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I 1961 udkom Lévinas’ hovedværk Totalitet og Uendelighed, som samler 25 års fænomenologisk refleksion. Værket tager udgangspunkt i kropsligheden som grundlaget for eksistensen, førend tingene bliver til objekter, og førend vi forholder os refleksivt til os selv. Lévinas kritiserer både Husserl og Heidegger for at have glemt kroppens og sanselighedens betydning og bestemmer det menneskelige som dette at nyde uden nytte, idet nydelsen er kærligheden til livet. I Totalitet og Uendelighed gør Lévinas jeg-du-forholdet mellem mennesker til eksistensens mening, og ansigtet får i Lévinas’ tænkning en central, metafysisk dimension som fordringen om at tage vare på den anden. Dette er det egentlige og det uendelige i det enkelte menneskes eksistens, og etikken bliver herved ”første filosofi”.Lévinas blev født i Litauen i 1906 og flygtede i 1923 til Frankrig, hvor han indledte filosofiske studier. Efter et studieophold i Freiburg blev hans tænkning stærkt påvirket af Hegel, Husserl og Heidegger. Men også Franz Rosenzweig har med sin omfattende Hegelkritik præget Lévinas afgørende. Emmanuel Lévinas døde 1995 i Paris.Totalitet og Uendelighed udkom første gang på dansk i 1996 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzel Forlags klassikerserie.
Emmanuel Lévinas er dette århundredes store etiske tænker. I Etik og Uendelighed får man en kortfattet, men indholdsrig præsentation af hans fascinerende tænkning, hvor etikken er førstefilosofi.Bogens samtaler med Philippe Nemo fandt sted i 1981 og behandler bl.a. Lévinas’ baggrund i den jødiske kultur og et af hans tilbagevendende temaer: ansigtet. Forholdet til ansigtet er umiddelbart etisk: »Ansigtet er det, man ikke kan slå ihjel, eller i det mindste det, hvis betydning er: ’du må ikke slå ihjel’.« Hos Lévinas bryder ansigtets etik med totalitetsfilosofien.Emmanuel Lévinas (1906-95) blev født i Litauen og kom til Frankrig i 1923. Fra 1928-29 studerede han i Freiburg hos Edmund Husserl og Martin Heidegger og var fra 1961-67 professor i Poitiers og fra 1967 ved Sorbonne i Paris. Lévinas bidrog til fænomenologiens introduktion i Frankrig. På dansk foreligger desuden Totalitet og uendelighed (1996).Etik og Uendelighed udkom første gang på dansk i 1995 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.
Internationally renowned as one of the great French philosophers of the twentieth century, the late Emmanuel Levinas remains a pivotal figure across the humanistic disciplines for his insistence--against the grain of Western philosophical tradition--on the primacy of ethics in philosophical investigation. This first English translation of a series of twelve essays known as Alterity and Transcendence offers a unique glimpse of Levinas defining his own place in the history of philosophy. Published by a mature thinker between 1967 and 1989, these works exhibit a refreshingly accessible perspective that seasoned admirers and newcomers will appreciate. In today's world, where religious conceptions of exalted higher powers are constantly called into question by theoretical investigation and by the powerful influence of science and technology on our understanding of the universe, has the notion of transcendence been stripped of its significance? In Levinas's incisive model, transcendence is indeed alive--not in any notion of our relationship to a mysterious, sacred realm but in the idea of our worldly, subjective relationships to others. Without presupposing an intimate knowledge of the history of philosophy, Levinas explores the ways in which Plotinus, Descartes, Husserl, and Heidegger have encountered the question of transcendence. In discourses on the concepts of totality and infinity, he locates his own thinking in the context of pre-Socratic philosophers, Aristotle, Leibniz, Spinoza, Kant, and Descartes. Always centering his discussions on the idea of interpersonal relations as the basis of transcendence, Levinas reflects on the rights of individuals (and how they are inextricably linked to those of others), the concept of peace, and the dialogic nature of philosophy. Finally, in interviews conducted by Christian Chabanis and Angelo Bianchi, Levinas responds to key questions not directly addressed in his writings. Throughout, Alterity and Transcendence reveals a commitment to ethics as first philosophy--obliging modern thinkers to investigate not merely the true but the good.
Topics include ethics, aesthetics, politics, messianism, Judaism and women, and Jewish-Christian relations, as well as the work of Spinoza, Hegel, Heidegger, Franz Rosenzweig, Simone Weil, and Jules Issac.
One of the most influential philosophers of our day has selected 16 previously uncollected pieces that are unified by Levinas's project of revising the phenomenological description of the world in light of our experience of other persons.
The 13 essays in this volume-touching on ethics and philosophical questions concerning politics, language, and religion-investigate the possibility that the word "God" can be understood now, at the end of the 20th century, in a meaningful way. Nine of the essays appear in English for the first time.
Includes five Talmudic readings from between 1981 and 1986, essays on Franz Rosenzweig and Moses Mendelssohn, and a discussion with Francoise Armengaud which raises questions of central importance to Jewish philosophy in the context of general philosophy. This work brings to the fore the vital encounter between philosophy and Judaism.
Presents a collection of essays by Emmanuel Levinas, a leading philosopher of the 20th century, dating from between 1969 and 1980. This book considers specific Jewish problems: exegetic methodology, points of Jewish doctrine, Jewish religious philosophy, and contemporary political and cultural issues. It also includes five "Talmudic" readings.
This book consists of transcripts from two lecture courses on ethical relation Levinas delivered at the Sorbonne. In seeking to explain his thought to students, he utilizes a clarity and an intensity altogether different from his other writings.
First published in 1935, On Escape represents Emmanuel Levinas's first attempt to break with the ontological obsession of the Western tradition. In it, Levinas not only affirms the necessity of an escape from being, but also gives a meaning and a direction to it.
In the twenty interviews collected in this volume, seventeen of which appear in English for the first time, Levinas sets forth the central features of his ethical philosophy and discusses biographical matters not available elsewhere.
Emmanuel Levinas was one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century. This book contains essays that explore his project of revising the phenomenological picture of the world in light of our experience of other persons.
Argues that it is not only possible but of the highest exigency to understand one's humanity through the humanity of others. This book also argues that the humanity of the human is found in the recognition that the other person comes first, that the suffering and mortality of others are the obligations and morality of the self.
Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995) was a leading philosopher and Talmudic commentator. This book is a major collection of essays representing the culmination of Levinas's philosophy. It gathers his important work and reveals the development of his thought. It looks at issues of suffering, love, religion, culture, justice, human rights, and legal theory.
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