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  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    They call us the devil twins - a fallacy and unfair assumption on everyone's part.Well... mostly.My name is Luke Hart, and I'm the oldest of identical twin boys. Although I may be responsible for the 'devil' in our name, I have no urge to set the record straight and exonerate the innocent half of our pairing.There's no point letting the truth get in the way of a good story.Right?Not so.Turns out, a judge can get twitchy when you arrive at court with a 'can't touch this' attitude.Despite my mom's best efforts, I've been served a tidy little sentence that I'll have to do behind bars, unless I complete my community service and satisfy court orders.I have until Christmas to finish, but if I fail, I'll be spending the holidays avoiding the mistletoe in the shared showers in lockup.It all sounds so easy. So straightforward.Do the hours, avoid jail.That is, until Allyson Moore walks in.Now court orders are the furthest thing from my mind, and decades long family friendships go completely ignored, because I can't stop looking at Ally's enchanting green eyes, or her dark red hair the colour of Snow White's poisoned apple.The temptation to take a bite is simply too much.Ally is a rule follower. A goodie-goodie who refuses to bend. Which, to me, is the ultimate challenge.I want to know what's burning beneath the surface. I want to see her passion, her fire, her attitude. And not the professional façade she's so good at putting up.It'll be a battle of the wills. My devil, versus her obsession with being perfect.I mean, rules were made to be broken, right?Breaking them is how I met her in the first place.

  • - (Finding Victory - German Translation)
    af Emilia Finn
    172,95 kr.

    Versuchter Mord. Schiefgelaufene Drogengeschäfte. Betrügerische Versicherungsansprüche und ein Familientreffen, zu dem sie nie wieder eingeladen werden wird - Kit Reillys Leben war alles andere als ruhig, seit sie sich mit Bobby Kincaid häuslich niedergelassen hat.Nachdem sie fast ihr Leben durch die Hand einer sadistischen Familie verloren hätte - warum muss es immer einen verrückten Cousin geben? - erwacht Kit, um festzustellen, dass die Freiheit, die sie früher genossen hat, verschwunden ist, und an ihrer Stelle ist ein hingebungsvoller Freund getreten, der sich so viele Sorgen macht, dass sie kaum zwei Sekunden Zeit für sich allein hat.Bobby sollte trainieren, um seinen Titelgürtel zurückzuerobern, aber stattdessen würde er lieber jede Bewegung von Kit verfolgen und dafür sorgen, dass sie sich wohl fühlt und keine Schmerzen hat.Es gibt so etwas wie zu viel Liebe.Mit einer Hochzeit, die geplant werden muss, und einem karrierefördernden (oder zerstörerischen) Kampf, auf den sich Bobby vorbereiten muss, ist der Haushalt der Kincaids zu beschäftigt, um irgendwelche Geheimnisse haben zu können.Aber mit einer einzigen, alles erschütternden Enthüllung wird diese eng verbundene Familie auseinandergerissen.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Sacrifices are never ideal, but to win the game, sometimes the knight must fall. Katrina Blair is a single mom to a daredevil teen, which means she has no time for fruitless endeavours such as dating.Why? Because men are all the same: liars, thieves, and unreliable a**holes. Pregnant at fifteen and deserted by the father long before their son was born, Katrina learned her lessons early in life and has built an impenetrable wall that keeps the weak away. But Eric DeWhit isn't weak, and he's been lingering on Katrina's side of the diner an awful lot lately. Eric's former life as an undercover agent is not open for discussion, so he chooses lame jokes instead, and lets them flow as regularly as Katrina's coffee pot. Her sneaking glances under lowered lashes assures him that she's attracted too, but every time he asks for anything more than a burger and fries, he's shot down with a stern "No."Katrina is set in her ways and insists on maintaining the strict rules that have gotten her through fifteen hard years, but she's about to find out there's an exception to every rule, and Eric might be hers.

  • - (Finding Home - German Translation)
    af Emilia Finn
    172,95 kr.

