to ser en aften et ansigt i et vindue – et vindue, hvor ingen burde kunne komme op til. Har det nogen forbindelse til drengenes lærer, som er tysker?Dette er sidste bind i den hyggelig og charmerende detektivserie om Justice Jones, der er en sej og selvstændig heltinde i et spændende, mystisk og klassisk kostskolemiljø i 1930'ernes England.Den seje og sympatiske heltinde skal begå sig i et snobbet, konkurrencepræget og dystert miljø.Elly Griffiths, der står bag den populære krimiserie for voksne om arkæologen Ruth Galloway, tager os med sin elegante stil og talent ind i et Enid Blyton-agtigt univers.Spænding, mystik og humor går op i en højere enhed i Elly Griffiths debut til børn.Lix 27,5 Ml: 9,5, Lo: 18,5Dejlig bog i den typisk engelske genre om piger på kostskole i "gamle dage". Velskrevet og underholdende, og den har et publikum blandt nutidens danske piger. I hvert fald de gode læsere, der vil gå i gang med bøger af en vis tykkelse. Anbefales!Lektørudtalelsen om første bind i serien

  • af Elly Griffiths
    185,95 - 292,95 kr.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    147,95 kr.

    ”En af Englands bedste krimiforfattere.” – Kristeligt DagbladForsvundet i mørket er niende bind i Elly Griffiths’ populære krimiserie om arkæolog og knogleekspert Ruth Galloway. Hver bog indeholder en selvstændig historie, så bøgerne kan læses uafhængigt af hinanden. I en gammel underjordisk tunnel under Norwich finder man knogler fra et menneskeskelet. Da Ruth Galloway undersøger dem, opdager hun, at de ikke som forventet stammer fra middelalderen. Det viser sig, at de for nylig er blevet kogt og gravet ned. Sagen lander på kriminalkommissær Harry Nelsons bord, og Ruth og Nelson må igen arbejde tæt sammen om en sag, denne gang for at afsløre de mørke hemmeligheder, der gemmer sig under jorden – før det er for sent.”Den mest interessante krimihelt lige nu … Hun er relaterbar og ægte og kan lægge krimipuslespil som ingen anden.” – Politiken

  • af Elly Griffiths
    334,95 kr.

    The discovery of a missing woman's bones force Ruth and Nelson to finally confront their feelings for each other as they desperately work to exonerate one of their own in this not-to-be-missed last act of the beloved Ruth Galloway series from USA Today bestselling author Elly Griffiths.When builders discover a human skeleton in the wall during a renovation of a café, they immediately call in DCI Harry Nelson and Dr. Ruth Galloway. The bones turn out to be modern?the remains of Katherine Sands, who went missing in the 90s. Right before she disappeared, Katherine attended a spiritual wellness course led by none other than Ruth's dear friend Cathbad.The police start asking questions and discover that there are other missing women connected to the wellness group. Suspicion soon falls on Cathbad, but believing the druid is innocent, Nelson follows a trail to the famous Neolithic flint mines in Grimes Graves and to an archaeology club. Ruth agrees to infiltrate their ranks to try to save her friend and while there she meets a pivotal figure from her own past. When he realizes that Ruth is in danger, Nelson is finally forced to face his feelings for her. What can the future hold for them after all this time?

  • af Elly Griffiths
    185,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    262,95 kr.

    International Bestseller Winner of the Edgar Award for Best Novel "This lively whodunit keeps you guessing until the end." -People"Utterly bewitching…As unforgettable as it is original." -A.J. Finn"Goose-bump spooky, smart, and haunting…I loved this book!" -Louise PennyDeath lies between the lines when the events of a dark story start coming true in this haunting modern gothic mystery, perfect for fans of Magpie Murders and The Lake House. Clare Cassidy is no stranger to murder. A high school English teacher specializing in the Gothic writer R. M. Holland, she teaches a course on it every year. But when one of Clare's colleagues and closest friends is found dead, with a line from R. M. Holland's most famous story, "The Stranger," left by her body, Clare is horrified to see her life collide with the storylines of her favorite literature. To make matters worse, the police suspect the killer is someone Clare knows. Unsure whom to trust, she turns to her closest confidant, her diary, the only outlet she has for her darkest suspicions and fears about the case. Then one day she notices something odd. Writing that isn't hers, left on the page of an old diary:Hallo Clare. You don't know me.Clare becomes more certain than ever: "The Stranger" has come to terrifying life. But can the ending be rewritten in time?

  • af Elly Griffiths
    177,95 kr.

    Elizabeth II's coronation is looming, but DI Edgar Stephens is busy investigating the death of a local fortune-teller. Meanwhile, his old pal, the magician Max Mephisto, is rehearsing for his television debut, a coronation day variety show. But upon hearing that their wartime commander, Colonel Cartwright, has been found dead in his flat, the two men join forces to find out what happened. While Max is stuck in rehearsals, Edgar finds himself heading to New York, hot on the trail of a mesmerist he's sure has valuable information for them-and his trusty sergeant, Emma, investigates some important leads at home. As the clock ticks down to coronation day, the team must scramble to keep Max's small-screen debut from ending in a dangerously explosive finale.

  • af Elly Griffiths
    197,95 kr.