    Manchmal ist die einzige Weg, um ein Mädchen zu retten, ihr das Kämpfen beizubringen.Bobby Kincaid ist ein MMA-Kämpfer, dessen Leben sich um seine Familie und ihr Fitnessstudio dreht.Als ältester von drei Jungen ist er ein geborener Anführer, für dessen Loyalität und Zeit bereitsgesprochen wurde.Alles ändert sich, wenn ein schüchterner Buchhalter mit zu viel emotionalem Ballast und einemTeenager in sein Leben tritt.Eine NachtEin TanzEin KussJetzt ist Bobby bereit, seine Chance zu ergreifen...Schade, dass das Mädchen seiner Träume den Club mit jemand anderem verlässt.Zuhause finden ist eine humorvolle, actionreiche, eigenständige Sport-Romantik ohne Cliffhanger, geschrieben von einer echten Vollkontaktkämpferin, Emilia Finn. Begleite die Kincaids auf einemromantischen Abenteuer voller Familientreue, feuerauslösenden Verwandtschaften und einemunbestreitbaren Beweis für #Mädchenkönnenkämpfen

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Princesses are meant to kiss frogs to find their prince - not criminalsWilliam Quinn was labeled a killer years ago. The accusations were false... until now. Forced to choose between an innocent and a monster, he made a quick decision. Now he's running from the law, leaving behind the woman he'd kill for.Olivia Conner is a princess in every meaning of the word. Protected by militant security, world champion fighters, law enforcement, and a murderous mother willing to do anything to keep her children safe, Livi's pedestal is far too high for Will to reach... or so she'd like everyone to think.Will has been gone a long time, but some temptations prove too much. And even knowing it won't end well won't stop him, because cockiness is his crown, and he wears it like a king.ELEUSIS is a story full of secrets, murder, innocence, and craving the one thing you can't have. Dive into this action-packed star-crossed romance today, and fall head over heels in love with someone you really shouldn't.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Everyone knows Bryan Kincaid.He's the guy you wear a hazmat suit around... while carrying a long range cattle prod to enforce a little distance.Add a Clorox bath to those precautions, toss a little salt over your shoulder, and a girl could probably walk away from his bed without contracting a nasty case of the clap.Well, that's the word on the street according to my best friend - aka: Bryan's former lover, and current scorned woman.Despite this being a small town, I've never met the guy. However, his reputation precedes him, and I know for a fact he'd love to add my name to his long list of conquests.I would be the perfect trophy for the competitive fighter.I could give in to temptation - because, let's face it, he's sexy, dangerous, and exudes confidence - but going there would land me in a world of trouble from those closest to me.To bag a Kincaid is the ultimate no-no in my family. But if I break girl-code, I might just find out what makes this brooding, quick-witted stranger tick.Am I ready to play with no limits?If I don't play, I won't win, but it would be foolish of me to think he'll be as easy as he thinks I am.Two families. Two grudges. One winner.Game on.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    The first round is for practice. The second round is for keeps.She was everything Ben ever wanted. But time, distance, and jealousy made it impossible.Now they're adults, Evie is back in town after college graduation, and Ben never once let go of what he knew was meant to be.Back together in the gym where it all began, Ben and Evie train hard and create sparks that will either start a brand new blaze, or an out of control wildfire that destroys everything in its path.Preparing for the biggest fights of their lives, training to ensure they're the best, and rekindling something hot and destined takes a lot of work, but this couple is in it to win.Failure is not an option.Strap in for what early readers are dubbing "original, Emilia Finn sports romance perfection." Get ready for this adrenaline rush, fast paced race to the finals of the first ever Stacked Deck tournament.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Tucker Morris - affectionately known by his most annoying friends as Chuck Norris - is a lover, not a fighter.He's a charmer, with a fast tongue and equal wit. Mechanic by day, motorcycle racer by night, Tucker is magic with his hands, and makes a hobby out of sliding filthy innuendo into as many conversations as he possibly can.His easygoing manner means he's able to meet a woman between the sheets, have his fun, then let her go.It's a catch and release system he's enjoyed for years.But that's all about to change.A chance meeting, a savage dog attack, a loaded gun or two, and a whole heap of bad attitude, sees Tucker meeting the one woman he can't quite find it in his heart to release.Nora is damaged goods. She's quiet, undemanding, and enjoys the exclusive company of her Great Dane, a bar of chocolate, and Netflix reruns. Past trauma and the brutal murder of her big sister means Nora doesn't trust men, especially not the kind she finds in the dark. So what happens when Tucker refuses to step aside and leave her be?The handsome stranger terrifies her, and yet, Tucker is terrified that if she doesn't give him a second glance, they might miss out on something special.BLUFF is a fast paced ride through the backstreets of our favorite town on a beat up motorcycle. This newest instalment in the bestselling Stacked Deck series is heart wrenching, healing, and shows that former monsters can become present day heroes.But first, Tucker needs to call Nora's bluff and get her to trust. If only once.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Daughter of an over protective world-champion fighter, and shielded by dozens of alpha men, Emma Kincaid was locked in an ivory tower many years ago.Too bad she shimmied down water pipes the moment she was old enough to do so. Coercing with the devil twins is as natural as breathing to her, and getting into trouble with them is as easy as falling in love.For Emma, falling in love is easy-it's a known family trait-but falling out of love may be the hardest thing she'll ever have to do.*Dealt a tough hand since birth, and accused of being the devil since day one, Rob Hart was punished accordingly, and watched with distrust.Any time golden girl Emma Kincaid was in his presence, she finds herself in danger.Or at least, that's how her father sees it.In reality, Emma is the courter of danger, the instigator of illegal activities, and Rob is the unfortunate fall-guy who endures the punishments of Em's misdeeds.It's a small price to pay, after all, to be with his soulmate day after day.Best friends to the death, Rob and Emma know everything about each other: except where their hearts lie, and just when they decide to try something new, Rob's past smacks into them harder than any explosion that came before.Rob and Emma are destined to be together, but to get their happily ever after, they must overcome a pain so few in their family know about.Can friends who want to be so much more see past the shards of destruction engulfing them? Or will their blooming relationship bust before it truly begins?BUSTED is a love story that spans two decades, two proms, three ex boyfriends, years of potential prison time, one pet food factory, and an explosion that will rock the world and change everything the Rollers have ever known.