    The chilling debut mystery in the Brighton Mysteries series from Edgar Allen Poe Award-winner Elly Griffiths--author of the Ruth Galloway Mysteries--about a band of magicians who served together in World War II tracking a killer who's performing their deadly tricks."Captivating."--Wall Street Journal "An absorbing read, the debut of another great series."--San Jose Mercury News "A labyrinthine plot, a splendid reveal, and superb evocation of the wafer-thin veneer of glamour at the bottom end of showbusiness . . . Thoroughly enjoyable." --Guardian Brighton, 1950. A girl is found cut into three sections, and Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens is convinced the killer is mimicking a famous magic trick--the Zig Zag Girl. The inventor of the trick, Max Mephisto, served with Edgar in a special ops group called the Magic Men that used stage illusions to confound the enemy. Max still performs, touring with ventriloquists, sword-swallowers, and dancing girls.When Edgar asks for his help with the case, Max tells him to identify the victim, for it takes a special sidekick to do the Zig Zag Girl. Those words haunt Max when he learns the victim was a favorite former assistant of his own. And when Edgar receives a letter warning of another "trick" on the way, he realizes that it is the Magic Men themselves who are in the killer's sights. "Enormously engaging . . . Griffiths's plot is satisfyingly serpentine."--Daily Mail "Readers will finish looking forward to the next trick up [Griffiths's] sleeve."--Mystery Scene

  • af Elly Griffiths
    167,95 kr.

    The fifth book in the Magic Men series, Now You See Them is a wild mystery with detective Edgar Stephens and the magician Max Mephisto, as they investigate a string of presumed kidnappings in the swinging 1960s. The new decade is going well for Edgar Stephens and his good friend the magician Max Mephisto. Edgar is happily married, with children, and promoted to Superintendent. Max has found fame and stardom in America, though is now back in England for a funeral, and a prospective movie job. Edgar's new wife, though--former detective Emma--is restless and frustrated at home, knowing she was the best detective on the team. But when an investigation into a string of disappearing girls begins, Emma sees her chance to get back in the action. She begins her own hunt, determined to prove, once and for all that she's better than the boys. Though she's not the only one working toward that goal--there's a new woman on the force, and she's determined to make detective. When two more girls go missing, both with ties to the group, the stakes climb ever higher, and Max finds himself drawn into his own search. Who will find the girls first? And will they get there in time?

  • af Elly Griffiths
    165,95 kr.

    "Another great series." -- San Jose Mercury News "A dazzlingly tricky mystery." -- Kirkus Reviews "A tremendous skein of red herrings, sharp and thorough police work, [and] mysterious connections." -- Bookgasm It's Christmastime in Brighton, and the city is abuzz about magician Max Mephisto's star turn in Aladdin. But the holiday cheer is lost on DI Edgar Stephens. He's investigating the murder of two children, Annie and Mark, who were found in the woods alongside a trail of candy--a horrifying scene eerily reminiscent of "Hansel and Gretel." Edgar has plenty of leads. Annie, a dark child, wrote gruesome plays based on the Grimms' fairy tales. Does the key to the case lie in her final script? Or does the macabre staging of the bodies point to the theater and the capricious cast of Aladdin? Edgar enlists Max's help in penetrating the shadowy world of the theater. But is this all just classic misdirection? "Excellent . . . Evoking both the St. Mary Mead of Agatha Christie and the theater world of Ngaio Marsh." -- Booklist

  • af Elly Griffiths
    197,95 kr.

    International Bestseller Winner of the Edgar Award for Best Novel "This lively whodunit keeps you guessing until the end." -People Death lies between the lines when the events of a dark story start coming true in this haunting modern Gothic mystery, perfect for fans of Magpie Murders and The Lake House. Clare Cassidy is no stranger to murder. A high school teacher specializing in the Gothic writer R. M. Holland, she even teaches a course on him. But when one of Clare's colleagues is found dead, with a line from Holland's iconic story "The Stranger" left by her body, Clare is horrified to see her life collide with her favorite literature. The police suspect the killer is someone Clare knows. Unsure whom to trust, she turns to her diary, the only outlet for her suspicions and fears. Then one day she notices something odd. Writing that isn't hers, left on the page of an old diary:Hallo Clare. You don't know me. Clare becomes more certain than ever: "The Stranger" has come to terrifying life. But can the ending be rewritten in time?

  • af Elly Griffiths
    Stream i Appen

    "Dejlig bog i den typisk engelske genre om piger på kostskole i "gamle dage". Velskrevet og underholdende, og den har et publikum blandt nutidens danske piger. I hvert fald de gode læsere, der vil gå i gang med bøger af en vis tykkelse. Anbefales!" – Lektørudtalelsen om Mit navn er Justice, bind 1Justice Jones er en sej og selvstændig heltinde i et spændende, mystisk og klassisk kostskolemiljø i 1930'ernes England. Den seje og sympatiske heltinde skal begå sig i et snobbet, konkurrencepræget og dystert miljø.Elly Griffiths, der står bag den populære krimiserie for voksne om arkæologen Ruth Galloway, tager os med sin elegante stil og talent ind i et Enid Blyton-agtigt univers.Spænding, mystik og humor går op i en højere enhed i Elly Griffiths debut til børn.

    Stream i Appen
  • af Elly Griffiths
    165,95 - 245,95 kr.

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