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Miles "Iowa" Walker is a fighter on a mission.He's determined to win this year's Stacked Deck tournament. He plans to get his six-year-old daughter out of a bad situation. And if there's any time and money leftover, he'd love to take her out for ice cream without worrying about the cost or deadly consequences.Miles and his daughter have known only what it's like to struggle. So when his famous fighting hero pulls him aside and offers him the deal of a lifetime, it would be stupid to turn him down.A new town. A new life. A new adventure.Miles and Alyssa are on their way, and they're ready for the rest of their lives to begin.❤️♠️Brooklyn Kincaid is a dreamer. A romantic. A hopeless optimist. And to make things more complicated, has the potent, high octane, zero-room-for-compromise Kincaid blood running through her veins.Just like her daddy, and his daddy before him, Brooke knows who her heart yearns for. So when someone threatens those she considers family, she's the first to tie her hair back and go to war for those that hold her heart.Full House is a high energy read that'll have readers swooning on one page, wanting to hug a beautiful 6 year old on the next, only to flip to another and find their kindles on fire from the heat this couple creates.Strap in and prepare for another Stacked Deck rollercoaster.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    They say he's a murderer - so she ran. I say she's mine - so I must follow. Even knowing the inevitable pain that's coming straight for me, I'll continue to search, to wish, and when I eventually find her, continue to kiss her.Because when a Kincaid knows, he knows. *Crazy Eights is the conclusion to Jamie and Cam's story.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Everything we do, from brushing our teeth in the morning, until we climb into bed at night, is a series of choices. Sometimes we make bad choices, sometimes they're good, sometimes they're made under duress, and sometimes they're the lesser of two evils kind.Sometimes there's no choice at all, but you're still forced to do something, because the world refuses to slow for you. And sometimes, the one perfect choice stands right in front of you in a cop's uniform and he asks you to feel what he feels.But if you're proud like me, even when you know the right choice, the wrong words slide off your tongue and begin a chain reaction that can't ever be undone. Playing For Keeps is the conclusion to a Checkmate duet featuring Andi Conner and Riley Cruz. The first part is titled Castling The Rook and should be read first.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Bishop men are nothing but a plague on this planet, a disease that needs eradication before it spreads. They're murderers. Liars. Thieves. The day I met Colum Bishop, I thought my life was finally turning around. I was led to believe he would be our saviour. He was supposed to be our hero, a long awaited reprieve from the hardships life insisted on throwing at my mom and me. But in reality, he was the beginning of the very end. Instead of accepting us, he destroyed us. Instead of saving us, he had us murdered. But before my final moments, I met a girl. My only ally in a savage war that would eventually end my life. Elizabeth Tate was the first and last thought that passed through my mind as I lay in an alleyway and finally closed my eyes. It's ironic, really, that my name is Gunner Bishop. That makes me his heir, I suppose. But the Bishop kingdom is nothing to aspire toward. I was born to be great, but my name makes it impossible. I was born to lead, but my father made sure I wouldn't grow to lead him. I have just two more Bishops to take care of, and then I can rest knowing my mother's death wasn't in vain. From a child in alleyway, I must shed and eradicate the filth my name implies, then I'll emerge amongst the flames and rule the empire I was destined to lead. I truly hope Libby's loyalties are not with the man she calls Uncle. Checkmate is the 8th and final instalment in the Checkmate Series. Please note, reader discretion is advised. Book includes scenes of violence and sexual assault.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Jamie Kincaid is a middleweight fighter, born to fighting royalty, and a shoo-in to be the next champion in the world-class Stacked Deck tournament.He's a flirt. A romantic. A little too loose with his female companions, so when his cousins casually mention he needs to let one go before he hooks another- they're not kidding.But beneath his friendly ways with the female population, is a mission; Jamie is looking for his one true love.His mom and daddy met when they were just children. So now he has some catching up to do, and if he breaks a few hearts in his quest for love... well, he's really sorry. He didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.-Cameron Quinn is a cynic born on the wrong side of the tracks, to the wrong family, in the wrong city, and she's been slammed so many times in life, she knows there's no such thing a genuine kindness.There's always a catch.When she meets a third generation fighting champion, she's certain it'll end with an explosion. So why bother?Cam is in town for only one week. One tournament. One big payday. Then she's gone and she can forget all about the olive-tanned fighter with the panty-melting grin and eyes that speak of happiness.She can do this, right?She won't fall for him. She refuses. Because despite what he tells her, true love doesn't exist.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Listen harder, even when there are no words. Lucy "Bean" Kincaid is the quiet one. The sweet one who never creates waves in her already crazy family. She's the second born of her generation, a skilled fighter, a dancing angel, and as selfless as it's possible to be. When Mac Blair's heart gave out seven years ago and he became the recipient of a very special transplant, Lucy changed her life to make sure her best friend's would be as smooth as possible. Perhaps, if she never knew Mac, her college degree would lean toward the very thing that speaks to her soul. But that's not her reality. Now Lucy is just a year out from graduation, she's set to become a nurse, and when she's not in class, she's intent on making Mac see her as a woman, and not some kind of ornament made only to look pretty and sit upon a shelf. How many times must she shake her backside in his face before he takes a hint - and a bite? Game of Hearts is a friends to lovers, steaming hot tug of war between what Mac thinks is right, and what he so desperately wants to taste. It's time Lucy stopped being the quiet one in the family.

  • af Emilia Finn
    227,95 kr.

    Eighteen months ago, my world was tossed upside down amid horrified screams and merciless hellfire. I was thrown into the flames to burn alive, but now I stand on the other side, invincible, untouchable, and un-f*cking-beatable.Today, the ID in my wallet says John D. Hamilton. It's the name I go by, the name the beautiful brunette sitting alone in Ginnie's diner knows me as.I was an undercover cop, once. A decorated agent who slid from my throne and descended into a world of pain and darkness. Then came Sophia Solomon, the light in my dark, the miracle who walks past my door and lends a little warmth in the dead of winter.Sophia's beauty steals the breath from my lungs. She draws me in just by existing, but she doesn't know my secrets.I wasn't born with the first name John, but then again, I wasn't born a cocaine addict either, but here we are and both are true.Now I'm on a mission to find the man that had me killed.Rise Of The King is a Checkmate Series suspenseful romance. It's a compete standalone and has no cliffhanger. New readers can start here. But beware, not everything is as it seems.

  • af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • - Book 2 of the Marc and Meg Duet
    af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • - Book 1 of the Marc and Meg Duet
    af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Finn
    172,95 kr.

  • - Scotch and Sammy - Book 1
    af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • - Scotch and Sammy - Book 2
    af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Finn
    232,95 kr.

  • af Emilia Finn
    177,95 kr.

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